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Jim Allen

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
9/6/2011 4:28:41 PM
I like that word dubious you used there, Peter. It makes for interesting reading and broadens your horizon on the reach some of these dubious sources have. Also the many dubious reasons for creating a news agency on the format of FOX News. Which RT is IMHO. 10 years ago FOX was just as dubious depending on your point of view at the time. As for investors, FOXNews has some dubious investors as well. Which just means we are dealing with various Oligarchs in a power struggle. Unfortunately we are what is considered "Collateral Damage" where we the average person are pieces on a game board. Pitting us one against the other is part of the game plan. We must know where we stand. We must take that stand in 2012.

Hello Friends,

A few days ago in a post titled "Poll: Israeli Youth Identifies With The Right" I wrote about dubious sources some have been using in their threads. For the most part these sources are propaganda arms for the governments funding them (RT -Russia and Press TV - Iran) and in one case Al Jazeera the mouth piece for the Muslem Brotherhood and Al Qaeda.

In the below article we have an excellent example of what I'm talking about but in this case it's even worse cos they came out with a "hit list" of American companies, individuals and politicians that are detrimental to the Radical Islamic Jihadi agenda. They don't publicly call for any violence but for those that understand the mindset of the jihadis you can rest assured this hit list will be taken seriously and can endanger those mentioned. This is definitely a wake up call and it's not only the extermination of Israel the lunatics are calling for but in their subliminal way America and Americans as well.



Iranian news agency publishes list of U.S. citizens and lawmakers

- Clare M. Lopez, W. Thomas Smith Friday, September 2, 2011

Iran’s Khomeinist news agency, Press TV – long recognized for its Jihadist-supporting broadcasts – has published what is being referred to as a veritable “hit piece” against many leading U.S. media companies, commentators, antiterrorism experts, legislators, and at least one presidential candidate – calling several by name – in what the news agency considers to be “The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America.” And what observers fear may reveal a more sinister motive.

The article entitled, “U.S. Empire foments Islamophobia,” and based on a just-released report by the Center for American Progress, contends there is a conspiracy by these so-named (primarily conservative) organizations and individuals to foment fears about Islam.

Press TV is funded almost exclusively by Iranian petrodollars (oil profits) from the same regime that funds and directs global terrorist organizations like the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (the IRGC which is also known as the Pasdaran), the IRGC’s Quds Force, Lebanon’s Hizballah, and others; all of which are designated foreign terrorist organizations by the U.S. government and other countries.

The annual budget of Press TV is approximately $25 million according to estimates. And according to reports from the Iranian opposition – specifically the Green Movement – Press TV is directly controlled by the Pasdaran. The agency broadcasts the tightly-controlled propaganda of the Iranian regime, and it prepares the ground – so to speak – for future propagandizing against any real or perceived enemies of the Iranian Islamic state.

In the past, Press TV has focused its efforts against the U.S. and Europe, Arab moderates (including Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Morocco). Moreover, the agency has proven to be a standard-bearer for Hizballah, the Mahdi Army in Iraq, the Houthis in Yemen, and all of Iran’s allies worldwide. In addition to its operations in Tehran, Press TV operates in Beirut, from where the agency vigorously supports and promotes the leadership of Hizballah, and frequently interviews so-called experts who support Iran, Hizballah, and Hamas.

In the article published Sept. 1, 2011, Press TV changes up its batting order, specifically targeting – attempting to discredit and demonize – several non-governmental organizations (NGOs), members of the U.S. Congress, Muslim dissidents like Nonie Darwish and Walid Shoebat, various Western think tanks, and a number of international terrorism researchers like Robert Spencer, Steven Emerson and Daniel Pipes. The article also castigates the chair of the Homeland Security Committee in the U.S. House, Rep. Peter King; the chair of a subcommittee on Intelligence, Rep. Sue Myrick, and others. The list expands to include Rep. Paul Broun, Rep. Allen West, Rep. Renee Ellmers and presidential candidate Michele Bachmann.

The article goes on to target national media such as FOX News (particularly Sean Hannity) – accusing the network of fueling anti-Muslim sentiment – the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), the Washington Times, National Review (including Andy McCarthy, former Assistant U.S. Attorney who prosecuted the terrorists in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing), former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Frank Gaffney, well-known lawyer David Yerushalmi and Professor Walid Phares. Private foundations are even named: Donors Capital Fund, the Richard Mellon Scaife Foundation, Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Newton Becker foundation, and others.

