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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG- A Current And Historic Over view Of Gadaffi's 42 Years In Power
3/3/2011 8:20:45 AM
Hello Friends,

Gadaffi has been know as the mad man from Libya ever since he took power 42 years ago. Yet over the years he's been pampered and catered to by all the worlds leaders. The world might claim to be surprised at his current actions but believe me when I say that all that have been following this madman over the years are not surprised at all.

The pandering to Gadaffi is known and recorded fact and can't be denied. Yet after his killing spree now the world is offended by his ranting and raving while in the past they just grinned and bore it. Could it possibly be the power of OIL??? The same can be said of the oppressive Saudi regime, Iran's Ahmadinejad and the Mullahs etc.

Here's Dry Bone's take on Gadaffi and Libya from a current prospective and an historic one too. The world knew and did nothing for 42 years!!!!!



Today's "Golden Oldie" is from July 05, 1982.

Here's the story behind the cartoon:

A year before (in July of 1981) Israel had agreed to a ceasefire with Yasser Arafat's terrorist army in Lebanon (Between 15-18,000 PLO terrorist soldiers were in dozens of locations in Lebanon).

But in the 11 months that followed the "ceasefire", the PLO carried out 270 terrorist actions in Israel. Twenty-­nine Israelis died and more than 300 were injured in these attacks. The last straw was on June 3, 1982, when the Palestinian terrorists shot Israel's Ambassador to Great Britain, Shlomo Argov. Though not killed, he remained in a coma for three months and was then left permanently paralysed and in need of constant medical assistance for the rest of his life.

Three days after the attack on Israel's Ambassador in London, on June 6, 1982, Israel's army poured across the border to fight the PLO forces stationed in Lebanon . . .PLO chieftain Yasser Arafat and his murderous PLO terrorist forces were trapped!

Gaddafi then sent a public message to Afafat which said:

“I advise you to commit suicide rather than to accept disgrace. Your suicide will immortalise the cause of Palestine for future generations. Your blood is the fuel of the revolution. Let suicide be the priority. It is the road to victory”.
Which led to my doing today's Golden Oldie about Gaddafi.

Your thoughts?

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

Much of the Western Main Stream Media sees the uprisings as positive and pro-democracy. Basically, what we have, they seem to be saying, is a "Happy Ending".

Unfortunately that reminds me of a quote by American film director Orson Wells. When asked about how to make a film with a happy ending, he responded by saying that making a happy ending simply "depends on where you stop your story".

Unfortunately, in the real world the story is not stopping here. It's going on, and nobody knows how and when it stops! And nobody knows if it's going to have a "happy ending".

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

Today's Golden Oldie is from January 1986.
Twenty-five years ago.

A Dry Bones fan wrote to me and requested I find and run the cartoon. An appropriate choice as we watch what everyone agrees is Libyan Dictator Gaddafi's final act. We'll soon see if "everyone" is right.

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

There's an old pitch that carnival barkers shouted to entice gamblers to bet on a roulette wheel. It seems appropriate for the current situation (as viewed from Israel).

It is "Round and round she goes, and where she stops, nobody knows!".

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

It's one AM.

Earlier, I saw a newscast of Gaddafi's insane ramblings about how Al Queda is behind the Libyan rebellion. Just before I trudged off to bed, I sketched this cartoon about what if Whacko Gaddafi were telling the truth and nobody believes him. I showed it to the LSW (Long Suffering Wife). She loved the cartoon. Which is why it is now one AM in the morning, she's asleep in bed, and I'm posting this cartoon instead of the one that was already done.

So what do you think of the cartoon?

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

Yup. In May of 2003 the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations elected the ambassador of Gaddaffi's Libya to be its president.

The vote was 33 to 3 in favor.

The events in the Middle East (as reported by the Media) are wonderful, exciting, fast-moving, and optimistic. It is the inspiring story of the sudden birth of democracy in the Middle East. One could only wish that it were true.

For an alternate view, and to see a moment of clarity pierce through the fog of Media wishful thinking, click on Interview with a Harvard historian.

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: HSIG- A Current And Historic Over view Of Gadaffi's 42 Years In Power
3/5/2011 6:26:14 PM

Peter I always enjoy the Dry Bones cartoons. Here is another excellent article I received in my inbox from todays Canada Free Press, our neighbors to the north.

There is one nation in the Middle East that is not roiling in anarchy, rioting, and internal warfare. It does so without oppressing its citizens. It encourages and protects the practice of all religions. That nation is Israel.

The Peace of Israel

By Alan Caruba Friday, March 4, 2011

There is one nation in the Middle East that is not roiling in anarchy, rioting, and internal warfare. It does so without oppressing its citizens. It encourages and protects the practice of all religions. That nation is Israel.

