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Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
1/10/2012 10:22:41 PM
Hi Helen,

This video is from the Latmah team and I post all their satiric songs here. This one was from some time last year and it's posted here. They are a brilliant team and they had some fantastic songs.

Thanks for reminding me about them and here's the video.




Hi Peter

Have you seen the 3 new tenors?


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Root Causes Of Anti-US Islamic Terrorism
1/11/2012 4:05:14 PM
Hello Friends,

Below is an excellent article about anti US Islamic Terrorism both internal and imported Jihadi attacks. The article goes into detail and there is no need for additional comments even though I might add some in future posts. A very good read and even a must read for those interested in the root causes of anti US jihadi terrorism.



Yoram Ettinger

Root causes of anti-US Islamic terrorism

There has recently been a rise in Muslim-American terrorism in the U.S. On Jan. 9, a U.S.-naturalized Kosovar Muslim terrorist was arrested in Florida while plotting to bomb nightclubs in Tampa, a hotbed of Muslim Brotherhood activities and organizations. In December, the Drug Enforcement Administration arrested 30 Tampa-based used-car dealers involved in a Hezbollah drug money-laundering ring. Tampa is the home base of the U.S. Central Command, located at the nearby MacDill Air Force Base. In November, an American al-Qaida sympathizer was arrested in New York for conspiring to bomb police stations and post offices. This wave of terrorism follows the June 2010 arrest of eight Muslim terrorists in North Carolina, the May, 2010 foiled Times Square car bombing, and the November 2009 massacre of 13 soldiers at Fort Hood, as well as other examples.

It has been suggested that U.S. policies toward Muslim nations has fueled this Islamic rage and terrorism. However, the surge in anti-U.S. Islamic terrorism, and the proliferation of Islamic terrorist sleeper cells and training camps in the U.S. and Canada, have occurred in spite of the U.S.-led bombing of Serbia, which yielded independence for the Muslim-dominated Bosnia and Kosovo, and despite the billion-dollar U.S. assistance to the mujahadeen, which empowered them to end the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in 1989. Moreover, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who opposed the war in Iraq and supported Palestinian demands, was greeted by three Muslim terrorist-engineered car bombs in London and Glasgow when he was inaugurated in June 2007.

Notwithstanding the generous U.S. foreign aid to Arab countries and to the Palestinian Authority, and irrespective of former U.S. President Jimmy Carter’s betrayal of the Shah of Iran, which facilitated Ayatollah Khomeini's rise to power, the U.S. is increasingly referred to as “the enemy of Allah” and “a modern-day Crusader.” According to Professor Bernard Lewis, considered to be the world's greatest scholar of the Muslim world, Islam stipulates that “the duty of God's soldiers is to dispatch God's enemies as quickly as possible to the place where God will chastise them -- that is to say, the afterlife.”

The most-frequently mentioned (supposed) cause of anti-U.S. Islamic terrorism is U.S. support of Israel and U.S. policy toward the Palestinians. Nevertheless, 9/11 was planned while former U.S. President Bill Clinton and then-Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered the Palestinians the entire store. The Oct. 12, 2000 murder of 17 sailors on the USS Cole happened when Israel and the U.S. offered unprecedented concessions to the Palestinians at Camp David. The Aug. 27, 1998 bombing of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania (257 murdered and more than 4,000 injured) took place while Clinton was brutally pressuring then-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The murders of 19 U.S. soldiers in Riyadh and the Khobar Towers, in 1995 and 1996, were carried out while then-interim Prime Minister Shimon Peres implemented unprecedented concessions for the Palestinians. The February 1993 World Trade Center bombing (six murdered and more than 1,000 injured) transpired while Israel conducted the pre-Oslo talks with the PLO. The Dec. 21, 1988 Pan Am-103 terrorist attack (270 murdered) took place a few months following the groundbreaking recognition of the PLO by the U.S. The 1983 murder of 300 Marines and 58 French soldiers in car bombings at the U.S. Embassy and Marines base, and at the French military headquarters in Beirut, all occurred while the U.S. military confronted Israeli tanks in Lebanon and the U.S. administration blasted Israel for its war against the PLO.

All things considered, terrorists bite the hands that feed them.