State-based, local, and Tea Party organizations

The article continues, “State-based, local, and Tea Party organizations … [are examples] of the muscles of Islamophobia network.” Other groups named include Act! for America (headed by Lebanese Christian-born Brigitte Gabriel) and the David Horowitz Freedom Center. Frankly, the list drones on-and-on lambasting everyone from noted Christian leaders to conservative radio personalities.

According to one NGO official, “This article is disturbing because it demonstrates that the Iranian-funded propaganda has marked its targets within the United States, in much the same way Hizballah marked its targets in Lebanon with smear campaigns before terrorist attacks were actually launched against those like former prime minister Rafiq Hariri, and parliamentarians Jebran Tueni and Walid Eido.”

The publishing of the article shoehorns into what the NGO official says is “a string of reports and letters posted and circulated by the Western-based – more particularly U.S.-based – Islamist elements since late last year.” The official says, the “reports and letters targeted every public figure or well-known voice in the debate on the Jihadi threat.

Moreover, the campaign led by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and its allies against U.S. Rep Peter King, included a letter sent out by CAIR director Nihad Awad which vigorously condemned the expert witnesses said to have been invited to testify on Jihadi terrorism, including: Former Dutch parliamentarian Ayaan Hirsi Ali, American Islamic Forum for Democracy chair Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, and Professor Phares.

CAIR – a Muslim Brotherhood front group, as well as an offshoot of Hamas – is also an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2007-2008 Holy Land Foundation case (Foundation members were found guilty of “providing material support to a foreign terrorist,” among other charges.). Though CAIR has Salafi Islamist roots, the connection to Hamas links it to Iran and Hizballah.

None of this is surprising being that there we are witnessing increasing unified-coordination between both Sunni and Shia Islamists in the efforts against the West, especially against those who dare to speak out against Jihad. But it is disturbing. And this effort includes planned initiatives by some well-heeled Islamist groups to implement worldwide “criminalization” of any and all criticism of Islam.

We see the clear common goals of both CAIR and Press TV. We see similar strategies to achieve those goals. And we see the immediate strategy in the form of a series of smear campaigns against American leaders and citizens – publicly naming names of those – who are educating the public about a serious national security threat.

An Iran analyst based in Europe tells us, “This is like a fatwa, and if it is the case, this would be dangerous for all people named.”

Experts believe – based on previous actions – that Jihadists will issue lists of targeted enemies, so that the Jihadi terrorists closest to those targets will know who the enemy is.

The Press TV article – to include those who funded and published it – should not be taken lightly. This was not simply an opinion piece. This was a list of names published in international media by a state-run news agency; a state designated by the U.S. State Dept. as a “state sponsor of terrorism.” Additionally, the U.S. government must look into the series of tracts and letters written and disseminated since the beginning of the year targeting Americans who are attempting to educate the public about the very real Jihadist threat.

Clare M. Lopez, W. Thomas Smith
Most recent columns

Clare M. Lopez is a retired CIA operations officer. W. Thomas Smith Jr. is a military analyst and former U.S. Marine.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - 911 Remembrance And A Documentary From Inside The Towers
9/12/2011 11:39:48 AM
Hello Friends,

It's been ten years since 911 and from my point of view the situation is far worse today then it was then.

The war against terrorism's turned into the war against Al Qaeda and the lexicon has changed drastically by the fraud and great pretender's admisistration. Terrorism, Jihad, Radical islamists etc. are outlawed and taboo terms and terms expressing absolutely nothing are the flavor of the day. In actual fact there is no war against terrorism at least by the United States under B Hussen's edicts. Political correctness has turned any mention of Islam being a hate filled ideology and way of life is soon to be against the law. Speaking out against Jihad and radical Islam is considered to be "racist" another term that's one of this administration's favorites.

The administration (that would be B Hussein) didn't want Aq Qaeda mentioned during the official 911 services and disgustingly they decided not to invite the first respoonders to the ceremony along with any clergy. Despicable behavior but not unexpected from B Hussein and Mayor Bloomberg's New York City administration. All you have to see is Bloomberg's unflinching support for the Ground Zero mosque and non support for a Church that was destroyed during the 911 attacks, Sounds sorta fishy to me.

Yesterday the true 911 Remembrance ceremony was held by Stop Islamization of Americ (SIOA) and I will report on it as soon as pictures are published online. Thousands of people from all over the United States along with people from all over the world participated in this ceremony. And yes, first responders and clergy were invited to participate.

