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Peter Fogel

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza - CAIRO BLAST KILLS 4 - AT LEAST 17 WOUNDED
2/24/2009 7:53:05 AM

Hello Friends,

Islamic extremists/terrorists attacked a group of tourists in Cairo 2 days ago. Please read the report below.



Cairo blast kills 4, wounds at least 17

CAIRO, Feb. 22 (UPI) -- A bomb blast Sunday in a bazaar near the historic Hussein mosque in downtown Cairo killed four people, officials said.

The Los Angeles Times reported Sunday that among the dead were two foreigners. At least 17 people were injured in the attack, for which no one had taken responsibility.

After the blast, the newspaper said hundreds of riot police pushed back crowds and cordoned off the square in front of the mosque to search for other bombs.

"I was praying in the Hussein mosque and I heard an explosion and we went out and I saw two injured children and a tourist with his legs cut off," one witness said.

The Times noted the blast comes amid criticism of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak by Islamic extremists who say Cairo should give aid and assistance to Palestine.


Here's what Dry Bones has to say. It's an Oldie from 1993.

Today's Golden Oldie is from 1993.

I picked it because the latest news out of Cairo is about an Islamic terror attack on a group of innocent tourists visiting Egypt.

To see another cartoon about that November 1993 attack click here.

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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2/24/2009 8:14:55 AM

Hello Peter,

I do not affirm in any way that Mohamed usurped Pegasus for his horse Buraq, it simply makes sense. He was certainly educated by the Rabbi of Mecca who saw in him sufficient potential for uniting the desert nomads if he had some ‘religion’ for doing so. Obviously none of the recent Jewish religion, only that what came from the Old Testament in the times of up to and including Abraham and his son Ismaël. I have no doubt about him having sufficient basic knowledge of basic Greek, Roman and Jewish history and myths.

Obviously there are divergences between Christians and Jews about this, and even if we battle them out it would be to no avail, so I simply say this as I know it even if it may well be basic, and definitely not with any polemic intention. The ‘religious’ education Mohamed received was construed by the Rabbi for the sole purpose of increasing the number of Jewish allies and thereby hoping to make an end to Christianity.

It would be fun, if I may dare use that word, and if you agree Peter that with no undue or silly personal picking to continue on these lines, but then I do agree that this is not exactly the intended (headline) of this forum of yours.

Friendly yours,

Peter Fogel

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza - CAIRO BLAST KILLS 4 - AT LEAST 17 WOUNDED
2/25/2009 1:43:06 AM
Hello Robert,

When I started this thread it was for the sole purpose of reporting on issues pertaining to the latest Gaza campaign that wasn't being reported on by the International Media.  In a way the thread has taken on a life of its own but it's all connected to the Palestinian/Israeli conflict.

As I've said many times here and in other forum threads Israel has been tying for years to come to a peaceful resolution of the conflict and even now the talks continue and hopefully in time there will be a peace that will be beneficial to both sides and the Middle East as a whole.

The proof that this is possible and maintainable is the peace between Egypt and Jordan. Both inconceivable at one time and today is still a strong and viable peace. Even though in Egypt the Islamic Brotherhood is doing it's utmost to destroy the peace between the 2 countries so far they haven't succeeded.

It really doesn't matter what the source of Mohammed's "magical" horse Buraq is since he needed it and the dream to manifest his new religion to the masses. Pegasus was a mythical horse from Greek mythology and like Buraq was a figment of someones imagination. While I like reading Greek mythology and always have we have to remember that it was all in fact a myth and in modern times I guess you could call it a fairy tale.

I'm not sure exactly what you meant by a new discussion here but if you mean to discuss the theology of the times and religion I'm not sure that is a direction I'd like to take this thread. It could make for an interesting thread on its own but this is not a religious thread nor do I intend to turn it into one. I thoroughly enjoy discussing religion but in a forum thread that is dedicated to just that. If I understood you correctly I certainly hope you take no offense from this reply.

While I try to refrain from commenting on anything written in the other forum I read a post that is sourced from a site that has articles denying the holocaust and supporting the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. A known anti semitic forgery. As to the article itself I read through it and see no sources for the so called interview (a new version of the Protocols? Hmmm, I wonder). Pathetic indeed but there will be those naive enough to believe it.

In regard to the verses in Deuteronomy 3 I will refer to that in a separate post.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Helen Elias

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2/25/2009 5:09:56 AM

Hello Peter

That speech by Geert Wilders was in line with all the other information available.  I was going to say I 'enjoyed' it but how do you enjoy bad news.  It wasn't all bad news, I guess.

I hope you don't mind that I copied and pasted it into an email to send to my private email list.

Thanks for posting it.


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Peter Fogel

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2/25/2009 6:10:41 AM

Hello Friends,

Geert Wilders was invited by Senator Kyle to show Fitna in the Capitol. He is under presure and needs our support. Details below.



Kyl under pressure for hosting Fitna

Senator John Kyl (R-AZ) is coming under pressure from stealth jihad groups and their allies and dupes for his plan to host a showing of the film Fitna in The Capitol.

Please contact Senator Kyl and declare your support for his courageous decision to show this honest and accurate but politically incorrect film. He needs expressions of support more than ever today!

Senator Jon Kyl (R-AZ)
730 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-4521
Fax: (202) 224-2207

This is his website where you can send him an email:

Posted by Robert at February 24, 2009 1:04 PM
Jihad Watch

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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