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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Pat Condell On The Great Palestinian Lie
10/7/2011 7:14:49 AM
Hello Friends,

Pat Condell discusses in his latest video a subject I've been raising ever since I started this thread. The Israeli/Palestinian issue has nothing to do about land or territory in exchange for peace.

If any of you've noticed the PA in it's bid for statehood at the UN gave maps of the so called PA state and lo and behold it encompasses all of Israel. For those of you who don't understand the implications of that I sure do pity you.

Over the many years of peace talks Israel's made concession after concession to an entity that never existed historically but in order to insure peace for future generations agreed to a two state solution and worked to achieve that goal. Peace in our area. But the Arabs aren't interested in peace and never were else with all the concessions we should have had peace here years ago. The problem is that they don't want peace but the total destruction and eradication of Israel from the map of the world. The Hamas and PLO charters state this "simple desire" of these so called "Palestinians".

In conclusion it's not land for peace but killing all the Jews as they must do if they obey their koran and the big mo. Now the proposed PA map might make more sense to those that didn't get it before.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Helen Elias

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
10/7/2011 8:05:17 AM

Pat Condell hits the nail on the head AGAIN!! You would think he's a Jew or a Christian. He has his facts down so well. He's gets things right so often amazing feat for a total atheist. I love listening to him.

I have been studying this issue regarding the Palestinians for years now and have been trying to do my little part to educate people about them and what is going on between them and Israel Evelyn can tell you. She is on my email list.

I don't know why Israel wants so much to sit down and negotiate with the Palestinians. Even if the Palestinians entered into a treaty with Israel, according to their Koran, they are not obligated to keep any promises made to the infidel governments. They can even sit there and lie, the Koran says, and they will break any promises they make with Israel. So it is a waste of Israel's time!!

If I were in charge of the Israeli government, I would be wanting to wipe THEM off the map and get rid of that plague once and for all.


Hello Friends,

Pat Condell discusses in his latest video a subject I've been raising ever since I started this thread. The Israeli/Palestinian issue has nothing to do about land or territory in exchange for peace.

If any of you've noticed the PA in it's bid for statehood at the UN gave maps of the so called PA state and lo and behold it encompasses all of Israel. For those of you who don't understand the implications of that I sure do pity you.

Over the many years of peace talks Israel's made concession after concession to an entity that never existed historically but in order to insure peace for future generations agreed to a two state solution and worked to achieve that goal. Peace in our area. But the Arabs aren't interested in peace and never were else with all the concessions we should have had peace here years ago. The problem is that they don't want peace but the total destruction and eradication of Israel from the map of the world. The Hamas and PLO charters state this "simple desire" of these so called "Palestinians".

In conclusion it's not land for peace but killing all the Jews as they must do if they obey their koran and the big mo. Now the proposed PA map might make more sense to those that didn't get it before.



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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Yom Kippur 2011: Israel Stops And Reflects
10/7/2011 2:30:35 PM
Hello Friends,

In a few hours Yom Kippur - The Day of Atonement begins and ends some 25 hours later on Saturday night. For those interested in learning a bit more on this Holiest of Days in Judaism the article below explains a bit on this holiday.



Yom Kippur: Israel Stops and Reflects

Yom Kippur – the solemn Day of Atonement-begins Friday night. The Yom Kippur War broke out in 1973 during prayers.
By Arutz Sheva Staff

First Publish: 10/7/2011, 1:08 PM

Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur

The highest of the High Holidays – Yom Kippur – is to begin on Friday night, and Jews around the world are completing their last preparations for the solemn day that ends the Ten Days of Penitence.

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is a Divinely-designated day that the Torah explains “will atone for you [plural] to purify you from all your sins before G-d.” Such atonement, however, must generally be accompanied by teshuvah, a process that must include introspection, admission of sins, remorse, and a commitment not to repeat them.

One must also appease and ask forgiveness from those he has harmed or insulted over the year.

Many people visit the graves of their parents on the days before Yom Kippur, in preparation for the Yizkor service memorializing lost parents which is said during the fast.

The prayers for Yom Kippur, which begin with the Kol Nidre prayer said at night, then take up most of the day, are replete with the various concepts of teshuvah, as well as acknowledgement of G-d’s goodness in affording mortals this opportunity to exonerate and improve themselves. One of the dramatic prayers is a review of the High Priest's preparations and one time yearly entering the Holy of Holies in the Temple, during which the each member of the congregation prostrates himself before G-d. There is also a piyyut, liturgical poem, recalling the ten martyrs killed by the Romans, one of whom was Rabbi Akiva.

