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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/8/2011 7:47:17 PM
Hello Peter,

Thanks for pointing out the double posting of the video.
Sometimes my copy and paste doesn't refresh it self.

I have replaced with number 3 now, you may like to replace your copied quoted video too as it is still showing the double posting and readers may watch from your thread. I can not edit yours.

Peter Fogel

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HSIG- Ron Paul:Drone Attacks Are Reason "People Of Pakistan Can't Stand Our Guts
11/9/2011 11:15:10 AM
Hello Friends,

I could have posted this in the President That Hated His Country thread since there are parallels between Paul and B Hussein but since it has to do with Muslim atrocities,I decided to post it here.

Ron Paul can't stop with his apologetics for the Muslim atrocities. And again America is to blame for their barbaric and murderous ways.

The below article illustrates his naivety and for some reason (hmmmm, wonder what that reason might be?) he totally ignores what really is behind the Muslim hatred for the western world and America and Israel in particular.



It doesn't seem to occur to him, or to Barack Obama or to so many others, that Muslims may not be simply passive reactors to American actions. They may have reasons for doing what they do that have nothing to do with what America has done or not done. And indeed, the Islamic doctrine of jihad makes them not able to "stand our guts," and will remain long after the drone attacks cease.

"Ron Paul: Drone attacks are reason 'people of Pakistan can't stand our guts,'" by Mike Lillis for The Hill, November 6 (thanks to Wimpy):

GOP presidential hopeful Ron Paul said Sunday that the U.S. military is inciting a civil war in Pakistan.

The Texas Republican said the civilian casualties resulting from the Pentagon's drone attacks over Pakistan and other countries only create more enemies at the expense of homeland security.

"Sometimes they miss and sometimes there's collateral damage. And every time we do that, we develop more enemies," Paul said on Fox News Sunday.

"We're dropping a lot of drone missile/bombs in Pakistan and claim we've killed so many, but how about the innocent people [who have] died? Nobody hears about that. This is why the people of Pakistan can't stand our guts and why they disapprove of their own government," he said.

"We're bombing Pakistan and trying to kill some people, making a lot of mistakes, building up our enemies, at the same time we're giving billions of dollars to the government of Pakistan," he added. "We're more or less inciting a civil war there, so I think that makes us less safe.

"For everyone you kill, you probably create 10 new people who hate our guts and would like to do us harm."...

You could have said that about American troops fighting against Nazi Germany during World War II, or about any armed resistance against any brutal, tyrannical or oppressive regime.
Peter Fogel
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RE: HSIG - The Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates the GOP
11/9/2011 11:30:00 AM
Hello Friends,

For those interested in learning about the Muslim Brotherhood's infiltration in the US government and now even in the GOP you should find the below interview with Paul Sperry the co-author of the Muslim Mafia. It is interesting and an eye opener not only for the progressive liberals but conservatives too.



The Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates the GOP

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Paul Sperry, a Hoover Institution media fellow and author of Infiltration and Muslim Mafia. The latter, co-authored with P. David Gaubatz, exposes the radical Muslim Brotherhood and its fronts in the United States.

FP: Paul Sperry, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

Sperry: Always a pleasure, Jamie. Quick congratulations on another commendable work, Showdown With Evil.

FP: Thank you Paul.

I would like to talk to you today about how the Muslim Brotherhood penetrates the Republican Party and especially the latest disturbing evidence you have on Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan in this context. As you know, David Horowitz called out both Khan and Norquist on this issue in his speech at CPAC on Feb. 12, 2011.

First, let’s begin with your knowledge of the Muslim Brotherhood’s penetration of the United States in general and what you know about it its front groups on our soil.

Sperry: Thanks Jamie.

As you know, the Brotherhood is a worldwide jihadist movement based in Cairo. It’s the parent of Hamas and al-Qaida and the source of most of the jihadist ideology and related terror throughout the world today. After 9/11, FBI agents discovered the founding archives of its U.S. operations during a raid of a terrorist suspect’s home in Annandale, Va. The secret papers revealed that the Brotherhood, which was set up in America with millions in Saudi cash, has a plan to “destroy” America and other Western nations “from within,” and is using its agents and front groups in the U.S. to carry out that strategy.

