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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
2/26/2012 7:44:20 PM
Hi Helen,

I haven't seen these videos before but I have seen videos of Ann Bernhardt speaking before large groups of people.

Her topics then as in the videos you posted were mainly about how women are abused under islam. She is excellent and very knowledgeable. She has the ability to explain in a way that you can't help but understand the evil that islam is and stands for.

Thanks for sharing these videos with us and they are very apt today as they were when she originally made these videos.

Rather then apologize for the korans that were mistakenly burned in Afghanistan B Hussein should burn one koran for every American these savage barbarians murder there and elsewhere (being the closet muslim that he is that'll never happen). My previous posts dealt with that issue and the videos you posted surely compliment my comments and the articles as well.

Thanks again & Shalom,



Hello Peter

Have you heard this woman? She burns the Koran in the second video :)) How long do you think she will live?

I know her language will not offend you, Peter, but I wish to warn others who might watch this that Ann uses some swear words but if I remember correctly she does not use the 'f' word nor does she take the Lord's name in vain. This is not a good video to watch while children are within earshot.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
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RE: HSIG- Amb. Bolton: Obama’s Apologies For US ‘Incite’ Violence Abroad
2/27/2012 7:11:11 AM
Hello Friends,

Former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton says B Hussein and his administration's apologies for the accidental burning of some korans incites the violence we're witnessing from the barbaric and savage muslims throughout the world.

They see B Hussein and his apologies as a weakness and they allow themselves to murder and butcher innocent people worldwide and in Afghanistan in particular. All in the name of the savage and pedophile
big mo and the hate book he wrote.

Bolton has an interesting theory and calls it "mirror imaging" and he explains it in this way.
the tendency to assume others think the way you do.

This administration along with some leaders in the Military seem to make this mistake time and again. They haven't learned that the muslim mind set and way of thinking is the exact opposite of what civilized people expect and dealing with them in this way only strengthens their belief that the west is weak and B Hussein is a weak president and can be b*itch slapped at will.

On the other hand all this might be part of B Hussein's islamic agenda and he knowingly incites the savages to strengthen the jihadis and frighten the western world.

The below article is well worth reading.



Amb. Bolton: Obama’s Apologies for US ‘Incite’ Violence Abroad

Saturday, 25 Feb 2012 05:43 PM

By David A. Patten

President Barack Obama’s readiness to apologize for an apparently accidental Koran-burning incident is a signal of weakness that actually incites further unrest, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton says.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax Saturday afternoon, Bolton said that President Obama’s apologies are only making things worse.

“Look, you apologize when you’ve done something wrong and you want to make amends,” Bolton said. “You don’t apologize when makes you admit to a mistake that you haven’t made, and in fact in this case incites the people to do some of these things, because they think the apology is an admission of wrongdoing.

“When in fact,” he added, “I think the facts are still murky as far as I’m concerned, but I don’t think anybody set out intentionally to desecrate the Koran. I think quite the opposite is true.”

Bolton stipulated that the administration is not intentionally trying to fan the flames of religious violence in the Middle East.

“But I do think … they assume our people had made a mistake, and that I think is going to have a very negative effect on morale in Afghanistan at exactly the time when operations are beginning to decline.

“And the reaction,” he said, “shows how incorrect it is for the administration to follow this arbitrary timetable to suspend combat operations next year,” said Bolton.

Bolton also commented on last week’s remark by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey that Iran, which has been implicated in several recent assassination attempts, is a “rational actor.”

Bolton said Iran’s view of what is rational is vastly different from the U.S. definition.

He cited the death sentence handed down by Iran against an Iranian pastor who converted from Islam to Christianity.

He called Iran’s action against the pastor “a plain offense against freedom of religion,” adding, “It shows in their system, freedom of religion and freedom of conscience really does not count for anything at all.”

Despite its lack of progress, Bolton said the administration still believes Iran can be brought to the negotiating table and won’t do anything that could endanger that.

He said Dempsey and others in the administration appear to be guilty of “mirror imaging,” that is, the tendency to assume others think the way you do. The fact that an apparently accidental Koran-burning incident would touch off weeklong rioting suggests that is not the case, he said.

“You’re sitting at the table, you’re prepared to try and reach a solution, so surely the other guy is prepared to reach a solution, too,” Bolton said. “But if the guy on the other side of the table thinks that you’re a depraved representative of an immoral, degenerate, declining civilization, maybe his thoughts don’t exactly go along the same lines as yours do.”

