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Peter Fogel

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza- MONEY FOR HAMAS/GAZA?!
3/4/2009 3:13:58 AM
 Hello Friends,

Here's todays Dry Bones.

Read the below news reports and come to your own conclusions. I have no doubt what the monies going to the Hamas will be used for.



According to the Jerusalem Post of March 2, 2009:
Over $4.4b. raised at Sharm for Gaza

"Palestinian officials from rival factions welcomed pledges of more than $4.4 billion to rebuild the war-torn Gaza Strip that were made at the donors conference held in Sharm e-Sheikh on Monday. "We appreciate this very much, and we hope it can be transferred into reality in an expeditious fashion so we can see the reconstruction of Gaza begin immediately," chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat told The Jerusalem Post.

Earlier on Monday, Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum told reporters in Gaza that the group welcomed "any Arab and international effort to rebuild what the occupation destroyed," calling the reconstruction process "a humane and moral" one.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who arrived in Jerusalem on Monday to consult with Israeli government officials and with Palestinian officials in the West Bank, said the United States was pledging $900 million to the international aid effort for the Gaza Strip."


According to Haaretz of March 3, 2009:
Donors gather in Sharm el-Sheikh, pledge $4.4 billion for Gaza Strip reconstruction

"Rockets fired at Israel from the Gaza Strip continued to fall yesterday as more than 80 states and organizations met in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh yesterday to raise reconstruction aid for the territory battered during Operation Cast Lead.

At least $4.4 billion in aid was pledged yesterday by donors for both the Palestinian economy at large, and the Gaza Strip in particular. The plan is to make the money available to the Palestinian Authority over the next two years.

Originally, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas had asked for a donors conference hoping that about $2.5 billion would be raised. However the figures have exceeded expectations and Egyptian foreign minister, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, said that in addition to pledges made before yesterday's gathering, the total figure comes to $5.2 billion."


Dry Bones Blog
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza - The First Ammentment and Hate Laws
3/4/2009 5:01:24 AM
Hello Friends,

Many of you that know me well are aware that I say my mind and also admit when I make a mistake or was wrong about something.

I have to admit that lately I've been a bit obsessed with hate threads, racism and antisemitism. It's understandable I guess but after reading Geert Wilders' speeches, articles and watching
Fitna a few times I came to realize that I made a fundamental mistake.

This doesn't mean that I will sit quietly by when I see blatant antisemitism in other threads but I have a different outlook and understanding then I had in the past.

One of the things that Geert Wilders is fighting for and  has my full support in his battle is to remove all hate laws from the law books in Europe. A European 1st Ammendment. He is being prosecuted in his own country Holland for producing
Fitna and for his calling the Koran a hate book. While in actual fact he didn't do these things since all he did was use the Koran in the Fitna documentary (with totally accurate verses) and this was called a hate movie. So the logical conclusion is that when the Imams and Clerics quote those same verses to incite their believers that is fine and dandy but when it is shown for what it is accurately by an infidel it's called a hate  movie.

I defend the right for freedom of speech for all and that includes the racists, bigots and antisemites. In the same manner I will fight for the right to show, tell and say what I consider to be truths and use the same freedom of speech.

As opposed to what some may think this thread of mine is not a hate thread nor do I have anything against Muslims. I am willing to bet that I have more Muslim friends then any of you. What I'm against is the radical/extreme in Islam that is controlling the moderate Muslims and they are in fear of speaking out against the travesties we all see, hear and read about.

Geert Wilders said that there are moderate Muslims but there isn't a moderate Islam! A very true statement and one that you all should think about.

So as I defend my right to speak out and warn about the dangers of the Islamic Brotherhood's Plan for world domination I also defend the rights of the racists, bigots and antisemites to spout their hate and conspiracy theories. I had a good chuckle when I read a day or so ago in a thread here that Rockefeller is a "Jew Banker". Well, we all know that the Rothchilds are Jewish Bankers but Rockefeller???? Oh, well that doesn't even deserve a response. :)


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Helen Elias

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza
3/4/2009 5:08:11 AM

Hello Geketa and all

You may have already been to the Tangle website but I would like to bring it to everyone's attention once again for those interested in learning more about Islam.

The website is >  >  >

Click on Videos and t
ype Muslim into the Search box.

One man I found interesting is Tawfik Hamid, an Egyptian Muslim.  Type his name into the Search box, too, to listen to the interview he did.

I would embed the videos here but I tried it once and it seems I don't know what I am doing so click on the link and what you will discover will amaze you if you haven't seen it before.


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Helen Elias

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza - The First Ammentment and Hate Laws
3/4/2009 5:16:43 AM

Hello Peter

Here's a thought ...after reading your last Dry Bones cartoon.

I believe that there are people who are 'addicted'  to killing others; I call it demonic possession.  And I think there are people in extremist groups who are only there because it gives them a license to kill or so they think.  How else do you explain what these people are doing and saying?


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Peter Fogel

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza - The First Amendment and Hate Laws
3/4/2009 5:56:47 AM

Hi Helen,

I've been to Tangle and watched quite a few videos there. I must admit though that much of what I saw and read I already knew but it is good to see that more and more are becoming aware of the dangers of the Radical and Extreme Islam.

BTW, the editor here is enabled to upload Youtube videos and I don't believe that other video sources can be embedded here. So, in the meantime we'll just have to use the direct links to the videos and the sites.

In regard to the Hamas killing. One thing you have to understand is that the Koran allows these killings and even worse glorifies it. We grew up here knowing that human life has a different value for us then for the followers of Islam. I realize this is a very harsh thing to say but all you have to do is read the Koran and see for yourself. I refer you again to the documentary movie Fitna by Geert Wilders. It's there for all to see and the result of the of their actions.

It's good to know and hear that there are moderate Muslims willing to fight against the extreme radicals but they are few and far between. The rest either agree or are afraid to state their true beliefs.




click on the picture to watch the video 

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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