The current climate in the USA is a dangerous one especially when you consider B Hussein's Islamic agenda which should be obvious to all by now. His administration is chock a block full of radical Islamic advisers and in other capacities and even the Muslim Brotherhood has a "decent" representation in this administration not to mention Hillary's "darling" Huma Abedin whose parents are affiliated and members of the MB (Huma is wife of the infamous Anthony Weiner of the sextexts Twitter scandal).

So friends it's about time to wake up to the lies and islamic Taqiyya being spread around and become aware that even the 911 remembrance day was infiltrated by the Islamic radicals and unfortuntely B Hussein is one of them.

Below is a video I posted a few years ago and is well worth watching again. It is a documentary about the 911 attack by two French journalists who were doing a story on first responders and were there during the attack while filming their documentary. The film is initialy presented by Robert De Niro.



Peter Fogel
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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
9/12/2011 4:28:23 PM
Hello Peter,
I watched this Documentary on TV last night which incidentally with the many youtube videos I did see being shared around over the last 10 years - I had not seen this one.

This documentary was extremely interesting as the one of the Naudet brothers actually caught on film the plane hitting Tower 1 which I do not think anyone else ever did.

There were a couple of incidences that really caught my attention...Remember Ladder 1 had been doing fire exercises sometime going into the Towers 5 time per day so they knew these Towers..
1. Inside the Lobby, Ladder 1 firemen were quite astonished to see all the windows had been smashed and broken - I heard one or two say 'that it looked like a plane hit' meaning into the lobby. It was mentioned that jet fuel had spilled down the walls with fire to burst them out..
I did not see any firey bursts fall down the walls and I reckon the jet fuel was ignited on impact and any left would have evaporated before it hit the ground 70 floors below
2. The experienced fireman (fire chief etc) seemed to be very confused that all the elevators - did he say there were 100? were not working so they had to plan for firemen to walk up the stairs..

3. There seemed to be more confused and astonishment that fire chief etc could not raise any of their men on their radios.
They have always used radios with success why the failure this time
- also one of the firemen tried to find out if there were people trapped on the elevators which he could not get any response at all...then you see a few minutes later people get off an elevator and they are extremely confused with what they see and what is happening!

4. You hear Tower 2 being hit - firemen have been in tower 1 for about an hour they have been nervous and on edge all this time and then you start hearing many bursts of bangs and popping - then they are running and darkness, the cameraman cleans off his camera lens so they have a light to see and finally after very scaring minutes they are able to see and after some searching for the best exit they get out.

5. Outside filming of people in the street the 2 tower collapses and cameraman and viewers are buried in another avalanche of dust and flying mortar stones as he took refuge in front of a vehicle.
I was so glad that all the Ladder 1 got out safe and sound.

6. Ladder 1 next day go back to ground zero to help with rescue - one of the fireman says 'after looking for many hours he has not come across one piece of computer, telephone, desks, chairs it is all dust'... anything that would be in an office - he had not come across !
I found that very strange too - what happened to these office equipment - we all saw tons of paper floating in all furniture

There was bound to be other things that I did not notice and I am glad that I have the youtube to watch again - there was some very strange and unusual things about the events.


Hello Friends,

It's been ten years since 911 and from my point of view the situation is far worse today then it was then.

The war against terrorism's turned into the war against Al Qaeda and the lexicon has changed drastically by the fraud and great pretender's admisistration. Terrorism, Jihad, Radical islamists etc. are outlawed and taboo terms and terms expressing absolutely nothing are the flavor of the day. In actual fact there is no war against terrorism at least by the United States under B Hussen's edicts. Political correctness has turned any mention of Islam being a hate filled ideology and way of life is soon to be against the law. Speaking out against Jihad and radical Islam is considered to be "racist" another term that's one of this administration's favorites.

The administration (that would be B Hussein) didn't want Al Qaeda mentioned during the official 911 services and disgustingly they decided not to invite the first respoonders to the ceremony along with any clergy. Despicable behavior but not unexpected from B Hussein and Mayor Bloomberg's New York City administration. All you have to see is Bloomberg's unflinching support for the Ground Zero mosque and non support for a Church that was destroyed during the 911 attacks, Sounds sorta fishy to me.

Yesterday the true 911 Remembrance ceremony was held by Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) and I will report on it as soon as pictures are published online. Thousands of people from all over the United States along with people from all over the world participated in this ceremony. And yes, first responders and clergy were invited to participate.

