Hello Peter,
I found this article on David Manning website and this writer has covered much of the comments and explanations as I understand.. I was trying to discuss with you several days ago and seemed to make a real mess.
I hope this writer will make more sense to you where I was coming from.
AmandaDear Friends –
In these last days when innocent people are killed by terrorists, the fact that
the terrorists are Muslims, doing what the Koran of Islam teaches, can not be
mentioned. Why? It might even be a hate crime law violation to say that truth.
Have you noticed how hate crime laws protect groups like Muslims from
Christians who would do their Christian duty of love toward them?
What is the Christian duty of love to the Muslims bound in Satan’s largest
religion of Islam? Acts 26:18 explicitly tells us that Christian duty of love to
the Muslims. We are to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to
light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness
of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in
THE Lord Jesus Christ.
There are many who believe, with many good reasons, that 911 was an inside
job. Nevertheless, the fact remains that it was Muslims who, even if they did
not do the killing or had inside help to do the 911 job for Lucifer, it was the
Muslims at least taking credit for it, and it certainly was the Muslims who were
celebrating it. It was Muslims who celebrated 911 as an Islamic victory. Muslims
have a religious duty to kill innocent sub-humans as their Koran teaches them.
Why is that truth of Islam not mentioned? The Muslims doing the terrorist killing
proudly take credit for their demonic deed, and delight in their hatred of all
non-Muslims. The Muslim terrorists and non-terrorists alike, celebrate the killing
of non-Muslims as pleasing obedience to Allah, and know full well that this is the
teaching of the Koran.
I have read the Koran. I know about abrogation. Everything in the Koran abrogates
to Sura Nine. Nothing in Sura Nine can be abrogated away. If you know what Sura
Nine says you know what the Koran teaches better than 95% if those who profess
to be Muslims and even their teachers. Anyone who says Islam is a peaceful
religion is lying, or very ignorant of what the Koran teaches. Princes, Popes,
and Presidents should not be allowed to say such an ignorant thing, without
being challenged regarding such ignorance or lies. The central truth of Islam is
that Allah is Lucifer, Satan, the devil. Allah was Lucifer, the moon god of Arabia,
for a thousand years before Mohammad was born. Allah is SATAN, and the
Princes, Popes, and Presidents who say Islam is a peaceful religion, or that Islam
should be respected and tolerated, do so because Lucifer is their god. How much
respect is found in Saudi Arabia for the Holy Bible? It is a death penalty offense
to be caught with one there. How many Christian Churches, or Jewish Synagogues,
or Buddhist Temples, or Hindu Temples does the government of Saudi Arabia allow
to be built? ZERO. How much respect do Muslims have for non-Muslims, ZERO.
The Koran teaches that non-Muslims are sub human.
So that you KNOW, the following is the core teaching of the Muslim inspired books,
and the prophet of Lucifer’s moon god. It is sura number nine, called IMMUNITY.
You will see the religion of the Muslim is to KILL all Non-Muslims, and the sura is
called IMMUNITY, because the Muslims are IMMUNE from any normal morality
ABSOLUTE FINAL REAL TRUTH OF THE KORAN. Everyone should clearly see
from such IMMUNITY that Allah is Satan, the devil, the father or LIES. If you will
read this one Sura Nine, then you can in fact, and in truth, say you know the
teaching of the Koran better than 99% of the teachers of Islam.
If you know what the IMMUNITY Sura Nine, to which everything else in the Koran
abrogates to, then you know:
1 – The god of Islam is pleased when the Muslim deceives the Non-Muslim.
2 – The god of Islam is pleased when the Muslim steals from the Non-Muslim.
3 – The god of Islam is pleased when the Muslim enslaves the Non-Muslim.
4 – The god of Islam is pleased when the Muslim kills the Non-Muslim.