The secret papers also revealed that virtually every major Muslim group in America is a front for the radical Brotherhood, and they’ve raised millions of dollars for Hamas and al-Qaida right here inside America. They also control most of the major mosques, including the 9/11 mosque just outside Washington that found housing for some of the hijackers and helped prepare them for their martyrdom operation.

FP: What’s been done about them?

Sperry: Until recent years, their leaders operated with virtual impunity. But 9/11 broke the PC handcuffs on investigators. Several major U.S. Brotherhood figures — including Abdurahman Alamoudi, Shukri Abu Baker, Mohammad El-Mezain, Anwar Awlaki, Sami al-Arian — are now either behind bars or dead. Major front groups have been blacklisted as unindicted co-conspirators. And a key front, CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), which we expose in our book, has been banned by the FBI from outreach functions and stripped by the IRS of its nonprofit status following our investigation. But the handcuffs haven’t come off completely.

FP: How haven¹t the handcuffs come off completely?

Sperry: The Islamic Society of North America is the leading edge of the Brotherhood movement here, yet it remains a formal outreach partner of the government even though ISNA was implicated in a criminal scheme to funnel over $12 million to Hamas terrorists. Its president, in fact, just spoke at a Justice Department conference on “post-9/11 discrimination.” Mohamed Magid also prayed with Obama in the White House. It’s not just Obama though. I’ve seen the matrix with all the names of the leaders in the U.S. Brotherhood’s Shurah Council. They include people Bush prayed with after 9/11. The enemy has been inside the wire for quite some time. It’s just making deeper inroads now.

FP: Ok let’s get to Suhail Khan and Grover Norquist. What information do you have on them?

Sperry: Let me start with some background regarding Norquist. Though he’s known as the Beltway’s top antitax lobbyist, he’s also a paid lobbyist for enemies of the United States. Prior to 9/11, he was bankrolled by the General Masul of the U.S. Brotherhood — the same Alamoudi I mentioned earlier — who also happened to be al-Qaida’s top bagman in America.

FP: Evidence?

Sperry: A July 14, 2005, U.S. Treasury Department press release stated: “According to information available to the U.S. government, the September 2003 arrest of Alamoudi was a severe blow to al-Qaida, as Alamoudi had a close relationship with al-Qaida and had raised money for al-Qaida in the United States.”

In addition, I asked an FBI official who worked the Alamoudi case to elaborate on the information cited in the Treasury statement. He told me (as I reported in Muslim Mafia) that at the time of Alamoudi’s arrest, U.S. intelligence had intercepted al-Qaida chatter out of Saudi Arabia lamenting that “one of our main financiers has been taken out.”

I have no evidence Norquist knew Alamoudi was laundering Saudi cash for al-Qaida at the time he was taking his own cash from him. But he knew Alamoudi was, at a minimum, making statements in support of terrorists. Now his financier and silent partner is sitting behind bars as a convicted terrorist.

FP: What kind of money changed hands?

Sperry: As I reported in my first book, “Infiltration,” Norquist’s old lobbying firm, Janus-Merritt, was a registered agent for Alamoudi, and received some $40,000 from that dubious client. (Norquist and his Muslim partner at the firm also represented the Pakistani government on military aid.) In addition, Alamoudi gave Norquist at least $20,000 in seed money to start up an outwardly Republican front for the Brotherhood called the Islamic Free Market Institute, which was run by Alamoudi’s deputy and later appeared on a JTTF threat matrix.

FP: And that’s when Khan enters the picture?

Sperry: Right. Alamoudi sponsored Khan — Khan being the eldest son of one of the founding fathers of the Brotherhood in America. Norquist got Khan into the Bush White House as the gatekeeper for Muslims, whereupon he got al-Arian and other senior Brotherhood figures past security.

FP: What were they trying to do?

Sperry: The top of their agenda was convincing the president to eliminate the Justice Department’s use of undisclosed evidence in deportation cases against Arabs suspected of terrorism. On the eve of 9/11, Norquist personally went to the Hill and lobbied to, in his words, “get rid of the secret evidence laws which have been used to discriminate against Muslims and Arabs in this country.” After 9/11, he and his Islamic Institute lobbied against the Patriot Act. He didn’t miss a beat trying to deny law enforcement the tools they need to crack down on Muslim terrorists, even after they slaughtered 3,000 Americans and attacked the Pentagon.

FP: Where’s Khan now?

