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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Oliver Stone And What He Thinks Of Hitler & Stalin
7/27/2010 4:43:31 PM
Hello Friends,

Every country has its share of lunatics and Oliver Stone is one of America's. For many he's a burden and his main claim to fame is rewriting history to suit his own theories and loves. This is a man that "loves" Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro to name only a few dictators that he thinks are people to emulate and revere (one of he things he has in common with B Hussein). Now he's added to the list Hitler and Stalin. This is a perverted human being and is to be taken with a grain of salt (to say the least) and shown the cold shoulder by thinking people that he so deserves.

The below article goes into Stone's ideology and idiocy.



Monday, July 26, 2010

What the Left Really Thinks of Hitler

Oliver Stone's comments about a "Jewish dominated media" exaggerating the Holocaust have shocked some people, but they shouldn't. Like the rest of Stone's tirade about Western bankers and Hitler being a product of his time, it's copy and pasted from Soviet history textbooks. Like Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States, Oliver Stone's "Secret History of America" is the USSR's version of American history, backed by some domestic sources.

One of the left's dirty secrets is that the Soviet Union was the preeminent country engaged in Holocaust denial. At a time when Germany had outlawed Holocaust denial, the Soviet Union mostly suppressed any mention of the Holocaust, focusing only on Russian casualties as a whole. Unsurprisingly that is exactly the line that Oliver Stone takes, when he emphasizes that; "Hitler did far more damage to the Russians than the Jewish people, 25 or 30 million killed". In 1982, Mahmoud Abbas of the PLO, and current leader of the Palestinian Authority, included Holocaust denial material in his doctoral thesis at a Moscow University. Unsurprisingly his doctoral thesis reads a lot like Stone's comments. That is because both are grounded in the Soviet Communist view of history.

Stone's comments about Hitler and Stalin come from the same source material. His apologetic for Stalin's atrocities, "he fought the German war machine more than any person" and the claim that Hitler needs to be seen in context as a tool of Western bankers all come gift-wrapped in the red and yellow. And of course they're also lies. Because this isn't just about Oliver Stone trafficking in the anti-semitism that is now fashionable on the left, it's about some of the big lies of the left about WW2.

The Big Lie that the left has desperately tried to cover up is the Soviet Union's complicity in Hitler's rise to power and the atrocities of Nazi Germany. The Soviet Union began by suppressing German Communists to pave the way for Hitler (just as it would later do to Egyptian Communists on behalf of the Hitler-besotted Gamal Abdel Nasser). Why would it do that? For the same reason that the USSR allied with Hitler in the Nazi-Soviet Pact of 1939, which allowed Hitler and Stalin to carve up Eastern Europe.

Stalin wanted to replay WW1, with another war between Germany, England and France-- that would give him a free hand in Eastern Europe, and then allow him to occupy a weakened Western Europe. His plan backfired badly, because Hitler proved too unpredictable for him, and England and France buckled too quickly-- but when the dust had settled, the USSR got most of what it wanted, including a sizable chunk of Germany. In 1925, Stalin made his strategy clear; "if war breaks out we shall not be able to sit with folded arms. We shall have to take action, but we shall be the last to do so. And we shall do so in order to throw the decisive weight on the scales, the weight that can turn the scales." The goal was for the rest of Europe to wear itself down through war, while the Communists would come and clean up afterward.

To that end the USSR did everything possible to strengthen Hitler's hand in order to make him a more formidable enemy for England and France. While millions of its citizens were starving, Russia provided massive amounts of supplies and aid to the Nazis. In fact trains carrying Russian supplies were still headed to Germany, even while the Nazis were launching their attack. This is particularly ironic in that the US would then go on to provide massive supplies to the Soviet Union of everything from powdered milk to army boots, which enabled the USSR to stay in the fight. After the USSR had supplied Hitler for two years, enabling his conquests in Eastern Europe and the beginning of the Holocaust.

At the end of September 1939, after Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union had both invaded Poland, and England, France and other allies had declared war on Nazi Germany-- the USSR and Nazi Germany issued a joint declaration endorsing their own invasion, and blaming England and France for the "state of war." Both even signed secret agreements to coordinate the suppression of Polish nationalism and allow the Nazis to remove any Reich Nationals, even inside Soviet held territory.

Hitler made it clear in his correspondence that Soviet collaboration enabled Germany's assault on Eastern Europe. For example on August 25, 1939, Hitler wrote to Mussolini saying;

The pact is unconditional and includes also the obligation for consultation about all questions affecting Russia and Germany. I may tell you, Duce, that through these arrangements the favorable attitude of Russia in case of any conflict is assured, and that the possibility of the entry of Rumania into such a conflict no longer exists!

