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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
1/3/2012 4:19:09 PM

Hi Peter, it always makes an article more interesting when we personally know someone who has experienced the situation, or knows someone who has. To me it just gives more credibility to it. Not sure I'm getting my point across but hopefully most will understand what I am trying to convey.

Hello Friends,

In many cities in the Palestinian Authority and in Gaza there were large Christian communities. In Gaza they are all but decimated and living in constant fear. In Ramallah a major city in the PA there were many Christians a large part of them left for foreign shores. The worst city of them all is Bethlehem where there used to be a majority of Christians in the city. Due to discrimination and pressure the majority of them left most for other countries and some moved to other cities within the PA. Some lucky ones succeeded in crossing over to Israel but not many were able to do that for internal reasons. The PA didn't want PA Christians moving to Israel fearing bad publicity.

I used to own a children's clothing factory and some of my best customers were Christian Arabs from Ramallah. Over the years we became very good friends and consequently visited each others homes as well. They were 2 brothers Samir and Michel Masad. They had a very successful business and the majority of their customers were muslims. Over the years Samir the younger of the 2 brothers told me many horrifying stories about the troubles they have as Christians in Ramallah. His children were slowly leaving for America, Canada, Australia, NZ etc. They preferred English speaking countries cos they spoke perfect English. I left Israel for South Africa in 1989 and when I returned 10 years later it wasn't possible to visit Ramallah as in the past and lost contact with them till around a year ago I made contact with Samir and only he, his wife and brother are left in Ramallah. All his children and their families left the PA. He was very sad and quite broken up about it but for business reasons he stayed but is planning to leave in the near future. The Masad family saga is but one of many many thousands that were either killed or forced to leave and losing all they owned.

The below article/report goes into more detail but I wanted to give a personal perspective to this sad issue as well.



Muslims Drive out Christians from PA Territories

Published: Sunday, December 18, 2011 8:33 AM
Interview Series: International human rights lawyerJustus Reid Weiner: "They flee to almost any country that will issue them a visa."

"The disputed territories of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip have been administered by the Palestinian Authority (PA) and in more recent years, in part, by Hamas. Under these regimes, the resident Christian Arabs have been victims of frequent human rights abuses including intimidation, beatings, land theft, firebombing of churches and other Christian institutions, denial of employment, economic boycott, torture, kidnapping, forced marriage, sexual harassment, and extortion.

"Muslims who have converted to Christianity are the ones in the greatest in danger. They are often left defenseless against cruelty by Muslim fundamentalists. PA and Hamas officials are directly responsible for many of the human rights violations. Christian Arabs also fall victim to the semi-anarchy that typifies PA rule."

Justus Reid Weiner is an international human rights lawyer and a member of the Israel and New York Bar Associations. His professional publications have appeared in leading law journals and intellectual magazines. Weiner lectures widely abroad and in Israel and teaches international law and business courses at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

In Weiner's view, the crimes committed against Christian Arabs result from a way of thinking that dates back to the earliest days of Islam. "Traditionally, Christians and Jews were given an inferior social status known as dhimmitude in Islam. To this day, Muslim attitudes toward Christians and Jews are influenced by the concepts and prejudices that dhimmitude has spawned in Islamic society. The widespread persecution of Christians in various Muslim dominated lands brings many proofs of this.[1]

"Israel is the only exception in the Middle East where the Christian population since 1948 has increased. It has risen by more than 400 percent. This also includes non-Arab Christians, such as Russian Christians who have moved to Israel as spouses of Jews.

"As dhimmis, Christians living in Palestinian-controlled territories are subjected to debilitating legal, political, cultural, and religious restrictions. Muslim groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad have built a culture of hatred upon the age-old foundations of Islamic society. Moreover, the PA has adopted Islamic law into its draft constitution.

"In such an environment, Christian Arabs have found themselves victims of prejudice and hate crimes. Tens of thousands of Palestinian Christians have left their ancestral homes and emigrated. They flee to almost any country that will issue them a visa.

