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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Muhhamad Cartoon Contest Blocked By Pakistani ISPs
5/20/2010 8:48:08 AM
Hello Friends,

Yesterday Jim posted about a Muhammad cartoon contest. You can see the post here. It appears the Pakistanis aren't happy about the contest and and directed their ISPs to block the link to Facebook promoting this conest.

The question is why would they do that?Robert Spencer in the below article gives some good answers to that apparently ridiculous question. Freedom of speech is something Islam wants no part of and we all know to what extent they will go to "punish" any and all that "defame" their pedophile murderous so called prophet.

The results of the contest will be announced today.



Pakistan directs ISP’s to block Facebook because of Motoon competition

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Why draw Muhammad? Why make fun of the man Muslims revere most? Why arouse their ire?

Precisely because they react with murderous rage when one does this.

Now that may seem odd — why would anyone want to provoke someone else’s murderous rage?

Because it is an object lesson in pluralism. Either we put up with being offended by one another, or we enact speech codes that establish one group as beyond criticism. The latter road is the path to authoritarianism and tyranny. To respond to speech one considers offensive without threats and murder is a cardinal element of a society that respects all its citizens enough to allow them a voice in the public square, no matter how despised and hated their opinions may be. So free speech is a key element of any society in which all people are equal before the law.

And now when free speech is under serious attack both Stateside and internationally, and a key battlefield in the war against it is so-called “Islamophobia” and the Muhammad cartoons, it is essential to stand up and say that it is madness to threaten and kill over a cartoon drawing. And to stand for free speech whatever the risks.

Fear of Free Speech Alert: “ISPs directed to block Facebook’s blasphemous link,” from The News International, May 18 (thanks to Block Ness):

KARACHI: The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has directed the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to close a Facebook’s link about the competition of the blasphemous caricatures.A caricature competition is being held on May 20 at a link of the under a plot to hurt the millions of Muslims around the world.

The PTA, taking notice of this attempt, has asked the ISPs to ensure the blockage of this particular link of the facebook website.

Also, on Facebook, this:

F*uck the organizers of draw Mohammed day. May they BURN IN HELL (INSHALLAH)Your bodies will burn in fire in your graves and then in hell. We Muslims, can’t even think of saying or doing the same for your Prophets because we respect that all Prophets were send by Allah Almighty. You should be ashamed of yourselves YOU BLOODY PIG EATERS.

Meanwhile, you can join in the fun Thursday here. And post your drawings to the SIOA page also.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Do They Or Don't They? It Might Be The Question But It's Also The Det
5/25/2010 5:45:42 AM
Hello Friends,

Israel has never admitted to having a Nuclear Bomb but the assumption for the past 30+ years is that she does have a nuclear arsenal.

That said the question remains if she does have it why has it never been used as a threat on any of her neighbors during the many wars over the years? I have my thoughts on the subject as I'm assuming many others have but logic says that the thought by her enemies that Israel has nuclear bombs has been the reason that even more wars haven't been initiated by her enemies.

As you all know Israel is surrounded by Muslim countries and is a tiny speck in the Middle East yet she is the only democratic country in the region and the most dynamic and successful amongst all her neighbors. So whether Israel has the "bomb" or not the thought that she does has been a deterant over the years against the aggression and barbarism of all her enemies.

Here's Dry Bones take on the subject.



It's not a 12-step program.
It's just a 2-step program.
-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Muslim Student Organization Linked To Hamas & Muslim Brotherhood
5/29/2010 6:17:19 AM
Hello Friends,

The below speech by David Horowitz was delivered at UC San Diego on 5/10/10. It is well worth reading and learning about the Jihadist movements hiding under the guise of a Muslim students organization MSA (Muslim Students Association) which like most of the other Muslim Organizations are linked to Hamas and Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood and funded by many of the radical Islamic countries (in many cases Saudi Arabia).

These Muslim Organizations like MAS, CAIR and many others are using the art of deception and lies (taqiyaa) and the left is falling for it hook line and sinker and quoting it as fact and not the fiction it really is.

