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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
9/30/2011 2:02:31 AM
This has got to be the crappiest editor ever. :(
Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
10/2/2011 4:47:02 PM
Hi Evelyn,

Thanks again for your New Years wishes and for posting the below article and video. PM Netanyahu expresses well the wishes and desires of the Israeli people as a whole and the hope for a true and enduring peace in our region.



P.S. The editor sure is a great "disappointment".


Hi Peter, I got this in my inbox today from our friends to the north, the Canada Free Press and thought this thread was the appropriate place to post it.
PM Netanyahu's Greetings for Rosh Hashana 5772

Rosh Hashanah message, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sends greetings again, “…from Jerusalem, the eternal, united capitol of the Jewish people and the Jewish state.

Israel’s New Year of hope
Felicia Benamon Thursday, September 29, 2011
Shana Tova! Lo Iyrah! Do not fear Israel.
“The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save.” –Zephaniah 3:17

Israel—forever an optimistic and upbeat people, no matter what obstacles they face. They obtain and have favor, because it is Almighty God, Jehovah, Adonai, YHWH who has upheld them for millennia.
Gutsy and straight to the point, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu doesn’t hold back the truth as he says, “Israel has extended its hand in peace from the moment it was established.” The Israeli people have stretched themselves to the limit, making concessions to obtain peace for many years, but nothing has changed.

However, Israel has a strong, steadfast leader in Netanyahu as he continues to remain adamant and anchored about protecting the Israeli people and their heritage

…we must continue a firm policy that makes clear, that terror and missile attacks on our citizens will NOT be tolerated,” he said.

As Netanyahu also mentions in his Rosh Hashanah message in 2010, “…as Israel’s Prime Minister, it’s my responsibility to make every effort to forge a lasting peace with our neighbors; lasting peace MUST be anchored in security and it must be anchored in the recognition of the Jewish state’s permanence in this region, not merely as a fact but it’s something that our neighbors accept by right.”

He talked of challenges “in the coming year,” (2011) but was optimistic going forward.

For his Rosh Hashanah message, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sends greetings again, “…from Jerusalem, the eternal, united capitol of the Jewish people and the Jewish state.

“In order for there to be peace, Israel has to be STRONG,” he said. He reminded all that, “people make peace with the strong; they don’t make peace with the weak…for Israel to remain strong, we have…to convince the world of the reality and the sincerity of our desire for peace.”

Netanyahu tried a graceful gesture toward Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas, extending his hand in peace at the UN, but there was no response.

“Palestinians finally have to recognize what all of you recognize, that Israel is the Jewish state …that the Jewish people, after all their travails… deserve their one and only place under the sun, in the land of Israel, the state of Israel,” Netanyahu asserted. “The Palestinians FINALLY have to do what they refuse to do throughout the decades: RECOGNIZE the one and only Jewish state and if they do, then I think that we will have a very, very good year.”

The Mid-East is in a constant struggle to remain relatively stable, but with the help of those nations who know the taste of true freedom, Israel will continue to be a positive strength, which is sorely needed in the Mid-East.

I believe God Almighty has His hand in preserving and caring for the people of Israel. If we act on behalf of the people of Israel to strive to keep the peace of Jerusalem—to protect and keep Jerusalem as the rightful capitol of Israel, then Almighty God will bless us.

I remain optimistic for the vitality, the everlasting endurance and peace for the Jewish people. Shana Tova Israel! We in America support you!

Joel 3:1,2: “In those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel, for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.”

Important videos/reads

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s UN speech; September 23, 2011
Netanyahu’s UN speech; September 23, 2011 (video)
Netanyahu: Palestinians want state without peace
Canada warns world: It will defend Israel to death

Shana Tova Israel! (more videos)

PM Netanyahu’s Greetings for Rosh Hashanah 2010
PM Netanyahu’s Greetings for Rosh Hashanah 2011
Adonai Li, Lo Iyrah
Blowing of the Shofar

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Outrage: $770 Million To Rebuild Mosques Overseas!
10/2/2011 4:56:11 PM
Hello Friends,

I found the below article extremely interesting for many reasons. There is also an additional article and the reasons for adding it I believe are self explanatory.

First and foremost is the legitimate question why the United States is funding Mosques world wide with monies it doesn't have or at least can't afford at the tax payers expense? Most of us are aware that many of the Mosques are incubators for radical Islam and Jihadis, So why support them in their agenda.