The fast begins just before sundown on Friday night, and ends some 25 hours later, after the special Ne’ilah (locking, signifying that the gates of heaven are to be locked at the end of the fast) prayer, said standing. At the prayer's end, the Shma Yisrael - Hear O Israel the Lord our G-d, the Lord is One - is recited aloud by the entire congregation, followed by another two verses, including sevenfold loud repetition of the words "G-d is the Lord".

The end of the fast is signalled by a dramatic, lone shofar-blast and the immediate singing of "Next year in rebuilt Jerusalem". In many Israeli synagogues, this is a signal for joyous dancing as the fast's end signals a lightening of spirits.

In addition to eating and drinking, also forbidden on this day are wearing leather shoes, washing up, make-up and perfumes, and marital relations.

The prohibitions notwithstanding, the day is considered a festive day, in that we celebrate G-d’s beneficence in going against natural law and allowing us to revoke and nullify our misdeeds. It is also a “day of friendship and love," according to the prayer liturgy.

The day before Yom Kippur, the 9th of the Jewish month of Tishrei, is also considered a special day, and we are required to eat and drink even more than we normally do. "Whoever eats and drinks on the 9th,” the Talmud states enigmatically, “is as [meritorious as] if he had fasted on both the 9th and the 10th." The custom of kaparot is done on the 9th.

The State of Israel is essentially closed down on Yom Kippur, with no public transportation or electronic broadcasts, and practically no open stores or services. Bicycling on main roads and city streets has become a popular pastime on the holy day, to the dismay of many, as there is no traffic to be seen, but the Tel Aviv municipality has decided to close the rental facilities over the fast.

Even more prevalent on this day are prayer services. Organizations make arrangements for secular-friendly prayer services around the country, which have become extremely popular and well-attended in recent years.

Israelis who are old enough to remember Yom Kippur 1973, recall how people were shocked to see cars driving down the streets in the early afternoon. They were rounding up soldiers as the Yom Kippur War had broken out during the day - almost all of the soldiers, religious and secular, were at their local synagogues and army cars went from synagogue to synagogue with lists, while sirens wailed shortly afterwards in Jerusalem and worshipers raced to shelters,

Memorial services for the war's fallen soldiers will be held on Sunday.

For more information on Yom Kippur, click here.

May we and all Israel be inscribed for a happy, healthy and blessed new year.

Parts of this article were written by Arutz Sheva's veteran former staff member Hillel Fendel.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Sukkot - Feast Of Tabernacles Begins This Evening At Sundown
10/12/2011 3:23:50 PM
Hello Friends,

This evening is the beginning of Sukkot - Feast of Tabernacles. The article below explains more about this beautiful holiday.



Israel Prepares to Welcome Sukkot

Israel begins the week-long festival of Succot at Sundown on Wednesday -- and Arutz Sheva TV visits the 4-species market in Tel Aviv
By Gavriel Queenann

The week-long Jewish festival of Sukkot, commemorating G-d's protection of the Jews during their 40-year sojourn prior to entering the Promised Land, begins Wednesday evening.

On this holiday, Jews build, eat, relax and many even sleep in temporary booth-type structures, sukkot, reminding them of their desert dwellings and of the Clouds of Glory that protected them during that time.

Beginning at sundown, Sukkot is one of the three major festivals (shlosha regalim) of the Jewish calendar in which the Jewish People were enjoined to "go up to Jerusalem." It is called the 'festival of rejoicing', and the entire Hallel prayer is said each day of the holiday.

"Sukkot", says Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks, "is a complex set of variations on the theme of life, It is a festival of a people who have known more starkly than any other that the canopy of faith is the only shelter we have". For the Rabbi's full message and video, click here.

While the holiday lasts for seven days in Israel, only the first day is regarded as a Sabbath-like "Holy Day" on which most Sabbath restrictions, except for preparing food for that day, apply.

The second through seventh days are known as “Chol HaMoed," literally meaning a combination of holiday (moed) and weekday (chol).

On these days, most ordinary activities are permitted. In Israel, it is customary to see mass outings of families and friends throughout the country as domestic tourism floods a myriad of sites throughout Israel. For observant Jews, Chol HaMoed Sukkot and Passover are the only days besides Yom Hatzmaut where everyone is on vacation and driving a car is allowed, so they take full advantage of it.

Outside Israel, Sukkot begins with a two-day Sabbath-like holiday, with the third through seventh days serving as Chol HaMoed.