Even Turkey under these circumstances can only envisage a revision of her previous position. But I repeat once more, that Rumania is no longer in a situation to take part in a conflict against the Axis! I believe I may say to you, Duce, that through the negotiations with Soviet Russia a completely new situation in world politics has been produced which must be regarded as the greatest possible gain for the Axis.

The Soviet alliance with Hitler enabled the Nazis to achieve the gains they did by creating a balance of power, giving Eastern European countries no choice but to either cut a deal with Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union, or try to remain neutral and hope the Allies would rescue them. Every Nazi atrocity until the summer of 1941, including the Holocaust is deservedly placed at the door of the USSR as Hitler's partner in the conquest of Eastern Europe.

Stalin, should have been properly ranked with Mussolini and Tojo, as one of Hitler's allies, who jointly planned invasions and whose alliance strengthened the Nazis. Indeed the USSR did far more to strengthen Hitler, than Mussolini or Franco ever did. Yet post-1941 revisionism did its best to reinvent the USSR as one of the Allies fighting against Hitler. This is a blatant lie. The Soviet Union did not stand up to Hitler as one of the nations fighting Nazi aggression-- it collaborated with Hitler up until the moment that he stabbed it in the back.

The Soviet Union did not fight Hitler voluntarily-- it fought involuntarily for its own survival. Like Finland, it would up fighting against its former allies. Unlike Finland it had no excuse for making that alliance to begin with-- except greed and ambition. The USSR suffered huge casualties, because it was unwilling to believe that Stalin would turn on it so fast. And because Stalin's own atrocities had purged too many generals, and because his entire approach to the war was done without any concern whatsoever for the deaths of his own people. All this allowed the Nazis to gain a great foothold in Russia, which combined with Hitler's refusal to retreat, ended up inflicting huge casualties on German forces as well. But let there be no doubt, that the war between the USSR and Nazi Germany was a war between former allies.

Reading all this it should be obvious why Soviet history turned Russia into the victim and practiced Holocaust denial. It was in the USSR's interest to pretend that Nazi atrocities began in the summer of 1941, because it had been complicit in Nazi atrocities up until that point. This focus also turned the USSR into the chief victim of the Nazis, as a way of deflecting the accusation that the USSR had actually been collaborating with Hitler. All the prattle about the horrors of war and the huge numbers of Russians killed, resurrected by Oliver Stone, was and is meant to mask what had been an alliance between Soviet Communism and German Nazism.

Furthermore the USSR had a compelling reason to quash any general talk about atrocities, considering its own extensive history of massacres up until and during WW2. And since Soviet Commissars had been conducting executions of Jews, back when Hitler was still trying his hand at being a painter-- any talk about the mass murder of Jews would have been unhelpful. Particularly as Stalin had liked the Holocaust, enough to try and copy it in the 1950's with the "Doctor's Plot", which would have wiped out most of the surviving Jews in the USSR.

Post-war Soviet history would insist that America and England had actually been the ones to ally with Hitler. This theme would be fused with anti-Semitism when in the 1950's, Stalin's minions launched the opening of his planned Holocaust by accusing Zionist Jews of being agents of America and England to bring down the Soviet Union. Oliver Stone's narrative is virtually the same, except that he reverses the equation by accusing America and England of being agents of the Jews. And claiming that America and England had empowered Hitler.

The emphasis on seeing Hitler "in context" and arguing that he was really no different than any Western leader, is typical of the Soviet line that there was no real difference between FDR, Churchill or Hitler. In the Soviet narrative accepted by the left, they were all capitalists who made war for greed. This rhetoric was embraced by the anti-war left in the 30's and 40's to argue that war against Hitler would be just another capitalist war to enrich the arms merchants.

What does all this have to do with the left? Because the American and European left was complicit in it by allowing itself to be manipulated by the Soviet Union. Left wing groups, many of them Communist fronts, conducted propaganda against the war-- up until the Soviet Union itself was invaded, at which point they switched to a rabidly pro-war theme, and even helped the authorities suppress remaining Trotskyist anti-war groups and labor unions.

Many principled leftists broke with with the USSR and Communist front groups over the Hitler-Stalin pact. Most however did not. It would not be until Khrushchev's revelations much later as part of the official Soviet Communist line, that there would be a larger exodus. And even so, the Soviet narrative remains embedded in the left-- as Oliver Stone's propaganda demonstrates. And that narrative has been behind the left's historical revisionism.