"The demographics in the Palestinian areas have changed drastically. In Bethlehem, the Christian population was an 80 percent majority in 1950. Today the population of Christian Arabs in Bethlehem is hovering at about 15 percent of the city's total population. Neither the Palestinian Christian leaders nor the PA want to reveal accurate statistics. That would mean the extent of the emigration would become publicly known. They would then have to face questions about the reasons for this decline."

Seventy percent of Christian Arabs who originally resided in the PA adminsitered areas now live abroad.
Weiner points out that Yasser Arafat determined the policy that led to this demographic shift. "After the PA gained control of Bethlehem, it redistricted the municipal boundaries of the city. Arafat also defied tradition by appointing a Muslim governor of the city. The Bethlehem City Council, which by Palestinian law must have a Christian majority, has been taken over by Muslims. Eight of the fifteen seats on the Council are still reserved for Christians, but Hamas controls the City Council with some Christian allies. Arafat crowned his efforts when he converted the Greek Orthodox monastery next to the Church of Nativity into his official Bethlehem residence.[2]

"The problems for Christians in Bethlehem are typical throughout the Middle East. As in Palestinian society, Christian Arabs have no voice and no protection. It is no wonder they have been leaving. Because of emigration – some of it dating back two or three generations – seventy percent of Christian Arabs who originally resided in the West Bank and Gaza now live abroad. Tens of thousands live in Sydney, Berlin, Santiago, Detroit, and Toronto. The emigration of Christian Arabs has multiplied over the last decade, with no end in sight.

"It is currently estimated that the number of Christians living in Gaza totals only 1,500-3,000 amid 1.2 million Muslims.[3] Probably less than fifty thousand Christians remain in all of East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza together.”

Weiner concludes: "The human rights crimes against the Christian Arabs in the disputed territories are committed by Muslims. Yet many Palestinian Christian leaders accuse Israel of these crimes rather than the actual perpetrators. These patriarchs and archbishops of Christian Arab denominations obfuscate the truth and put their own people in danger. This is often for personal benefit or due to intimidation. This motif has been adopted by a variety of Christian leaders in the Western world. Others who are aware of the human rights crimes choose to remain silent about them."

[1] Paul Marshall and Lela Gilbert, Their Blood Cries Out (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2007); Nina Shea, In the Lion's Den: A Shocking Account of Persecuted and Martyrdom of Christians Today and How We Should Respond (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman, 2007).

[2] Aaron Klein, "Media's Two-Faced Christmas Coverage: Muslims Driving Christians out of Bethlehem, but Media Outlets Choose to Blame Israel," Ynetnews, 24 December 2007,,7340,L-3486144,00.html.

[3] Julie Stahl, "Gaza Bible Society Surprised by Bomb Attack," Cybercast News Service, 16 April 2007,

RE: Human Shields In Gaza
1/3/2012 4:25:08 PM

Peter thanks for sharing this. I guess most of us have preconceived notions about most things, part of human nature I guess. I have no doubt your country is very beautiful and probably not what any of us would expect if we ever got the chance to visit the "Holy Land".

Hello Friends,

The below article is an interesting one even though it's different from the articles I normally post here. It's a wonderful resume for Israel and I often try to convince people and friends to come and visit Israel this article does it in a very nice and pleasant way



Hollywood Discovers Israel’s Biggest Danger

Visiting Hollywood and Latin entertainers, surprised at the safety and beauty of Israel discover the big risk – “You won’t want to leave.”

By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
First Publish: 12/5/2011, 9:39 AM

Kellan Lutz in Jerusalem
Kellan Lutz in Jerusalem
Israel news photo: Foreign Ministry

“America’s Voices in Israel,” a group that promotes the Jewish state for tourism and culture, has organized a tour that includes The Twilight Saga film series star Kellan Lutz, veteran TV Miguel Ferrer, Latina salsa superstar Carolina La O and Seattle talk show host John Carlson, among others.

They also have no problem visiting what pro-Arab media and countries call “occupied Jerusalem” and the “occupied Golan Heights.”