Another question one should ask is why the the United States Government is refurbishing mosques in countries known for their discrimination of other religions like Egypt for instance? We all know that Christians are being killed, their churches destroyed (just a few days ago the latest Church burned and destroyed in Egypt - see below) and this same Government led by the fraud and great pretender B Hussein remains silent and does and says nothing aside from giving US aid to refurbish their Mosques.

In many Muslim countries former churches had "makeovers" and became Mosques. This has been going on in Islam from the time of the big Mo. In other words a severe form of religious discrimination and for all we know the monies used to refurbish them came from US aid.

In new York the Orthodox Church near ground zero was destroyed on 9/11/01 and to this date haven't received approval to rebuild their church. Needless to say Federal Money wasn't offered to rebuild either and if that had have happened the ACLU would have gotten their bowels in an uproar. Yet they remain silent about Federal monies being used to rebuild Mosques all over the world.

There are Constitutional issues in regard to Federal monies being used for religious worship within the United States yet no questions about the same money being used to preserve and promote Islam world wide. The only difference is B Hussein's Islamic agenda and boy is he going full speed ahead with that.




Americans also may be surprised to learn that the United States has been an active participant in mosque construction projects overseas. In April, U.S. Ambassador to Tanzania Alfonso E. Lenhardt helped cut the ribbon at the 12th-century Kizimkazi Mosque, which was refurbished with assistance from the United States under a program to preserve culturally significant buildings. The U.S. government also helped save the Amr Ebn El Aas Mosque in Cairo, which dates back to 642. The mosque’s namesake was the Muslim conqueror of Christian Egypt, who built the structure on the site where he had pitched his tent before doing battle with the country’s Byzantine rulers. For those who think the Ground Zero Mosque is an example of “Muslim triumphalism” glorifying conquest, the Amr Ebn El Aas Mosque is an example of such a monument – and one paid for with U.S. taxpayer funds.

The mosques being rebuilt by the United States are used for religious worship, which raises important First Amendment questions. U.S. taxpayer money should not be used to preserve and promote Islam, even abroad. In July 2009, the Office of the Inspector General published an audit of U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) faith-based and community initiatives that examined whether government funds were being used for religious activities. The auditors found that while USAID was funding some religious activities, officials were “uncertain of whether such uses of Agency funding violate Agency regulations or the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution” when balanced against foreign-policy objectives.

Egypt: Muslim mob storms out of mosque after Friday prayers, torches Coptic church

Islamic law (Sharia) forbids Christians to build new churches or repair old ones. So the parishioners of St. George's were in violation of that law. Those who take a benign view of Sharia in the West should take note. But they won't. "Muslim Mob Torches Coptic Church in Egypt," by Mary Abdelmassih for AINA,

(AINA) -- After Friday prayers today, a mob of several thousand Muslims from the village of Elmarinab in Edfu, Aswan province, demolished and torched St. George's church, which was being renovated. The mob demolished the dome, walls and columns, then went to the church depot where the lumber to be used for construction was stored and torched it. The fire lasted 2 hours but the attack continued until 7 PM.

In an interview on Coptic TV channel, Father Salib of St. George's Church said "the Imam of one of the village mosques called on the people to take matter in their own hands, he added. Other witnesses named the Imam as Sheikh Sabry.

According to eyewitnesses the Muslims also torched a large depot of electrical goods owned by a Copt, a supermarket and four Coptic homes. Muslims prevented the fire brigade from entering the village. Security forces, which were present, "stood there watching," said Mr.Michael Ramzy, a social worker at the church.

Dr. Naguib Gabriel, head of the Egyptian Union of Human rights Organizations send an urgent message to field Marchall Tantawi to save the Copts in Egypt. "The Copts, their lives and their churches are in danger," he said.

Attorney Mamdouh Nakhla, head of Al-Kalema human rights organization condemned Muslims taking the law in their own hands. He said "if the Egyptian Government is unable to protect its citizens, then the civilized international society should step in immediately to stop this human tragedy."

The Media denied the incident. Mostafa el Sayed, Governor of Aswan, appeared on State TV tonight and denied any church being torched. He said it was a "guest home" and not a church. El Sayed said he gave his permission for the building to be 9 meters high, but the church contractor made it 13 meters high. "The contractor was slow in removing the 4 meters, so the Muslim youths took the matter into their hand." He said the fire was in a depot of the church which had the construction lumber.

