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Peter Fogel

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The Year We Lost Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Turkey, Tunisia and Most of the Middl
1/1/2012 9:05:10 PM
Hi Evelyn,

Thanks for posting the Daniel Greenfield article. As you know he is one of my favorite authors and goes into detail on the subject he's covering much more then other writers.

Once again he did an excellent job and kudos to him for a first class commentary.




This was the year that Obama helped topple several regimes that served as the obstacles to Islamist takeovers

The Year We Lost Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Turkey, Tunisia and Most of the Middle East

- Daniel Greenfield Sunday, January 1, 2012

About the only people having a Happy New Year in the Muslim world aren’t the Christians who are huddling and waiting out the storm, but the Islamists who use a different calendar but are having the best time of their lives since the last Caliphate.
The news that the Obama Administration has brought in genocidal Muslim Brotherhood honcho Yusuf Al-Qaradawi to discuss terms of surrender for the transfer of Afghanistan to the Taliban caps a year in which the Brotherhood and the Salafists are looking up carve up Egypt, the Islamists won Tunisia’s elections, Turkey’s Islamist AKP Party purged the last bastions of the secular opposition and Libya’s future as an Islamist state was secured by American, British and French jets and special forces.

Time Magazine declared that 2011 was the Year of the Protester, they might have more honestly called it the Year of the Islamist. In 2010 the Taliban were still hiding in caves. In 2012 they are set to be in power from Tunisia to Afghanistan and from Egypt to Yemen. They won’t go by that name of course. Most of them will have elaborate names with the words “Justice” or “Community” in them, but they will for the most part be minor variations on the Muslim Brotherhood theme.

2011 will indeed be remembered, but not because of any Arab Spring or OWS nonsense. It will be a pivotal year in the rise of the next Caliphate. A rise disguised by angry protesters waving cell phones and flags. And clueless media coverage that treated Tahrir Square as the new fall of the Berlin Wall.

This was the year that Obama helped topple several regimes that served as the obstacles to Islamist takeovers
This was the year that Obama helped topple several regimes that served as the obstacles to Islamist takeovers. The biggest fish that Ibn Hussein speared out of the sea for Al-Qaradawi was Egypt, a prize that the Islamists had wanted for the longest time, but had never managed to catch. That is until the Caliph-in-Chief got it for them. Egyptian Democracy splits the take between the Brotherhood and the Salafists, whom the media is already quick to describe as moderates. First up against the wall are the Christians. Second up against the wall are the Jews. Third up is all that military equipment we provided to the Egyptian military which will shortly be finding its way to various “moderate militants” who want to discuss our foreign policy with us.

But there’s no reason to sell the fall of Tunisia short or the transition in Yemen. And when mob protests didn’t work, NATO sent in the jets to pound Libya until Al-Qaeda got its way there. Turkey’s fate had been written some time ago, but 2011 was the year that the AKP completed its death grip on the country with a final crackdown on the military, which has now ceased to be a force for stability.

Left out of the picture is Somalia. Liberals fulminated when Bush helped drive out Al-Shaab and its jolly Muslim lads with a habit of beheading people who didn’t grow beards or watched too much soccer. Any number of editorials complained that we had destabilized the country and that the Islamic Courts Union were really a bunch of moderates in disguise.

Sadly Obama has not been able to salvage the position of Al-Shabab which is low on money and has turned to forcing 12 year old girls into prostitution and torturing and murdering those who refuse. They’re also forcing the elderly to join its militias. But there is good news. Like every terrorist group, Al-Shabab has gotten itself a Twitter account and when O finds 5 minutes in between vacations and golf tournaments, the White House will order neighboring African countries to withdraw their armies and send in Al-Qaradawi to negotiate.

But even if the Islamists don’t get Somalia, they’ve got a nice chunk of North Africa to chew over, not to mention a few more slices of the Middle-Eastern pie, and Afghanistan will be back in their hands as soon as they manage to outmaneuver Karzai, which given his paranoia and cunning may admittedly take a while. But the Taliban are not big on maneuvers, they have the manpower, which means it’s only a matter of time until they do what the Mujaheddin did to the puppet Soviet regime. A history that everyone in the region is quite familiar with.