Sukkot is followed by the holiday of Shmini Atzeret - the Assembly of the Eighth Day - which is considered a separate holiday on which Yomtov restrictions apply and on which the solemn prayer for rain is said.

In the Diaspora, Shmini Atzeret, on which Yizkor is said, is followed by Simchat Torah, the celebration of Torah, during which communities feast, dance with the Torah scrolls, and celebrate the annual conclusion of the Torah-reading cycle.

In Israel, Simchat Torah is observed on Shmini Atzeret, making for a long and festive day in the synagogue, with the prayer for rain and Yizkor, but hours of dancing with the Torahs, the calling up of every man present to say the blessings on the Torah by having multiple readings, having a special prayer for the younger children under a prayer shawl held as a canopy over their heads, and more, in addition to the regular holiday prayers.

Sukkot: 'Clouds of Glory'

In the days running up to Sukkot, Jewish communities are filled with the sounds of hammers and saws, and the labor of those constructing the booths. Sukkot is called 'The Feast of Tabernacles" in English, referring to the temporary booth of the Holy Ark during the desert sojourn.

For basic information on building a kosher sukkah, click here.

On the nights of Chol Hamoed, “Water-Drawing Celebrations,” called Simchat Beit HaShoeva (Celebration of the House of Water-Drawing), are held to commemorate the ceremonies and celebrations that took place at the Holy Temple in Jerusalem in preparation for drawing water for use during the festival services.

These celebrations, held in Jewish communities around the world, are a highlight in Hassidic communities and Israeli yeshivas, where the students return from vacation for the night on which their yeshiva celebrates, often featuring all-night music and singing by live bands.

Lulav and Etrog: Unity of the Jewish People

One of the most important customs of Sukkot is the recitation of the blessings over the Four Species: an etrog (citron), a lulav (palm frond), three sprigs of hadassim (myrtle) and two branches of aravot (red willow). These have to meet halakhic specifications, so it is recommended to purchase them from a reliable source or buy a ready made set with rabbinic certification.

The lulav and etrog are blessed each morning - women and children usually do this at home while men wait for morning synagogue services, the lulav held in the right hand and the etrog in the left with the stem end (oketz) facing upward until the blessing is said, after which the etrog is turned so that the tip (pitom) faces upward.

The Four Species are waved in six directions: east, west, north, south, up and down during the Hallel prayer and then carried in a march around the synagogue for the Hoshana ("Save us") prayer each morning of the holiday excepting the Sabbath.

To preserve your Four Species for the week, keep the etrog in a box. One can put the lulav in a vase with water, but the most important thing is to separate the hadassim and aravot from the palm frond and put them, along with the kusheklach (woven basketry holder) in a damp, not dripping towel. Cover with the towel and wrap the towel in aluminum foil. Fold foil over, crimp the edges to make it airtight and put in the refrigerator, removing it to set up the lulav set for prayers.

For explanations of the deeper meaning of the Four Species in Arutz Sheva's Judaism section, click here and here.

The lulav is only considered kosher if all four species are taken together – if one is missing, the entire lulav is invalid. From this, we learn that all Jews must work together and remain united, as one People, regardless of our differences.

Yoni Kepinski and Chana Yaar contributed to this report.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - A feeble Attempt By A Muslim Blogger To Rewrite History & More
10/12/2011 10:41:06 PM
Hello Friends,

A few days ago a friend directed me to 2 posts which she found to be extremely offending. When I read them I actually found them amusing for a variety of reasons.

1. The source . We always come back to the dubious sources of these posts. One of them is from a blog written by a Muslim who tries to rewrite history something that Muslims are expert at. The funniest part of the post for me was the quoting of a known anti Semite, ooooops I mean anti Zionist. Yep, you guessed it they are one and the same in this politically correct time we're living in. This "reliable" anti Semite and the Muslim blogger also have a fetish with America bashing and of course America and Israel are to blame for all that ails the world. In any case more about his nonsense later.

2. A second post sourced at Press TV. Oh yeah that oh so reliable sources for "accurate" information released by the propaganda arm of the "peace loving" lunatic Iranian government and their head lunatic leader Ahmadinejad. This post talks about something that indeed happened but not in Nablus but within the confines of the Itamar settlement. I'm sure many of you remember the grotesque assassination of the Fogel family in Itamar not long ago and what actually happened was that the Muslims from the town where the jihadi terrorists came from and were hidden in until their arrest came to harvest olive produce within the borders of Itamar. They came in and heckled the residents of Itamar and family members of the terrorists were amongst those there. Obviously this caused the residents much heartache anger and anxiety and they protested against not attacked the Muslims that were there gleefully laughing in their faces. I'm not in any way condoning attacks on Muslims but this certainly puts the whole affair in a different light and the truth as opposed to the constant lies and propaganda of Press TV.

