Hello Peter,
Yes it does work the “pig gun” or whatever one may wish to name it. (Poor darlings!) :-)
It has been tried with amazing success here in Europe in the big market shops that for some weird reasoning have made the odd Hallal rayon’s for the Islamic communities. The silly trick is to, as you select your own items, pick-up some ham from the ad-hoc shelf and as you venture to your other needs stop at the hallal rayon and mistakenly swap the ham for some shishkibab momentarily and return it to its shelf. Then of course, forget all about the ham and the darling old pig will start its nasty work of rendering the whole shelf completely inedible to the horror of the next Islam client who will dart out of the market place all head-rags flying.
And no Helen, in Islam the law is not to read the Koran as we read a book or a bible; they are only to go through the words and lines with no questioning or thinking about what is written. That way they will not fall into the deadly sin of having a personal thought about the idiocy that is found on just about every page. Hundreds of conversions have been obtained by simply telling them to read their book with the intelligence Allah has given them. If that is managed with respect to the person and he goes along with that idea (remember he is already in a grave sin according to Islam) our job is done. Nothing else can be done, because a conversion is not a personal achievement of our own doing.
Friendly yours, Robert.