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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - An Update From "Liberated"
12/31/2011 8:33:46 AM
Hello Friends,

Here's an update from Liberated. Again it's sad to read the turmoil, sufferings and travail this woman goes through daily as a closet apostate. The constant fear that she'll be found out and killed for her beliefs.

It's good she found an outlet through her blog to express her feelings, frustrations and even sometimes urge to commit suicide cos of her untenable situation. She is to be respected for her courage and determination to live differently. I can only hope that she'll find a way to escape from the country she lives in to a safe haven so that she can live her life as a free person that is the basic right of all of us ....... except in the Islamic world and especially if you're a woman.



I have spent 35 years in an evil cult and it is so difficult to get over it or put it behind me

Thursday, December 29, 2011

I am at work right now but not able to concentrate on anything because there is this deep anger and bitterness inside me which is making it impossible to live a normal life. So I thought, let me start writing and release the tension right away, or else I will end up having a nervous breakdown. Why am I so stressed? Even I do not know for sure, but I guess it is just the people around me who make me mad. I mean these fanatic Muslims who have nothing better to do all day except pray, recite the Quran and share that moron’s anecdotes with other equally stupid idiots.

Someone has commented on my last post that why don’t I share it with my parents instead of writing about it on the blog? I think either that guy is mentally challenged or he is just a sadist who wants to read about yet another honor killing in the Muslim world. My parents are really staunch Muslims. My dad prays in the mosque five times a day and my mom wears the burqa and prays 6 times a day, 5 obligatory prayers and then an additional one called Tahajjud. There is no way I can share with parents or my siblings or any of my relatives, and not even with my Muslim friends or colleagues. If my family ever finds out, they might not kill me, but they will definitely disown me for life.

The only reason I am writing this blog is because I need to release my pent up frustrations and this is the only way I can do it, an anonymous blog. None of you can understand my predicament unless and until you also happen to be an ex-Muslim. Even now, I get nightmares every night where I am either fasting or praying or circumambulating around that black square object in Mecca. I get panic attacks each time I pass by a mosque or hear or see people praying. I have spent 35 years in an evil cult and it is so difficult to get over it or put it behind me. Sometimes, I even feel suicidal because I just cannot take it anymore, I feel extremely lonely and disconnected from the people around me. I feel totally alienated from my own family and I feel this suffocation inside me which is really killing me.

When I was in school, we were taught Islamic studies right from kindergarten till grade 12, and even during my graduation, Islamic studies was a compulsory subject. We were taught a whitewashed version of Mohammed’s biography which depicted him as a saint, a kind hearted and loving prophet of God who wanted a Utopian society where everyone believed in one God. He was a poor orphan who lost his mother at the age of 6 and then was brought up by his grandfather and uncle, then married a woman 15 years older than him. He defended this people from the enemy and the wars that he fought were only defensive. This was what I knew all my life until recently when I read the truth behind his benevolent demeanor, when I was exposed to books such as Understanding Muhammad, The Truth about Muhammad, The Cult of the Moon God, Why I am not a Muslim and several other similar books. One day, I want to write a book as well, about my past life and a typical Muslim woman’s life, the challenges she faces on a day to day basis. In fact, I already got an offer to co-write a book, and I am seriously considering the possibility of doing it.

But before I do that, the blog thing is not a bad idea at all, all thanks to my dear friend & well wisher Robert Spencer. By the way, someone seriously thinks that I happen to be Robert’s alter ego or something like that... Well, to put an end to such baseless rumors, I would appreciate if you could have a look at the following links. Now don’t tell me that Robert would actually go through such lengths to prove his point. Come on guys, he has better things to do than this….Anyway, the following are a few questions that I wrote to Ali Sina when I first started having doubts regarding my beliefs. I have also written to Daniel Pipes, David Wood and Pamela Geller. Now don’t tell me that Robert pretended to be some Shakila and wrote to all of these people. Don’t you think that is far too desperate even if he wants to prove his point that Islam is a hoax? No one can hate anyone or anything that much, to go to such lengths.

I am not trying to defend myself. I don’t care what you think of me but I do feel terribly guilty when you make Robert seem to stoop so low.