David Horowitz's speech is an eye opener and during the question and answer period you can see the true face of the members of the MSA and other Jihadi organizations. It's a bit long but a good history lesson including the "progressive" left in the United States.



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David Horowitz Posted by David Horowitz on May 28th, 2010 and filed under FrontPage. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

David Horowitz was one of the founders of the New Left in the 1960s and an editor of its largest magazine,Ramparts. He is the author, with Peter Collier, of three best selling dynastic biographies: The Rockefellers: An American Dynasty (1976); The Kennedys: An American Dream (1984); and The Fords: An American Epic (1987). Looking back in anger at their days in the New Left, he and Collier wrote Destructive Generation (1989), a chronicle of their second thoughts about the 60s that has been compared to Whittaker Chambers’ Witness and other classic works documenting a break from totalitarianism. Horowitz examined this subject more closely in Radical Son (1996), a memoir tracing his odyssey from “red-diaper baby” to conservative activist that George Gilder described as “the first great autobiography of his generation.”

[Editor’s note: This speech was delivered at the University of California, San Diego on May 10, 2010 and has been edited for publication.]

The last time I visited this campus was 40 years ago when I came to have lunch with Professor Herbert Marcuse, a malicious Marxist who made a reputation for himself and became a hero to the left by advancing the proposition that if you can claim to speak on behalf of the oppressed you have the right and the obligation to silence, and, if necessary, to obliterate people who disagree with you. This, of course, is the creed of every run-of-the-mill dictator on earth, and it is the creed of the progressive left today.

It is appropriate — and not coincidental of course — that I arrive here during “Israel Apartheid Week” or, as I prefer to call it, “Hitler Youth Week.” I use that reference because — as should be evident — what is going on here is part of a globally organized movement centered in the Arab Muslim Middle East to finish the job that Hitler started. Unlike the Nazis, who hid their “final solution” from ordinary Germans and the world at large, the Muslim radicals shout it from the rooftops, put it in their organizational charters and get applauded for doing so by millions of Muslims who want to see it happen. And the left does its job, as during the Cold War years, of conducting auxiliary campaigns to help the genocide along.

Along with Israel Apartheid Week, these leftists will commemorate what the genocide-minded call the “Nakba,” which is Arabic for “catastrophe” and is the name they have given to the creation of the only Jewish state in existence. The protests are genocidal intentions in themselves, seeking the obliteration of a people’s homeland; and they are supported by this university which prides itself on its diversity and respect for others – apparently excepting Jews. The “Israel Apartheid Wall,” which is the centerpiece of this genocidal week at UC San Diego, was created with $8,500 in student funds. Another $32,000 in student funds went to the sponsoring organization, the Muslim Students Association, for the hate speakers it brought in and other activities this spring. The hate week itself is supported by several university departments, including Ethnic Studies, Visual Arts and Literature, and by one of the colleges of the university, as it happens Thurgood Marshall College, named for a civil rights activist.

It is also fitting that one of the speakers should be Angela Davis, an academic icon and a lifelong Communist who devoted herself to furthering the agendas of the most oppressive, blood-soaked regime in recorded history; and received for her services a Lenin Prize from the East German police state, the most wretched and ruthless of all the Soviet satellite regimes; who bought an arsenal of weapons for a young Black Panther, who attempted to take a judge and his courtroom hostage, blew off the head of the judge and got himself killed in the process.

Today Angela Davis comes as the leader of a 20-year campaign to end what she calls the “Prison-Industrial Complex.” This is a racist campaign to free every incarcerated criminal in the United States who happens to be of a darker skin tone. Her movement is actually doubly racist. First, because it singles out black and Hispanic criminals for “liberation,” and second, because ninety-five percent of their crimes are committed against law-abiding black and Hispanic people. Angela Davis is a “University Professor,” which means that she makes a six-figure income, is provided with a personal staff and is honored in a way that only a select few of University of California faculty are. A revered figure among the academic left, she makes scores of appearances every academic year and receiving $10,000 honoraria an appearance to spread her hatred of white people, of Jews, and of America to college audiences. This evening we have been thrust into a very sad situation.

