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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Don't Try To Blow Sunshine Up My Butt
2/26/2011 5:15:20 PM
Hello Friends,

For quite a while now I've been writing about Islams goal of world domination. This isn't new to Islam since throughout history they've been fighting for world domination and during parts of history they were successful. It's all in the Koran and they're even told how to behave during periods when Islam is dominated by others.

Taqiyya, deceiving the non believer is what they are taught and is allowed by the Koran and they are masters at this game. MSM and most politicians either don't know enough or are multiculturists to the core where PC is their bible and in many cases there are those bought off by different Muslim groups. They never ask the right questions nor demand answers to the affiliation of those deceiving them. Worse yet they are ignorant of true facts or are ignoring them.

Thank God for the few who know and are willing to stand up to them and answer their attacks with knowledge, conviction and beliefs. All is not lost when you have people like that around and more and more are coming to the forefront of this fight for our lives.

Congressman Alan West is one of those. The below video put paid to the claptrap of a CAIR member trying to use taqiyya on the wrong person.



CAIR Confronts Allen West

At a townhall meeting hosted by Congressman Allen West on Monday evening in Pompano Beach, the Q&A segment of the meeting featured a Koran wielding Nezar Hamze, Executive Director of the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR). Hamze confronted Congressman West and asked him to point out where in the Koran does it give marching orders to Muslims “to carry out attacks against Americans and innocent people”. West quickly pointed out that the Koran was written long before America even existed and that it does indeed tell believers to kill infidels, and then proceeded to chronicle a lengthy list of historical Muslim acts of aggression. Congressman West closed his retort by referencing the Fort Hood shootings and 9-11 attacks, saying that his first hand experiences on the battlefield has given him insight into the tactics that Islamists use before telling Hamze not to “try to blow sunshine up my butt” with his criticism of him. West took offense to Hamze’s amateurish criticism of his stance on radical Islam and concluded by telling Mr. Hamze to “put the microphone down and go home.”

This one's from last year but well worth watching again. Facts can't be denied and Alan West has them at his fingertips.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE:HSIG- Egypt vs Libya and Iran - Why The different Treatment For Libya & Iran?
2/26/2011 7:38:40 PM
Hello Friends,

The Egyptian protesters succeeded with the help of B Hussein and other world leaders in ousting Mubarak from power. I'll not go into the rights and wrongs of the community organizer's demands that Mubarak step down (with 3 or 4 flip flops in the middle) but I will ask why he and the other western leaders aren't demanding that Gaddafi and Ahamdinejad step down while Gaddafi is slaughtering his countrymen and Ahamdinejad is killing, torturing and raping the protesters in his country?

The hemming and hawing about possible sanctions against Gaddafi borders on the ridiculous and Ahmadinejad carries on as usual and nothing is being said or done about him. So the question remains. Why did B Hussein throw Mubarak under the bus a true American ally who didn't butcher his countrymen when they took to the streets? Believe me he could have and most probably would have quelled the protesters and revolution. It certainly isn't cos of democracy since there will never be true western democracy in Egypt or any other Muslim country.

I've been reading posts that sorta gleefully show the protesters and revolutions and hope that this will be a turning point that will turn the world into a utopia while in my opinion they are blind to the inherent dangers of these revolutions to the western world. The leaders in Eurabia are finally waking up to the dangers as we can see from the recent comments by the British PM, German Chancellor and French President. I certainly hope it's not to late.

Back to Egypt for a bit. For over 50 years Al-Qaradawi one of the leading Muslim clerics in the Muslim Brotherhood was exiled from Egypt. He returned a week or so ago and since then he's been preaching his hate to the western world and Israel to millions. Yep, he even preached in Tahrir square to the delight of his followers. Now the world is trying to say the Muslin Brotherhood is a peaceful organization with the aid of MSM and B Hussein's administration. Yet, when you listen to what he's preaching you see a different story completely. I wonder why the world isn't willing to listen to what they say? This Qaradawi has ties to a Boston mosque too so his influence is felt in the United States as well. BTW, he's not allowed to enter the USA.............yet. The community organizer will probably change that in the very near future.

Here's some information on this unsavory cleric.



Ties That Bind Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood to Boston Mosque

by Chana Ya'ar

The spiritual leader of the Egyptian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood has a long history in Boston, Massachusetts.

And the relationship continues, despite denials by the leaders of the Boston mosque – the largest in New England -- where Yusuf al-Qaradawi once reigned as trustee.

According to a report released Friday by the Americans for Peace and Tolerance (APT) organization, the imam who long preached his hatred of Jews, homosexuals and women, is currently the leader of the Islamic American University -- a major project of the Muslim American Society (MAS), the organization that runs the Boston mosque. However, any mention of al-Qaradawi is carefully omitted from the site. In fact, there is no information at all about any of the university's leadership on its site, other than a brief videotaped message by an unnamed "director."