That historical revisionism has been expressed in the attempt to "Hitlerize" every Western leader and every political movement hostile to Communism and the left's agenda. When liberals in 2006 were comparing Bush to Hitler, they were unknowingly echoing a Soviet narrative which equated all capitalist countries and their leaders. When in 2010, they accuse Israel of being just like the Nazis, they make use of Soviet rhetoric developed during the Doctor's Plot, which was meant to culminate in a second Holocaust.

If one looks at Soviet propaganda, it is virtually identical to liberal attacks on Israel in the present day. For example;

For example the following from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia rather obviously mirrors Stone's own rhetoric about the Jewish dominated media;

"The main posits of modern Zionism are militant chauvinism, racism, anti-Communism and anti-Sovietism...

International Zionist Organizations own major financial funds, partly through Jewish monopolists and partly collected by Jewish mandatory charities... influences or controls significant part of media agencies and outlets in the West"

Serving as the front squad of colonialism and neo-colonialism, international Zionism actively participates in the fight against national liberation movements of the peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America."

Everything you really need to know about Stone's views on Israel and the Jews is contained in the above sentences. It also sums up everything in his documentaries. As well as the dominant view now among the left. Which is completely indistinguishable from the Communist view.

The left's "secret histories" are really Soviet histories. After making a show of breaking free from Soviet domination, they parrot Communist memes out of Moscow without even realizing it. The left has not had a new idea since 1916, and it shows. Its universal "Hitlerization" is nothing more than historical revisionism, whether it's presented as Oliver Stone's "Hitler with Context" or Ward Churchill's "Little Eichmanns".

The great mistake of the 20th century was the failure to hold the Soviet Union accountable for its crimes, and those due to its collaboration with Nazi Germany. And to hold its leftist collaborators morally accountable for the aid and comfort that they provided to the USSR and indirectly to Nazi Germany. That failure has allowed the left to claim a moral high ground that is both dishonest and an obscene insult to the dead.

When Showtime airs Oliver Stone's latest batch of rantings, it is not only airing material from a bigot, but recycled propaganda from a regime that committed some of the worst atrocities of the 20th century. If you wish to protest Showtime's actions, feel free to drop them a line at or

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Petition For Action Against Iran
7/30/2010 4:24:36 AM
Hello Friends,

It appears that the Western world and the USA are getting more serious about sanctions against Iran. Both Congress and the Senate approved more serious sanctions then were originally passed in the UN and now the EU's joined the fray. Unfortunately both Russia and China continue dealing with Iran as if the UN sanctions (they agreed to) don't exist and I already wrote how Russia b*itch slapped B Hussein again (and again and again .....).

The truth of the matter is that B Hussein wasn't happy with the additional sanctions passed by both houses but he had no alternative other then to sign them after his own party deserted him this time.

It's not surprising that Iran isn't all that worried when the Russians and Chinese still support them behind the scenes and publicly as well. Yet, some changes are coming about in Iran and it's more to do with internal problems then with the international sanctions.

Here's Dry Bones take on the Iranian dictatorship.



P.S. Dry Bones should have added Oliver Stone in the next to last frame.

You would think the kind of genocidal behavior displayed by the Ahmadinejad government in Tehran would be in violation of international law! Well, apparently there are some experts who also think so. The legal petition for action mentioned in today's cartoon is real. Here's Irwin Cotler (Canadian Liberal MP and former Justice Minister of Canada) as quoted in the Ottawa Citizen:
"We are witnessing in Ahmadinejad’s Iran the toxic convergence of four distinct dangers: the nuclear threat; the genocidal incitement threat; state-sponsored terrorism; and the systematic and widespread violations of the rights of the Iranian people.

Accordingly, a consortium of international law scholars, human rights advocates, former government leaders, parliamentarians and Iranian activists for democracy and freedom — The Responsibility to Prevent Coalition — has released a report on the danger of a nuclear, genocidal, and rights-violating Iran.

Let there be no mistake about it: Iran is in violation of international legal prohibitions against the development and proliferation of nuclear weapons; Iran has already committed the crime of incitement to genocide prohibited under the Genocide Convention; Iran is a leading state-sponsor of international terrorism; and Iran is engaged in widespread and systematic violations of the rights of its people."

- more

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Looming Threat From Illegals - Jihadi Terrorists
7/30/2010 6:13:17 PM
Hello Friends,

The Federal government under the leadership of B Hussein Obowma is fighting the Arizona illegals law. The reason is twofold.

1. B Hussein is interested in legalizing all the illegals in order to insure his reelection in 2012.

2. The infusion of jihadi terrorists into the US over the Mexican border is great and just recently there was an incident where Hezbollah agents were involved with Mexican drug lords in concerted actions. So B Hussein with his Islamic agenda and in addition to the "legal" immigration of 20,000 Hamas from Gaza that B Hussein initiated we'll now have additional illegal terrorists coming over the border with no apparent Federal intervention.

