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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Radical Islam: A Problem World Leaders Must Confront
10/18/2011 8:24:50 AM
Hello Friends,

Radical extreme Islamic Jihadi terrorism has been a problem worldwide for many years. For many it began in 2001 with the 911 attack but it was going on way before that. The awareness for the American people was that nefarious attack when it happened on American soil and it became a more personal issue then cos it was in our back yard but many have died in Jihadi attack attacks prior to that and many have died since. Not only in Israel but worldwide.

Some claim that it's a matter of politics but that's so far from the truth it's laughable cos what it is is a matter of existence. Yesterday after reading an article I read the comments. One of them caught my attention cos of its simplicity and directness.
Jerel says:
October 18, 2011 at 1:29 am

There is but one true God, and he is the God of heaven and earth. I believe in the Holy Bible as the word of God. According to the Quran or Koran or what ever, I am an Infidel, and I am to be lied to, cheated on, taxed, raped, and killed…. Well, the way I see those statements within their bible, is a declaration of war against me and my people. Muslims are therefore my mortal enemies. They can get the hell out of my city, my state, and my Country…….. Oh, And they can ……….”go in peace.”
. In the below article the author writes that we haven't declared a war on the Jihadi terrorists but they've declared a war on us. When you're in a war you fight to win else you lose and in this case if you lose you're history unless you "submit" and convert to Islam. Remember that Islam means submission.

It behooves us to become more aware of the dangers we're facing if these Jihadis realize their agenda. It is time for the people to force their governments to more actively fight extreme Islamic terrorism and not just lip service that won't win the war.

The below article is an excellent one and well worth reading on this topic and might be an eye opener for many. While reading the comments below the article many complimented the author for his article but qualify their praise with the usage of radical Islam and terms like Islamofacism. Some of the comments are as good as the article and I recommend for those interested to read them. Beneath the article I'll post an example and those that want to read more can go here.



October 13, 2011

Radical Islam: A Problem World Leaders Must Confront

By Neil Snyder

Radical Islam is a growing problem throughout the world. In Europe, it's a burgeoning issue that politicians have been unwilling to address properly because of the influence of Muslims there, but it's a critical problem in the United States, too -- especially in our nation's prisons.

The mood in the U.S. is so anti-anti-Islam that politicians run for cover whenever Islam is raised as an issue. Not so with Representative Peter King (R-New York). He endured death threats and ridicule from liberals because he held hearings in the House of Representatives toinvestigate the Islamist threat we face as a nation. The people who castigated King because he took his job in the House seriously will be the first in line to raise a ruckus if/when a homegrown terrorist, maybe an ex-convict who is out on parole, attacks innocent men, women, and children in this country.

I'm reminded of a scene in the movie Ghost Writer. Pierce Brosnan plays a former British prime minister being charged with crimes against humanity in the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Geneva, Switzerland for trying to prevent terrorist attacks in Great Britain. Toward the end of the movie, Brosnan tells his ghostwriter (Ewan McGregor) that if he had it to do all over again, he would have two lines for people boarding planes out of England. The first line would lead to planes carrying passengers whose terrorist affiliations and connections were not investigated. The second line would lead to planes carrying passengers who had been cleared. He says, in effect, "You know which planes the chronic complainers would board. Every one of them would choose a plane that we cleared."

The movie is fiction, but the problem is real. World leaders who attempt to deal with the growing Islamist militancy problem that's spreading across the globe like a putrid infection are at risk of being charged with crimes against humanity or worse in the ICC. For example, President George W. Bush was forced to cancel a trip to Geneva in February 2011 to avoid being charged with crimes against humanity for the role he played as president of the United States in creating the federal prison in Guantánamo Bay, where the U.S. holds captured terrorists.

Radical Islam Is a Global Threat

An article in a June 2011 issue of The Weekly Standard titled "From Somalia to Nigeria: Jihad" stops far short of revealing the extent to which radical Islamists have infiltrated countries around the world. "From Somalia to Nigeria" is across the heart of Africa, from the Arabian Sea to the South Atlantic, but jihadists have a major presence in every North African country, too, from Morocco to Egypt. Their presence in the Middle East is obvious as well, from Saudi Arabia to Lebanon and Syria, but it doesn't stop there. They have created strongholds in Iran, Afghanistan, and the Indian subcontinent. Their reach extends from India to the Philippines and Indonesia and into the heart of Asia from China to Russia.