Ecclesiastes famously said, “There is nothing new under the sun,” and the older I get, the more impressed I am by this observation. My own parents were card-carrying members of the American Communist Party, which meant that they were pawns, witting and unwitting, of the Soviet empire. They called themselves progressives and believed they had joined a movement to bring social justice to all mankind. In 1956, the leader of world Communism gave a secret speech about the crimes that Stalin had committed in the name of social justice, which included the murders of millions of people, including millions of Communists. He gave the speech because the post-Stalin leaders of the Soviet Union were afraid a new Stalin would emerge and slaughter them too. Like today’s leftists, my parents hated the anti-Communists on the political right and called them liars when they confronted progressives with the crimes their hero had committed. The anti-Communists claimed that Stalin had killed 10 million people. In fact, when the truth was revealed, the figure was 40 million. That’s interesting in itself: The right understates the truth, and the left overstates the lies, in the name of social justice.

When the speech appeared on the front page of The New York Times, its impact was devastating to the progressive cause to which my parents had devoted themselves. Progressives were demoralized and unable to regroup. So their children — my generation — launched a new left. We fatuously believed that there could be a new left – one untainted by the crimes of the old and unlikely to repeat them despite the fact that our understanding of the world and our agenda for the future — social justice, meaning equality enforced by government — were fundamentally the same. The American founders understood and asserted that politically enforced equality would mean the end of liberty for all, a wisdom we ignored as the new left quickly revealed itself to be no different from the old, embracing Communists in Vietnam and Central America and eventually Islamic totalitarians in Gaza and the Middle East.

About the time I was having lunch with Herbert Marcuse, I was also raising a considerable sum of money for the Black Panther Party in order to buy a church in East Oakland to house a Panther school. I was then the editor of Ramparts, the largest magazine of the left, and had recruited our bookkeeper, Betty Van Patter, to maintain the school’s financial records because I foolishly believed our own propaganda that a “racist” federal government would shut down the school if the Panthers didn’t keep their books properly. In December 1974, Betty Van Patter disappeared, and by the time the police fished her body out of San Francisco Bay, I knew the Panthers had killed her, and I also knew that every progressive friend I had was a potential threat to me and my four children, because if I said what I thought, members of that community would denounce me as a CIA agent and a racist, and I couldn’t know what consequences might ensue.

So for me Israel Apartheid Week where secular progressives join hands with theocratic fascists and disregard the realities in front of their eyes is a case of déjà vu all over again. On this campus we are witnessing a “protest” in support of a movement worse than the Nazis, which unlike Hitler broadcasts from the rooftops its plan to obliterate the Jews, to obliterate Israel and to obliterate America. Have you noticed a single Muslim country distancing itself from this plan or denouncing Ahmadinejad and Hizbollah and Hamas for proclaiming this solution to the problem posed by infidel Jews and Americans? Even one Muslim state out of the 57 that exist? When people say Islam is a religion of peace, I’m sure that’s true for some individual Muslims, and have said so many times. But when you look at the organized Muslim community, the element that is willing to stand up for peace, that will defend the right of the Jewish state to exist, that is willing to pass a UN resolution condemning the genocidal terrorists of Hizbollah and Hamas is so inconsequential that it might as well not exist.

Now to the conflict in the Middle East which Israel Apartheid Week is supposed to illuminate. Since there are young people in this room I’m going to focus this lesson on a recent event — the 2005 Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. Gaza is a little strip of land bounded on one side by the Mediterranean and on the other by Israel. It is about six miles wide and 25 miles long. Across this stretch of land, Israel was attacked by Egyptian tanks in three aggressive wars supported by all the Arabs in the region – in 1948, 1967 and 1973. Since Gaza is a long corridor the support of its population for the anti-Israel aggressor gave Egyptian forces the opportunity to come within striking range of important Israeli cities. This is why in the aftermath of those aggressions Israel decided it was necessary for security reasons to station Israeli forces in Gaza.