He said that both parties are at fault, the Christians for exceeding the height and the Muslims for taking matters into their own hands. He added that he arranged for a "reconciliation" meeting to be held in the next two hours.

Father Salib refuted the governor of Aswan allegations that the torched construction was a guest home. He said St. George's church was been built 100 years ago and as it was dilapidated, the diocese was given permission to renovate it completely. He said that the Governor of Aswan himself signed the license for the renovation in 2010.

The renovation, although having all the necessary licenses from the government, prompted a crisis in Elmarinab village in the beginning of September. Islamists objected to the presence of a cross, bell and dome and prevented Copts from leaving their homes (AINA 9-9-2011)....

Georges Bouchra of Copts United NGO reported the Copts are staying indoors as it was rumored that Muslims have threatened to torch their homes tonight....
Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Israeli Scientist Awarded The Nobel Prize In Chemistry
10/6/2011 5:19:16 AM
Hello Friends,

In a reply to Jack Sunshine in my President's thread I mentioned that an Israeli Chemist was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry yesterday. For those interested here's some more information on Professor Schechtman and his scientific research that was awarded the prize.



Israeli Daniel Schechtman Wins 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Israeli scientist Daniel Schechtman has won the 2011 Nobel Prize in chemistry for his discovery of quasicrystals in nature.

By Chana Ya'ar

First Publish: 10/5/2011, 1:13 PM

Professor Daniel Schechtman
Professor Daniel Schechtman
Israel news photo: Technion Israel Institute of Technology

Israeli scientist Daniel Schechtman has been awarded the 2011 Nobel Prize in chemistry for his discovery of quasicrystals. Schechtman is a distinguished professor at the Institute of Technology in Haifa.

"This is a great day for me personally ... and it's definitely a grea day for science," said Schechtman at a news conference held Wednesday. He added that the day was one of celebration for all scientists. "I'm sure the prize is also your accomplishment. It is because of you this field is successful."

A number of Israelis have earned the honor in past years, including Professor Ada Yonath, who with two other researchers received the 2009 Nobel Prize in chemistry for her discovery of ribosomes.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said in a statement that Schechtman's research “eventually forced scientists to reconsider their conception of the very nature of matter.”

In 1982, Schechtman showed in Washington, D.C. that atoms in a crystal can be packed in a pattern that may not be repeated, in a discovery ran contrary to previous belief in the field. He was finally asked to leave the research group – whereupon he returned to Israel. In November 1984, he published his research together with a colleague in Israel, instead.

The 10-point pentagonal symmetry of the crystals was rejected at the time by crystallographers, who said that all crystals must have rotational symmetry. He was studying a mix of aluminum and manganese at the time when he saw a pattern, which he said was similar to Islamic mosaics, that never repeated itself. It appeared contrary to all the laws of nature, but the discovery has since been replicated in other laboratories around the world.

Quasicrystals were first seen in nature in 2009, according to the Academy. A Swedish firm found them in one of the most durable kinds of steel, the citation said, used in thin needles specifically intended for eye surgery, and razor blades.

The Nobel Prize for medicine, awarded earlier this week, was shared by a group of three researchers, two of whom were Jews. Tragically, one of the two Jewish researchers passed away just three days before his achievement was announced; however, the Nobel committee nevertheless made an exception and has agreed to award the prize to Dr. Ralph Steinman posthumously.

The $1.5 million Nobel Prize is handed out every year on December 10, the anniversary of the 1896 death of the founder of the award, Alfred Nobel.

More on this topic
Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Yom Kippur 2011 for Jews and the World
10/6/2011 5:29:20 PM
Hello Friends,

Friday evening is the beginning of Yom Kippur - the Day of Atonement. It is the holiest day in Judaism and the fast begins at sundown on Friday evening and ends on Saturday night.

Yom Kippur is a day of consensus cos even the unorthodox respect the day. There is no traveling on Yom Kippur and you see the roads free of all traffic aside from ambulance services. They might not fast but they will not eat in public nor are any businesses open on Yom Kippur.

In addition today 10/6 is 38 years since the Yom Kippur War when Egypt and Syria sneak attacked Israel and forced her into the fourth Arab-Israeli war. One can't help but remember that war each and every year on and before Yom Kippur and I believe all who were adults at the time remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when the war began. Needless to say the Egyptians and Syrians were soundly defeated but after the loss of many Israeli lives both on the field and in rural areas that were attacked.