"Israel has so much to offer, whatever you're into, from old history to fun activities. We went zip-lining in the Golan Heights yesterday, and I got a nice tan off-road jeeping,” said Lutz, who is on his second trip to Israel.

"Most people in the United States picture ducking flying bullets and explosions," Ferrer, said at a Jerusalem press conference. "Pretty much everything I thought was wrong or incredibly shortsighted or ignorant."

"There is something to be learned from every person I speak to, from the high-level cabinet official to the guy who brings me coffee in the morning. In the States, everyone thinks Israeli people are like-minded, and nothing could be further from the truth.”

Carolina La O, from Colombia, was so pleasantly surprised that she said, "People say you take a risk coming here. The only risk is that you won't want to leave."

Like almost every non-Jewish – and even many Jewish – first-time visitors, the entertainers saw an entirely different country than what is depicted in mainstream media.

"It was surprising how safe Jerusalem is – safer even than Seattle in terms of how at ease people seem to feel,” said Carlseon. “The biggest misconception people have in the United States is that there is constant tension in Israel, and I just don't see it…. The only down side is once you're here you realize how much more there is to explore, which is why I'll be coming back."

America's Voices in Israel began 10 years ago by bringing traditional media and radio personalities to broadcast live from Israel. In late 2010, under the leadership of Irwin Katsof, the program started bringing "new media" mavens, professional athletes and entertainers, key opinion-makers, moderate Muslim leaders, diplomats and other influential personalities to get acquainted with Israel's science and technology, agriculture and fashion, entertainment and art, religions, culture and history.

Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
1/5/2012 10:30:27 AM
Hi Evelyn,

You're so right. You can't imagine how many times I heard tourists of all faiths say they feel like staying and prolong their visits. The amazing thing about Israel is the feeling of "belonging" that these visitors have regardless of their faith. Israel and its people are very friendly and make visitors feel at home but beyond that is the country itself that members of all faiths can relate to and feel very at home with.

Looking forward to seeing you here sometime in the future.




Peter thanks for sharing this. I guess most of us have preconceived notions about most things, part of human nature I guess. I have no doubt your country is very beautiful and probably not what any of us would expect if we ever got the chance to visit the "Holy Land".

Hello Friends,

The below article is an interesting one even though it's different from the articles I normally post here. It's a wonderful resume for Israel and I often try to convince people and friends to come and visit Israel this article does it in a very nice and pleasant way



Hollywood Discovers Israel’s Biggest Danger

Visiting Hollywood and Latin entertainers, surprised at the safety and beauty of Israel discover the big risk – “You won’t want to leave.”

By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
First Publish: 12/5/2011, 9:39 AM

Kellan Lutz in Jerusalem
Kellan Lutz in Jerusalem
Israel news photo: Foreign Ministry

“America’s Voices in Israel,” a group that promotes the Jewish state for tourism and culture, has organized a tour that includes The Twilight Saga film series star Kellan Lutz, veteran TV Miguel Ferrer, Latina salsa superstar Carolina La O and Seattle talk show host John Carlson, among others.

They also have no problem visiting what pro-Arab media and countries call “occupied Jerusalem” and the “occupied Golan Heights.”

"Israel has so much to offer, whatever you're into, from old history to fun activities. We went zip-lining in the Golan Heights yesterday, and I got a nice tan off-road jeeping,” said Lutz, who is on his second trip to Israel.

"Most people in the United States picture ducking flying bullets and explosions," Ferrer, said at a Jerusalem press conference. "Pretty much everything I thought was wrong or incredibly shortsighted or ignorant."

"There is something to be learned from every person I speak to, from the high-level cabinet official to the guy who brings me coffee in the morning. In the States, everyone thinks Israeli people are like-minded, and nothing could be further from the truth.”

Carolina La O, from Colombia, was so pleasantly surprised that she said, "People say you take a risk coming here. The only risk is that you won't want to leave."

Like almost every non-Jewish – and even many Jewish – first-time visitors, the entertainers saw an entirely different country than what is depicted in mainstream media.