Irrespective of the Arab-Israeli conflict, the Palestinian issue, the U.S.-Israel friendship, and Israel's policies or existence, Islamic terrorism has afflicted the Middle East and the entire globe, including North, Central and South America, for 14 centuries, long before the eruption of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Islamic rogue regimes view the U.S. as their key moral and strategic adversary. U.S.-style freedom of religion, expression, markets and association constitute a lethal threat to all Islamic regimes. Their territorial imperialism has suffered a severe setback by the U.S.'s military, economic and diplomatic dominance. They abhor the dominance of “the infidel” over the “true believer,” which they consider morally blasphemous and strategically wrong. They are determined to push the U.S. out of the Persian Gulf, the Middle East, the Indian Ocean and Africa in order to advance their megalomaniac aspirations. Humiliating a superpower, preferably on its own soil, would be critical to the resurrection of Islamic grandeur. Therefore, no U.S. pressure on Israel would spare Washington the wrath of rogue Islamic regimes; it could, however, transform Israel from a strategic asset to a strategic liability.

While most Muslims are not terrorists, most terrorists are Muslims, supported by several Muslim states. Other than Turkey, all Islamic regimes achieved, and maintained, power through violence. They believe in total submission to God and to those who rule, supposedly, by divine prescription. They terrorize those whom they cannot integrate domestically and externally.

The insistence on engaging and not on confronting rogue regimes; denying the existence of global Islamic terrorism; contending that jihad is a process which purifies the soul; and assuming that Islamic terrorists represent a Muslim minority, undermines moral clarity, and therefore impairs operational clarity. It provides a headwind to Western democracies and a tailwind to terrorists.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Videos On Jihad From The David Horowitz Freedom Center
1/12/2012 9:27:18 AM
Hello Friends,

David Horowitz's Freedom Center came out with a series of videos that give pertinent facts on the different faces of Jihad and Jihadi organizations. Here are the first 3 and as further videos become available I'll post them immediately.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - 'Liberated' - Believe Or Die ......
1/12/2012 12:26:51 PM
Hello Friends,

Today Liberated discusses why she is still a closet apostate and in her daily life still acts as a muslim.

The reasons are quite obvious especially when you consider that she lives in a Muslim country in which shariah law is the law of the land. If she openly admits to being an apostate she fears that even her family would kill her and if they didn't but simply disowned her she would be killed by others for her apostasy.

She's facing a dilemma and has 2 choices remain where she is and live a double life or leave and live in a western country. The truth of the matter is that even in western countries she wouldn't be totally safe unless she changed her identity and wasn't recognized by the muslim community as an apostate. Unfortunately western countries have more then their fair share of honor killings and the discrimination and murder of apostates.

Her post is interesting and again full of quotes from the koran and hadeeths supporting what she's saying. As usual well worth reading.



Believe or die...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Galileo very wisely and accurately said, “I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.” But then the Quran (oops, I mean the self proclaimed prophet MO) says, “O ye who believe! Ask not questions about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble. But if ye ask about things when the Qur'an is being revealed, they will be made plain to you, Allah will forgive those: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Forbearing. Some people before you did ask such questions, and on that account lost their faith.” Whether you like it or not, but one has to give him full credit for being the smartest man on the face of the earth, or rather in history. He actually managed to make people stick to his illogical, senseless, cruel, evil cult centuries after his death. Why do you think Islam is widely spread?