The other Middle Eastern and North African nations, all predominantly Islamic, have discovered that Islam, despite its grip on the minds and souls of Muslims, does not preclude the universal human desire for freedom, for hope of a better life.

It seems that no one lacks for a reason to hate Jews, but if one steps back from the shouting and the insane claims that Jews and Zionism are responsible for everything and control everything, Israel seems to have made multiculturalism actually work.

Israel, whose official languages are Hebrew and Arabic, is home to more than seven million people, 76% if whom are Jewish and 24% are mostly Muslim, but include Christians, Bahai, and probably every other faith known to God and man.

The latest news, according to a report in the March 4th Wall Street Journal, is that Israel is weighing a new plan for a provisional Palestinian state, an offer of temporary borders within which the Palestinians could establish a nation of their own.

The problem, of course, is that the Palestinians have rejected this obvious solution for more than sixty years and are, themselves, divided between the Palestinian Authority and the radical Hamas that only wants to utterly destroy Israel and its Jewish citizens.

The French have France, the Greeks have Greece, the Turks have Turkey and all manner of self-identifying groups have their own nations, but for many worldwide the Jews are not supposed to have their own nation or to live in the land in which their ancestors have lived for 3,500 years ago.

When Muhammad began to piece together Islam, naming himself as a new prophet, he instructed the first Muslims to face Jerusalem when they prayed. After Arabian tribes of Jews refused to convert, he slaughtered their men, sold their women and children into slavery, and ordered Muslims to face Mecca instead.

The Jews, however, have some good news to celebrate because on March 3rd there was a report of Pope Benedict XVI’s new book, “Jesus of Nazareth—Part II” in which he asserts “a sweeping exoneration of the Jewish people for the death of Jesus Christ.” Given Jesus’ paternity, faith, and apostles, all Jewish, that is surely welcome news.

In 1965, the Second Vatican Council document, “Nostra Aetate”, initially affirmed that Jesus’ death could not be blamed on the Jews as a whole at that time or today. Pope Benedict’s reaffirmation of that Catholic truth should be bigger news.

In a world in which more than a billion Muslims are eager to establish a universal caliphate, mostly by the use of terror on the Earth’s other five billion inhabitants, the Pope’s book is a candle of sanity in the darkness.

Pope Benedict, forced to join the Hitler Youth, witness to the Holocaust, has made improving the Church’s relations with Jews a priority of his pontificate. He has visited the Auschwitz Nazi death camp in Poland and Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial where he prayed for the souls of those killed for the “crime” of being Jewish.

In contrast, Islam makes death the punishment for the “crime” of converting to any other faith. That is surely a measure of how thoroughly evil it is. In Pakistan a Christian government minister was murdered this week. In Germany, a Muslim convert killed U.S. service members, and every day mullahs tell Muslims that suicide/homicide killing is a holy act. In America, the current regime refuses to use words like “terrorism” or “jihad.”

It takes clarity and courage for non-Muslims to identify the threat to their faith and their lives. Benedict’s predecessor, Pope John Paul, was instrumental in shining a light on a comparable threat, Communism, aiding in the downfall of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union. An earlier Pope, Pius XII, used his powers to resist the rise and reign of Nazism.

It is a good thing to be a Catholic. It is a good thing to be a Christian. It is a good thing to be a Hindu or a Buddhist. It is a good thing to be a Jew.

The same cannot be said of those who embrace terror, murder, and death as their path to paradise.

© Alan Caruba, 2011


Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG- UN And US Double Standards: Egypt vs Iran
3/9/2011 8:57:31 AM
Hello Friends,

Thanks Evelyn for a great article. There is a lot of support for Israel in the United States regardless of B Hussein's anti Israeli policies and decidedly pro Palestinian agenda. They are the reason he's not gone even more radical in his "demands" for one sided concessions from Israel while "demanding" nothing from the Palestinians. Please note how anti America they've become and yet B Hussein once again does nothing but make more demands on Israel.

In previous posts I questioned the radical difference in B Hussein's "attitude" towards Egypt and Iran. One of my comments on this was that Egypt was a secular Muslim country
(so far still is) and Iran is a radical terror supporting, Ayatollah run extremist Islamic country and that B Hussein loving all things Islamic favors the radical extreme Muslim countries over the secular ones. Disregarding that Egypt under Mubarak's rule was a staunch US ally while Iran under the Ayatollahs and the lunatic Ahmadinejad are staunch enemies of the United States.