"It was surprising how safe Jerusalem is – safer even than Seattle in terms of how at ease people seem to feel,” said Carlseon. “The biggest misconception people have in the United States is that there is constant tension in Israel, and I just don't see it…. The only down side is once you're here you realize how much more there is to explore, which is why I'll be coming back."

America's Voices in Israel began 10 years ago by bringing traditional media and radio personalities to broadcast live from Israel. In late 2010, under the leadership of Irwin Katsof, the program started bringing "new media" mavens, professional athletes and entertainers, key opinion-makers, moderate Muslim leaders, diplomats and other influential personalities to get acquainted with Israel's science and technology, agriculture and fashion, entertainment and art, religions, culture and history.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
1/5/2012 10:34:52 AM
Hello Friends,

Here's an interesting interview with Pamela Geller on SUN TV's Michael Coren Show. Today they are discussing Islam in the News.

It's interesting and we'll see how B Hussein sold out in different ways American long term policies and Allies of many years and the results of these sell outs all basically in favor of his Islamic agenda (interestingly enough in this context the kook Ron Paul is also mentioned). The dire effects of the so called Arab Spring and more.

Worth watching. I'll be posting this in The President That Hates His Country too since the topic is relevant to both threads.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG- Mohammed - The Pioneer Of The Holocaust
1/5/2012 11:22:07 AM
Hello Friends,

'Liberated' posted a very interesting article about "Mohammed - The Pioneer of the Holocaust". It's an extremely interesting read along with quotes from the koran, hadeeths and more sources.

To remind you Liberated is a 35 year old apostate living in a muslim country and is posting in her blog anonymously for her personal safety and security.



Mohammed - The Pioneer of the Holocaust

“The Holocaust”. The word still echoes in my ears from the first time I heard about it back in school, but unfortunately there was no internet those days and our teachers gave us a much edited version, putting the entire blame on the Jews. Even then I used to argue with them about why kill someone just because he or she does not follow your religion. I was literally forced to shut up then. Flash forward to 1999; it was then that I actually read about the true uncensored version of the Holocaust. It was the biggest shock of my life; I just could not believe that such an astonishing crime against humanity would take place and the whole world would keep quiet about it. An evil man killed millions of people just because they were Jewish. For more details please read about it here.

That incident changed the history of humanity, or at least that is what I thought at first, and I kept on saying that Adolf Hitler was the worst human being ever born on the face of the earth. He was a heartless, cruel, barbaric and sadistic son of a *****. You can’t imagine how much I loathed and despised him ever since I read the history of the holocaust. I could not help but feel resentment towards the education system of my country for not indoctrinating us about this hideous and gruesome chapter of history.

Then flash forward to September 2001, when I finally mustered up enough courage to address my fears and doubts about Islam, and started searching and reading whatever I could lay my hands on. But still, it took me ten years to finally have the fortitude to leave that evil cult in October 2011. What brought about the changes, you might ask. I would definitely say the English translation of the Quran, and after reading it I realized that it is the most pernicious literature on the face of the earth. Finally, on October 24th 2011, I wrote to Ali Sina, and the rest, as they say, is history. Ali Sina surely deserves most of the credit for my apostasy, because had it not been for him and his book Understanding Muhammad, I would have never opened up my eyes, or my brain, for that matter. I was totally brainwashed from the time I was born that Islam is the true religion of God and Mohammed is the best human being in the history of humanity, and that there can never be anyone like him. Of course, it is right in a way; there could never be anyone like him. He was the most clever and conniving son of a *****, and Hitler probably apotheosized, because I really do believe that Adolf Hitler was a clone of Mohammed. Do you have any idea what he did to the Jews of Medina? He slaughtered them heartlessly in front of their wives and then raped their wives that very night. One of the examples is Safiya, and here I would like to refer to Ali Sina’s website