The current climate in the USA is a dangerous one especially when you consider B Hussein's Islamic agenda which should be obvious to all by now. His administration is chock a block full of radical Islamic advisers and in other capacities and even the Muslim Brotherhood has a "decent" representation in this administration not to mention Hillary's "darling" Huma Abedin whose parents are affiliated and members of the MB (Huma is wife of the infamous Anthony Weiner of the sextexts Twitter scandal).

So friends it's about time to wake up to the lies and islamic Taqiyya being spread around and become aware that even the 911 remembrance day was infiltrated by the Islamic radicals and unfortuntely B Hussein is one of them.

Below is a video I posted a few years ago and is well worth watching again. It is a documentary about the 911 attack by two French journalists who were doing a story on first responders and were there during the attack while filming their documentary. The film is initialy presented by Robert De Niro.



Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - A Swiss Politician Speaks Out Against The EU & Islam
9/13/2011 12:01:41 AM
Hello Friends,

Switzerland is one of the few European countries that didn't join the EU and chose to retain their identity and freedom as an independent country. They are surrounded by countries that chose the EU identity and the Swiss preferred to refuse the offer and as things stand today they were right and their neighbors wrong. It looks like the EU is on the verge of collapse and many of its members on the verge of bankruptcy.

That said a Swiss politician was recently in Germany and gave a speech about the dangers of creeping Jihad and the long term agenda of Islam to dominate the world. He also speaks about the EU and how it endangers the freedoms of it's member states and overall well being. It's well worth listening to Oskar Freysinger he's simply telling it like it is and political correctness be d*amned. The speech is in German with large subtitles along with the text of the full speech below the video. I highly recommend that you read the full text of the speech cos it hits at the heart of the problem that the Western world is facing. This another wake up call for the America's cos for some European countries it might already be to late. I hope not and hope they come to their senses before it really is to late.



Speech by Oskar Freysinger in Berlin
September 3, 2011

Berlin is worth a trip. Especially today. Especially here. Because here and now an important signal is being given to the peoples of Europe. The signal for a European Spring! To offset the autumn mood in the EU. So that, instead of the mood of doom, finally a mood of awakening will come. An awakening in the name of freedom!

Yes, yes, cherished FREIHEIT! That is also the name of the party here in Germany that offers an alternative to bureaucratism, centralism, loss of democracy, uncontrolled immigration and Islamization. An alternative to self-destruction.

My dear Berlin friends, I come to you today as a neighbor. And as a concerned friend.

Since I am a citizen of a small country which is put under greater and greater pressure by the EU, it is near to my heart to support the truly democratic forces in the EU conglomerate. Only if these forces prevail can I hope that the Great Power pretensions of the EU will be abandoned and its relationship to Switzerland will at last be shaped in the way it should be between civilized and respectful neighbors.

Freedom is one of the democratic forces I count on. But why does the EU exert this kind of massive pressure — economically, financially and politically — on my country? Is it arrogance? Greed? Envy? All of those may apply, but the true reason lies deeper.

The EUSSR will no longer tolerate the existence of a small country in the heart of the continent, whose people still want to decide their own fate. A prudent, little bit of a folk that has thus far withstood the over-indebtedness which is playing hell with the states reined in by globalization.

For that is the goal of all global financial institutions and international monetary funds: The weakening of nation-states in order to lead them to their dubious “good fortune.” The wealth of peoples is destroyed en masse, so that the weakened states can be reduced to willing agents of a global dogma.

We Swiss hate every form of paternalism! We want no patronizing, no foreign judges! Our citizens are independent and imaginative enough to take their fate into their own hands.

Just picture this: On the southern border of Germany is a country in which 53% of the people have voted for deportation of criminal aliens; a land in which every minor rise in the VAT must be approved by referendum. Who is surprised that the VAT is still at 8% in Switzerland while it has reached 20% in the EU?

A study by the French economic expert Yvan Blot demonstrates that where state
affairs are voted on directly and democratically, the rates of duties and taxes are on average 30% lower than where state affairs are decided exclusively on administrative and policy grounds.

We watch our own wallets more carefully than other people’s money. There lies the future of the continent. Not in further expansion of a bureaucratic and centralized monster that will one day swallow its own children.

In Switzerland, the power is still in the hands of the people. We Helvetians were able to vote on entry to the EU… and wisely looked the other way. In retrospect, this decision has proven to be a great good fortune.

How did that work in Germany? Elites distanced from the people decided for the people. The same elite who introduced the euro, which, at one blow, caused a 30% loss of purchasing power for the average German citizen.