The ugliest part of this story isn’t what Obama did. It’s when he did it.

The ugliest part of this story isn’t what Obama did. It’s when he did it. If he really had no interest in winning Afghanistan, and if as he had said, the Taliban are not our enemy, then why did we stay for so long and lose so many lives fighting a war that the White House had no intention of winning? The ugly conclusion that must be drawn from the timing of the Iraq and Afghanistan withdrawals is that the wars were being played out to draw down around the time of the next election.

There are only two possible explanations. Either we lost the war or Obama never intended to win it and was allowing the Taliban to murder American soldiers until the next election. If so we’re not just looking at a bad man at the teleprompter, we are looking into the face of an evil so amoral that it defies description.

But whatever motives we may attribute to the Obama Administration the outcome of its policies in backing the Arab Spring with influence, training and even weapons is indisputable. What Carter did to Persia, Obama has done to Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan and that’s not the whole of the list.

Iraq will likely fall to Iran in a bloody civil war

Iraq will likely fall to Iran in a bloody civil war, whether it will be parts of the country or the whole country depend on how much support we provide to the Kurds. Under the Obama Administration the level of support is likely to be none.

Once the Islamists firmly take power across North Africa they will begin squeezing the last states that have still not fallen. Last month the leader of the murderous Enhada Islamists who have taken power in Tunisia stopped by Algeria. Morocco has not yet come down, but at this rate it’s only a matter of time.

Syria remains an open question. The Muslim Brotherhood is in a successor position there and would welcome our intervention against the Assad regime. The Assads are no prize and they’re Iranian puppets, but shoving them out would give the Brotherhood yet another country and its sizable collection of weaponry.

All that is bound to make 2012 an ugly year in its own right, especially if the Obama Administration continues allowing the Muslim Brotherhood to control its foreign policy. For all that Time and other mainstream media outlets continue splashing the same protest pornography photos on every page, the region has become an indisputably worse place this year with the majority of moderate governments overthrown and replaced, or in the process of being replaced by Islamist thugs.

Carter can breathe a sigh of relief. In one year the Obama Administration has done far more damage than the bucktoothed buffoon did in his entire term

Carter can breathe a sigh of relief. In one year the Obama Administration has done far more damage than the bucktoothed buffoon did in his entire term. After 2011 we can look back with nostalgia on the days when all that an incompetent leftist in the White House did was lose one country, one canal and a bunch of hostages. Things have gotten so bad that we can safely say that Obama on a good day is worse than Jimmy Carter on a bad day.

Forget the usual end of the year roundups which focus on pop stars, dead celebrities and who wore what and when. None of that really matters. It didn’t matter four years ago. It certainly doesn’t matter now.

2011 was not the year that Steve Jobs died, it was the year that any hope that we were not headed for a violent collision of civilizations died as Western governments helped topple the few moderates and let the worst have their harvest of power.

Will that be considered a bad thing in the long run? It’s hard to say. What Obama did was speed up the date of an inescapable conflict. A day when it will no longer be state-supported terrorists setting off bombs, but when much of the Muslim world will look like Iran and will openly declare that they are at war with us. That was almost certainly bound to happen anyway, but bringing the day forward by ten or twenty years means that we will be less weaker than we might have been when it happens.

Evil has a way of destroying itself, and in his own backward way, Barry Hussein may have helped save civilization

Evil has a way of destroying itself, and in his own backward way, Barry Hussein may have helped save civilization. It will be a long time before we know for sure, but giving the Brotherhood what it wanted before they were ready for it, and before we are so completely crippled by the left’s political correctness that we are left helpless, may be our best hope.

2011 was the year we lost Afghanistan, Egypt, Turkey, Tunisia and many others, but it should not be the year that we lose hope. For all that the bad guys have been gaining and domestic prospects don’t look good, the bad guys have a way of destroying themselves. Give evil its head and it will kill millions, but it will also self-destruct in a spectacular way. Even when it seems as if we have run out of productive things to do, it is instructive to remember that there is a Higher Power in the destinies of men and that the aspirations of evil men to play at being gods eventually leads them to complete and utter ruin through their own arrogance.