The following is the story of Safiyah Bint Huyai Ibn Akhtab, the Jewish woman who was captured when Muhammad’s troops attacked Khaibar and brought her to the Prophet as part of his share of the booty. Muhammad ordered Kinana, the young husband of Safiyah to be tortured to death to make him reveal the whereabouts of the treasure of the town. On the very nigh of that murder, he took Safiyah to his bed and claimed her as his trophy. This story is reported by Tabari in detail. It can also be found in Sira of Ibn Ishaq. The following is reported in the Book of Tabaqat, compiled by Ibn Sa’d. Two years earlier, Muhammad had beheaded Huyai, the father of Safiyah along with 900 men of Bani Quraiza. Huyai Ibn Akhtab, the father of Safiyah was the leader of the Bani Nadir, one of the Jewish tribes of Medina. Muhammad’s followers had killed a couple of Arabs with whom Muhammad had signed a peace treaty. He decided to pay the blood money to the families of the victims who were killed by error. He went to the Bani Nadir asking them to pay that money. This was a strange request since the Jews had nothing to do with those murders. However, the Jews were afraid of Muhammad. He had banished another Jewish tribe, the Bani Qainiqa and they feared this may happen to them too.

They elders of the Bani Nadir retreated to collect the money. Muhammad and his companions sat beneath a wall in their Jewish quarter waiting. However, Muhammad’s real intention was to destroy the Jews and take possession of all their belongings, and not just the blood money for the crime of his followers. He hoped that the Jews would protest and he would use it as an excuse to wage war on them.

After sitting and waiting for a while, he suddenly stood up and left without saying anything to anyone. His follower noticing that he is not coming back also left. Later he told them that Gabriel informed him that the Jews were planning to throw a stone from the top of the wall and kill him.

This was a lie. If the Bani Nadir wanted to kill him they did not need to throw a stone on him. He was in their hands. They were afraid and this cost them their lives. Cowardice never pays.

Muhammad then laid siege on the Bani Nadir and cut the water to them. When they surrendered, he decided to kill them all. Abdullah ibn Obay, an old leader of the Arabs of Median intervened. Muhammad feared that this could cause split among his followers and decided to not kill the Bani Nadir, instead he took possession of their wealth and property and banished them.

Then Bani Nadir took refuge in Khaibar, a Jews' fortress to the North of Medina. That is how Safiyah ended up in Khaibar and married the Kinana the youthful leader of that town. However, her father Huyai was beheaded when Muhammad laid siege on the last Jewish tribe of Medina, the Bani Quriaza and found him there.

Safiyah was seventeen and very beautiful. When Muhammad raided Khaibar, he killed all the men. People were not ready for war. They were taken by surprise. Muhammad was not a warrior. He was a terrorist. His wars are called gazwah (raid, ambush, sudden attack).

Muhammad then captured Kinana and tortured him. He wanted to know whereabouts of the town’s treasure. He passed red hot iron to his eyes and blinded him. Kinana was a valiant man. He did not speak. A Jew, maybe the ancestor of Noam Chomsky and George Soros, told Muhammad where he can find the treasures. Jews have always had their good share of traitors.

Kinana died under torture. Then Muhammad asked his men to bring him the prettiest girl. Safiyah, the seventeen years old wife of Kinana was the prettiest.

Bilal, brought Kinana and her cousin, the sister of Kinana to Muhammad. When Kinana’s sister saw her brother’s mutilated corps, she became hysterical. Muhammad became enrages and said, take this devil away from me. Later he told Bilal, don’t you have any humanity to parade women in front of the corpse of their loved ones? How wonderful. The Prophet was full of compassion and humanity.

However, he took Safiyah to his tent because she had become a widow, he took compassion on her and decided to take her as his wife. Of course the fact that she was young and pretty had nothing to do with it. There were hundreds of other women who also had become widows on that day. The younger and prettier ones were saved by the self abnegating compassionate Murderers of their husbands and fathers and the older ones were left to till the land, and give 50% of the produce to the most perfect human and the Mercy of God on earth.

The following is from Tabaqat.