Peter Fogel
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Ron Paul on Iranian TV, 2009 Defends Hamas and Suicide Bombing, Bashes Israel
12/31/2011 9:19:17 AM
Hello Friends,

I believe I recently posted the below video but decided to post it again. The idiot not only shows his anti Israel opinions and positions but while responding to questions of his Iranian interviewer (PressTV the Iranian propaganda media outlet) he totally ignores the reason for Israel entering Gaza at the time. Over 10,000 rockets, mortars and missiles launched into southern Israel communities and cities, the kook calls them "home made bombs" what hypocrisy and hatred of Israel. Israel did what any country would do at the time which is to defend herself. I'd hope that even an idiot like Ron Paul would want to defend the US if she was attacked in the same manner.

Yet this lying racist, antisemite and anti Israel bigot would do well to remember his own words when claiming he's a "friend" of Israel and as you'll see in a future post in which he considers himself to be the most pro Israel candidate in the present GOP race. What a joke!



Ron Paul on Iranian TV, 2009 Defends Hamas and Suicide Bombing, Bashes Israel

This interview with Iran's state-run PressTV ran on January 5, 2009. Ron Paul says that the U.S. should stop supporting Israel, defends Hamas, excuses suicide bombing, and calls Gaza a concentration camp: "To me, I look at it like it's a concentration camp, and people are making bombs, like, they're the aggressors?" (Video hat tip Jack)

Previously at Atlas:

Bolton: If You’re Thinking Of Voting For Ron Paul, ‘Think Again’

Ron Paul: U.S. Shouldn't Have Fought Hitler Just to Save Jews From Holocaust

Ron Paul Walks Out On CNN Interview When Asked About His Newsletter Blaming Israel for 1993 WTC Attack

Ron Paul's Racist Newsletters

Peter Fogel
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RE:HSIG - Ron Paul Is Tthe Most Pro-Israel Candidate In This Race,' Days Rep :)
12/31/2011 9:37:50 AM
Hello Friends,

I read the below article and burst out in laughter. A spokesman for the Ron Paul campaign made the claim that Ron Paul is the most pro Israel candidate in the GOP race. He claims that the kook "defended" Israel by voting against aid and loans to Muslim countries which is supposed to make you understand he did this to "protect" Israel rather then his voting against aid and loans to any country regardless if they be Muslim or not. The spokesman also forgot Paul's consistent voting record against anything and everything concerning Israel. So this obvious lie and obfuscation doesn't fool anybody and the only people who'll repeat this rubbish claim are the ronbots.

The below article goes into more detail on this almost joke but more like an admission of his hatred of Israel as seen in his pandering interview to the Iranians in PressTV in the previous post.



Ron Paul is 'the most pro-Israel candidate in this race,' says rep

A spokesman for the Republican presidential candidate defends his record on Israel after former aide claims Paul feels "Israel is more trouble than it is worth" • Paul recently drew fire for racist messages published under his name.

Reuters and Israel Hayom Staff

Ron Paul rebuffs claims he is anti-Israel.
Photo credit: AP

Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul defended his record on Israel Wednesday after a former aide said the congressman favored abolishing the nation.

"Dr. Paul is the most pro-Israel candidate in this race," Campaign Spokesman Gary Howard said in an emailed statement.

"He is the only leader who will stop sending tens of billions of dollars in aid and arms to her Arab enemies, cut off subsidies to companies who do business with Iran, and allow Israel to defend herself as she sees fit, without the permission and interference of the U.S. or the United Nations," Howard said.

Although a longshot to win the Republican presidential race, Paul is a leading contender for next Tuesday's Republican caucus vote in Iowa – the first nominating contest in the nation.

Paul previously drew fire for anti-Israeli and racist, anti-gay messages contained in newsletters published under his name two decades ago. Last Friday, a spokesman for Paul said the congressman apologized for not paying enough attention to "ghostwriters" he said were responsible for the remarks in question and repeated the congressman's disavowal of those views.

But in a lengthy statement posted earlier this week on the blog site, former congressional aide Eric Dondero said his one-time boss had long harbored stridently anti-Israel opinions that he often expressed privately.

Dondero, 49, who said he served as Paul's senior aide in his Gulf Coast district from 1997 through 2003, denied ever seeing evidence that Paul was anti-Semitic.

"He is, however, most certainly, anti-Israel," Dondero wrote. "He wishes the Israeli state did not exist at all. He expressed this to me numerous times in our private conversations.

"His view is that Israel is more trouble than it is worth, specifically to the American taxpayer," Dondero continued. "He sides with the Palestinians and supports their calls for the abolishment of the Jewish state, and the return of Israel, all of it, to the Arabs."

A leading Jewish human rights organization had called on Paul on Wednesday to address Dondero's assertions regarding the candidate's position on Israel.