The below article goes into greater detail and should be an eye opener for many.



Looming threat from illegals: terror


Last Updated: 10:01 AM, July 30, 2010
Posted: 12:01 AM, July 30, 2010

Arizonans will be grateful for some extra help from the National Guard, starting Sunday, in protecting the border and fighting drug violence -- especially now that a federal judge has blocked key parts of their recent illegal-immigration law. But there's a more pressing border issue that goes beyond Arizona: the alliance between drug cartels and groups that aim to smuggle terrorists into our country through the Mexican border.

Last week's detonation along the Texas-Mexico border of an Improvised Explosive Device similar to those used in Iraq and Afghanistan strongly suggests that Hezbollah is working with the drug cartels -- and that America is unsafe. Law-enforcement officials and intelligence analysts believe that terrorist groups like al Qaeda have been working with such gangs as the ruthless MS-13 to smuggle terrorists into America.

Intel briefings and other sources suggest that al Qaeda spends as much as $50,000 to smuggle in a single terrorist, while Hezbollah, funded by Iran, pays as much as $10,000.

Indeed, some analysts estimate that thousands of terrorists have already been smuggled into the United States through the Mexican border since 9/11. Last year, a worker at the Mexican embassy in Beirut was caught selling visas to enter Mexico for $3,000 apiece. Hezbollah terrorists know that once they get to Mexico they can make their way here through our southern border.

A congressional report on homeland security acknowledges this threat. The report, "A Line in the Sand: Confronting the Threat at the Southwest Border," addresses the alarming rate at which the number of aliens referred to as "other than Mexican," or OTMs, are crossing the border. Many OTMs are nationals and terrorists from countries such as Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Chechnya, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Our biggest threat is that a nuclear, dirty or biological bomb could be smuggled by OTMs into America soon.

Hezbollah, the most sophisticated terrorist organization today, trains al Qaeda members in centers in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley before they leave for terror destinations via Syria, my sources there report. The organization manufactures IEDs in Lebanon and has perfected their use since the 1980s.

An alliance between the drug cartels and Hezbollah is a symbiotic, win-win situation for both parties. Hezbollah can share its expertise in tunnel-engineering and bomb-making with the drug cartels. The cartels can then smuggle dealers and drugs through these tunnels, several of which have been discovered in recent years, while Hezbollah smuggles terrorists and munitions to be used in terror missions in America.

Hezbollah is Iran's proxy army and is trained by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. As Iran and America head into a confrontation over Iran's nuclear program, Iran must ensure it has sufficient operatives in America to retaliate when the time comes, and this alliance provides the means to get them here. That time is coming faster than we think.

Intelligence analysts think Hezbollah has at least 11 cells in America, including one in New York City. If provoked, perhaps via an Israeli strike, it is likely Iran will retaliate not only against Israel but against its strongest ally.

Our border-security crisis extends beyond illegal workers and employers looking for cheap labor. A suitcase bomb or biological bomb detonated in any major city in America would kill untold numbers of civilians and wreak havoc on our economy. Health care, prison housing and other costs for illegal immigrants would ultimately pale in comparison to such devastation.

Terrorists now have operational centers all over South America. They're learning Spanish and obtaining fake Spanish papers in case they're caught crossing over the Mexican border. The Tri-Border region of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay in South America has become a haven for international Islamic extremists. A State Department report notes that Hezbollah and other terrorist groups were using bases in Latin America to "raise millions of dollars annually via criminal enterprises."

Americans must put politics aside and act now to secure the Mexican border. Arizona families are in need of protection from the drug violence, but we must protect the millions of Americans living in major cities who are threatened by a suitcase bomb or the like smuggled through the Mexican border.

The time for bickering is over.

Terrorism analyst Brigitte Gabriel, author of "Because They Hate," is president of
Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Shariah In NYC - Prayers In the Street Every Friday On Madison Ave.
7/31/2010 4:10:36 AM
Hello Friends,

When I received the below email this morning I wasn't very surprised cos it was just a question of time before it happened in the United States. The progressive left will probably see nothing wrong with all this and even if in the back of their little minds they have some doubts it would be politically incorrect to mention it in the MSM.

Remember this you didn't see the below pictures either in your news papers or on TV since I guess it's not news worthy. In any case the pictures were taken on Madison Ave. in NYC and not in Paris, France, Germany, Holland etc. In Eurabia this has become a normal occurance on a daily basis and they're becoming more Shariah compliant every day. Well, don't blink but the same thing is happening in the USA with the blessings of B Hussein Islam's agent in the White House.