“Safiyah was born in Medinah. She belonged to the Jewish tribe of Banu ‘I-Nadir. When this tribe was expelled from Medinah in the year 4 A.H, Huyai was one of those who settled in the fertile colony of Khaibar together with Kinana ibn al-Rabi’ to whom Safiyah was married a little before the Muslims attacked Khaibar. She was then seventeen. She had formerly been the wife of Sallam ibn Mishkam, who divorced her. One mile from Khaibar. Here the Prophet married Safiyah. She was groomed and made-up for the Prophet by Umm Sulaim, the mother of Anas ibn Malik. They spent the night there. Abu Ayyub al-Ansari guarded the tent of the Prophet the whole night. When, in the early dawn, the Prophet saw Abu Ayyub strolling up and down, he asked him what he meant by this sentry-go; he replied: “I was afraid for you with this young lady. You had killed her father, her husband and many of her relatives, and till recently she was an unbeliever. I was really afraid for you on her account”. The Prophet prayed for Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (Ibn Hisham, p. 766) Safiyah had requested the Prophet to wait till he had gone a stage away from Khaibar. “Why?” asked the Prophet. “I was afraid for you on account of the Jews who still happened to be near at Khaibar!”

The reason Safiyah rejected the sexual advances of Muhammad should be obvious to any thinking person. I believe most women prefer to mourn than jump into bed with the killer of their father, husband and many relatives on the same day of their death. But the fact that the prophet of Allah could not contain his sexual urges for one day to let this young girl grieve, says a lot of his moral character. He was a psychopath and bereft of conscience of empathy.

As for the rest of the story we are not sure whether it is true or was fabricated by Muslim historians to wipe the impression of rape. But this is all we have and to find the truth we have to rely on these biased documents narrated and written by Muslims.

The story goes on to say that Abu Ayyub was concerned for the safety of the prophet because he (Muhammad) had killed Safiyah’s father, husband and many of her relatives. This is logical. It is foolish to sleep with a woman after killing her loved ones. But Safiyah’s excuse for rejecting Muhammad’s advances towards her seems unreasonable. When Muhammad took this young girl into his tent, he had already killed many Jews and had chained others. If there were any Jews left, they probably were more worried for their own lives than Safiyah being raped. Also she was already in the tent alone with Muhammad, how the Jews would have known if they were engaged in sex or not? This excuse sounds foolish and most likely is forged by Muslims to claim that Safiyah wanted to have sex with Muhammad, if she didn’t it was because she was concerned for his safety.

Muslims are a bunch of stupid people that believe in any asininity without thinking, but I am sure others have more sense to know this is a lie.

“The next day a Walima (we dding-feast) was arranged on behalf of the Prophet…

Note that the historian is saying that the wedding took place one day after Muhammad got private with Safiyah and made his moves to have sex with her. This presented no problem for the prophet as he had his Allah reveal a verse saying it is okay to sleep with women captured in war without marrying them even if they are married. And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess…” (Q. 4:24 )

The above verse shows that Muhammad did not believe that slaves have any right. Should Muslims come to power, this would be the fate of all non-Muslim women. Muslims can’t change anything that Muhammad has said or done.

This is confirmed in another place.

(Q. 23: 1-7)

1-The believers must (eventually) win through,-
2- Those who humble themselves in their prayers;
3-Who avoid vain talk;
4- Who are active in deeds of charity;
5- Who abstain from sex,
6- Except with those joined to them in the marriage bond, or (the captives) whom their right hands possess,- for (in their case) they are free from blame,
7- But those whose desires exceed those limits are transgressors;-

Let us continue with the story of Safiyah.

“The other wives of the Prophet showed their jealousy by making slights upon her Jewish origin. But the Prophet always defended her. Once Safiyah was vexed to the extreme by the taunts of all the Arab wives of the Prophet. She took the complaint to the Prophet, who felt great compassion for her. He consoled her. He encouraged her. He equipped her with logic. He said: “Safiyah, take courage and be bold. They are in no way superior to you. Tell them: I am a daughter of the Prophet Harun, a niece of the Prophet Musa, and a wife of the Prophet Muhammad”.

When she was brought along with other prisoners-of-war, the Prophet said to her, “Safiyah, your father always maintained enmity with me until Allah made the final decision.” She said, “But Allah does not catch one for the sins of another.”