"We hope that [Paul] would confront this issue," Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder and dean of the Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Center, told Reuters on Wednesday. He noted more than 60 years of bipartisan U.S. support for the Jewish state.

"If he says that his principal aide was mistaken and that he never said that, that is one thing. But if he adheres to such a position, that he believes there ought not be an Israel, that should be a wake-up call to America."

The Wiesenthal Center is not the first Jewish group to express consternation with the Texas congressman over Israel.

The Republican Jewish Coalition declined to invite him to its Dec. 7 candidates forum, citing what it called his extreme views following a debate in November in which Paul argued that the U.S. should be less involved in Israeli affairs.

"They can take care of themselves," he said then. "Why do we have this automatic commitment that we're going to send our kids and send our money endlessly to Israel?"

Paul has called for reduced foreign aid generally.

Dondero, a Navy veteran, acknowledged that Paul's supporters previously dismissed him as a "disgruntled former employee," and said he parted company with Paul in early 2004 over sharp differences on foreign policy matters.

Speaking to Reuters on Wednesday, Dondero, who publishes his own blog and earns a living gathering petition signatures for ballot proposals around the country, stood by his assessment of his former boss.

He said he wrote about Paul in response to requests from other conservative blog writers seeking greater insights into the congressman's views

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE:HSIG - Gadhafi's Daughter Aisha May Seek Asylum In Israel, Report Says
12/31/2011 4:28:58 PM
Hello Friends,

Here's an interesting story with both irony and a special twist.

Aisha Gaddafi, Muammar Gaddafi's daughter who is now residing in Algeria with other members of her family is considering asking Israel for asylum.

The irony is that a daughter of an avowed enemy of Israel thinks she'll be safest in Israel then anywhere else in the world. Her fear is that Algeria will break down and extradite her to Libya as the new Libyan regime is demanding.

The twist in this story is as follows. Over the years there were rumors to the effect that Muammar Gaddafi was Jewish. Now according to a woman living in Netanya, Israel Gaddafi was a distant cousin who visited her family before they immigrated to Israel. This cousin claims that Gaddaffi's mother was Jewish and had converted to Islam.

According to Jewish law the religion of a child is based on the mother's religion. Judaism also considers a person to be Jewish even if they convert to another religion. Now, here's the extra twist. Israel has a law of return which states that all Jews have the right to return/immigrate to Israel and receive automatic citizenship. That also includes people who's spouse is Jewish, a parent was Jewish or grandparent etc. So if the claim that Gadaffi's mother was Jewish is true it gives Aisha the right to immigrate to Israel under the law of return.

Interesting story in my opinion with loads of irony and an unusual twist.



Gadhafi's daughter may seek asylum in Israel, report says

Aisha Gadhafi, daughter of late Libyan leader, reportedly tells European friends that only Israel would ensure her safety • She fears her current Algerian hosts may bow to Libyan pressure to have her extradited • Gadhafi may legally qualify to enter Israel and even receive citizenship under Law of Return.

Israel Hayom Staff

Aisha Gadhafi, daughter of the late Moammar Gadhafi and possible Israeli immigrant.
Photo credit: AP

Israel may soon take in a highly unexpected immigrant. Aisha Gadhafi, the daughter of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, who was killed in October after a nine-month uprising against his regime, may seek political asylum in Israel if she is allowed to enter, the Walla Israeli news website reported on Wednesday. It was quoting the French intelligence website Intelligence Online.

Aisha Gadhafi fled Libya during the violent uprising against her father, and went to Algeria with her mother, two other siblings and other relatives.

The report said she recently told friends in Europe with whom her family had close personal and business ties that she may ask the Israeli government for political asylum because of concerns that her Algerian hosts could buckle under pressure from Libya's new rulers and extradite her to stand trial in her home country.

Gadhafi may legally qualify for immigration to, and even receive citizenship, in the Jewish state under Israel's Law of Return, which stipulates that anyone with at least one Jewish parent or grandparent can receive Israeli citizenship. There have been long-standing rumors that the Gadhafi family has Jewish roots.

In August, a woman living in Netanya claimed to be a distant cousin of Moammar Gadhafi. Gita Boaron, 75, said, "I saw him on a few occasions when we were growing up ... We played together when he visited our home with his aunt Didi. I saw him before my family moved to Israel. He was 7 years old, and I was 13." Boaron also insisted that the late Libyan leader was Jewish, saying his mother was a Jew who had converted to Islam.