The below article by Alan Caruba covers Yom Kippur a bit along with other associated issues.



All must understand that we are in a war. The Israelis do. Americans must

Yom Kippur 2011 for Jews and the World

- Alan Caruba Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Ever since the Yom Kippur War in 1973 in which Egypt and Syria chose the holiest day in the Jewish calendar to attack Israel, I have always felt a frisson of concern as the day approached. For Jews it begins the evening of Friday, October 7, and continues through Saturday for a full day of prayer that ends with the ancient, inspiring expression of hope, “Next year in Jerusalem.”

Even in Jerusalem, they say “Next year in Jerusalem” because it confirms the faith’s enduring bond with the land of Israel that survived not one, but two destructions of their Temples there, exiles, and, in the last century, the Holocaust followed by a return to and rebirth of Israel as a Jewish state.

The Yom Kippur war was the fourth Arab-Israeli war, fought from October 6 to 25, and ending with decisive defeats of Egypt and Syria. What has always struck me most forcefully was the decision by the Arabs—Muslims—to choose Yom Kippur as the day of the sneak attack. It demonstrated Islam’s utter and complete contempt for Judaism, but it demonstrates its contempt for Christianity as well, for both Judaism and Christianity are theologically bonded together.

Among the early Jews to immigrate to Israel, other than the founders who came initially from Europe in response to its anti-Semitism, were an estimated 600,000 Jews who fled Middle Eastern nations under the threat of death when Israel came into being in 1948. Many had lived in those nations from biblical times. Now it is the turn of Christian Arabs to flee, if not to Israel, to anywhere else in a world, but it is the world itself that is threatened by the rise of fundamental and fanatical Islam.

Writing for in late September, Raymond Ibrahim noted a recent report “that unprecedented numbers of Copts, Egypt’s indigenous Christian population, are emigrating from their homeland in response to the so-called ‘Arab Spring’.” The attacks on Copts and their churches have been mounting. It is anticipated that within a decade a third of Egypt’s Copt population will leave.

The threats against the Copts are mirrored throughout the Middle East as Christians immigrate from Iraq, Palestine, and Lebanon in search of refuge. Examples include the October 31, 2010 massacre of the Iraqi congregation of Our Lady of Deliverance Church and other attacks; the ratio of Christians to Muslims in Iraq has gone from 8% to 2% in the past decade.

We wait for word on the fate of an Iranian pastor, Youcef Nadarkhani, who has refused to renounce Christianity. On September 27, an Iranian court upheld a death penalty for the Islamic crime of “apostasy.” Leaving Islam has always been punishable by death. If the sentence is carried out, he will be the first Christian known to have been executed for his faith in 21 years in Iran. He will not be the last so long as the fanatical ayatollahs hold Iran in its grip.

The irony is that the Persian king, Cyrus the Great, (580-529 BC) freed the Jews from slavery, telling them to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their Temple. Until the Islamic Revolution in 1979, a large Jewish community resided in Iran.

Meanwhile, on September 25th, a suicide bomber killed himself and wounded at least 22 other people in an attack on an Indonesian church. Indonesia is Southeast Asia’s largest Muslim-majority nation. The Wall Street Journal reported that, “To its credit, authorities there have cracked down on hard-line Islamic groups linked to bombings on Western hotels and tourist spots—such as the attacks on Bali nightclubs in 2002 that killed 202 people, many of them foreign visitors.”

On Yom Kippur, Jews devote themselves to their Day of Atonement and pray for a year of life, health, and happiness. They do not pray for wealth. They do not pray for power. Tradition requires that they pay all debts and seek forgiveness if they believe they may have wronged someone.

Now, worldwide, Christians must, like the Jews, give renewed consideration to the threat of Islam. Drawn from desert tribal values of war and pillage, Islam has spread widely since the seventh century. It has carried its seventh century mentality forward and once again challenges the West, using terror as its chosen weapon.

Support for the Muslim Brotherhood, often misrepresented in the media as “moderate”, is suicidal. Support for Hamas is support for terrorism. And, so far, support for the Palestinians has been futile.

It is a war without quarter, whether it is an Iranian pastor, the ancient community of Egyptian Christians, or the entire nation of Israel. Islam has no tolerance for other faiths.

All must understand that we are in a war. The Israelis do. Americans must.

© Alan Caruba, 2011
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7