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Helen Elias

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RE: HSIG - Voices of Palestine: Ahlam Tamimi
11/20/2011 7:43:39 PM

Hello Jack Sunshine

You forgot to mention the one place that the Arabs are happy to be living ...ISRAEL, of all places!

If I recall the correct numbers, there are 1 million Arabs living in Israel! Muslims would have us believe the Arabs in Israel are mistreated by the Israelis and frankly, I wouldn't blame the Israelis if they did treat them horribly but apparently that is not the case. If it was true,
why are they not fleeing to one of the surrounding Muslim/Arab countries in the region?. They could walk to some of these countries. There are Muslim countries all over the Middle East to which they could flee such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Syria, Lebanon, Jordon, Iraq, etc. etc. You don't see the Arabs in Israel fleeing from Israel. Why? They love living there, that's why. They are even allowed to participate in the Israeli government.

If Jews or Americans or Christians were living in the Palestinian Territories (PA), they would have long since been run out of the area or been killed which is exactly what has happened there. There are almost no Christians and certainly no Jews living in the PA. When is the world going to wake up and see what is the truth regarding the PA and Israel. Israel wants peace so badly they are willing to give away lands and other concessions that I don't think are good for Israel to do. Giving the PA anything will not bring peace. Israel, are you listening? You know this is true, Israel ...but as usual, you are always hoping. While Israel is looking for peace, the PA is looking to kill Jews and as many as possible. Ultimately, they want to run the Israelis completely out of their God-given land. God says it won't happen. So, Palestinians, why don't you stop kicking the gourds?

By the way, surely you did not intend for your article to be laid out in the format it is displayed, did you?


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Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/21/2011 8:46:22 AM
Hi Helen,

You're so right. What you didn't mention and might not be aware of is that parts of the two state peace process include land swaps and all the Arabs living in those areas oppose being under the PA authorities rule. Even those members of Knesset who are advocates of the PA and Hamas. Another case in point are the Muslims living in East Jerusalem who have Israeli citizenship and openly support aren't willing to lose their Israeli citizenship.

There have been cases when Israeli Nationalists "invited" those falsely accusing Israel of discrimination to move to the PA or Gaza they adamantly refuse. The Israeli Arabs live in comfort, freedom with security and equality which no Muslim country can boast of so there is no surprise they want to live in and remain Israeli citizens.

As for Jack Sunshine's post. The editor sometimes has a mind of it's own and screws up posts. Rest assured he didn't want his post to be formatted as it was.


Hello Jack Sunshine

You forgot to mention the one place that the Arabs are happy to be living ...ISRAEL, of all places!

If I recall the correct numbers, there are 1 million Arabs living in Israel! Muslims would have us believe the Arabs in Israel are mistreated by the Israelis and frankly, I wouldn't blame the Israelis if they did treat them horribly but apparently that is not the case. If it was true,
why are they not fleeing to one of the surrounding Muslim/Arab countries in the region?. They could walk to some of these countries. There are Muslim countries all over the Middle East to which they could flee such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Syria, Lebanon, Jordon, Iraq, etc. etc. You don't see the Arabs in Israel fleeing from Israel. Why? They love living there, that's why. They are even allowed to participate in the Israeli government.

If Jews or Americans or Christians were living in the Palestinian Territories (PA), they would have long since been run out of the area or been killed which is exactly what has happened there. There are almost no Christians and certainly no Jews living in the PA. When is the world going to wake up and see what is the truth regarding the PA and Israel. Israel wants peace so badly they are willing to give away lands and other concessions that I don't think are good for Israel to do. Giving the PA anything will not bring peace. Israel, are you listening? You know this is true, Israel ...but as usual, you are always hoping. While Israel is looking for peace, the PA is looking to kill Jews and as many as possible. Ultimately, they want to run the Israelis completely out of their God-given land. God says it won't happen. So, Palestinians, why don't you stop kicking the gourds?

By the way, surely you did not intend for your article to be laid out in the format it is displayed, did you?


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Caroline Glick On The Dangers Of A Nuclear Iran
11/21/2011 8:48:44 AM
Hello Friends,

I've posted videos with Carolin Glick in the past and aside from her bio below the video she is also the founder and managing director of the brilliant Latmah satire program and website. I often post videos from this site.

In the below Caroline is talking about the nuclear Iranian threat not only to Israel and the United States but the western world and very possibly Muslim countries who are not in their axis of evil. She's definitely well worth listening to.

As an aside Caroline is verrrrry pregnant and you can actually see the discomfort on her face during her speech and question and answer period. A thought that came to mind while listening and watching her is that you have a speaker who is so knowledgeable on the topics she speaks about she has no need for a TELEPROMPTER!!!. Can you imagine the fraud and great pretender talking without his TP?? All you get from him is uh, ah, uhm etc. In other words gibberish. With the teleprompter it's all lies so ah, uh and uhm might actually be preferable ........ at least it's the true extent of his knowledge on any subject. :)



Quotes of the Day: Iran

Such asshattery is without equal:

Panetta: Strike on Iran could hurt world economy (Reuters) huh?

Geller: Nuclear strike by Iran could destroy the free world (Atlas) d'oh

Listen to my dear friend, Caroline Glick, lay out the facts.

Glick backgrounder: Caroline Glick is the deputy managing editor of The Jerusalem Post.

  • Worked in the IDF's Judge Advocate General division during the First Intifada in 1992
  • Co-authored an IDF-published book, Israel, the Intifada and the Rule of Law.
  • Following the Oslo Accords, she worked as coordinator of negotiations with the Palestinian Authority
  • Retired from the military with the rank of captain at the end of 1996
  • Assistant to the director general of the Israel Antiquities Authority
  • Served as assistant foreign policy advisor to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
  • Master of Arts in Public Policy from Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government, in 2000
  • Author, Shackled Warrior: Israel and the Global Jihad

She knows.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Ron Paul Blames US Policies For 911
11/22/2011 6:29:45 AM
Hello Friends,

Once again Ron Paul blames the United States for the Jihadi 911 attack. It comes full circle with this guy. In an interview with Face the Nation he stated his opinion but hemmed and hawed when pressed for a definitive answer.