Aisha's European friends, meanwhile, reportedly advised her not to request asylum in Israel, warning her it would likely object to taking in the daughter of a former Arab dictator.

Gadhafi, however, has already been in contact with at least one Israeli -- her lawyer. A former prosecutor with the Justice Ministry and at the U.N.'s International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, Nick Kaufman was recently hired by Gadhafi and her brother Saadi to represent them at the International Criminal Court at The Hague.

To date, no charges have been filed against Aisha Gadhafi, and most of Kaufman's work has focused on a petition filed on Gadhafi's behalf to the International Criminal Court demanding an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of her father and brother, Mutassim.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE:HSIG - Gadhafi's Daughter Aisha May Seek Asylum In Israel, Report Says
1/1/2012 4:27:49 PM

This was the year that Obama helped topple several regimes that served as the obstacles to Islamist takeovers

The Year We Lost Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Turkey, Tunisia and Most of the Middle East

- Daniel Greenfield Sunday, January 1, 2012

About the only people having a Happy New Year in the Muslim world aren’t the Christians who are huddling and waiting out the storm, but the Islamists who use a different calendar but are having the best time of their lives since the last Caliphate.
The news that the Obama Administration has brought in genocidal Muslim Brotherhood honcho Yusuf Al-Qaradawi to discuss terms of surrender for the transfer of Afghanistan to the Taliban caps a year in which the Brotherhood and the Salafists are looking up carve up Egypt, the Islamists won Tunisia’s elections, Turkey’s Islamist AKP Party purged the last bastions of the secular opposition and Libya’s future as an Islamist state was secured by American, British and French jets and special forces.

Time Magazine declared that 2011 was the Year of the Protester, they might have more honestly called it the Year of the Islamist. In 2010 the Taliban were still hiding in caves. In 2012 they are set to be in power from Tunisia to Afghanistan and from Egypt to Yemen. They won’t go by that name of course. Most of them will have elaborate names with the words “Justice” or “Community” in them, but they will for the most part be minor variations on the Muslim Brotherhood theme.

2011 will indeed be remembered, but not because of any Arab Spring or OWS nonsense. It will be a pivotal year in the rise of the next Caliphate. A rise disguised by angry protesters waving cell phones and flags. And clueless media coverage that treated Tahrir Square as the new fall of the Berlin Wall.

This was the year that Obama helped topple several regimes that served as the obstacles to Islamist takeovers
This was the year that Obama helped topple several regimes that served as the obstacles to Islamist takeovers. The biggest fish that Ibn Hussein speared out of the sea for Al-Qaradawi was Egypt, a prize that the Islamists had wanted for the longest time, but had never managed to catch. That is until the Caliph-in-Chief got it for them. Egyptian Democracy splits the take between the Brotherhood and the Salafists, whom the media is already quick to describe as moderates. First up against the wall are the Christians. Second up against the wall are the Jews. Third up is all that military equipment we provided to the Egyptian military which will shortly be finding its way to various “moderate militants” who want to discuss our foreign policy with us.

But there’s no reason to sell the fall of Tunisia short or the transition in Yemen. And when mob protests didn’t work, NATO sent in the jets to pound Libya until Al-Qaeda got its way there. Turkey’s fate had been written some time ago, but 2011 was the year that the AKP completed its death grip on the country with a final crackdown on the military, which has now ceased to be a force for stability.

Left out of the picture is Somalia. Liberals fulminated when Bush helped drive out Al-Shaab and its jolly Muslim lads with a habit of beheading people who didn’t grow beards or watched too much soccer. Any number of editorials complained that we had destabilized the country and that the Islamic Courts Union were really a bunch of moderates in disguise.

Sadly Obama has not been able to salvage the position of Al-Shabab which is low on money and has turned to forcing 12 year old girls into prostitution and torturing and murdering those who refuse. They’re also forcing the elderly to join its militias. But there is good news. Like every terrorist group, Al-Shabab has gotten itself a Twitter account and when O finds 5 minutes in between vacations and golf tournaments, the White House will order neighboring African countries to withdraw their armies and send in Al-Qaradawi to negotiate.

But even if the Islamists don’t get Somalia, they’ve got a nice chunk of North Africa to chew over, not to mention a few more slices of the Middle-Eastern pie, and Afghanistan will be back in their hands as soon as they manage to outmaneuver Karzai, which given his paranoia and cunning may admittedly take a while. But the Taliban are not big on maneuvers, they have the manpower, which means it’s only a matter of time until they do what the Mujaheddin did to the puppet Soviet regime. A history that everyone in the region is quite familiar with.