In the meantime we've learned that he's (B Hussein) supported and assisted those opposing the Mubarak regime knowing that the Muslim Brotherhood has a great chance of eventually winning the "democratic" elections in that country. It'll be another example of one vote per person one time and then the rule of another radical radical Islamic regime run by shariah law. Basically another Iran and when you consider that Ahmadinejad has long been an enemy of the secular Egypt and we know they were actively involved in Hamas and Hezbollah agents agitating in Egypt for years the addition of Egypt to the axis of evil of Iran/Syria/Turkey will be bolstered tremendously by Egypt the largest Arab Muslim country in the world.

We also know that B Hussein has been adding more and more Muslims with Muslim Brotherhood connections to his administration and aside from some Conservative bloggers no one is really questioning his actions and that unfortunately includes Fox news. Ever since B Hussein took office I've been writing about his Islamic agenda and with the current explosions in the Middle East they are slowly coming to fruition. He's publicly stating that there is nothing to fear from the Muslim Brotherhood while anyone that actually reads their history and charter know there is nothing farther from the truth. Anyone that listens to their Imam's and their leader Al-Qaradawi knows what their agenda is and that nothing has changed in their plan for Islamic world domination and the Caliphate ruling the world.

So the question why B Hussein was so quick to demand Mubarak's immediate resignation is not surprising while the lunatic Ahmadinejad and the Ayatollahs continue massacring the protesters in Iran he remains silent. All I can say is that his silence is deadly and unfortunately the happenings in Iran aren't even reported on in the United States and in the Western World in general. Many will say that there is not enough information on the ground from Iran but I wonder why we can see it here in Israel and the MSM can't in the US?

This ongoing revolution in the Muslim world doesn't bode well for the world at large and if the right balance and support for dictatorships that lean towards the West you'll find an Iran controlled Islamic entity that might be the dream of radical Islam but the downfall of the Western world.





UN and U.S. Double Standards: Egypt vs. Iran

February 4, 2011 - 1:07 am - by Claudia Rosett

After an initial United Nations response to the mass uprising in Egypt of … well, not much… Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon has jumped into the fray. On Wednesday and again on Thursday he called for a transition “now.” He wants it to be “very peaceful and orderly” but he wants it to be “done now.” CBS News reports that in his consultation with assorted political leaders, Ban appears to be “building an international alliance to assist Egypt to do so.”

Question: Where was this UN zeal for transition when the people of Iran, braving a regime far more horrific and malign than the dictatorship of Egypt, were bleeding and dying in the streets in June of 2009? When Iran erupted in revolt, Ban faded into the woodwork. As I noted in a column in late June, 2009, “Where’s the UN on Iran?”, Ban first told reporters he was “closely following the situation.” As the carnage continued, with demonstrators denouncing the rigged presidential reelection of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Iranian security forces beating and shooting and arresting them, Ban did not question the legitimacy of the regime. On the contrary, by implication, he supported it, saying that he had “taken note of the instruction by the religious leaders that there should be an investigation into this issue.”

The weekend that the video went viral on the web of Neda Soltan bleeding to death in the street, Ban was not huddled with international leaders discussing how to bring about immediate regime change in Iran. Ban was in Birmingham, England, accepting an award at a Rotary International Convention.

So why, in Ban Ki-Moon’s books, do mass protests in Egypt require an immediate transition of power, while the demands of mass protests in Iran are to be satisfied with promises by the regime that it will inquire into the reasons for the protests?

One might well ask a similar question about the policies of the Obama administration, which was content during the Iranian uprising to “bear witness,” but is now reported to be working flat-out to ensure Egyptian officials kick start a transition. Actually, one could ask a lot of questions. Does China’s President Hu Jintao represent a regime any less brutal than that of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt? Yet, just last month, President Obama hosted a state dinner for Hu at the White House. So, is the chief distinction, then, that despots who receive U.S. aid are ripe for removal, but despots who are U.S. creditors are feted by the president?

Complete consistency in these matters is probably beyond the reach of any UN project, and any U.S. foreign policy. But there’s a lot of room here for our current global bigwigs to begin displaying any consistency whatsoever. In tumultuous and dangerous times, it would be awfully good to hear our intrepid leaders spell out, as clearly as they possibly can, exactly what standards really do apply. In countries where votes really count, that might help the voters decide whether the current standards, and the leaders applying them, are — to borrow the lingo of diplomacy — even remotely “acceptable.”

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG- Dumb And Dumber
3/9/2011 9:08:46 AM
Hello Friends,

On 3/3/11 I posted UN Expels Libya From the HRC vs UN To Release Report Praising Libya's HR Record. 2 days ago I received Dry Bone's take on this issue and I think you'll find it interesting.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
3/9/2011 11:46:04 PM
Hello Friends,

On 3/3/11 I posted UN Expels Libya From the HRC vs UN To Release Report Praising Libya's HR Record. 2 days ago I received Dry Bone's take on this issue and I think you'll find it interesting.



Worth saying again

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