Jihadists are active in Europe, too, but their presence doesn't stop there, either. They have footholds in most South American countries, including Venezuela, Bolivia, and Brazil. Like a thriving cancer, jihadists have extended their reach to North America from Mexico to the United States to Canada.

Radical Islam is a problem that the entire world must confront. It's not about politics. It's about eradicating a festering sore before it turns into gangrene and threatens our very existence.

The YouTube videos below showing recent violent outbursts in Cairo aimed at Coptic Christians who dared to stand up for their rights demonstrate what the Arab Spring has become. Discrimination against Christians and Jews in the Muslim world isn't limited to Egypt. It exists in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq, and most other predominantly Muslim countries.

The U.S. doesn't need a president who bows and scrapes before Islamic despots in hopes of currying favor -- something that President Obama is prone to do. We need a president who is willing to lead the leaders of the world in a global mission before it's too late. We didn't declare war on jihadists. They declared war on us, and they are deadly serious. We should be, too.

We Don't Need Dilettantes in Leadership Positions

In a recent article, Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz pointed out that after a terrorist attack on Norway, Norway's ambassador to Israel said that Hamas' terrorist activity against Israel is more justified than terrorist attacks against Norway. The ambassador's logic was simple, naïve, and asinine. "We Norwegians," he said, "consider the occupation to be the cause of the terror against Israel."

First things first: the land in question in Israel isn't "occupied." It's "disputed land." There's a huge difference. People in Norway need to get it straight, and so do people in other nations around the world.

Second, Islamofascists have made it clear that they have set their sights on the entire world. They say that they want a one-world caliphate under sharia law. They don't really mean that, though -- they don't want the rule of any law. They are subversive butchers, murderers, and thieves -- Islamist anarchists, as it were. They are a threat to everyone, Muslims included. They don't like even each other.

Third, the terrorist attack on Norway wasn't carried out by a radical Islamist. It was perpetrated by Anders Breivik, a man who was reported by the Western media to be a Christian. His manifesto proves that that's not so, but the anti-Christian point of view sells in a world where it's okay to attack Jews and Christians, but not Muslims.

We may be witnessing the beginning of a global backlash against radical Islamists in the wake of government unwillingness to address the problem. In a nutshell, I'm saying that I don't think Breivik was a lone wolf. Neither do I believe that the anti-Islamists of the world are connected in a formal sense -- not yet, anyway, but that day may come.

When governments fail to do their jobs, people take matters into their own hands. I'm not excusing Breivik's brutal, unprovoked attack on innocent victims, many of whom were children. I'm simply stating a fact, and I'll repeat it to make sure that my message is crystal-clear. If people who are charged with the responsibility to secure our nations won't do their jobs, vigilantism will result. It's a dangerous consequence of government failure.

Neil Snyder is a chaired professor emeritus at the University of Virginia. His blog,, is posted daily. His latest book is titled If You Voted for Obama in 2008 to Prove You're Not a Racist, You Need to Vote for Someone Else in 2012 to Prove You're Not an Idiot.

GeorgiaBoy61 10/13/2011 03:35 AM
Mr. Snyder, you deserve praise for having the courage to write this article, but qualified praise only, for you stop short of naming the foe that western civilization faces - which is not "radical" Islam, "Islamofascism," or Islam qualified by some other euphemism. Recep Erdogan, the Prime Minister of Turkey and an avowed Islamist, said, "There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that's it." Muslims themselves have no qualms about describing themselves as they are, why do non-Muslims have so much difficulty? Engaging in rhetorical gymnastics does nothing more than cloud the issue and obscure the truth, which is that Islam, alone and unadorned, is what we face. The point is that these "varieties" of Islam are nothing more than western constructions, ways of seeing Islam that its own adherents do not subscribe to. It is more accurate to say that while there are individual Muslims of moderate temperament and habit, Islam itself - by its very nature - cannot be moderate. Protecting ourselves begins with intellectual and moral clarity - which in turn depends on accurately describing what we face.
Self-censorship, otherwise known as political correctness, does nothing more than perpetuate untruths and embolden our enemy's efforts to propagandize us. Our forebearers suffered and bled to win freedom of speech for us; let us use it without fear of recriminations. All of this begs the question: why should the burden of proof be on us - on Americans and others in the non-Muslim world - to show how "moderate" Islam is? This, however, is a topic for another post.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Helen Elias

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RE: HSIG - Radical Islam: A Problem World Leaders Must Confront
10/18/2011 9:14:35 AM

Hello Peter

In your comments of your last post, you said, "....if you lose you're history unless you "submit" and convert to Islam.