Sperry: Thanks to Norquist’s sponsorship, Khan has also been able to infiltrate other Republican circles, including the American Conservative Union. Meanwhile, he’s teamed up with Imam Mohamed Magid, Obama’s Muslim outreach partner, to do interfaith outreach with evangelical Christian leaders in the South.

FP: How is that possible?

Sperry: What Norquist does, and this is truly sinister business, is dress up Brotherhood agents who underwrite him as patriotic conservatives in order to give them political cover and gain the trust of the GOP establishment. Then with the backing of duped party leaders secured, he promotes these neo-Islamists to positions of power inside government.

His latest project is Imad “David” Ramadan.

FP: Tell us about him.

Sperry: Well, he’s running for the Virginia state legislature with breathless boosterism from Norquist, which is your first red flag. Last year, Ramadan signed an open letter to Republicans in support of the Ground Zero mosque. He signed it with Khan and Norquist’s wife, who happens to be a Palestinian Muslim.

There are other red flags. Ramadan, who’s a Lebanese immigrant, is a shadowy figure with suspicious holes in his resume. He says he’s involved in various “consulting” businesses in the Middle East. He also processes U.S. visas and green cards for Muslim immigrants. But the source of his sudden wealth is largely unknown for someone who declared bankruptcy. He’s given large sums of cash to GOP officials, to shore up their support, as well as to his own campaign.

Based on who’s been donating to his campaign, Ramadan would represent the interests of Islamists should he win the Northern Virginia seat he’s running for. Of particular note from the long list of his Muslim contributors is a $5,000 political donation he received from something called the Virginia Muslim PAC. Its president is Mukit Hossain. Turns out Hossain also runs a charitable front for the Muslim Brotherhood in Herndon, Va., called FAITH. A few years ago, Wachovia bank closed FAITH’s accounts due to suspicious activity related to possible money-laundering. A year earlier, the so-called charity received a $150,000 donation from Brotherhood leader and Saudi bagman M. Yacub Mirza, whose home and offices were raided by the feds after 9/11. Hossain keeps his FAITH office in the same raided building. Hossain’s benefactor was close to Alamoudi before Alamoudi landed in the slammer.

FP: The evidence?

Sperry: According to a federal affidavit (unsealed Oct 2003) for a search warrant of Mirza’s Herndon, Va., residence and offices, Mirza is president of SAAR Foundation, a suspected charitable front for al-Qaida founded by Saudi billionaire Sulaiman Abdul Aziz Al-Rajhi (S.A.A.R.), one of the original Golden Chain sponsors of bin Laden.

According to page 53 of the affidavit, written by special agent David C. Kane: “I believe that one source of funds flowing through (Mirza’s offices) is from the wealthy Al-Rajhi family in Saudi Arabia.” He cites one transaction of $3,388,000, along with others in the millions. The affidavit says Mirza has “signatory authority” over the bank accounts. SAAR had an active account with Wachovia before closing it within weeks of the 9/11 attacks. Some checks also were drawn on a bank account in the name of Al-Rajhi Banking and Investment Corp., Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Now let’s tie it all together: Hossain serves on the board of a nearby mosque run by imam Magid, the ISNA chief working with Khan and Obama. This Ramadan donor is also active in the Muslim American Society, which prosecutors say is a key node in the Muslim Brotherhood’s network here.

Another Muslim listed as a donor to Ramadan’s campaign is Norquist protege Ali Tulbah, who replaced Khan at the White House when Khan landed a high-level spot at the Transportation Department. Tulbah’s father helps run a Brotherhood mosque in Houston.

FP: So Ramadan is part of the same Islamist influence operation run out of Grover’s office?

Sperry: You got it.

FP: How dangerous is Grover Norquist?

Sperry: Very dangerous. Here you have a “conservative” who built the Trojan Horse that the enemy is using to infiltrate, sabotage and destroy the U.S. from within. Norquist is helping the U.S. Brotherhood accomplish the “Grand Jihad” spelled out in its founding archives. In fact, he’s helping pull them through the gates. I think it’s fairly plain now that he knows he’s undermining U.S. security, and that he’s doing so in a time of war.

FP: So why is he still accepted in conservative circles?