I'm posting the email in its entirety and I certainly hope all you PC progressives understand what's happening in your back yard ....... or don't you care?



Can you imagine what would happen if a Christian Group demanded the right to close down a busy PUBLIC street for a couple of hours each day. To Muslims the ONLY law which must be obeyed is Sharia - US, NY, NYC be damned. Where are our brave politicians? Hiding behind Ayatollah Obama and his friends. I can see the sign now...
Coming soon to a town near you!!!

Freedom of religion is one thing....this is just B.S.

Subject: This is NYC on Madison Ave

A Christian Nation cannot put up a Christmas scene of the baby Jesus in a public place, but the Muslims can stop normal traffic every Friday afternoon by worshiping in the streets... Something is happening in America that is reminiscent of what is happening in Europe . This is Political Correctness gone crazy...
From: Subject: Fwd: This is NYC on Madison Ave
This is an accurate picture of every Friday afternoon in several locations
throughout NYC where there are mosques with a large number of Muslims
that cannot fit into the mosque - They fill the surrounding streets, facing east
for a couple of hours between about 2 & 4 p.m. - Besides this one at 42nd St
& Madison Ave, there is another, even larger group, at 94th St & 3rd Ave, etc.,
etc. - Also, I presume, you are aware of the dispute over building another "high
rise" Mosque a few blocks from "ground zero" - With regard to that one, the
"Imam" refuses to disclose where the $110 million dollars to build it is coming
from and there is a lawsuit filed to force disclosure of that information - Just some
facts FYI - But then, you have your own troubles with the "immigration" problem
and the new AZ law - November can't come soon enough

This is in New York City on Madison Avenue, not in France
or the Middle East or Yemen or Kenya.
Is there a message here???? Yes, there is, and they are claiming America for allah. if we don't wake up soon, we are going to "politically correct" ourselves right out of our
own country!

"For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing." Edmund Burke
Peter Fogel
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Jim Allen

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
7/31/2010 4:55:23 AM
Totally Despicable

Hello Friends,

When I received the below email this morning I wasn't very surprised cos it was just a question of time before it happened in the United States. The progressive left will probably see nothing wrong with all this and even if in the back of their little minds they have some doubts it would be politically incorrect to mention it in the MSM.

Remember this you didn't see the below pictures either in your news papers or on TV since I guess it's not news worthy. In any case the pictures were taken on Madison Ave. in NYC and not in Paris, France, Germany, Holland etc. In Eurabia this has become a normal occurance on a daily basis and they're becoming more Shariah compliant every day. Well, don't blink but the same thing is happening in the USA with the blessings of B Hussein Islam's agent in the White House.

I'm posting the email in its entirety and I certainly hope all you PC progressives understand what's happening in your back yard ....... or don't you care?



Can you imagine what would happen if a Christian Group demanded the right to close down a busy PUBLIC street for a couple of hours each day. To Muslims the ONLY law which must be obeyed is Sharia - US, NY, NYC be damned. Where are our brave politicians? Hiding behind Ayatollah Obama and his friends. I can see the sign now...
Coming soon to a town near you!!!

Freedom of religion is one thing....this is just B.S.

Subject: This is NYC on Madison Ave

A Christian Nation cannot put up a Christmas scene of the baby Jesus in a public place, but the Muslims can stop normal traffic every Friday afternoon by worshiping in the streets... Something is happening in America that is reminiscent of what is happening in Europe . This is Political Correctness gone crazy...
From: Subject: Fwd: This is NYC on Madison Ave
This is an accurate picture of every Friday afternoon in several locations
throughout NYC where there are mosques with a large number of Muslims
that cannot fit into the mosque - They fill the surrounding streets, facing east
for a couple of hours between about 2 & 4 p.m. - Besides this one at 42nd St
& Madison Ave, there is another, even larger group, at 94th St & 3rd Ave, etc.,
etc. - Also, I presume, you are aware of the dispute over building another "high
rise" Mosque a few blocks from "ground zero" - With regard to that one, the
"Imam" refuses to disclose where the $110 million dollars to build it is coming
from and there is a lawsuit filed to force disclosure of that information - Just some
facts FYI - But then, you have your own troubles with the "immigration" problem
and the new AZ law - November can't come soon enough

This is in New York City on Madison Avenue, not in France
or the Middle East or Yemen or Kenya.
Is there a message here???? Yes, there is, and they are claiming America for allah. if we don't wake up soon, we are going to "politically correct" ourselves right out of our
own country!

"For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing." Edmund Burke

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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