Federal prosecutors have named the MAS as the arm of the American branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.

“I will shoot Allah's enemies, the Jews, and they will throw a bomb at me, and thus I will seal my life with martyrdom. Praise be to Allah,” Qaradawi once prayed publicly, according to the APT.

Writing for the organization, Charles Jacobs, Dennis Hale and Ahmed Mansour noted, “On videotape, Qaradawi has said that homosexuals should be killed. When he was a trustee of the Boston mosque, its website featured teachings on how to beat one's wife.”

Jacobs, president of APT, commented, “Considering the relationship between New England's biggest mosque and the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, it would seem that the nation's concern over this extremist group should extend from Cairo to the Hub.”

After Qaradawi was banned from the United States by President Bill Clinton in 1999, the Boston mosque featured a video address by the imam at its major fundraiser, held at the Boston Sheraton Hotel.

Qaradawi has since ruled that Muslims are allowed to kill Israeli women under Islamic law, because they serve in the military, and he preached that Muslims should acquire nuclear weapons to “terrorize their enemies.”

Al-Qaradawi Returns to Cairo After 50 Years

by Chana Ya'ar

The Muslim Brotherhood cleric most known for his hatred of Jews, women and homosexuals returned on Friday to the podium in Cairo after a 50-year hiatus to address a crowd of more than a million worshipers.

A Sunni Muslim, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi was banned from Egypt in 1961. The imam relocated to Qatar, where he continued to spew his speeches filled with hatred and encouragement for terrorism in broadcasts on the Al Jazeera pan-Arab satellite news channel.

“Don't fight history,” the 84-year-old imam now told governments in other Arab countries where his speech on Friday was televised. “You can't delay the day when it starts,” he said, clearly referring to the wave of riots that has toppled governments in Tunisia and Egypt, and has threatened to bring down those in Libya, Yemen, Bahrain and Algeria. “The Arab world has changed.”

Al-Qaradawi's return spells a victory after being banned from the United States and Britain for supporting attacks on the U.S. military in Iraq and suicide terrorist bombings in Israel. He is also the spiritual adviser for the Palestinian Authority terrorist group, Hamas.

Prior to the ban he had established himself as a trustee of the Boston Mosque – New England's largest Islamic house of worship.

As INN reported previously, although he allegedly left the position he still reportedly serves as chairman of the board of trustees at the Islamic American University, a subsidiary of the Muslim American Society (MAS). A search of the university's website, however, turned up no information on any of the institution's leadership, which appeared to have been carefully omitted.

The MAS organization, which runs the Boston Mosque, has been named by U.S. federal prosecutors as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood of America.

The European Council for Fatwa and Research (ECFR), widely considered the most influential fatwa council in Europe, is also chaired by al-Qaradawi, who hopes one day for world conquest.

“What remains, then, is to conquer Rome,” the imam told his followers in 1995 at a conference held by the Muslim Arab Youth Association (MAYA) in Toledo, Ohio. “This means that Islam will come back to Europe for the third time, after it was expelled from it twice... Conquest through Da'wa (proselytizing) – that is what we hope for. We will conquer Europe, we will conquer America!”

Al-Qaradawi also has expressed his support for female genital mutilation (female circumcision) in a fatwa accessed in August 2007 by the Investigative Project on Terrorism.

Responding to a query posted at Islam Online, the imam acknowledged the practice is not mandated under Islamic Shari'a law, but added, “whoever finds it serving the interest of his daughters should do it – and I personally support this under the current circumstances in the modern world.”

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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RE:HSIG- Egypt vs Libya and Iran - Why The different Treatment For Libya & Iran?
2/26/2011 9:12:33 PM
Hi Peter,

I certainly do not post often here, but when the email came in and as it gives your very first sentence, I sort of clicked on it.

I glanced through it, and I would just say that you are correct in saying that western democracy is not on the Islamic agenda and may I add that it is not on the German or French agendas either. Then when I come to think about it, nor is it on Obama’s agenda. Now I do not know what’s in store but it sure is not an “American dream”, I say that with no cynicism. Time to get them seatbelts on, the landing will be rough if one may call it a landing.


Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
3/3/2011 7:45:30 AM
Hi Robert,
Good to see you here and you certainly hit the nail on the head.
Democracy is only a word in the Muslim world and has no real meaning to them ........ not in the sense it does to the Western World. And yes, with B Hussein's support of the Islamic world and all that it stands for plus his own agenda we are certainly in for a rough ride with no landing in sight. When it does land you can bet it'll be a crash landing.

Hi Peter,

I certainly do not post often here, but when the email came in and as it gives your very first sentence, I sort of clicked on it.

