Hello Peter,
Even though you say that the aircraft crash is not a good example, I see it as the perfect example simply because you said it loud and clear. The aviation authorities plug into any incident, accident or disasters so as to perfect the system with regards to future safety towards all, and this is absolutely NOT what governments do. They have NO interest to ponder about the why the when and the simple teachings of history. Coming to think of it, why should they? They are only in position for a year or 10 on average at the most, so they need to provide for the (apparent) easy and comfortable ride of their citizens if they wish to prolong their comfy vanity and arrogance for as long as possible. Democracy obliges!
Yep! Let’s have freedom of speech; we already have freedom of religion, freedom of free enterprise (as long as you pay your due tax! And that is only some weird local habit), freedom for all to live in the country of their choice, freedom to live or not (especially if you are only some cellular mass!), freedom to knock off granddad or grandma or both (call it accompanionement! Or whatever … make it sound nice!). Consider it an advantage, a social progress for now you no longer need to travel a thousand miles to have a couscous kebab for super, it is all presently available locally for having in the comfort of your own home! The list is very long. (So also indeed is the unwritten menu!)
One little “freedom” has not been mentioned; Freedom of law. Imagine freedom of law…Wow! I am going to travel to London shortly and obeyed rigorously to my own law by driving on the right hand side of the road come what may! By Golly, my human dignity is not going to be ruffled by some petty little local law, just you watch.
Conclusion: For having perverted the laws of nature, by providing the ultimate insult to Our Lord as a human right, there only remain appetites of wealth and of pleasure. There remains jealousies and luxuries. In one word, there remains the human beast. There remains all that divides, all that excites irreligious hates, and all that rouses inexpiable wars. They searched for peace by methods that were not the one of the Prince and God of Peace. They did not find Peace and it confirmed thereby the words of our Divine Redeemer: “Dixerunt pax et non est pax”. They proclaimed peace and peace did not come. They have even projected a unique light on this formula that can well be a law of history: “Si vis belum, para pacem,” if you want war, prepare peace; peace according to the world!
Friendly yours,