Sperry: Some Republican leaders are starting to speak out publicly against him, lawmakers like Coburn and Wolf (although Wolf endorsed his protégé Ramadan after Ramadan gave him $4,700 in campaign cash). But others still see him as just a small-government libertarian who wants to widen the GOP tent. Make no mistake: Norquist is not some random deficit hawk eyeing the bloated defense budget for cuts. Nor is he some innocuous misguided Ron Paul dove. He’s something far different, far more pernicious. He’s virulently anti-military, anti-borders, anti-security. He’s a saboteur aiding and abetting groups hostile to U.S. interests. And now that he’s married to a Muslim, I doubt money is the only motivating factor behind his decidedly anti-American behavior.

If by now Republicans can’t smell a rat — a Pied Piper of rats, no less — they have failed miserably in their constitutional duty to “defend the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.” If the Republican Party can’t stop an Islamist Fifth Column within its own ranks, my word, we’re all doomed.

FP: What’s the status of CAIR’s “trespassing” suit against your co-author and his son, Chris, who snuck behind enemy lines as a CAIR intern and walked out with boxes of incriminating evidence that CAIR ordered him to shred?

Sperry: The most extraordinary thing about that complaint — and so far only has picked up on this angle — is that CAIR never defends itself against the book’s claims, never alleges libel. It stipulates everything in “Muslim Mafia” to be true — which is why in its complaint, it seeks to confiscate all copies of “Muslim Mafia” in an attempt to censor the book. Of course, it cannot dispute its own internal documents, which are so damning that federal prosecutors have seized them, several boxes full, as part of a grand jury investigation of CAIR. Still, it’s highly newsworthy given the seriousness of the charges in the book.

CAIR has hit several potholes in filing its case. First it filed under a false name and had to refile. Then it ran out of money and had to replace its outside lawyers with a CAIR legal staffer who has a glaring personal conflict, given her role in overseeing the destruction of evidence Chris tried to preserve while working inside CAIR’s offices. Then CAIR failed to produce for the court a confidentiality agreement it claims Chris signed. Even so, the Clinton-appointed judge, who has ruled in favor of Gitmo detainees, has let the case go forward, and the defense is looking forward to deposing CAIR leaders. It will be the first time Nihad Awad, for one, will have to explain, under oath, why he attended a secret meeting with Hamas leaders in Philly just months before forming CAIR.

What’s more, CAIR’s executive director will have to explain why CAIR, if it’s not Hamas, would appear on a Hamas meeting agenda. The smoking-gun exhibit is reproduced in the appendix of “Muslim Mafia.” It’s a 1994 meeting agenda listing CAIR among member “organizations” of the U.S. “Palestine Committee” of Hamas. CAIR was put in charge of “coordination” among the Hamas front groups.

This document — in addition to others, including ones unearthed from CAIR’s own files – speaks materially to CAIR being founded by Hamas, controlled by Hamas, and carrying out Hamas’ agenda inside the United States. So stay tuned for the deposition transcripts.

FP: Paul Sperry, thank you for joining Frontpage Interview.

Peter Fogel
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RE: HSIG - Voices of Palestine: Haj Amin al-Husseini
11/9/2011 11:42:35 AM
Hello Friends,

I've written intensively about Haj Amin al-Husseini over the past few years. Aside from being the founder of what is today the different Palestinian terrorist organizations he was a virulent supporter of the Nazis and recruited divisions of Bosnian Muslims for the Nazi army. He wasn't the only Muslim leader that supported the Nazis but was the most well known.

His rabid anti Semitism was the foundation of his leadership and his position as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem gave him both the religious and political platform to try and realize his dream of killing all the Jews in Israel. Fortunately he failed and Israel defeated the 5 countries under his overall leadership who declared war after Israel became a state.

The below article is the newest edition of the Voices of Palestine. While it gives a good overall profile of Haj Amin al-Husseini there is a lot missing and those interested can google him and get the full story on this infamous Muslim leader.



Voices of Palestine: Haj Amin al-Husseini

Editor’s note: Below is the latest profile of Frontpage’s new series, “Voices of Palestine,” which will illuminate the core beliefs, in their own words, of leading figures in the Palestinian death cult. Click the following to view the profiles of Ahmad Bahr, Mahmoud al-Zahar, Ibrahim Mudayris and Yasser Ghalban.