Back to the Muslim blogger. Aside from his feeble attempts to rewrite history he uses as a source and quotes Alan Hart who is violently anti Israel, anti Zionism/anti semitic as a reliable source for his rewriting of history. The ploy to say something is a scientific fact without actually showing in any way that there is any basis to his facts is an easy way to gain supporters from the naively ignorant or those with an obvious agenda. If you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth for many. He writes
Hart also says that Western citizens, and, above all, Americans, “have been conditioned by Zionist propaganda to believe a version of history which simply is not true.”

This version of history states that; 1) Israel is the perpetual victim of Palestinian violence; 2) There is a powerful Islamist movement in the world that threatens America and the West with destruction; 3) Al-Qaeda, which represents one arm of the Islamist movement, was responsible for the 9/11 attacks and is planning more terrorist attacks against America; 4) There can be no peace between the Muslim nations of the Middle East, Israel, and America until all Islamic terrorists are killed and their Jihad against the West is destroyed; and 5) Iran is hell-bent on starting World War III and wiping Israel off the map.

He supposedly disproves the above with the following
All the five points above are big lies. Israel is not the victim, there is no Islamic Jihad against the West, 9/11 was not done by Al-Qaeda, peace can be established if the full truth is understood by all, and Iran did not say it will attack Israel with nuclear weapons.

Let's take these one by one.

1. "Israel is the perpetual victim of Palestinian violence". I'd say over 12,000 rockets, mortars and bombs fired on Israel from Hamasland is definitely a terrorist jihadi thing. The many suicide bombings, terrorist attacks, throwing rocks at cars, attacks where an infant and her mother were injured a few weeks ago and a father and infant son were murdered last week amongst the many other injured and killed. This is so idiotic and farcical cos the list goes on and on. Israel doesn't claim to be the "victim" but surely demands the right of self defense. The so called Palestinians are the pros at calling themselves "victims".

2. "There is a powerful Islamist movement in the world that threatens America and the West with destruction". His reply to that is, "there is no Islamic Jihad against the West". There is really no need to even reply to this idiocy. I think even the blindest of blind and deafest of deaf and dumbest of dumb realize how absurd his reply is.

3. " Al-Qaeda, which represents one arm of the Islamist movement, was responsible for the 9/11 attacks and is planning more terrorist attacks against America" and his reply was, "9/11 was not done by Al-Qaeda,". The truthers will agree with this reply (I disagree). Al Qaeda took full responsibility for the 911 attack and until real proof is presented I'll take them at their word.

4. "There can be no peace between the Muslim nations of the Middle East, Israel, and America until all Islamic terrorists are killed and their Jihad against the West is destroyed" his reply was, "peace can be established if the full truth is understood by all". His reply is purposely ambiguous but I'll agree with the essence of it. When the Palestinians understand that peace will happen only when the PA finally sits down and negotiates for peace. So far they have no desire or inclination to do that as they have shown over the years. Israel is ready and has been for the same number of years but unfortunately I don't see any chance of that happening in the foreseeable future ........unfortunately. In his reply he doesn't relate to the Jihadis and understandably so. We all know there is Jihad against the West. Europe has fallen prey to the different forms of jihad and some countries are now starting to fight against it.

5. "Iran is hell-bent on starting World War III and wiping Israel off the map." now here his reply is interesting in the obfuscation used, "Iran did not say it will attack Israel with nuclear weapons." In his reply he says Iran didn't say it would attack with nuclear weapons while in the original statement he says "wipe Israel off the map". In essence he doesn't refute this allegation and he can't cos the lunatic Ahmadinejad states this in almost every speech he makes as do the crazed Mullahs. But that said you have to be simple minded not to understand why Iran wants to be a Nuclear power and according to his agenda Israel first and the Western world will be next in line. Now with the release of the Iranian conspiracy to murder the Saudi Ambassador to the USA and additional planned attacks this Muslim blogger's claims are even more absurd then before and put paid to his stupid reply.

There is so much more to be said but for now that's enough. I will add this, in a reply to Robert a few days ago I told him that I always try to post information that can be substantiated by facts and even when there is something I would really like to post but there are some facts that are questionable I simply don't post the article. I never use dubious sources that are merely propaganda and spread lies that support their agenda. I leave that for others to do.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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