According to him there is no threat or danger to the world if Iran goes Nuclear and the list of his child like foreign policies and opinions are endless.

His only positive attributes are his fiscal policies and fight against the FED but that alone isn't sufficient to vote for this joker considering his stance on all other issues some of which are down right dangerous.

Below is an article form The Hill reviewing his interview and for those interested in listening to parts of the interview please go here.



By Justin Sink - 11/20/11 11:25 AM ET

Ron Paul said that American policymakers were at least partially at fault for the country being attacked on 9/11 during a discussion of foreign policy on CBS's Face the Nation Sunday.

Paul argued that the American military presence in Saudi Arabia - rather than ideological differences or anger over American prosperity - were motivation for the September 11 hijackers.

"Just remember that immediately after 9/11, we removed the base in Saudi Arabia, our policies definitely had an influence," Paul said. "To argue the case they want to do us harm because we're free and prosperous I think is a very dangerous notion, because it's not true."

Host Bob Schieffer then pressed Paul on whether that wasn't the equivalent of blaming America for the attacks.

"If you have a flawed policy, that may have influenced it… that's a far cry from blaming America," Paul responded.

"So what you're saying is that it was the government's fault," Schieffer then said.

"I'm saying the policymaker's fault," Paul responded. "[They] contributed to it, contributed to it."

Paul went on to say that if he became president, he would pull troops out of overseas bases, arguing that submarines and long-range missiles would work just as well as deterrents.

"Absolutely, and the people are with me on that, those troops oversees aggravate our enemies," Paul said.

The Texas congressman went on to warn against posturing towards Iran after a recent intelligence report found that the nation was more aggressively seeking nuclear weapons.

"I think the greatest danger for us now is to overreact… Iran doesn't have a bomb, there's no proof, and for us to overreact and talk about bombing Iran is much more dangerous," Paul said.

He also said that he did not support sanctions against the nation, arguing they were the "initial steps towards war."

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - U.S., Britain, Canada Announce New Iran Sanctions
11/23/2011 7:34:00 AM
Hello Friends,

The US, Britain and Canada announce new and supposedly stiffer sanctions on the lunatic Iranian regime. The question will these sanctions have any more effect on the Ahmadinejad/Khameini regime then previous sanctions? Personally I seriously doubt it and the past unsuccessful sanctions are proof of that and they will go down in history as to little and to late.

We have to remember that Russia and China both are against the sanctions and will continue dealing with Iran as they have in the past. Add to that all the South American countries that are supplying the Iranians with needed equipment, goods and military aid including for their nuclear race all you'll see is the Iranian's continuing to laugh in the face of the West.

As an aside we also know there are companies all over the western world that continue to do business with Iran bypassing the previous sanctions via proxies and affiliate companies and will continue to do so with the new sanctions as well.

So, sanctions won't do the trick and is actually playing into the hands of the lunatics in Iran.



U.S., Britain, Canada Announce New Iran Sanctions

As Iran inches closer to nuclear weapons, the U.S., Britain and Canada announce new sanctions on the Islamic Republic.
By Elad Benari
First Publish: 11/22/2011, 5:14 AM

President Barack Obama
President Barack Obama
Israel news photo: Wikimedia Commons/Pete Souza, The Obama-Biden Transition Project

The United States, Britain and Canada have all announced a new set of tougher sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program.

The announcements are in accordance with an earlier report which said that Western countries are preparing such sanctions.

The Associated Press reported that the American sanctions target Iran’s oil and petrochemicals industry and Iranian companies involved in nuclear procurement or enrichment activity.

The U.S. has also declared Iran’s banking system a center for money laundering, a way of warning financial institutions around the world to think twice before doing business with Tehran.

“Iran has chosen the path of international isolation,” President Barack Obama said in a statement on Monday. “As long as Iran continues down this dangerous path, the United States will continue to find ways, both in concert with our partners and through our own actions to isolate and increase the pressure upon the Iranian regime.”

Meanwhile, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, said that all UK credit and financial institutions had to cease trading with Iran’s banks starting Monday afternoon, according to a report on the BBC.

“We believe that the Iranian regime’s actions pose a significant threat to the UK’s national security and the international community,” Osborne was quoted as having said. “Today’s announcement is a further step to preventing the Iranian regime from acquiring nuclear weapons.”

It is the first time the UK has cut off a country’s banking sector in this way, the BBC noted.

Canada has also announced measures against the Islamic Republic. Government House Leader Peter Van Loan said on Monday that among other measures, Canada will “block virtually all transactions with Iran, including those with the Central Bank.”

“The regime in Iran poses a significant threat to regional and global peace,” Van Loan was quoted by CTV News as having said. “We will do what it takes to isolate the regime and to minimize the risk that it poses.”

A statement from Canada’s Foreign Affairs Department said the sanctions also include expanding the list of items that cannot be exported to Iran to include all goods used in the petrochemical, oil and gas industry.

The Canadian government will also be expanding the list of individuals Canadians can no longer conduct business with, CTV reported.

The sanctions follow a November 8 report by the U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency that made it clear Iran's nuclear development program is not intended solely for peaceful domestic purposes, as it has claimed. The report detailed evidence that Iranian scientists are producing nuclear warheads to be fitted on to Shahab-3 long-range missiles. The Shahab-3 is able to reach the State of Israel.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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