The teaching of the Koran is that the Muslim has total IMMUNITY from any normal
morality or human decency toward Non-Muslims. The more the Muslim can LIE,
ESPECIALLY Christians and Jews, (people of the Book), the more pleased the
god of Islam is with the Muslim. Muslims by such demonic inhumanity proves his
devotion to the god of Islam. The more demonic the Muslim can behave regarding
the people of the Book in particular, and all Non-Muslims in general, the better the
god of Islam likes it. It should be clear that the god of Islam is Lucifer, Satan, the
The Luciferian control freaks who now control the governments of this world have
planned THREE World Wars since at least 1871. Many will be offended when I
say this truth; but, socialism is a lie of the antichrist satanic religion, every bit as
much a satanic lie as is Islam. The satanic lie of Socialism is that it is supposed
to be from everyone’s means to everyone’s needs. THAT IS THE GREAT LIE
of Socialism. Socialism is NOT everyone contributing to one big pie so that
everyone might satisfy their hunger need from that big pie. Socialism is really
the SATANIC ROADMAP to power for the super rich. It is the fast track to
bondage and oppression of all but the elite global Satanists. When one
understands that the love of money is the root of all evil, it becomes easier
to see through the lies of Socialism. The global Satanists have planned their
global Socialist or global Satanic state for hundreds of years. This Antichrist
New World Order government would emerge out of the chaos of the Third
World War. The final World War would be the Great Tribulation War of which
Jesus spoke of in Matt 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. All are called to endure to
the end. Pre-trib rapture is a LIE that will be proven a lie very soon now with
that Great Tribulation war. This third world war would pit the Islamic nations
against what remained of Christianity and capitalism.
World war three is all set up now and cannot be turned back. THE PLAN also
known as the NEW WORLD ORDER is to impose the Luciferian ideology on
what would remain of the human race after the final exercise of satanic
antichrist dictatorship and destruction. The PLAN required the destruction of
all existing governments and religions. America was the toughest nut to crack,
but now it even has a Muslim President, found guilty in open court of the
GREATEST Election FRAUD in history, as the top man in charge of America
and its military power. Yes, Barack HUSSEIN Obama was Found Guilty by the
jury in open court of 17 counts of Fraud, Conspiracy and Sedition, on May 18,
The goal of a global Luciferian world government, with its antichrist prince and
second beast false prophet pope, was to be reached by dividing the masses of
people into opposing camps in ever increasing numbers on political, social,
economic, religious and other issues. The opposing sides were then to be
ARMED, and incidents were to be provided which would cause them to fight
and weaken themselves, gradually destroying national governments and
religious institutions.
The Plan called for Three World Wars. The First World War was to transform
Russia into a stronghold of atheistic Communism. The differences stirred up by
agents of the Illuminati between the German and British Empires would be used
to foment this war. After the war would be ended, Communism was to be built
up and used to destroy other governments and weaken religions.
The Second World War was to Strengthen International Communism until it
equaled in strength to that of the United Christendom. When it reached that
point, it was to be contained and kept in check until the final Great Tribulation
The Third World War is to be fomented by agents of the global Satanists and/or
global socialists between what is left of Christianity and the Moslem world. That
war is to be directed in such a manner that all of Islam and Israel, will destroy
each other while, at the same time, the remaining nations, once more divided on
this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion -
physically, mentally, spiritually, and economically. The stage will then be set to
put the antichrist Luciferian One World Government into operation. We have
arrived at that point of climax of the Third World War.
The 911 attacks, which killed over 3000 non-combatant American civilians, were
celebrated with great delight throughout the Muslim world, quite openly in the 57
Muslim states until their leaders cracked down. THAT IS ISLAM, those celebrations
is what Islam is all about, Muslim jihad victory. The so-called Palestinians were
delirious in their celebration and uncontrolled public delight of the great Islamic
victory of killing those thousands of American people. Osama bin Laden and his
Al Quada group were instantly elevated to the top Muslim heroes of Islam.
Question? If Osama bin Ladin is a Saudi citizen, and if 15 of the 19 terrorists were
Saudi Arabians, then how come Mecca & Medina were not NUKED instead of
invading Afghanistan, Iraq, and the soon coming Iran attack? Anyone else ever
wonder about that?