Appointed Mufti of Jerusalem by the British High Commissioner in May 1921, Haj Amin al-Husseini was the founder of the Palestinian Arab movement. He relied upon virulent anti-Jewish incitement to garner popular support. Throughout his public career, the Mufti used traditional Koranic anti-Jewish motifs to arouse the Arab street. For example, during the incitement which led to the 1929 Arab revolt in Palestine, he called for combating and slaughtering “the Jews”, not merely Zionists. In fact, most of the Jewish victims of the 1929 Arab revolt were Jews from the centuries old dhimmi communities (e.g., in Hebron), as opposed to recent settlers identified with the Zionist movement.

With the ascent of Nazi Germany in the 1930s, the Mufti and his coterie intensified their anti-Semitic activities to secure support from Hitler’s Germany, Bosnian Muslims, and the overall Arab Muslim world, for a jihad to annihilate the Jews of Palestine. Following his expulsion from Palestine by the British, the Mufti organized a brutal anti-Jewish pogrom in Baghdad (1941), concurrent with his failed effort to install a pro-Nazi Iraqi government.

Escaping to Europe after this unsuccessful coup attempt, the Mufti spent the remainder of World War II in Germany and Italy. From this sanctuary, he provided active support for the Germans by recruiting Bosnian Muslims, in addition to Muslim minorities from the Caucasus, for dedicated Nazi SS units. The Mufti’s objectives for these recruits, and Muslims in general, were made explicit during his multiple wartime radio broadcasts from Berlin, heard throughout the Arab world: an international campaign of genocide against the Jews.

For example, during his March 1, 1944 broadcast he stated: “Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history, and religion.” Haj Amin made an especially important contribution to the German war effort in Yugoslovia where the Bosnian Muslim SS units he recruited (in particular the Handzar Division) brutally suppressed local Nazi resistance movements. The Mufti’s pamphlet entitled, “Islam and the Jews”, was published by the Nazis in Croatian and German for distribution during the war to these Bosnian Muslim SS units. This hateful propaganda served to incite the slaughter of Jews, and (Serb) Christians as well.

Indeed, the Bosnian Muslim Handzar SS Division was responsible for the destruction of whole Bosnian Jewish and Serbian communities, including the massacre of Jews and Serbs, and the deportation of survivors to Auschwitz for extermination. However, these heinous crimes, for which the Mufti bears direct responsibility, had only a limited impact on the overall destruction of European Jewry when compared with his nefarious wartime campaign to prevent Jewish emigration from Europe to Palestine. Invoking the personal support of such prominent Nazis as Himmler and Eichmann, the Mufti’s relentless hectoring of German, Rumanian, and Hungarian government officials caused the cancellation of an estimated 480,000 exit visas which had been granted to Jews (80,000 from Rumania, and 400,000 from Hungary). As a result, these hapless individuals were deported to Polish concentration camps.

A United Nations Assembly document presented in 1947 which contained the Mufti’s June 28, 1943 letter to the Hungarian Foreign Minister requesting the deportation of Hungarian Jews to Poland, includes this stark, telling annotation: “As a Sequel to This Request 400,000 Jews Were Subsequently Killed”.

The Mufti escaped to the Middle East after the war to avoid capture and possible prosecution for war crimes. The Mufti was unrelenting in his espousal of a virulent Judeophobic hatred as the focal tenet of his ideology in the aftermath of World War II, and the creation of the State of Israel. The esteemed journalist and writer David Pryce-Jones elucidated the pre-eminent status of anti-Semitism in the Mufti’s bitter legacy: “These, then, were the images and preconceptions to which Haj Amin could appeal once he became the leading Palestinian power holder.

In memoirs written at the end of his life, when the bankruptcy of these images and preconceptions was starkly visible, he was still speaking of the Jews as ‘..notorious for perfidy and falsification and distortion and cruelty of which the noble Koran provides the strongest testimony against them..’. His hatred for Jews was instinctive, tribal; he wished to cut them down, declaring to their face, ‘..Nothing but the sword will decide the future of this country..’. That this came true amid calamity and ruin was Haj Amin’s memorial to posterity”.

Pryce-Jones insights underscore the profound impact of the Mufti’s personal convictions and hateful messages on the development of Arab and Palestinian political culture in the latter half of the 20th century, to the present. It is undeniable that the Mufti’s virulent anti-Semitism continues to influence Arab policy toward Israel. Not surprisingly, Yasser Arafat, beginning at the age of 16, worked for the Mufti performing terrorist operations. Arafat still considers the Mufti his primary spiritual and political mentor.

