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Helen Elias

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RE: HSIG - For Those Interested In Facts And Not Propaganda...... Read On
6/2/2010 8:33:07 AM

On a different note....

One has to wonder if Muslims are nuts, ie., insane or do they not read
their own holy books. In my studies of Islam and the Muslim people,
I have found that, for the most part, it is the latter although the terrorists
and some Muslims also fit the former.

I do not believe that any Muslim who is of sound mind AND who reads
their own holy books and the biography of Muhammad could, in good
conscience, continue to be a Muslim. Muhammad was one of the most
evil beings the world has ever seen. Just when I thought I had learned all
there is to know about him, I found this disgusting tidbit.....

Muhammad and Necrophilia: Intercourse with a Dead Woman
Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - For Those Interested In Facts And Not Propaganda...... Read On
6/3/2010 3:47:01 AM
Hi Helen,
Thanks for the link. Disgusting isn't it? But nothing really surprises me any more with what this "religion of peace" allows.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Here's An Interesting Solution
6/3/2010 3:51:08 AM
Hello Friends,

A few days ago a friend of mine sent me the following link to a video depicting an ingenious way to stall/stop the building of Mosques in places that might or do interfere with those that aren't of the Muslim faith.

Now we all know that through out history Muslims make it a habit to build Mosques on churches, synagogues and other places of worship of other religions as a matter of Muslim law in order to erase any memory of the original place of worship. If they don't build they destroy the places of worship. The reason?? They believe theirs is the only true religion and eventually all will finally "come to their senses" (or else!!!) and become good law abiding Muslim barbarians like their pedophile prophet. Well this video is in a way tit for tat since according to some hadith and verses from the koran if a pig is buried on the land it becomes "unkosher" and the Mosque can't be built there.

After watching this video it brought to mind that this might be the solution to the disgusting mega mosque they are planning to build opposite ground zero in New York which is a slap in the face and an insult to all those that lost their lives on 911.

Another thought that came to mind is that Israel might do well to utilize this as a deterrent to those that want to break the blockade on Gaza. Rather then board the ships with Israeli soldiers and risk their lives to radical islamic terrorists just waiting to ambush the soldiers (in the last case armed with paint guns) and again gain a media victory since MSM is just waiting to report on Israeli "massacres and atrocities" whether the reporting is factual or not. They should simply bombard the ship with pigs dead and alive and in this way they'll abandon ship and and be rescued by Israeli ships.

I know this is a humorous and satiric idea but I'm willing to bet MSM (and of course the UN) would condemn Israel for that too. Even though that pedophile "stole" the pig issue from the Torah as he stole most of his ideas from other religions. The only original idea is that jihadists, pedophiles and barbarians should rule the world and all us infidels should be subservient to them.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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HSIG - The World Subservient And Paying Paying Lip Service To The Axis Of Evil
6/3/2010 10:21:07 AM
Hello Friends,

The international response to the Israeli blockade on the "humanitarian" flotilla that was full of jihadi terrorists with a "fist full of $" in their pockets ($10,000 each) was no surprise. This is nothing new and has been going on for ages. The world seems to be totally devoted to submit to the Muslim world even when they know their "rooting" and giving lip service to the bad guys.

I'll go one step further and say that out of the 57 Muslim countries many of them know the truth but they're afraid to come out and admit it. The so called moderate Arab Muslim countries are afraid of the axis of evil. Namely the Iran/Syria/Turkish block. Two of those countries aren't even Arab countries and that worries the other Muslim Arab countries. But now they are paying lip service and hoping that the axis of evil will get their comeuppance in one way or the other. Even Egypt that closed their borders with Gaza were forced to reopen them but I'm willing to bet that within a week or 2 they'll close it once again. The current atmosphere in the Muslim world isn't working in Egypt's and other moderate Muslim countries favor.

In any case a realistic look has to be taken at what really happened and the causes for them. The MSM and submissive European countries are paying lip service to who in the end will be their Muslim lords if they don't show some character and come out with the truth and not the lies that are being spewed by the Erdogans and Ahmadinejads.

There are a few European leaders that are willing to tell the truth and below you'll see one of them and also an article By Lt. Col Alan West on this subject. For those willing to see past the propaganda and lies it's all there in the open in black and white. All the videos that recorded the facts show the truth and not the fabrications of the Muslim radicals.



Moral Courage and Leadership: Lt Colonel Allen West on Israel

Statement by Republican 22nd Congressional Candidate Allen West on Situation in Israel

(Deerfield Beach, FL) "Recent developments in the State of Israel are disturbing, and unfortunately predictable. Since 2009, the Obama Administration has shown an unprecedented disregard for the sovereignty of the State of Israel - America's strongest ally in the world. Whether browbeating Israel for building homes in their rightful capitol, or disrespecting Prime Minister Netanyahu at the White House, President Obama has clearly demonstrated that he is no friend of the Jewish State.

Liberals in Congress, including Ron Klein, have provided nothing but lip service while the rest of the world continues to condemn a nation's right to defend itself against continued terror and aggression by Hamas - a terror organization whose very charter calls for the destruction of the State of Israel - and its supporters. A blockade is a recognized and accepted means to mitigate specific threats from our enemies. This can be demonstrated by President Kennedy's blockade in October of 1962 off the coast of Florida, as well as by President Obama's call for a blockade of Iran. How would we react if these were U.S. Navy SEALs that were ruthlessly attacked?

In the days and weeks ahead, our friends in Israel - the only true and stable democracy in the Middle East - need more than words from America's leaders. Above all, the Jewish State needs stronger representation in Congress and a solid voice that will not be afraid to stand up to the Obama Administration's appeasement of Islamic Terrorism. As a Combat Veteran who has faced our common enemy, my commitment to Israel will rise above mere statements of support."

For more information or to schedule interviews with Allen West, please contact Valentina Weis at (561) 603-8188 or

Reported: 15:45 PM - Jun/02/10
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President of the Czech Senate, Dr. Farmisal Subotka, visited the Knesset on Wednesday and expressed unprecendented support for Israel regarding the Gaza flotilla. Subotka said it was a planned provation against Israel.

"Many in Europe agree with me but are afraid to voice their opinion," he added.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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RE: HSIG - The World Subservient And Paying Paying Lip Service To The Axis Of Evil
6/3/2010 10:59:34 AM
Hello Peter,

Yes it does work the “pig gun” or whatever one may wish to name it. (Poor darlings!) :-)

It has been tried with amazing success here in Europe in the big market shops that for some weird reasoning have made the odd Hallal rayon’s for the Islamic communities. The silly trick is to, as you select your own items, pick-up some ham from the ad-hoc shelf and as you venture to your other needs stop at the hallal rayon and mistakenly swap the ham for some shishkibab momentarily and return it to its shelf. Then of course, forget all about the ham and the darling old pig will start its nasty work of rendering the whole shelf completely inedible to the horror of the next Islam client who will dart out of the market place all head-rags flying.

And no Helen, in Islam the law is not to read the Koran as we read a book or a bible; they are only to go through the words and lines with no questioning or thinking about what is written. That way they will not fall into the deadly sin of having a personal thought about the idiocy that is found on just about every page. Hundreds of conversions have been obtained by simply telling them to read their book with the intelligence Allah has given them. If that is managed with respect to the person and he goes along with that idea (remember he is already in a grave sin according to Islam) our job is done. Nothing else can be done, because a conversion is not a personal achievement of our own doing.

Friendly yours,


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