I glanced through it, and I would just say that you are correct in saying that western democracy is not on the Islamic agenda and may I add that it is not on the German or French agendas either. Then when I come to think about it, nor is it on Obama’s agenda. Now I do not know what’s in store but it sure is not an “American dream”, I say that with no cynicism. Time to get them seatbelts on, the landing will be rough if one may call it a landing.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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HSIG-UN Expels Libya From The HRC vs UN To Release Report Praising Libya's HR Re
3/3/2011 7:49:38 AM
Hello Friends,

Here's an interesting question for you. The UN has expelled Libya from the Human Rights Council while at the same time it' preparing to release a report praising Libya for their human rights record. Does that sound like a contradiction to anyone?? I'll go one step further and ask how was Libya, Iran, Saudi Arabia or for that matter any of the oppressive Muslim countries allowed to be members of the Human Rights Council to begin with?

The whole world is aware of the oppressive nature of these countries especially towards, women, members of other faiths, gays, children, -murder, rape and torture of protesters- (Iran and now Libya) and unfortunately the list goes on and on. Again the question is how did they ever become members of the Human Rights Council to begin with? For those following this travesty for years now the answer is quite obvious and should be to all thinking people.

The Organization of the Islamic Conference 57 nations strong are in effect running the UN as can be seen by the pro Sharia laws passed year after year. They name the countries that will be members and decide which countries will be condemned (like Israel year after year the only democratic country in the Middle East). They have yet to condemn a Muslim country for murdering its citizens and for human right abuses running rampant in all these countries.

So, once again we see the farce the UN is and how biased they really are. I wonder how many are wondering when the UN will condemn Iran for once where they are again killing the protesters in the streets? When will the community organizer B Hussein and the joke Clinton "demand" Ahmadinejad and the Mullahs step down? Ahmadinejad just threatened the USA if they will "dare" to militarily intervene in Libya or anywhere in Africa or the Middle East. Yet, the community organizer remains quiet as a mouse (should be rat). The guy is afraid and that's become obvious to all and at the moment Great Britain is taking the lead while the USA is silent. Or is what's happening there acceptable to B Hussein? I guess when the people let their thoughts be known he'll take action cos that's what he's done in the past. Both the UN and the B Hussein administration are the worse jokes in town.

Here are 2 articles on this subject that are definitely interesting reads.



UN expels Libya from Human Rights Council, adopts sanctions

02 March 2011

The General Assembly (GA) of the United Nations has voted unanimously to suspend Libya from the UN Human Rights Council. The GA resolution accused Libya of committing gross and systematic violations of human rights. The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon told the assembly: "These UN actions send a strong and important message […] that there is no impunity, that those who commit crimes against humanity will be punished, that fundamental principles of justice and accountability shall prevail." The US ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, pointed out: "People who turn their guns on their own people have no place on the Human Rights Council."

On Saturday, the UN Security Council had voted unanimously to impose sanctions on the regime Muammar al-Gaddafi over its excessive use of force in dealing with the civil rebellion. The council voted for an arms embargo, asset freeze, and for referring the Libyan dictator to the International Criminal Court, for crimes against humanity.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday called on the West to impose on Iran the same tough measures it is putting in place against Gaddafi. "If the international community is applying special pressure on Libya and warning its leader and soldiers against violating civil rights, the same warning must be aimed at Iran's leaders and their henchmen," Netanyahu said. Both countries were "serial violators of human rights." He added: "At the same time as Gaddafi is massacring his opponents in Libya, the regime of the ayatollahs in Iran is systematically executing its opponents."

Meanwhile, the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has warned that the situation at the Libya-Tunisia border was reaching a "crisis point" because of the high number of people trying to escape the country. According to the UN, over 70,000 people have fled the violence in Libya since the protests against leader Muammar Gaddafi began on 20 February.

Bloodshed continues but world body hails human rights

The UN Human Rights Council is set to adopt a major report hailing Libya's human rights record -- despite moving to suspend the Arab country's council membership amid an international outcry over attacks on civilians.

The report shows countries applauding and commending Libya as they note "with appreciation the country's commitment to upholding human rights on the ground."

Even Canada "welcomed improvements" Libya made "in its respect for human rights," according to the report, which is scheduled for a vote before the Geneva-based 47-member council March 18. But the Canadian government also made several critically framed recommendations to the Gadhafi regime, including one calling for reinforced measures aimed at fully investigating torture claims.

The 23-page report was compiled as part of the council's "Universal Periodic Review" -- a process the UN bills as a rigorous scrutiny of the human rights records of each UN member state every four years.

Highlighting what it called the council's "hypocrisy," UN Watch, a Geneva-based monitoring group, on Monday called on the body's president to withdraw the report.

"It's now clear that the session on Libya was largely a fraud," said Hillel Neuer of Montreal, UN Watch executive director.

"The council should schedule a new session in which members would tell the truth about the Gadhafi regime's heinous crimes, which were committed over the four decades he's been in power, yet ignored by the UN."

According to UN Watch, topping the list of recalled witnesses should be the Libyan diplomats who defected last week and "admitted that the Gadhafi regime is a gross violator of human rights."

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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