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Geketa Holman

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza - The First Amendment and Hate Laws
3/4/2009 6:49:16 AM
Hello Peter and Friends,

Thanks it is good to be back . I missed you all too :)

Helen, I have bookmarked the tangle site. I have dial up so it takes me forever to watch or listen to a video .. such is life in the wilderness lol

Yes, Peter I did mean Geert Wilders in my post not David .. LOL

The dry bones today don't take too much to draw a conclusion on .. here is a yidwithlid for this week that shows the who , what and where the money is coming from .. yes including the US ..  by the way in case anyone has not been paying attention to BHO he has earmarked money for  Palestinians  from Gaza to migrate to the US as well..

Hamas Get The Spoils of War

In a war or other contest, the winner gets the booty. NY Senator William Learned Marcy (1832) There is one exception to Senator Marcy's 180 year old rule, in the Middle East it is the Terrorist losers who gets the booty. At least that is what is went on in Egypt last week  where 71 states, plus 16 regional, international, and financial organizations donated$4.5 billion which, when added to previously committed funds, means the grant total for Gaza and the PA comes to $5.2, almost One Billion of it is a gift from President Obama.

After World War II the United States Created the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe. The operative word is AFTER. We did not rebuild Europe in 1943 while the war was still going on. Yet we ask the same of Israel. Each day the rockets still fly from Gaza. And the world give Hamas "the spoils of war."

More Below:

That Surreal Gaza Reconstruction Conference

By Daniel Pipes | Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Was I the only one rubbing my eyes in disbelief yesterday, as the Egyptian government hosted an “International Conference for the Reconstruction of Gaza”?

It took place in Sharm El-Sheikh, attended by delegations from 71 states, plus 16 regional, international, and financial organizations. Its stated goal was to raise US$2.8 billion, of which $1.3 was for rebuilding what had been destroyed in the course of Israel’s recent war on Hamas (the rest would be sent to the Palestinian Authority to help improve its standing). The actual amount raised at the conference was $4.5 billion which, when added to previously committed funds, means the grant total for Gaza and the PA comes to $5.2 billion, to be disbursed over a two-year period. A delighted Egyptian foreign minister called the amount “beyond our expectations.” U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called it “a very productive conference”

Among the larger donations included a Gulf Cooperation CouncilU.S. government pledge of $900 million from the American taxpayer (of which $300 million will go for Gaza rebuilding).

Husni Mubarak of Egypt, Nicholas Sarkozy of France, Silvio Berlusconi of Italy, Ban Ki-moon of the United Nations, Amr Moussa of the Arab League, and Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority gave speeches.

Why my disbelief at this spectacle: I wonder if those eminentoes and worthies really believe that warfare in Gaza is a thing of the past, and that the time for reconstruction is nigh?

They must not read dispatches from southern Israel, which report the daily warfare that continues there. Take a representative news item from Yedi'ot Aharonot, dated February 28, “Experts: Grads in Ashkelon were advanced.”

the two Grad rockets that landed in Ashkelon Saturday morning[, Feb. 28,] were new and improved models, capable of greater destruction than those usually fired from Gaza. One of the rockets hit a school in the southern city, and succeeded in penetrating the fortification used to protect it from projectiles. … The Grad rockets that hit Ashkelon were two of only five or six locally manufactured 170 mm rockets ever fired at Israel, experts say. The rarely used rockets have a range of 14 km (8.6 miles) and are capable of massive damage, evident from the destruction witnesses described on the scene of Saturday’s attack.

In an official protest to the United Nations, the Israel’s Ambassador Gabriela Shalev noted that “there have been nearly 100 rocket and mortar attacks from the Gaza Strip” since the ceasefire on January 18, or over two per day. These have been increasing in number, with 12 rockets were fired at Sderot on March 1 alone.

Responding to these attacks, the Israeli cabinet resolved on March 1 that “should the firing from the Gaza Strip continue, it would be met by a painful, sharp, strong and uncompromising response by the security forces.” Prime Minister-designate Binyamin Netanyahu

(Saudi foreign minister Saud Al-Faisal, in unexpected agreement, noted that rebuilding Gaza would be “difficult and fool-hardy, so long as peace and security do not prevail” there.)

What the hell are the donor countries doing, getting in the middle of an on-going war with their high-profile supposed reconstruction effort? My best guess: this permits them subtly to signal Jerusalem that it better not attack Gaza again, because doing so will confront it with a lot of very angry donor governments – including, of course, the Obama administration.