According to the Quran and Hadeeth, a Murtad (apostate) is a person who leaves Islam openly, whereas a Munafiq (hypocrite) is someone who pretends to be a Muslim when he is not one anymore. Why would anyone pretend to be a Muslim when is not one anymore? Obviously because he loves life more than death, unlike the so called Jihads who claim to love just the opposite. In Quran 3:90-91 it says, “Lo! Those who disbelieve after their (profession of) belief, and afterward grow violent in disbelief: their repentance will not be accepted. And such are those who are astray. Lo! Those who disbelieve, and die in disbelief, the (whole) earth full of gold would not be accepted from such a one if it were offered as a ransom (for his soul). Theirs will be a painful doom and they will have no helpers.” Quran 4:89: “They long that ye should disbelieve even as they disbelieve, that ye may be upon a level (with them). So choose not friends from them till they forsake their homes in the way of Allah; if they turn back (to enmity) then take them and kill them wherever ye find them, and choose neither friend nor helper from among them.” Quran 5:54: “O ye who believe! if any from among you turn back from his Faith, soon will Allah produce a people whom He will love as they will love Him,- lowly with the believers, mighty against the rejecters, fighting in the way of Allah, and never afraid of the reproaches of such as find fault. That is the grace of Allah, which He will bestow on whom He pleases. And Allah encompassed all, and He knoweth all things.” Quran 9:66: “Make ye no excuses: ye have rejected Faith after ye had accepted it. If we pardon some of you, we will punish others amongst you, for that they are in sin.” Quran 9:73-74: “O Prophet! Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites! Be harsh with them. Their ultimate abode is hell, a hapless journey's end. They swear by Allah that they said nothing (wrong), yet they did say the word of disbelief, and did disbelieve after their Surrender (to Allah). And they purposed that which they could not attain, and they sought revenge only that Allah by His messenger should enrich them of His bounty. If they repent it will be better for them; and if they turn away, Allah will afflict them with a painful doom in the world and the Hereafter, and they have no protecting friend nor helper in the earth.” Quran 88:21-24: “Therefore do remind, for you are only a reminder. You are not a watcher over them; but whoever turns back and disbelieves, Allah will chastise him with the greatest chastisement.”

The Quran does not say clearly whether the apostate should be killed or spared, but as we all know, whatever the Quran lacked, the hadeeth more or less makes up for it. According to Sahih Bukhari (4:52:260): “Narrated Ikrima: Ali burnt some people and this news reached Ibn 'Abbas, who said, "Had I been in his place I would not have burnt them, as the Prophet said, 'don’t punish (anybody) with Allah's Punishment.' No doubt, I would have killed them, for the Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.' Sahih Bukhari (9:83:17): “Narrated 'Abdullah: Allah's Apostle said, "The blood of a Muslim who confesses that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that I am His Apostle, cannot be shed except in three cases: In Qisas for murder, a married person who commits illegal sexual intercourse and the one who reverts from Islam (apostate) and leaves the Muslims." Sahih Bukhari (9:89:271): Narrated Abu Musa: A man embraced Islam and then reverted back to Judaism. Mu'adh bin Jabal came and saw the man with Abu Musa. Mu'adh asked, "What is wrong with this (man)?" Abu Musa replied, "He embraced Islam and then reverted back to Judaism." Mu'adh said, "I will not sit down unless you kill him (as it is) the verdict of Allah and His Apostle.”

These and many other similar hadeeths from various sources prove beyond any doubt that the Islamic Shariah punishment for apostasy is execution. This is precisely the reason why I have to hide my apostasy for the rest of my life and I have to keep on pretending to be a Muslim among other Muslims. Trust me, it is not an easy task, especially since I am not a Muslim anymore and I do not agree with anything which Islam says. It was pretty difficult being a practicing Muslim for the last 35 years, but now it is even harder. Some of my well wishers here on my blog suggested that I speak to my family about my apostasy and take their advice, but little do they know that my parents love their religion, especially their ideal perfect human being, the prophet of Islam Mohammed, more than they love their own daughter. They would not even think twice before disowning me for life, that is, if they do not kill me first in a fit of rage, which is pretty likely, come to think of it. I say this because once a couple of years ago, when I was pretty much a Muslim, I was reading “Infidel” by Ayaan Hirsi Ali when my mother caught me reading it. She just read the introduction and got mad at me for even reading such a book. She said if any of my children did such a thing, I would kill her/him and then report myself to the police, I won’t mind even going to prison for such a crime because this is something which Allah and his prophet has ordered us to do. These were her very own words, so there is no way I can confide about my apostasy to anyone, especially my parents.

It means that I have two options... Either I should remain a closeted apostate for the rest of my life so that I don’t have to lose my loved ones, or I should just move to a western country and ask for asylum. It is probably the most difficult decision of my life, and so far I have not been able to come to any conclusion. The question that really baffles me is how anyone in their right senses could actually believe in Islam; it is the most illogical religion in the world. In fact, whenever I think of those 35 years I lived as a believing Muslim, I cannot but help feel anger, acute anger at Mohammed, the system, the society, and my family for making me follow something so sinister and evil, but most of all, I feel angry at myself for being such a fool. I mean, I always prided myself for being smart, educated, intelligent, intellectual and worldly, so how could I be so blind? I feel so angry sometimes that I actually contemplate suicide, because nothing in this world makes sense anymore. If the core of my belief was false, then is anything really true? I still get panic attacks and nightmares. I feel like crying all the time and I feel so alienated from my friends and family. The only solace in my otherwise meaningless existence is my blog, because I have so many friends and well wishers who love and support me in what I am doing. It helps me drag myself out of bed every morning. It really has given a new dimension to my life, and I just hope that it keeps on inspiring me in the future as well.