This of course contradicts Muhammad’s own behavior that annihilated the entire Bani Qainuqa with the pretext that few of them had killed a Muslim in retaliation of him killing a Jew.

He banished an entire tribe, making them pay for the killing of a Muslim. That Muslim had already killed a Jew. But this did not matter to Muhammad. He needed an excuse to lay his hand on their wealth.

That is despite the verse that says “Namely, that no bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another” (Q. 53:38) Also it was not Allah who made the final decision.

See how this despicable man washes his hand from his own crime. Safiyah’s father was killed by Muhammad’s not by Allah. If God wanted to kill all those people He could have done it on his own. God needs no mercenaries to do his will.

“The Prophet then gave her the choice of joining her people after freedom or accepting Islam and coming into a matrimonial relationship with him”

Gave her a choice? What choice? Muhammad had killed her husband and all her relatives. Where could she go? Joining her people? Which people? The men were killed and the women were enslaved.

She was very intelligent and gentle and said, “O Allah’s Messenger, I had hoped for Islam, and I confirmed you before your invitation. Now when I have the honour to be in your presence, I am given a choice between kufr and Islam I swear by Allah, that Allah and His Messenger is dearer to me than my own freedom and my joining with my people.”

Was this confession, if true, sincere? Was she safe to speak her mind? She was enslaved by a man who had exterminated her family. See the reference made to her “freedom”. This shows clearly that she was not free. In fact she must have been very intelligent to fabricate those lies to save her own life. But the truth is that this story is most likely a lie.

“When Safiyah was married, she was very young, and according to one report she was hardly seventeen years old and was extremely beautiful. Once A’isha said a few sentences about her short stature, at which the Prophet said, “You have said a thing that if it were left in the sea, it would mix with it (and make its water dirty). ” (Abu Dawud). She not only deeply loved the Prophet but also greatly respected him as Allah’s Messenger, for she heard the conversations of her father and uncle after they went to Medinah. When the Prophet migrated to Medinah, they came to see him and find out whether he was the true Messenger of Allah spoken of in the Scriptures. When they got back and talked together that night, Safiyah was in her bed listening to them. One of them said, “What do you think about him?” He replied, “He is the same Prophet foretold by our Scriptures.” Then the other said, “What is to be done?” The reply came that they must oppose him with all their might.”

Is this story, narrated by Abu Dawud, credible? How can two Jews recognize Muhammad as the prophet foretold by their scriptures and decide to oppose him with all their might? It defies all logic. It takes a “deficient in intelligence” or a Muslim to believe in this nonsense.

She was deeply in love with Muhammad, the murderer of her father and husband? How stupid can Muslim be to believe in this narration? How can a seventeen years old beautiful girl fall in love with an aging crippled man with a broken tooth and fetid smell? Read my book Understanding Muhammad to learn how Muhammad was deformed and smelled foul.

It’s doubtful these were the words of Safiyah. If she said such thing, she was lying, to make herself safe, but I doubt she said such thing. All we need is a working brain to find where Muslims lie.

Why would someone decide to oppose with all his might the one who he knows is the promised one of his own scriptures? Where in the Bible Muhammad is foretold? Is Muhammad mentioned in the Bible? Read this article to see the pathetic lies of Muslims. Muhammad is not mentioned in the Bible or in any sacred book.

“So Safiyah was convinced of the truth of the Prophet. She spared no pain to look after him, care for him and provide every comfort that she could think of. This is evident since she came into his presence after the fall of Khaibar.”

See how the writer contradicts himself in one page? Just a few lines above we read that she was captured and was taken to Muhammad as a prisoner. She didn’t come on her own. She was taken to Muhammad because she was young and the beautiful.