Adding to the surreal quality is a blithe disregard for Israel’s security needs. Consider the attitude of Douglas Alexander, international development secretary for Britain’s Labour government, who pledged £30 million of his taxpayers’ funds to rebuild houses, schools, and hospitals in Gaza. “There is a desperate need for tough restrictions on the supply of goods to be relaxed,” he said, demanding next that “Israel must do the right thing and allow much-needed goods to get through to those men, women and children who continue to suffer.”

That’s very humanitarian of Mr. Alexander, but he willfully ignored Israeli expectations that Hamas will confiscate steel, concrete, and other imported construction materials to build more tunnels, bunkers, and rockets. After all, Hamas appropriated prior deliveries intended for civilians, and so blatantly that even the usually docile United Nations Relief and Works Agency protested.

Husni Mubarak might warn Hamas not to treat the donors' pledges as a “conquest of war,” but it will assuredly do precisely that. U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk (Republican of Illinois) got it right: “To route $900 million to this area, and let’s say Hamas was only able to steal 10 percent of that, we would still become Hamas’ second-largest funder after Iran.”

So, under the cheery banner of building, in Clinton’s words, “a comprehensive peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors,” donor states are not only defying Israel to protect itself from rocket fire but they are funneling matériel to Hamas.

Is this ignorance or mendacity? I suspect the latter; no one is that dumb.


Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Peter Fogel

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza - The First Amendment and Hate Laws
3/5/2009 11:54:04 PM

Hi Geketa,

Thanks for the article about the sources of the monies for Gaza.

Interesting though I've been reading Sec State Clinton's claims that no money will go to the Hamas to buy new weapons, terrorist activities and for their continued firing of rockets and mortars on Israel but for the Palestinian people in Gaza.

Naive,stupid, both or worse? Don't they know what the money will be used for? Haven't decided yet. The claim that Hamas will have to work with the Palestinian Authority leadership (PLO and Abbas) is a bit of a joke since they usurped the PLO in Gaza, killed them and kicked them out. Any supporters are dealt with in their own manner (videos on previous pages) and in short they have no intention of working with the PLO and Abbas. They'll give lip service in order to get the money and then revert back to their normal activity of killing their opponents. Yep, that's allowed if they're not heeding the extreme line of the Islamic Brotherhood and Shariah law. The PLO is actually in peace talks with Israel and that's against their charter.

In any case thanks for the article and I'll add to this subject shortly.



Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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3/6/2009 6:48:43 AM

 Hello Friends,

I've been talking here about the dangers of losing our freedom of speech and It appears the UN is planning on passing laws that will influence all out lives.

Finally a mainstream news media is speaking out about it. The only one but it is a start. Watch the Youtube video with Lou Dobbs and then read the article. It's time to wake up!



((youtube id="YHcwL5S1OSw"))((/youtube))

U.N. to make ban on criticizing Islam mandatory?
Expected proposal would criminalize such comments in U.S.

Posted: March 04, 2009
11:40 pm Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Muslim-dominated nations at the United Nations are once again pushing a religious "anti-defamation" plan that would bar worldwide all criticism of their founder Muhammad and his teaching.

According to a report by CNN's Lou Dobbs posted on YouTube, the proposal that has been repeatedly brought in recent years by the Organization of Islamic Conference states is expected to resurface as early as this spring.

This time, however, the resolution wouldn't allow nations to opt out.

"The United Nations has adopted what it calls a Resolution to Combat Defamation of Religion," Dobbs said in the report. "The U.N. now wants to make that anti-blasphemy resolution binding on member nations, including, of course, our own. That would make it a crime in the United States ... to criticize religion, in particular, Islam."

Constitutional lawyer Floyd Abrams said in the report, "What they would do would be to make it illegal to put out a movie or write a book or a poem that somebody could say was defamatory of Islam." 

WND has reported several times on the OIC proposal at the U.N., including late last year when a vote indicated that international support for the plan was falling.

Jay Sekulow, chief counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice, has assembled a petition opposing the plan that has been signed by more than 400,000 people already. He said the most recent U.N. General Assembly vote – which was 86 in favor, 53 opposed and 42 abstentions – was a dramatic shift from the vote from one year ago, which was 108-51-25.

Because of the circuitous route to adoption in the U.N., a single General Assembly vote does not automatically mean adoption. Nor does it mean the proposal will disappear.

Columnist Chuck Hustmyre highlighted some of the practices of nations where Islam already has special protections from criticism.

"Afghanistan and some other OIC member nations impose the death penalty on those who convert from Islam to another religion," he wrote.

The anti-defamation resolutions began with describing the "need" to protect Islam and in recent years has developed into a call for the protection for "religions" from defamation.

However, the only religion specifically cited, in fact, is Islam.

The Muslim nations have sought to have member states enact laws banning such "blasphemy."