But 2011 is also a reminder that the world cannot afford another year of Obama. That it cannot afford the appeasement, the destructive policies or the post-American politics that have made his regime the worst administration in this country’s history. 2011 may be the year that we lost the Middle East, but let’s work to make 2012 the year that this country loses one Barack Hussein Obama.

Daniel Greenfield


Peter Fogel
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RE: HSIG- Unemployment In Israel Hits Historic 30-Year Low
1/1/2012 9:06:14 PM
Hello Friends,

In a world where the majority of what we hear and read about is bad news I'm happy to report some good news as well.

The Israeli Bureau of Statistics reported that in October the unemployment hit a historic low of 5%. This is one of the best stats in the world and this is indeed good news.

Read more in the below article.



Unemployment in Israel hits historic 30-year low

Central Bureau of Statistics report reveals only 155,000 Israelis are currently unemployed • 1.3% drop since last December defies forecasts by top economists • Bank of Israel warns that unemployment will likely increase in the coming year.

Zeev Klein

Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer has a gloomy outlook for 2012.
Photo credit: Lior Mizrahi

The unemployment rate in Israel dropped to a 30-year low of only 5 percent in October, the Central Bureau of Statistics reported Monday.

The bureau's data indicates that the number of Israelis without work is currently 155,000 - a drop of 1.3% since December 2010. This means that no fewer than 40,300 out of work-able people found gainful employment. These numbers fly in the face of forecasts by top economists, including the Bank of Israel and the OECD, who predicted that unemployment would rise by 1% to 1.5% and reach 6.5% by the end of this year.

The unexpected drop in unemployment can be attributed to accelerated economic growth, increased efficiency and a rise in the quality of life.

The report puts Israel on a higher standing than most Western countries. The U.S. currently has a rate of 8.6% unemployment, and the eurozone nations come in at an average of 10.3%.

The last time a 5% unemployment rate was recorded in Israel was during the early 1980s. Israel's current unemployment hovers close to a level of "natural unemployment," the rate of unemployment that occurs during citizens' natural transitions from one job to another. Unlike their counterparts in Europe and the U.S., the unemployed in Israel have been finding new jobs across the spectrum, with many of the positions being full-time.

"We are very proud of the drop in unemployment. This historic number is thanks to successful government policies we put in place to prevent a recession. As such, it is imperative that we keep working to maintain the low unemployment rate in the future. In light of the current crisis in Europe, we will need to continue cultivating investment and growth in the market while exercising a responsible fiscal policy," Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz (Likud) said.

Steinitz's optimism was dampened by Bank of Israel forecasts predicting a renewed rise in unemployment and an economic slowdown. Despite a growth rate of 4.8% in 2011, it projected that the economy would only grow at a rate of 2.8% in 2012, down from their prediction last month of 3.2%.

The Finance Ministry will take the Bank of Israel's economic forecast into account in its future policies.

The anticipated dip in growth comes from a decrease in demand for exports caused by the global economic crisis, which has slashed quality of life around the world. The economic troubles plaguing Europe have weighed especially heavy on the Bank of Israel's outlook -- as it grapples with bailouts for failed economies such as Greece and other nations on the brink of collapse, its economists have been advising extra caution.

According to Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer, current statistics are in line with the expected continued slowdown across the eurozone in 2012. Export growth is expected to drop from 3.9% in 2011 to 1.2% in 2012, and an even sharper plummet is predicted for import growth, from 8.8% all the way down to 1.4%.

Concerning the housing market, the Bank of Israel has noted a drop in prices for new apartments. According to a Bank of Israel spokesperson, the drop comes from "continued growth in building projects, the delayed reaction to a rise in interest rates, the Bank's adjustments to mortgages and steps taken by the Finance Ministry in real estate taxation. All of these factors contributed, and their influence will continue to be felt in the future."