This profile was adapted from the article “Arab Muslim Anti-Semitism,” written by Andrew G. Bostom and published by on November 25, 2002.

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Jihadi Firebombed French Magazine Hits Back
11/10/2011 10:00:07 AM
Hello Friends,

Last week the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo was firebombed by Jihadis for supposedly lampooning the big Mo. When considering the world wide MSMs' consistent cover ups of radical Muslim attacks and even when forced to "report" on a Jihadi attack they'll never call it by name. They'll do all they can in the name of political correctness and multiculturalism to to obfuscate and cover up the attacks with names like "armed combatants" (or other obvious maskings of true reporting) rather then Jihadi terrorists, radical Muslims,Islamic fundamentalists etc..

Not so with Charlie Hebdo. Their offices were totally destroyed by the Jihadi firebombing and they came out with their weekly publication on time using the temporary facilities of the French newspaper Liberation. This weeks edition again satirized Islam and you can read all about it in the article below.

It seems that PC and fear of retaliation isn't in the Charlie Hebdo rule book. They believe in freedom of speech and whether you agree with them or not is irrelevant. They have a right to their opinions.

Well done to all members of the Charlie Hebdo staff.




Our readers won't bomb us for posting an offensive image.

Offensive, ain't it? But freedom of speech is hollow without the possibility of offending. "Offense" is in the eye of the beholder: one day, it's a cartoon of Muhammad. The next day, it might be denying Muhammad's standing as a prophet as a matter of Christian, Hindu, Jewish, or atheist belief.

Attempting to eradicate "offensive" material because it could hurt people's feelings results in an increasingly sensitized and fearful society, where being "offended" is suddenly a much bigger deal. It ultimately serves to shield those who are calling for the censorship from criticism -- after all, they've been the victims of something "offensive." That is the idea, under the pretext of achieving a "nicer" society (if only "for me, but not for thee"), though the ironic side effect is that ever more severe consequences accompany the possibility of causing offense. That's not very nice. (See also: Richard Landes' essay on "politeness" versus civility, posted here in August.)

Those who sought to silence Charlie Hebdo have committed a major "own goal." The magazine's staff has nothing to lose but its principles, and backing down would hand the thugs a victory, and invite more firebombings to intimidate members of the media into self-censorship.

"Charlie Hebdo front cover depicts Muslim man kissing cartoonist," by Kim Willsher for the Guardian, November 8:

Its offices have been firebombed, its website hacked, its Facebook page suspended for 24 hours and its staff targeted with death threats, so you might have thought the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo would have tried – just for a while – to avoid upsetting anyone.
Mais non! After provoking all the above with last week's special edition "guest edited" by the prophet Muhammad, entitled Charia Hebdo, which took pot-shots at radical Islam, the publication is set to raise a few more hackles with this week's edition, published on Wednesday.
On the front page of the latest edition is a drawing of a male Charlie Hebdo cartoonist passionately kissing a bearded Muslim man, under the headline: L'Amour plus fort que la haine (love is stronger than hate).
In the background of the cartoon, signed Luz, are the ashes of the magazine's offices, completely destroyed in the Molotov cocktail attack last week.
Unlike the previous edition, which featured a front page carton of the prophet and a speech bubble reading "100 lashes if you don't die of laughter", there is no suggestion that the character on the magazine cover is Muhammad.
After the firebombing, French Muslim groups who had been highly critical of Charlie Hebdo, condemned the destruction of its offices. Dalil Boubakeur head of the Paris Mosque, told journalists: "I am extremely attached to the freedom of the press, even if the press is not always tender with Muslims, Islam or the Paris Mosque".
The editor of Charlie Hebdo, Stéphane Charbonnier, said at the time: "We thought the lines had moved and maybe there would be more respect for our satirical work, our right to mock. Freedom to have a good laugh is as important as freedom of speech."
Since then, the magazine's staff have been given a temporary home in the offices of France's leading leftwing daily newspaper Libération, which has also been subject to threats from the Turkish hackers who are said to have pirated Charlie Hebdo's site.
Luz, the cartoonist, refused to condemn extremists for the attack.
"Let's be cautious. There's every reason to believe it's the work of fundamentalists, but it could just as well be the work of two drunks," he wrote afterwards.

Agence France-Presse photo.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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