The plan expected to be introduced soon, however, will include a recommendation to the U.N. Human Rights Council that the ban be made binding on member nations, the report said.

The need for a mandatory rule was cited by Pakistan's Ambassador Masood Khan, reported Hustmyre, who also cited the apparent implementation of the plan already.

He reported in India, police arrested the editor of an English-language newspaper after it reprinted a British article titled, "Why Should I Respect These Oppressive Religions?"

Newspaper officials were accused of "hurting the religious feelings" of Muslims.

He also reported in the U.S., publisher Random House in 2008 canceled publication plans for a novel, "The Jewel of Medina," because executives feared the book might offend Muslims.

The 57 member nations of the Organization of the Islamic Conference have lobbied for the plan, which is based on the Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam, since 1999. The Cairo declaration states "that all rights are subject to Shariah law, and makes Shariah law the only source of reference for human rights."

The ACLJ, in promoting its petition to raise awareness of the campaign, said, "The fact is this: The proposal, while purportedly to protect against 'defamation of religions,' is frequently used as a weapon to silence religious minorities, including Christians in many countries.

"The resolution actually targets anyone who speaks negatively in any way about Islam. Sharing your faith would become an international crime punishable by imprisonment – or death," the ACLJ said.

Fox News religion contributor Lauren Green previously reported the encroachment of the plan already.

"But you say, 'That can’t happen,' or 'that would be ludicrous.' The fact is, it's already happening. Christians and other minority religions in predominantly Islamic areas or countries are being persecuted to barbaric levels. Reports from Nairobi, Kenya, say that one aid worker was beheaded in September for converting from Islam to Christianity; the Iranian government has already passed a bill calling for execution on the basis of apostasy (anyone converting from Islam to another religion), and of course we've seen the violence that erupted over the Danish cartoon of the prophet Mohammed," Green said.

An ACLJ analysis found the OIC "uses the religious defamation concept as both a shield and a sword. In Islamic countries, blasphemy laws are used as a shield to protect the dominant religion, but even more dangerously, they are used to silence minority religious believers and prevent Muslims from converting to other faiths, which is still a capital crime in many Islamic countries."

The U.S. State Department also has found the proposal unpalatable.

"This resolution is incomplete inasmuch as it fails to address the situation of all religions," said a statement from Leonard Leo. "We believe that such inclusive language would have furthered the objective of promoting religious freedom. We also believe that any resolution on this topic must include mention of the need to change educational systems that promote hatred of other religions, as well as the problem of state-sponsored media that negatively targets any one religion."

World Net Daily

Peter Fogel
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Geketa Holman

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3/6/2009 8:13:53 AM
Hi Peter,

I think it's been time for the media to speak out for a long time. If we loose freedom of speech next will be gun rights and than who knows what else. I fear to even speculate.

I feel the same about freedom of speech as I do having the right to keep and bear arms..


Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Jim Allen

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3/6/2009 8:48:26 AM

Good Day Peter and Friends,

I have been reading, researching and trying to find answers.  The only one that keeps ringing true to me is that;  Islam is not a religion but a POLITICAL Movement that is worse than any communist or fascists regime, that the world has ever encountered.

I have been watching, researching and noticing that many of our economists and forecasters of our financial future, ARE foreigners and many times of Middle Eastern nationality. 

Why is this? 

Why are our financial markets so inundated with these folks? 

Is it because our education system has been dumbed down so much that we can no longer grow our own intellectuals at home any longer?

America has been infiltrated by the enemy.  They hold higher office in our political arenas, HELL we have one as President now, they are upper management in our financial markets and they are heading up many of our Community Activist Organizations.  Why IS THIS being overlooked!?

Our current administration is a New Clinton Era, the entire cabinet is made of former Clinton Cabinet members, many of whom were really bad at their jobs the first time around.  We even have TAX Cheats running the Treasury Department!

One thing I hear a lot of is that after 8 years of Bush, change was needed.  Well IMHO, BUSH gave us 6 more years of Freedom and Prosperity.  Until the Dumbocrats took over congress. 

You do realize Congress writes the laws and passes all legislation before the President signs the bill offered up.

If he vetoes a bill the Dumbocrats have the majority to over ride the veto. 

I am working hard to change that in 2010.  NO Incumbents for either party will receive my vote and NO Dumbocrat will ever receive my vote again ever!

It is time for the rest of the world and Americans to decide, whether they choose to be FREE or to be ruled by the TYRANTS of the New World Order. 

Wake up, our own houses need to be in order before we can tell someone else how to run theirs.  MORE POWER to Israel and their efforts to protect their own. 

 It also should be apparent to Israel that at the moment they are standing alone and should use whatever means necessary to protect her people.

Jim Allen III

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