Not only did Egypt invade Israel three times across the Gaza strip, but after the first invasion it annexed Gaza, and did so with no protest from Palestinians or the Arab world, which now pretend to be so concerned about Palestinian land and a Palestinian state. Following the 1948 war, when Gaza was under Egyptian control, the 25 mile strip of land became the base for the first terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians. These were conducted by the Fedayeen who were created by Egypt’s dictator, Gamel Abdel Nasser, and were led by the head of his secret police.

These and later terrorist attacks by the PLO and Hamas strengthened Israel’s resolve to take the step that any country would take to protect its citizens by stationing its own military in the Gaza strip until such a time as the Arab states and the Palestinians were ready to accept Israel’s existence and live in peace. It has been more than sixty years since the creation of Israel and the Arabs have never been willing to accept Israel’s existence and consequently there is no peace. No Palestinian entity recognizes the state of Israel. None. Israel has been continuously under attack by Arab regimes and Arab terrorists since its creation. The Islamic Republic of Iran, armed with Chinese rockets and soon to possess nuclear weapons has declared its intention to wipe Israel from the face of the earth. The Palestinian Authority, Hizbollah, and Hamas have made the identical intention clear so that no one can mistake it. These calls for genocide have not been repudiated by a single Muslim state, and no Muslim state has offered Israel’s threatened Jews their support.

Nonetheless, in 2005, Israel, in the interests of peace, unilaterally withdrew its military forces from Gaza, taking a risk unprecedented in the annals of nations. The events that followed the Israeli withdrawal tell you everything you need to know about the Palestinians and their cause, and about the nature of the conflict in the Middle East.

Prior to Israel’s withdrawal, there were 9,000 Jews living in Gaza along the Mediterranean coast. Nine thousand Jews out of a population of 1.2 million Arabs; nine thousand law-abiding Jews. These 9,000 law-abiding Jews created a horticulture industry, which employed 12,000 Palestinians and whose product accounted for 10% of the entire gross national product of Gaza. Consider that 9,000 Jews are only .02% of the Gaza population. Two hundredths of 1%. As it happens the entire state of Israel also exists on only .02% of the entire Arab land mass. But that is too much for the Arabs. And nine thousand Jews out of a population of 1.2 million Arabs was too much for them as well.

Think about it. If the Muslims of Gaza – or if the leaders they have elected — were rational, decent, normal human beings their reaction to the law-abiding Jews living among them could have been: Let’s import more Jews! Let’s encourage more Jews to live here. Let’s make Jews welcome in our country; they are creating so much wealth for our citizens.

But that did not happen. Instead the Israeli government out of concern for the safety of the 9,000 productive, law-abiding Jews who lived there, evacuated them from Gaza. Some of these Jews were so attached to their homes in Gaza that they had to be removed at gun point. Why did the Israeli government do that? Because if they left them behind they would have been slaughtered. Everybody, including those individuals in this audience who disagree with everything else I say, should understand that. Palestinians elect regimes – both the PLO and Hamas – which organize terrorist attacks against men, women and children; which target men, women and children. No civilized people in the world does that. Everybody understands that if the Palestinians were disarmed today, there would be peace in the Middle East. Everybody understands that if the Jews in Israel disarm, they will be massacred. These are simple facts that every rational person can see provided their vision isn’t impaired by religious hatred.

It was even worse than these bare facts would suggest. A philanthropic Jew in America, Mortimer Zuckerman, the publisher of U.S. News and World Report, fully aware that the Jews of Gaza were going to be removed forcibly to save their lives because the Palestinians are so bloodthirsty and genocidal that Israel couldn’t guarantee their safety, collected $14 million from American Jews to buy the 3,000 greenhouses and all the plumbing that went into this horticulture industry. They then gave it to the Palestinians as a gesture of peace. And on the day that Hamas took control of Gaza, the Palestinians destroyed all the greenhouses, all the plumbing, and started firing thousands of rockets into unarmed towns and schoolyards in Israel.