Bolton said mirror imaging is a common problem in the State Department, adding, “But as this reveals, it’s obviously a problem at the Defense Department, too.”

One reason for U.S. misconceptions regarding Iranian intentions, he said, is that an increasingly secular America appear increasingly ill-equipped to fathom the depth of religious fervor motivating extremists.

“The left in this country, following the economic determinism of Karl Marx, thinks everything is motivated by economic factors,” he said. “And that’s simply not true.”

That the president is apologizing for the United States, rather than strongly condemning religious persecution in many Islamic countries, sends signals of weakness to America’s enemies, he said.

“I think the perception internationally, and I think particularly in the Middle East, is that the president is weak, he does not assert American interests, that he can be pushed,” Bolton told Newsmax. “And every time that he does something like this, it just simply confirms that impression.

“I think the president thinks that American strength is provocative,” Bolton said. “And in fact, it is 180-degrees the opposite: American weakness is provocative. And Obama is a very provocative president.”

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
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RE: HSIG- Amb. Bolton: Obama’s Apologies For US ‘Incite’ Violence Abroad
2/28/2012 8:32:26 AM
Hello Friends,

With all the apologies B Hussein and his minions have been making over the past week in regard to a few korans being burned by mistake and with all the Americans and others being killed by these savage barbarians for this mistake the below article and video pops up.

It appears that in Pakistan in one sewage canal thousand s of koran pages and full books are found. Mind you this is only one sewage canal imagine what they'll find when all of them are drained. This particular sewage canal has a devout muslim who tries to restore the pages and books and drains the canal a few times a year.

So while the muslims allow themselves to wipe their a$$es with koran pages (a worthy usage for this garbage book) they'll go on a killing spree against infidels for the mistaken burning of a few korans. Get it yet? This has nothing to do with insulting islam or their hate filled 'holy' book, they're just looking for excuses to go on a rampage and kill infidels which is one of the commandments of their pedophile big mo.



Pakistan: Thousands of Qurans Dumped in Raw Sewage Canal

In case you actually believed that all of this unholy slaughter was about some nonsensical manufactured "religious indiscretion" and not about power, supremcacy and an excuse to kill infidel soldiers in the cause of Islam, get real:

Pakistan Korans: Thousands Dumped in Poop Sewer: Man Tries to Clean and Preserve February 26, 2012 By

Koran’s used as toilet paper in Lahore, Pakistan? In the video, you will see some books are in tact, but many more, just pages and pages lying in the filth of a canal where sewage flows. A man drains the canal several times a year – been doing it for ten years. He rescues the pages and the books, and tries to clean them. He has begged his Government to use only paper that can be recycled, thinking they will be easier to clean! Apparently, Pakistan prints and supplies all the Korans in the country. His Government isn’t interested in recycling.

“What can I say? I say O Allah save this population from throwing Allah’s word into filth.”

Today our soldiers are dying in Afghanistan for disposing of Korans used among prisoners to pass messages. To date, four dead, murdered by Afghan security, whom we are training. Today, reports of another seven of our military injured in a grenade attack (according to Fox News this minute) - yet Muslims are using their own holy book for their own intimate convenience, maybe in silent protest for the darkness it has brought to their lives. Who knows? Moonbattery has another idea. Thanks to HalalPorkChop for the video.

Peter Fogel
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RE: HSIG- The Iranian Countdown
2/29/2012 12:53:10 PM
Hello Friends,

Here's an interesting article written by Alan Caruba about the 'Iranian Countdown' as he calls it. Well worth reading and much more then an interesting read.


Peter Fogel

The Jews will save the world because they have to defend themselves. And they will receive only condemnation for it

The Iranian Countdown

AuthorAlan Caruba Monday, February 27, 2012

How many times does Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and its president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, have to publicly and loudly say that they intend to “wipe Israel off the map” and otherwise annihilate its Jewish population before the world takes seriously the murderous intent of Iran?

How many negotiations between United Nations Atomic Agency personnel and how much deliberate obfuscation and refusal to cooperate will it take before the world admits it is dealing with raving lunatics when it comes to the leaders of Iran?

In late February Ayatollah Khamenei, at meeting with Iran’s nuclear scientists, said “Pressures, sanctions, and assassinations will bear no fruit. No obstacles can stop Iran’s nuclear work.”

The widow of one assassinated nuclear scientist, Mostafa Ahmadi Rochan Behdast, was quoted in the Iranian Fars News Agency article saying, “Mostafa’s ultimate goal was the annihilation of Israel.”