In Switzerland, the possible introduction of the euro had to be approved by the people. You can just picture the result.

Of course, the strong Franc would then be no problem for our export economy, but we would be stuck in the euro trap like the others and would have to bleed financially for a completely broken-down statist system, just as the German taxpayer has been doing for years. Better to stay flexible and economically independent.

Direct democracy means that the optional or obligatory referendum underlies every law proposed by parliament, and nothing can be decided over the heads of the people. Direct democracy means that determined citizens can launch initiatives with 100,000 signatures, which must be put before the people. This gives political decisions much greater legitimacy than the usual parliamentary resolutions. No one in Switzerland would think of questioning a decision by referendum which was approved by 50-70%. What the people have decided is valid and everyone has to adhere to that, Period. Even the administration. Especially the administration.

That is how it was with the famous/notorious anti-minaret initiative in which I was the anti-muezzin. 58% of the Swiss population decided in November, 2009 to prevent the occupation of public space by the dominating symbols of a religious dogma.

This decision by the last free population in Europe had a signal effect. In its wake, decisions were made about the veiling of women in France and Belgium and the construction of a Saudi-financed giant mosque in Norway was prevented. The dhimmi attitude of Europeans sustained a wound which must not heal over, if the millennia-old European civilization is to survive.

For Europe is more than a plot of land, more than a continent, more than the sum of its countries. Europe is an idea, a cultural landscape, an intellectual space shaped by history. Europa is the cradle of the modern constitutional state, the treasure-house of human rights, of freedom of opinion and expression.

This is ever more strongly endangered by the possibility that our political elite will bend their necks before a religious dogma that is alien to our intellectual history, our values and our constitutional state.

This dogma is gnawing away at the pillars of our system of laws, wherever it is allowed some space. This dogma demands total obedience from its followers. They are in no case to integrate into our value system. That would be like treason and can even be punished with death. They are expected to conquer our intellectual home, make the Western world subject. Not with tanks, rockets or riflemen. Not through brutal revolution.

No, Islam is in no hurry. It has an eternity.

A long process of softening up and leisurely occupation of our weakening, child-poor society is foreseen. The Islamic doctrine is expected to gradually creep into everyday life and Fortress Europe will crumble from within. Just think of how the Serbs lost Kosovo. Through demographic development and the help of NATO, which brought about the founding of the first Islamic state on European ground. What an ominous sign.

The Islamic dogma is succeeding everywhere. In Turkey, the Islamists are gradually occupying all judicial and army posts, in order to obliterate the heritage of Kemal Atatürk. Lebanon will become an Islamic state in the next decades, The Arab Spring is on the point of being taken over by the Islamists. In Iraq, in Egypt and in Pakistan, the last Christian communities are facing extinction,

And what are we doing? We are allowing this violent doctrine, unhindered in cultural ghettos, to strain at toppling the nation of laws. We just shrug our shoulders when girls are forced into marriage and Muslims willing to integrate are pressured and threatened. When women are beaten and whole city districts are taken over, we look the other way. We believe we can soften the power hunger of the holy warriors with welfare money.

We believe we can buy peace! What lunacy! No one fingers the Prophet’s beard. Fanatics cannot be bought. Germany should know that better than any other country in the world.

My dear friends in the audience, we are not fighting against people, we are fighting for people! We are fighting against a dogma that is anathema to every aspect of humanity and would like to lead us back into barbarism. We do not intend to give up the freedom we have fought so hard for over the centuries.

Dear Berliners, here I stand, and I cannot do otherwise, lest soon no human being in this Europe will be able to take the responsibility for what represents the pillar of our culture, of our system of law and of our humanity: transcendent, unconditional love of neighbor.

If we lose this battle, there will be no second chance, for Islam does not give back what it has conquered. So I summon all the humanists of this continent not to keep their heads in the sand and to resist the Islamic dogma’s drive to conquest. Let us stand together and uncompromisingly insist upon the primacy of our civil law over any religious dogma. Let us find our way back to our precious intellectual heritage.

Islam is only as strong as we are weak.

Let us oppose it with more than McDonald’s, soap operas, stupefying TV programs and brutal video games. Our culture has so much more to offer. Let us get back to depth and endurance, to organic growth. Let us stay alert and critical, so long as even a grain of Socrates lives on in us. Let us no longer subject our spirit to the dictates of the material. Only that way can we prevent brutal power politics being spread in the name of religion. Only that way do we have chance to leave our children a peaceful Europe, shaped by respect and dignity.