America invaded Afghanistan because that was supposed to be the Muslim
sanctuary state for the Islamic terror group that took credit for the horror and
slaughter and destruction that everyone in the Muslim world celebrated. Then
America invades Iraq, because that Muslim country was supposed to have
weapons of mass destruction. Many may find it hard to believe, but just ask
a veteran who served in Iraq or Afghanistan, the soldiers were given sensitivity
training courses on how to deal with Muslim men and women, as well as on the
culture and religion of the area. Every official entity of the government went out
of its way to show that this was not a war against Islam, but a war against terror
and terrorism. Today American FBI and Homeland Security departments must
get instruction and approval from Muslim Brotherhood front groups of the Muslim
terrorist organization to let the Muslims know exactly how they plan to obtain
evidence regarding Muslim terrorist groups operating in America.
UNBELIEVABLE? Ask a veteran soldier from the Afghan war, or Iraq war, if it
is unbelievable to them.
The very agents of the supposed Muslim terror groups with which America is
supposed to be at war, have infiltrated American Political and Military structure
at the very highest levels. A man with the middle name of Hussein, STILL
even continues to occupy the Whitehouse, and FRAUDULENTLY act as US
military Commander-in-Chief, after being found guilty of the greatest Election
Fraud in history. To illustrate how tightly controlled the media is and how wide
spread is the corruption and conspiracy, how many people even know about
that trial which took place in Harlem New York, concluding with a Guilty Verdict
of Barack Hussein Obama, for 17 counts of FRAUD, Conspiracy, and Sedition,
on May 18, 2010? Where were Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh on that one?
The American Justice department is being operated, in regard to Muslim terror
ideology, with a complete unresponsiveness to the truth about Islam and facts
about Muslim terrorists being the true believers and followers of Islam. It is
incompetence by design, and incompetence ordered from the Top Down,
from Hussein in the Whitehouse, down to the law enforcement that views the
American civilian population, and returning veterans in particular, as the
suspects to be watched, rather than the Muslim terrorists in America. Just
One can quickly determine from the documents that every single major Muslim
organization in America is a Muslim Brotherhood Front. CAIR, the Muslim
Public Affairs Council, and ISNA are all Hamas Islamic Terrorist front
organizations. As unbelievable as it may seem, these Muslim terrorists groups
are the organizations which advise and set policy for law enforcement in the
Justice Department of Barack HUSSEIN Obama.
If anyone has not yet been offended, and tuned out, maybe this will do it. It
should be said that IT IS MY FAULT AND YOUR FAULT that we have such
a mess with the Muslims of Islam. If the Christians would have been responsible
in the Great Commission, rather than playing Church, to get the Gospel to the
Muslims, then the Satanic religion of Islam would have folded CENTURIES ago.
I like to believe I am writing to the most elite group of REAL GENUINE
Christians that there may be in this world today. Not a huge list, Jesus said
there would be FEW, approximately the number of people as the Muslims
killed for Satan on 911. I put the question to this elite group – What have
you done to get the Gospel to the Muslims? Sadly, even from this elite group,
the percentage is small. I know some of you have done VERY MUCH, and I
delight to pray for you and thank God for you every day.
However, I have said all of this not to scare anyone, or make anyone feel bad,
or make anything sound hopeless, quite the contrary. Everything I have said is
just to say this. Time is getting short. The REALLY BIG WAR of which Jesus
spoke is at the door. If we ever had incentive to get the Days of Awe done right,
we all have never had more good reason and incentive to do so than this year.
You and I need God’s grace evidenced in repentance. Lord willing, I hope to
get an audio file up on the GJiGT Radio about the Days of Awe, and perhaps
a series of articles soon about the Days of Awe.
And in nothing terrified by your adversaries: which is to them an
evident token of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that of God.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Pray Psalm 83 every day. Only be
very strong and of good courage. Stay IN the Word.
From Chittim, Isa 23:1,
Shalom & Simcha,
Jim Searcy
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