Peter Fogel
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RE: HSIG- Unemployment In Israel Hits Historic 30-Year Low
1/3/2012 1:49:03 PM
Hello Friends,

One thing you can take as a given is that the different terrorist organizations are totally corrupt in addition to their jihadi attacks.

The best example was Yasser Arafat the leader of the PLO/Fatah and the first president of the Palestinian Authority. While the arabs under the PA rule (it then also included Gaza) were living in dire poverty he and his crony/henchmen were amassing fortunes. At his death he was worth a couple of billion dollars.

It appears that Hezbollah's leader Nasrallah is doing the same thing. Hezbollah is on the verge of going broke but he has a fortune of $250 million . They're in bad shape since Syria isn't giving them money due to the revolution taking place there and Iran their major funder drastically cut the monies they send them.

In any case it appears that leading a terror organization is a very profitable business. The below article and links cover this in detail.



"A fool and his money are soon partying" - Steven Wright

Hizballah is reportedly going broke, but Nasrallah is said to be livin' large. "Hezbollah's Nasrallah worth $250M?" by Doron Peskin for YNet News, December 29:

American intelligence officials estimate fortune of Shiite organization's leader, senior members totals some $2 billion, which are scattered in hundreds of bank accounts across the world
Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah is worth some $250 million, a Saudi newspaper reported recently, quoting American intelligence officials.
According to the report, the fortune of Nasrallah's deputy, Sheikh Naim Qassem, and other senior organization members amounts to as much as $2 billion.
The anonymous intelligence sources believe the funds have been deposited in hundreds of bank accounts across the world, including in Europe, using fabricated or fake names.
Two Western sources are quoted as saying that the Hezbollah leaders from time to time channel millions of dollars from their bank accounts or their wives' bank accounts to senior members of the Revolutionary Guards in Iran, who are responsible for transferring money to the Shiite organization from the office of Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
According to the report, Iranian parliament members are aware of this corruption, are unhappy with it but are avoiding discussing it.
Straw companies
A British security source who worked at the embassies in Saudi Arabia and Lebanon in the 1990s is quoted as saying that the West has figured out Hezbollah's money laundering method.
According to the source, the Shiite organization's common method is setting up straw companies in Arab or African countries, which sell cars or large amounts of goods.

See also: the recent identification of a ring of over 30 U.S. auto businesses implicated in funneling almost half a billion dollars to Hizballah.

The organizations also operate small cells of six to 10 people who specialize in stealing cellular phones, personal computers or credit cards, and open fake bank accounts using the victims' details.
According to the report, the Hezbollah members also specialize in stealing passports, which are used by the organization operatives to travel around the world for commerce purposes, among others.
By setting up companies, mainly in Eastern European countries and in Soviet republics in central Asia, Hezbollah provides all the financial needs of the organization members in Lebanon.
According to a recent report among many on the organization's financial situation, senior Iranian officials are furious over an internal report pointing to corruption among Hezbollah's highest ranks.
Another report says the Iranians were "amazed" to learn of the flamboyant life led by the organization members, mainly during their visits abroad.

Peter Fogel
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RE: HSIG- Muslims Drive Out Christians From PA Territories
1/3/2012 2:33:13 PM
Hello Friends,

In many cities in the Palestinian Authority and in Gaza there were large Christian communities. In Gaza they are all but decimated and living in constant fear. In Ramallah a major city in the PA there were many Christians a large part of them left for foreign shores. The worst city of them all is Bethlehem where there used to be a majority of Christians in the city. Due to discrimination and pressure the majority of them left most for other countries and some moved to other cities within the PA. Some lucky ones succeeded in crossing over to Israel but not many were able to do that for internal reasons. The PA didn't want PA Christians moving to Israel fearing bad publicity.