Every Palestinian rocket is an anti-civilian rocket because they are rockets that can’t be aimed. The Palestinians fire their rockets at random in the hopes that they will kill Jews. Israel’s rockets, by contrast, are precision weapons that are aimed solely at military targets in an effort save civilian lives.

The lesson of the Gaza Strip is that the Palestinian jihadists are so full of hate that they are willing to destroy 10% of their own gross national product because it was created and donated by Jews. Israel, the on the other hand, was forced to evacuate the people who created this wealth to save them from being massacred because they were Jews. That tells you everything you need to know about the conflict in the Middle East.

Here’s another instructive fact about Gaza. After the 1948 war, the entire Gaza Strip was annexed by Egypt. It disappeared from the maps. The same thing happened to the West Bank, which was annexed by Jordan. Yet there was no protest from the Arabs or the “Palestinians.” So much for the desire for Palestinian self-determination.

The so-called Palestine Liberation Organization was created in 1964, fifteen years after the creation of Israel. This was the first time since the Arabs invaded the region in the 7th Century that there was any hint there was a people who identified themselves as “Palestinians” and desired a Palestinian state.

The charter of the newly created PLO which proclaimed the goals of the “liberation” movement failed to mention either the annexation of the West Bank or the Gaza strip. There was not a word in it about the liberation of Gaza from Egypt. There was not a word about the liberation of the West Bank from Jordan. Instead the PLO charter called for the elimination of the “Zionist entity.” From its beginning the Palestinian liberation movement has been a movement driven by Jew hatred. It is not designed to liberate the Palestinians by winning them a state; it is designed to “liberate” Israel and the Arab Middle East from the Jews, to expunge an infidel presence from the Muslim umma. Hamas and Hizbollah and the PLO do not want a Palestinian state. They want an Islamic empire, an infidel-free zone stretching “from the Jordan to the sea.”

Now allow me to deal with some of the lies perpetrated by the Muslim Students Association and their “Israel Apartheid Week” on this campus. On the “apartheid” wall of hate funded by this university there is a map that pictures Israel, Gaza and the West Bank. It is labeled “occupied Palestine.” It is a lie.

There is no occupation of a country called “Palestine.” There were no Palestinian lands originally to be stolen. Israel was created in the same way that Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq were created – out of the ruins of the Turkish Empire. The Turks are not Arabs. They had ruled the entire region for 400 years since the 16th Century, until they joined the powers that were defeated in World War I.

At the end of the war, the victors – Britain and France — divided up the spoils, in this case the defeated Turkish empire. The “Palestine Mandate,” which was part of these Turkish spoils did not refer to a people but to a geographical region. The people in the region for the previous thousand years called themselves “Arabs” not “Palestinians.” The word “Palestine” is not even an Arab word. It is Roman in origin. When the Romans drove the Jews out of their homeland, Judea, in the first century CE, they renamed it after the Jews’ enemies, the Philistines, who were Europeans, not Arabs. Hence the name “Palestine.”

The claim that Israel is “occupied Palestine” is a lie of Hitlerian proportions and has the same genocidal intention. And it is funded by the University of California on this campus.

A second version of this lie is focused on Jewish settlements in the West Bank, as though these are an extension of the so-called “occupation.” The hate week displays put up by the Muslim Students Association, show the West Bank dotted with the settlements of Jewish interlopers. Let me put to you this question: If you are not a xenophobe or a racist what is wrong with Jewish settlements – with Jews settling on the West Bank or in Gaza? Why is a Jewish settlement a problem? There are more than a million Arab Muslims settled permanently in Israel as Israeli citizens. They have more rights than the Muslims of Gaza, more rights than the Muslims in the West Bank, more rights than the Muslims in Iran, more rights than the Muslims in any Muslim country. Jews welcome Muslims as settlers in their country. But Arab Muslims do not welcome Jews. They are xenophobes and Judeo-phobes, and that is the only reason why Jewish settlements are a problem for them.

Consider that the Jews of Israel have been attacked in a single generation in three aggressive wars designed to push them into the sea. By every precept of international law they had – and have — the right to annex those territories from which they were attacked and expel the entire population which joined the aggressions.