Long live die Freiheit! (Long live freedom!)
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - A Swiss Politician Speaks Out Against The EU & Islam
9/13/2011 1:30:12 PM
Hello Friends,

When I read the below article and saw the video which is a reminder of the glee and happiness of the Palestinians after the 911 attack 10 years ago I felt as if the attack happened only yesterday. The hatred for America both in the PA and Hamasland (Gaza) hasn't changed since then and yet the fraud and great pretender does all in his power to embrace them regardless of their hatred and non stop anti America rhetoric.

I wonder when things will change and if those changes will only come about when B Hussein is voted out of office in 2012?



Congress Should Support Israel’s Right to All Land Ahead of UN Vote

Posted by Daniel Horowitz (Profile)

The video embedded above shows the jubilant celebrations taking place in Gaza, while we were attacked on September 11. No, it wasn’t just a few “extremists” who were celebrating; it was the average Joe Palestinian. Unfortunately, not only have we declined to treat them as an enemy, we have refused to cut off any foreign aid. Instead, the Bush and Obama administrations have diverted our diplomatic resources towards the insane ‘peace process’ and the inexorable goal of a Palestinian state.

Over the past few years, we have given over $600 million a year to this terrorist entity, which receives more per capita aid than any other people or nation. This includes, direct assistance, weapons, security training, infrastructure, and funds transferred through UNRWA. In July, Congressman Joe Walsh (R-IL) introduced the Palestinian Accountability Act (H.R. 2457), which seeks to cut off aid to the PA. Last week, he introduced a resolution expressing the support of Congress for Israel to annex Judea and Samaria, if the PA unilaterally declares statehood.

Now, more than ever, is a time to stand with our ally, Israel. Thanks in large part to the lovely Arab Spring of “democratic revolutionaries,” Israel is beleaguered and surrounded by hostility on all sides. Additionally, their embassy in Cairo was almost seized, and Turkey, once a prominent ally, is practically threatening them with war. In other old news, Hamas terrorists in Gaza are firing rockets into their cities on a daily basis.

On September 20, the PA plans to ask the United Nations to recognize a Palestinian state in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria, thereby sealing the fate of Israel’s destruction. There is a realistic chance that many European countries will recognize a Palestinian state. Russia is already offering enthusiastic support for a declaration of statehood. Last year, Obama expressed his hope for such an outcome. The Palestinians are now using Obama’s stated support for their media campaign. Accordingly, it is imperative that we send them a strong message by expressing our support for Israel to counter such a move by annexing Judea and Samaria. John Boehner and Eric Cantor should bring this resolution for a vote before next week’s meeting of the UN General Assembly.

This will also help expose the Democrats for their duplicity on the issue. They tend to align themselves with Israel for political reasons, but are nowhere to be found when it comes time to offer robust assistance to this besieged ally. Democrats are already opposing Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen’s commonsense bill (HR 2829) to reform UN funding. They will only support vapid bills and resolutions that lack accountability measures.

Here is the statement from Congressman Walsh:

“The Palestinian Authority has repeatedly violated peace agreements and has even joined forces with the terrorist group Hamas. But the United States has continued to give aid to the Palestinians on the one condition that they continue to negotiate with Israel for peace. Now the Palestinians can’t even do that and have cut Israel completely out of the process by pushing for unilateral recognition of Palestinian statehood at the United Nations. This is the last straw. It is clear that the Palestinian Authority no longer has any interest in peace.”

“We must stand firmly by Israel because a strong and secure democracy in the Middle East is absolutely vital to American security. The Palestinian Authority has to negotiate directly with Israel. If it is going to continue to cut Israel out and violate its peace agreements, then the United States must support Israel’s efforts to defend its sovereignty and the security of its citizens.”

“A U.N. recognized Palestinian state would potentially put Israelis directly under the sovereignty of a group of people that have sworn the destruction of Israel and its people. This is unacceptable, and, in the absence of a negotiated peace agreement, Israel has the right to protect its citizens living in Judea and Samaria by annexing those territories.”

Every recent president has attempted to forge a legacy out of the insanity that is known as the Middle East peace process. The next president will achieve a true legacy by putting an end to this circuitous madness, and by pursuing victory in the Middle East.

Congressman Walsh’s H. Res. 394 will go a long way in embarking on that goal. The Republican Study Committee is supporting the resolution. Hopefully, other Republicans will co-sponsor the resolution. During the tenth anniversary of 9/11, we all need to remember who is with us and who is against us.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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