My question is, "How is that winning?" Notice the word, 'unless'. Actually, I know what you meant.

Neil Snyer in his article says...
Radical Islam is a problem that the entire world must confront. It's not about politics. It's about eradicating a festering sore before it turns into gangrene and threatens our very existence.

My comment...
He right but it's worse than that! It's a black plague. The sore becomes gangerene and the host dies. Gangerene doesn't spread to others like the plague does. If it is the plague, it spreads its ugly tenacles to everyone including the Muslims.

If a country was known to have the plague, people would not be allowed to go there and people would not be allowed to come from there into any other country ...well, hopefully. It should be same with Islam. Muslims, of any kind, should not be allowed in the country until Muslims change the Qur'an and remove the violence from it and prove by their actions that they mean it. That is not likely to happen and if it does, it will not happen in our lifetimes.

Frankly, I don't see how an evil religion or system can ever become good. Some people ask, "What about the good Muslims?" How do you tell the good from the bad? Their own 'holy' book tells them to lie. How could we expect an immigration officer to know if someone is lying or not. If a Muslim were truly good and knew his/her own religion, he/she would not be a Muslim.

Even the so-called moderate Muslims will kill us when push comes to shove, ie., when militant Muslims say, "Kill or be killed". They are already doing it in many countries. Muslims are killing millions of other Muslims all over the world ...not to mention all the "infidels" they are also killing. But alas, I am probably not saying anything that has not previously been said on this forum before.


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Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
10/18/2011 4:07:57 PM
Hi Helen,

You did understand my meaning with the "unless they convert to Islam". I'd say that wouldn't be an option for the majority but when you consider the submission and capitulation of the MSM and all the liberal progressives to the Jihadis you can never know.

I wrote a few times about the so called moderate Muslims and my concerns that when as you call it push comes to shove they'll submit to the Jihadis. Whenever polls are taken within the Muslim community about terrorist activities the majority are in favor . As the Turkish PM Erdogan said there is no moderate Islam, Islam is Islam.




Hello Peter

In your comments of your last post, you said, "....if you lose you're history unless you "submit" and convert to Islam.

My question is, "How is that winning?" Notice the word, 'unless'. Actually, I know what you meant.

Neil Snyer in his article says...
Radical Islam is a problem that the entire world must confront. It's not about politics. It's about eradicating a festering sore before it turns into gangrene and threatens our very existence.

My comment...
He right but it's worse than that! It's a black plague. The sore becomes gangerene and the host dies. Gangerene doesn't spread to others like the plague does. If it is the plague, it spreads its ugly tenacles to everyone including the Muslims.

If a country was known to have the plague, people would not be allowed to go there and people would not be allowed to come from there into any other country ...well, hopefully. It should be same with Islam. Muslims, of any kind, should not be allowed in the country until Muslims change the Qur'an and remove the violence from it and prove by their actions that they mean it. That is not likely to happen and if it does, it will not happen in our lifetimes.

Frankly, I don't see how an evil religion or system can ever become good. Some people ask, "What about the good Muslims?" How do you tell the good from the bad? Their own 'holy' book tells them to lie. How could we expect an immigration officer to know if someone is lying or not. If a Muslim were truly good and knew his/her own religion, he/she would not be a Muslim.