In the lead-up to World War Two, numerous meetings with the Nazi leadership (plus a secret agreement with the Soviets to divide Poland) did nothing to stop its annexation of Austria and its invasion of Poland, the trigger for the conflagration

Let us understand something. All the sanctions in the world will not deter the Iranian ayatollahs from a mission that began in 1979 when Ayatollah Khomeini led the Islamic revolution that ousted the Shah and turned Iran into a prison nation. Among their earliest acts was to take U.S. diplomats hostage and hold them for 444 days.

International law and international sanctions mean nothing to the ayatollahs

To the Iranian leadership—but not to its citizens who went into the streets of Tehran in 2009 to protest Ahmadinjad’s re-election—the whole world revolves around them. Their purpose is to bring back the Twelfth Imam, a mythical Shiite deity, to impose their brand of Islam on the world. Unknown to most is the fact that this can only be accomplished with a worldwide cataclysm of wars and massive death

To the ever-lasting shame of the great powers, America, England, France, Russia, and China, they are all waiting for tiny Israel to preemptively attack Iran’s nuclear facilities and thus remove or at least delay the inevitable. It is a repeat of the 1930s run-up to World War II. They are running scared. They fear a war, but are failing to take the military action to avoid it a twenty-first century apocalypse..

An Israeli news agency DebkaFile report on February 22 was titled “Iran cuts down to six weeks timeline for weapons-grade uranium.” It reported that “Western and Israeli intelligence experts have concluded that the transfer of 20 percent uranium enrichment to the underground Fordo site near Qom has shortened Iran’s race for the 90 percent (weapons) grade product to six weeks.”

“The International Atomic Energy Agency chief Yukiya Amano said Tuesday night, Feb 21, ‘It is disappointing that Iran did not accept our request to visit Parchin.’ This is the site where Iran conducts experiments in nuclear explosives and triggers.”

Disappointing?! Despite saying it was ready to resume talks with the great powers this is just one more example out of hundreds over the years in which Iran has purposefully stalled its way to still more time to achieve nuclear weapons.

When they get them, they will use them. The first target is going to be Israel and the next will be the United States of America, the Little Satan and the Great Satan, and time is running out.

The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, on February 17, released a report on a forthcoming March 3-4 Harvard Kennedy School of Government conference devoted to the dismantling of the state of Israel. A “One State Conference: Israel/Palestine and the One State Solution.” The last “solution” Jews faced was the Nazi’s “final solution” that became the Holocaust.

President Obama, busy apologizing to and withdrawing from Afghanistan has been famously hostile to Israel, a signal to the ayatollahs who have rejected every effort he has made to open a dialogue. Harvard’s conference sends the same signal.

The Israelis have twice destroyed nuclear reactors under construction, first in Iraq, and later in Syria.

The Jews will save the world because they have to defend themselves. And they will receive only condemnation for it.

Alan Caruba
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Alan has a daily blog called Warning Signs.

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Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
2/29/2012 1:11:40 PM

Hello Peter

Actually these videos I posted have nothing to do with the abuse of women. It is all about Ann's views on the burning the Qur'an. It is quite funny if the rhetoric about burning the Qur'an wasn't so stupid. You need to listen to these 2 videos. She rips apart Lindsey Graham in the first one. Only she can do it so 'eloquently' :)) Graham is a Republican but I have heard her rip apart Obama and other Democrats as well.


Hi Helen,

I haven't seen these videos before but I have seen videos of Ann Bernhardt speaking before large groups of people.

Her topics then as in the videos you posted were mainly about how women are abused under islam. She is excellent and very knowledgeable. She has the ability to explain in a way that you can't help but understand the evil that islam is and stands for.

Thanks for sharing these videos with us and they are very apt today as they were when she originally made these videos.

Rather then apologize for the korans that were mistakenly burned in Afghanistan B Hussein should burn one koran for every American these savage barbarians murder there and elsewhere (being the closet muslim that he is that'll never happen). My previous posts dealt with that issue and the videos you posted surely compliment my comments and the articles as well.

Thanks again & Shalom,



Hello Peter

Have you heard this woman? She burns the Koran in the second video :)) How long do you think she will live?

I know her language will not offend you, Peter, but I wish to warn others who might watch this that Ann uses some swear words but if I remember correctly she does not use the 'f' word nor does she take the Lord's name in vain. This is not a good video to watch while children are within earshot.


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