“The Prophet had a slight grievance against her for she had refused when the Prophet wanted to have privacy with her at the previous stage (of the journey). At the next halt, the Prophet had privacy with her and spent all night with her. When she was asked by Umm Sulaim, “What did you see in Allah’s Messenger?” She said he was very pleased with her and did not sleep at all but was talking to her all night. He had asked her, ‘Why did you refuse at the first stage when I desired privacy with you?’ She had said, ‘I was afraid for you because of the nearness of the Jews. “‘This thing further increased my merit in his eyes.” (Tabaqat).

Bukhari also has recorded some Hadithes telling the invasion of Khaibar and how Muhammad met Safiyah.

Narrated ‘Abdul ‘Aziz:
Anas said, ‘When Allah’s Apostle invaded Khaibar, we offered the Fajr prayer there yearly in the morning) when it was still dark. The Prophet rode and Abu Talha rode too and I was riding behind Abu Talha. The Prophet passed through the lane of Khaibar quickly and my knee was touching the thigh of the Prophet . He uncovered his thigh and I saw the whiteness of the thigh of the Prophet. When he entered the town, he said, ‘Allahu Akbar! Khaibar is ruined. Whenever we approach near a (hostile) nation (to fight) then evil will be the morning of those who have been warned.’ He repeated this thrice. The people came out for their jobs and some of them said, ‘Muhammad (has come).’ (Some of our companions added, “With his army.”) We conquered Khaibar, took the captives, and the booty was collected. Dihya came and said, ‘O Allah’s Prophet! Give me a slave girl from the captives.’ The Prophet said, ‘Go and take any slave girl.’ He took Safiya bint Huyai. A man came to the Prophet and said, ‘O Allah’s Apostles! You gave Safiya bint Huyai to Dihya and she is the chief mistress of the tribes of Quraiza and An-Nadir and she befits none but you.’ So the Prophet said, ‘Bring him along with her.’ So Dihya came with her and when the Prophet saw her, he said to Dihya, ‘Take any slave girl other than her from the captives.’ Anas added: The Prophet then manumitted her and married her.”

Thabit asked Anas, “O Abu Hamza! What did the Prophet pay her (as Mahr)?” He said, “Her self was her Mahr for he manumitted her and then married her.” Anas added, “While on the way, Um Sulaim dressed her for marriage (ceremony) and at night she sent her as a bride to the Prophet . (Sahih Bukhari 1.367)

Mahr is the dowry that a bride gets from her husband when he marries her. Muhammad did not pay Safiyah her Mahr because he had to pay it to himself for manumitting her. This story is significant because it gives us an insight into the moral and ethical values of Muhammad and his benighted followers. Muhammad was a psychopath. But Muslims have no shame. They worship a psychopath and want us to respect them. Does stupidity deserve respect? By virtue of following an insane man, every one of them acts insane.

Any decent, or even normal person cringer with stories like this, yet Muhammad taught that he is going to receive two rewards by marrying Safiyah. One for manumitting someone whom no one but himself had enslaved, and the other for marrying her.

Abu Musa reported that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said about one who emancipated a slave woman, and then married her, that for him there are two rewards. (Sahih Muslim Book 008, Number 3327)

Isn’t that disgusting? Drop this stupid political correctness and call a spade a spade. Muslims are a bunch of morons. How stupid these people can get?

Narrated Anas:
The Prophet offered the Fajr Prayer near Khaibar when it was still dark and then said, “Allahu-Akbar! Khaibar is destroyed, for whenever we approach a (hostile) nation (to fight), then evil will be the morning for those who have been warned.” Then the inhabitants of Khaibar came out running on the roads. The Prophet had their warriors killed, their offspring and woman taken as captives. Safiya was amongst the captives, She first came in the share of Dahya Alkali but later on she belonged to the Prophet . The Prophet made her manumission as her ‘Mahr’. (Sahih Bukhari V.5 B.59 N.512)

To say that I was in a total shock for the next few days is an understatement. I realized that Mohammed orchestrated the first Holocaust in the history of mankind, and then Hitler merely followed his footsteps.

How can any Muslim every justify what he did? He slaughtered innocent men and young boys just because they were Jewish.

My next post would be about the tribulations and afflictions which the Jewish people have been facing for thousands of years and are still fighting for their own land and their identity.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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