The ugliest part of this story isn’t what Obama did. It’s when he did it.

The ugliest part of this story isn’t what Obama did. It’s when he did it. If he really had no interest in winning Afghanistan, and if as he had said, the Taliban are not our enemy, then why did we stay for so long and lose so many lives fighting a war that the White House had no intention of winning? The ugly conclusion that must be drawn from the timing of the Iraq and Afghanistan withdrawals is that the wars were being played out to draw down around the time of the next election.

There are only two possible explanations. Either we lost the war or Obama never intended to win it and was allowing the Taliban to murder American soldiers until the next election. If so we’re not just looking at a bad man at the teleprompter, we are looking into the face of an evil so amoral that it defies description.

But whatever motives we may attribute to the Obama Administration the outcome of its policies in backing the Arab Spring with influence, training and even weapons is indisputable. What Carter did to Persia, Obama has done to Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan and that’s not the whole of the list.

Iraq will likely fall to Iran in a bloody civil war

Iraq will likely fall to Iran in a bloody civil war, whether it will be parts of the country or the whole country depend on how much support we provide to the Kurds. Under the Obama Administration the level of support is likely to be none.

Once the Islamists firmly take power across North Africa they will begin squeezing the last states that have still not fallen. Last month the leader of the murderous Enhada Islamists who have taken power in Tunisia stopped by Algeria. Morocco has not yet come down, but at this rate it’s only a matter of time.

Syria remains an open question. The Muslim Brotherhood is in a successor position there and would welcome our intervention against the Assad regime. The Assads are no prize and they’re Iranian puppets, but shoving them out would give the Brotherhood yet another country and its sizable collection of weaponry.

All that is bound to make 2012 an ugly year in its own right, especially if the Obama Administration continues allowing the Muslim Brotherhood to control its foreign policy. For all that Time and other mainstream media outlets continue splashing the same protest pornography photos on every page, the region has become an indisputably worse place this year with the majority of moderate governments overthrown and replaced, or in the process of being replaced by Islamist thugs.

Carter can breathe a sigh of relief. In one year the Obama Administration has done far more damage than the bucktoothed buffoon did in his entire term

Carter can breathe a sigh of relief. In one year the Obama Administration has done far more damage than the bucktoothed buffoon did in his entire term. After 2011 we can look back with nostalgia on the days when all that an incompetent leftist in the White House did was lose one country, one canal and a bunch of hostages. Things have gotten so bad that we can safely say that Obama on a good day is worse than Jimmy Carter on a bad day.

Forget the usual end of the year roundups which focus on pop stars, dead celebrities and who wore what and when. None of that really matters. It didn’t matter four years ago. It certainly doesn’t matter now.

2011 was not the year that Steve Jobs died, it was the year that any hope that we were not headed for a violent collision of civilizations died as Western governments helped topple the few moderates and let the worst have their harvest of power.

Will that be considered a bad thing in the long run? It’s hard to say. What Obama did was speed up the date of an inescapable conflict. A day when it will no longer be state-supported terrorists setting off bombs, but when much of the Muslim world will look like Iran and will openly declare that they are at war with us. That was almost certainly bound to happen anyway, but bringing the day forward by ten or twenty years means that we will be less weaker than we might have been when it happens.

Evil has a way of destroying itself, and in his own backward way, Barry Hussein may have helped save civilization

Evil has a way of destroying itself, and in his own backward way, Barry Hussein may have helped save civilization. It will be a long time before we know for sure, but giving the Brotherhood what it wanted before they were ready for it, and before we are so completely crippled by the left’s political correctness that we are left helpless, may be our best hope.

2011 was the year we lost Afghanistan, Egypt, Turkey, Tunisia and many others, but it should not be the year that we lose hope. For all that the bad guys have been gaining and domestic prospects don’t look good, the bad guys have a way of destroying themselves. Give evil its head and it will kill millions, but it will also self-destruct in a spectacular way. Even when it seems as if we have run out of productive things to do, it is instructive to remember that there is a Higher Power in the destinies of men and that the aspirations of evil men to play at being gods eventually leads them to complete and utter ruin through their own arrogance.

But 2011 is also a reminder that the world cannot afford another year of Obama. That it cannot afford the appeasement, the destructive policies or the post-American politics that have made his regime the worst administration in this country’s history. 2011 may be the year that we lost the Middle East, but let’s work to make 2012 the year that this country loses one Barack Hussein Obama.

Daniel Greenfield



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