I used to own a children's clothing factory and some of my best customers were Christian Arabs from Ramallah. Over the years we became very good friends and consequently visited each others homes as well. They were 2 brothers Samir and Michel Masad. They had a very successful business and the majority of their customers were muslims. Over the years Samir the younger of the 2 brothers told me many horrifying stories about the troubles they have as Christians in Ramallah. His children were slowly leaving for America, Canada, Australia, NZ etc. They preferred English speaking countries cos they spoke perfect English. I left Israel for South Africa in 1989 and when I returned 10 years later it wasn't possible to visit Ramallah as in the past and lost contact with them till around a year ago I made contact with Samir and only he, his wife and brother are left in Ramallah. All his children and their families left the PA. He was very sad and quite broken up about it but for business reasons he stayed but is planning to leave in the near future. The Masad family saga is but one of many many thousands that were either killed or forced to leave and losing all they owned.

The below article/report goes into more detail but I wanted to give a personal perspective to this sad issue as well.



Muslims Drive out Christians from PA Territories

Published: Sunday, December 18, 2011 8:33 AM
Interview Series: International human rights lawyerJustus Reid Weiner: "They flee to almost any country that will issue them a visa."

"The disputed territories of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip have been administered by the Palestinian Authority (PA) and in more recent years, in part, by Hamas. Under these regimes, the resident Christian Arabs have been victims of frequent human rights abuses including intimidation, beatings, land theft, firebombing of churches and other Christian institutions, denial of employment, economic boycott, torture, kidnapping, forced marriage, sexual harassment, and extortion.

"Muslims who have converted to Christianity are the ones in the greatest in danger. They are often left defenseless against cruelty by Muslim fundamentalists. PA and Hamas officials are directly responsible for many of the human rights violations. Christian Arabs also fall victim to the semi-anarchy that typifies PA rule."

Justus Reid Weiner is an international human rights lawyer and a member of the Israel and New York Bar Associations. His professional publications have appeared in leading law journals and intellectual magazines. Weiner lectures widely abroad and in Israel and teaches international law and business courses at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

In Weiner's view, the crimes committed against Christian Arabs result from a way of thinking that dates back to the earliest days of Islam. "Traditionally, Christians and Jews were given an inferior social status known as dhimmitude in Islam. To this day, Muslim attitudes toward Christians and Jews are influenced by the concepts and prejudices that dhimmitude has spawned in Islamic society. The widespread persecution of Christians in various Muslim dominated lands brings many proofs of this.[1]

"Israel is the only exception in the Middle East where the Christian population since 1948 has increased. It has risen by more than 400 percent. This also includes non-Arab Christians, such as Russian Christians who have moved to Israel as spouses of Jews.

"As dhimmis, Christians living in Palestinian-controlled territories are subjected to debilitating legal, political, cultural, and religious restrictions. Muslim groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad have built a culture of hatred upon the age-old foundations of Islamic society. Moreover, the PA has adopted Islamic law into its draft constitution.

"In such an environment, Christian Arabs have found themselves victims of prejudice and hate crimes. Tens of thousands of Palestinian Christians have left their ancestral homes and emigrated. They flee to almost any country that will issue them a visa.

"The demographics in the Palestinian areas have changed drastically. In Bethlehem, the Christian population was an 80 percent majority in 1950. Today the population of Christian Arabs in Bethlehem is hovering at about 15 percent of the city's total population. Neither the Palestinian Christian leaders nor the PA want to reveal accurate statistics. That would mean the extent of the emigration would become publicly known. They would then have to face questions about the reasons for this decline."

Seventy percent of Christian Arabs who originally resided in the PA adminsitered areas now live abroad.
Weiner points out that Yasser Arafat determined the policy that led to this demographic shift. "After the PA gained control of Bethlehem, it redistricted the municipal boundaries of the city. Arafat also defied tradition by appointing a Muslim governor of the city. The Bethlehem City Council, which by Palestinian law must have a Christian majority, has been taken over by Muslims. Eight of the fifteen seats on the Council are still reserved for Christians, but Hamas controls the City Council with some Christian allies. Arafat crowned his efforts when he converted the Greek Orthodox monastery next to the Church of Nativity into his official Bethlehem residence.[2]

"The problems for Christians in Bethlehem are typical throughout the Middle East. As in Palestinian society, Christian Arabs have no voice and no protection. It is no wonder they have been leaving. Because of emigration – some of it dating back two or three generations – seventy percent of Christian Arabs who originally resided in the West Bank and Gaza now live abroad. Tens of thousands live in Sydney, Berlin, Santiago, Detroit, and Toronto. The emigration of Christian Arabs has multiplied over the last decade, with no end in sight.