That’s exactly what happened to the Germans after World War II. East Prussia was the industrial heartland of Germany. Ethnic Germans had inhabited it for 1,000 years. But when Germany invaded Poland twice in a generation, the allied powers said, enough. As part of the peace that followed the war, they expelled 12 million Germans from East Prussia and gave the land they had inhabited to Poland. There was no international outcry over that.

The Israelis had every right to take the same measures to secure peace in the Middle East in 1948 and 1967. In 1948 they could have expelled all the Arabs who had not left Israel, the way the Arabs expelled the Jews living in their countries in the Middle East. In 1967 they could have expelled all the Arabs living in Gaza and all the Arabs on the West Bank. But they didn’t. They preferred to live in peace with their Arab neighbors. The Israelis extended their hands to them and even when their peace offers were rejected built universities on the West Bank and made it a booming economy – an economy the PLO has since destroyed. And now the Israelis are being threatened with extinction by these same people as a reward for their generosity.

A third lie featured in the Muslim-sponsored hate fest this week is that there are five million Palestinian refugees who should be returned to their homes in Israel. The Arab records show quite clearly that when the Arab armies invaded Israel, the Arab governments called on those Arabs living in the area to flee and promised them they would be returned to their homes by the victorious Arab armies. In war, people sometimes flee because they are scared; some were undoubtedly driven out. Eventually there were an estimated five or six hundred thousand Arabs who fled. But there were also six hundred thousand Jews who were driven out of Iraq, Morocco, Tunisia and other Arab lands where they had lived for centuries. The largest ethnic community in Baghdad until the 30’s, when Iraq joined the Nazis, was the Jews.

The Arab propagandists and their University of California supporters now claim that there are more than five million Palestinian refugees, even though there were only a tenth that many originally and most of them have died. But why are there any Palestinian refugees? It is sixty years later. There are no longer any Jewish refugees, because they were all re-settled by Israel. The Palestinian refugees were not re-settled by the Arabs, not even in Jordan whose territory consists of 80% of the original Palestine Mandate and whose population is 70% made up of Palestinian Arabs. Jordan by the way is ruled by a Hashemite minority, yet there are no calls for the self-determination of Palestinians in Jordan. Palestinian Arabs are not allowed to settle in other Arab states. They are barred from entering.

In other words, the reason there are Palestinian refugees is because the PLO, Hamas and the Arab states want them to be refugees — want them to be confined to miserable camps, where they can use them for propaganda and as cannon fodder for the war to cleanse the Jews from the Muslim Middle East. Indeed the refugee camps are bases for the terrorist armies of the Islamic jihad. The United States and Israel, along with other countries, have poured billions of dollars into the refugee cause and it ended up in the Swiss bank accounts of the real oppressors of Palestinians – the leaders of the PLO and Hamas. Yasir Arafat died with a Swiss bank account worth $35 billion. That was money donated by Jews and Americans and taken out of the pockets of Palestinians.

The centerpiece of the Muslim sponsored hate week on this campus is the so-called Apartheid Wall which is itself two lies. The wall being protested – the “wall” in Israel — is not a wall but a security fence, and it is not an “apartheid” fence because it is not designed to enforce a separation of races or ethnicities. There are, as noted, a million Arabs living in Israel with more rights than the Arabs of any Arab country.

The fence was not erected to keep Arabs out. It was erected to keep terrorists out. The West Bank and Gaza are terrorist camps whose governments honor, support, and orchestrate a terrorist war against the ordinary citizens of Israel. What if the Jews took down the wall? We know from the past exactly what would happen. Israel’s security fence did not appear out of the blue. The wall was a desperate last measure the Israelis devised after years of watching their children slaughtered by Palestinians in discos and at Sbarro pizza parlors who were then honored as heroes and martyrs in the wake of their crimes. The fence has stopped virtually all of these attacks. So what the hate week on this campus is really calling for when it calls for the removal of the fence is a renewal of terrorist attacks against the children of Israel.