Even the so-called moderate Muslims will kill us when push comes to shove, ie., when militant Muslims say, "Kill or be killed". They are already doing it in many countries. Muslims are killing millions of other Muslims all over the world ...not to mention all the "infidels" they are also killing. But alas, I am probably not saying anything that has not previously been said on this forum before.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Gilad Shalit Is Finally Home
10/18/2011 4:16:46 PM
Hello Friends,

Today Gilad Shalit was released from Hamas captivity. He was kidnapped 5 years and 4 months ago and during this period the Hamas captors haven't allowed any access to this young soldier. Even the International Red Cross wasn't allowed to see to the well being of Gilad as per the International Geneva Convention. But we've learned that terrorists don't comply with international law and do as they wish.

I've refrained from writing about Gilad Shalit over the years cos I wasn't part of those that agreed to pay such a high price for his release. Israel has always done all it could to get it prisoners released and always paid a very high price for it. Over the years we've also learned that the large majority of released terrorists returned to their terrorist organizations and were responsible for additional attacks and deaths of Israeli citizens.

All Israelis wanted Gilad released but the price was way to high and I wasn't an advocate for that. That said there is a Jewish commandment to redeem prisoners and that's why Israel has always paid such high prices.

My problem is that when one or more of these released terrorists attack and kill again how will the Shalit family feel and how will they justify the release of 1027 terrorists for Gilad?

An additional problem is the families of those killed by these released terrorists. The large majority of them were against the release of the prisoners in exchange for Gilad and their feelings apparently weren't an important enough factor to consider.

I believe there are also other hidden aspects to this "deal" that we aren't aware of but after Gilad's release all I can say is Welcome Home Gilad, it's good to have you back. As you'll see from the below videos he's looking pretty shaky and thin. I'm sure a few weeks of his mother's cooking will change that.

To my knowledge there is only one country in the world that works so diligently for the release of their prisoners and is willing to pay such a high price for their release and that's Israel. Now after the fact and despite my feelings about the 1027 to 1 ratio I'm over joyed he's home with his family, friends and country that eagerly awaited his return.



Gilad arrives at the Tel Nof Air Force Base and is received by PM Benjamin Netanyahu, Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Benny Gantz, Minister for Security Ehud Barak and finally a hug from his Father.

Gilad and his father on their way home to Mitzpeh Hila

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
10/18/2011 4:24:12 PM
What is sad even some muslims know there is a problem but yet they remain Islamists.
All the videos are posted here in the "Kitchen"

Hi Helen,

You did understand my meaning with the "unless they convert to Islam". I'd say that wouldn't be an option for the majority but when you consider the submission and capitulation of the MSM and all the liberal progressives to the Jihadis you can never know.

I wrote a few times about the so called moderate Muslims and my concerns that when as you call it push comes to shove they'll submit to the Jihadis. Whenever polls are taken within the Muslim community about terrorist activities the majority are in favor . As the Turkish PM Erdogan said there is no moderate Islam, Islam is Islam.




Hello Peter

In your comments of your last post, you said, "....if you lose you're history unless you "submit" and convert to Islam.

My question is, "How is that winning?" Notice the word, 'unless'. Actually, I know what you meant.

Neil Snyer in his article says...
Radical Islam is a problem that the entire world must confront. It's not about politics. It's about eradicating a festering sore before it turns into gangrene and threatens our very existence.

My comment...
He right but it's worse than that! It's a black plague. The sore becomes gangerene and the host dies. Gangerene doesn't spread to others like the plague does. If it is the plague, it spreads its ugly tenacles to everyone including the Muslims.

If a country was known to have the plague, people would not be allowed to go there and people would not be allowed to come from there into any other country ...well, hopefully. It should be same with Islam. Muslims, of any kind, should not be allowed in the country until Muslims change the Qur'an and remove the violence from it and prove by their actions that they mean it. That is not likely to happen and if it does, it will not happen in our lifetimes.

Frankly, I don't see how an evil religion or system can ever become good. Some people ask, "What about the good Muslims?" How do you tell the good from the bad? Their own 'holy' book tells them to lie. How could we expect an immigration officer to know if someone is lying or not. If a Muslim were truly good and knew his/her own religion, he/she would not be a Muslim.

Even the so-called moderate Muslims will kill us when push comes to shove, ie., when militant Muslims say, "Kill or be killed". They are already doing it in many countries. Muslims are killing millions of other Muslims all over the world ...not to mention all the "infidels" they are also killing. But alas, I am probably not saying anything that has not previously been said on this forum before.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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