"It is currently estimated that the number of Christians living in Gaza totals only 1,500-3,000 amid 1.2 million Muslims.[3] Probably less than fifty thousand Christians remain in all of East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza together.”

Weiner concludes: "The human rights crimes against the Christian Arabs in the disputed territories are committed by Muslims. Yet many Palestinian Christian leaders accuse Israel of these crimes rather than the actual perpetrators. These patriarchs and archbishops of Christian Arab denominations obfuscate the truth and put their own people in danger. This is often for personal benefit or due to intimidation. This motif has been adopted by a variety of Christian leaders in the Western world. Others who are aware of the human rights crimes choose to remain silent about them."

[1] Paul Marshall and Lela Gilbert, Their Blood Cries Out (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2007); Nina Shea, In the Lion's Den: A Shocking Account of Persecuted and Martyrdom of Christians Today and How We Should Respond (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman, 2007).

[2] Aaron Klein, "Media's Two-Faced Christmas Coverage: Muslims Driving Christians out of Bethlehem, but Media Outlets Choose to Blame Israel," Ynetnews, 24 December 2007,,7340,L-3486144,00.html.

[3] Julie Stahl, "Gaza Bible Society Surprised by Bomb Attack," Cybercast News Service, 16 April 2007,

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG- Hollywood Discovers Israel’s Biggest Danger
1/3/2012 3:08:19 PM
Hello Friends,

The below article is an interesting one even though it's different from the articles I normally post here. It's a wonderful resume for Israel and I often try to convince people and friends to come and visit Israel this article does it in a very nice and pleasant way



Hollywood Discovers Israel’s Biggest Danger

Visiting Hollywood and Latin entertainers, surprised at the safety and beauty of Israel discover the big risk – “You won’t want to leave.”

By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
First Publish: 12/5/2011, 9:39 AM

Kellan Lutz in Jerusalem
Kellan Lutz in Jerusalem
Israel news photo: Foreign Ministry

“America’s Voices in Israel,” a group that promotes the Jewish state for tourism and culture, has organized a tour that includes The Twilight Saga film series star Kellan Lutz, veteran TV Miguel Ferrer, Latina salsa superstar Carolina La O and Seattle talk show host John Carlson, among others.

They also have no problem visiting what pro-Arab media and countries call “occupied Jerusalem” and the “occupied Golan Heights.”

"Israel has so much to offer, whatever you're into, from old history to fun activities. We went zip-lining in the Golan Heights yesterday, and I got a nice tan off-road jeeping,” said Lutz, who is on his second trip to Israel.

"Most people in the United States picture ducking flying bullets and explosions," Ferrer, said at a Jerusalem press conference. "Pretty much everything I thought was wrong or incredibly shortsighted or ignorant."

"There is something to be learned from every person I speak to, from the high-level cabinet official to the guy who brings me coffee in the morning. In the States, everyone thinks Israeli people are like-minded, and nothing could be further from the truth.”

Carolina La O, from Colombia, was so pleasantly surprised that she said, "People say you take a risk coming here. The only risk is that you won't want to leave."

Like almost every non-Jewish – and even many Jewish – first-time visitors, the entertainers saw an entirely different country than what is depicted in mainstream media.

"It was surprising how safe Jerusalem is – safer even than Seattle in terms of how at ease people seem to feel,” said Carlseon. “The biggest misconception people have in the United States is that there is constant tension in Israel, and I just don't see it…. The only down side is once you're here you realize how much more there is to explore, which is why I'll be coming back."

America's Voices in Israel began 10 years ago by bringing traditional media and radio personalities to broadcast live from Israel. In late 2010, under the leadership of Irwin Katsof, the program started bringing "new media" mavens, professional athletes and entertainers, key opinion-makers, moderate Muslim leaders, diplomats and other influential personalities to get acquainted with Israel's science and technology, agriculture and fashion, entertainment and art, religions, culture and history.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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