In my next blog, I will write about why Muslim men are so happy being Muslims, and how this religion caters to all their whims and fancies. It is totally a misogynistic doctrine which is a living nightmare for women. Till then, please keep on reading and commenting… Love you all…

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG -.EXCLUSIVE: “All-American Muslim” Stars Caught By DHS Smuggling Pot
1/12/2012 4:59:56 PM
Hello Friends,

I had to laugh when I read the below article by Debbie Schlussel. It appears that two members of the 'All American Muslim' show were caught trying to smuggle 9 grams of marijuana into the United States from Canada. They were detained for an hour or so and then released to carry on to their homes in Detroit.

You can read all the details in the below article. Some might not have a problem with this especially the ronbots but for many of us it is a problem.



January 11, 2012, - 2:29 pm

EXCLUSIVE: “All-American Muslim” Stars Caught by DHS Smuggling Pot Into US

By Debbie Schlussel, Copyright 2012 **** MUST cite and link to this post. (That includes you, Detroit Free Press’ Niraj Warikoo, who I understand is reading this post and preparing to rip it off.) ****

File this under: What You’ll Never See on “All-American Muslim.”

Two of the stars of TLC’s “All-American Muslim” were caught trying to smuggle nine grams of marijuana into the United States from Canada over New Year’s weekend, has learned. Ron Smith, press officer for Customs and Border Protection in Michigan, confirmed queries by regarding the incident.

allahu Snakbar: “All-American” Muslim Pothead Drug Smugglers

The incident is significant not only because of the illegal drugs involved, but also because it could not be confirmed which cast members were caught lying to authorities and trying to smuggle the drugs into the United States from a foreign country. A star of “All-American Muslim” who calls himself “Nader Aoude” (which may be a pseudonym) identifies himself as a “federal agent.” He refuses to identify for which agency he allegedly works.

The two cast members of the faux-reality Muslim propaganda show lied to Customs and Border Protection inspectors when they were asked if they had anything to declare, as they tried to pass into the United States from Windsor, Canada over the Ambassador Bridge. They said no, even though they were required to declare the controlled, illegal substance they had in their possession.

Smith declined to name the individuals involved and said that a Freedom of Information Act request by me to learn the names and access the CBP incident report would likely take about three weeks at the least. Mr. Smith did confirm that one of the individuals did have a medical marijuana card. However, the cards are only recognized by the State of Michigan and are not recognized by the federal government.

Michigan medical marijuana cards are easily obtained, and it does not appear, based on the behavior on the show, that any cast member of “All-American Muslim” has a legitimate disability covered by the Michigan medical marijuana statute. It would be interesting to see what alleged illness the particular cast member claims to have, whether it is legitimate, and who the issuing medical professional is (and what his/her record is in legitimately issuing medical opinions leading to patients obtaining Michigan medical marijuana cards).

Sadly, the “All-American Muslim” potheads were not detained because nine grams is not enough to get a federal agency to prosecute the smugglers. The “All-American Muslim” smugglers were fined only $500 and were waived on into Detroit after not more than an hour, probably to a feast of halal potato chips and cookies.

The “All-American Muslim” tokers incident occurred on January 1, 2012, and the two Muslims involved claimed they were visiting friends in Canada.

I’ve told you about the open, vehement support for Hezbollah and HAMAS displayed by all of the members of “All-American Muslim,” especially Suehaila Amen, who–along with her family–reveres Ayatollah Khomeini and supported his Iranian revolution, including the holding of many Americans hostage in Tehran for 444 days. Since they are all Shi’ite Muslims of Lebanese descent, one wonders where the pot is from. It’s well known that Hezbollah is involved in the drug trade and one of the world’s leading suppliers of pot and other illegal drugs harvested in the Hezbollah-controlled Bekaa Valley. is investigating the matter further and will keep you updated about further developments.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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