There are whole departments of this university that are sponsoring this hate week and thus the war against the Jews it encourages, including the Visual Arts Department, the Literature Department and the Ethnic Studies Department. The Thurgood Marshall College is another official entity sponsoring these incitements and lies. If you look at the codes this university claims to live by, you will see that chief among them is respect for diversity – for the ethnicities of students who attend this school. There is no respect for Jewish students at this campus when a week of hate like this is thrust in their faces courtesy of university faculties and administrators.

There are thirty campuses across the nation hosting Israel Apartheid Weeks this spring, including the University of California — Irvine, UC Berkeley, Boston University, Brandeis. Brown, University of Wisconsin, University of Houston, Brooklyn College, University of Chicago, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz, UCLA, DePaul, Columbia, University of Illinois, University of Minnesota, University of Washington and others.

Behind each and every one of these hate weeks against the Jews is the Muslim Students Association. Many people on this and other campuses mistake the Muslim Students Association for a cultural organization that represents all Muslims. It is no such thing. The Muslim Students Association is a sister organization of the terrorist organization Hamas, and like Hamas, is part of the Muslim Brotherhood network.

Hasan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood and the architect of terrorist jihad was an admirer of Adolf Hitler, whose organization translated Mein Kampf into Arabic. The father of Palestinian nationalism, Haj Amin al-Husseini, was one of Al-Banna’s heroes and is revered to this day by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas as the father of Palestinian nationalism. Haj Amin al-Husseini was a Nazi. In the twenties and the thirties he preached the extermination of the Jews and inspired two celebrated massacres of Jewish settlers. During the Second World War he went to Berlin to work with Hitler to recruit Arabs to Nazism . He devised his own plan to create an Auschwitz in the Middle East and was thwarted in setting up his death camps only because Rommel was defeated at El-Alamein. After the war, he and al-Banna led the Arab crusade against the creation of the Jewish state.

Why is the Muslim Students Association that violates the diversity principles and ethical codes of every one of these universities allowed to sponsor hate weeks against Israel and the Jews on these campuses? Where is the outrage over the lies the Muslim Students Association spreads along with its incitements against the Jewish state? Shame on the University of California for its role in this event. Shame on Thurgood Marshall College and the faculties that sponsored it. And shame on the Muslim students who use the shield of their religion to advance the Islamic war against the Jews.

A Question from the Audience:

[Note: I am including this one question from a UC San Diego student named Jumanah Imad Albahri, a former officer of the Muslim Students Association. Albahri came wearing a red Muslim head covering and a Kaffiya, the scarf Arafat used as a symbol of the terrorist war against Israel. A video of this exchange is available here]

Jumanah Imad Albahri: Good evening. I just wanted to say thank you for coming to campus tonight and presenting your point of view. It’s always valuable to have two sets of views going on at the same time. Very useful. My name is Jumanah Imad Albahri and I am a student here at UCSD. I was reading your literature. I found that much more interesting than the talk. And I found some interesting things about the MSA, which is an organization that is very active on campus and it is hosting our annual “Hitler Youth Week.” You should come out to those events. If you could clarify the connection between the MSA and Jihad terrorist networks, because last I checked, we had to do our own fundraising and we never get help from anyone. So if you could clarify the connection between UCSD’s MSA, or if you don’t have such information, if you could connect other MSAs on UC, because the connection wasn’t too clear in the pamphlet.

David Horowitz: Will you condemn Hamas here and now?

Jumanah Imad Albahri: I’m sorry, what?

Horowitz: Will you condemn Hamas?

Albahri: Would I condemn Hamas?

Horowitz: As a terrorist – genocidal — organization?

Albahri: Are you asking me to put myself on a cross?

Horowitz: So you won’t. I actually have had this experience many times. You didn’t read the pamphlet (The Muslim Student Association and the Jihad Network), because the pamphlet gives chapter and verse on the connection. The main connection is that the MSA is part of the Muslim Brotherhood network as revealed in the documents produced by the FBI in the Holy Land Foundation trial.

Albahri: I don’t think you understood what I meant by that. I meant, if I say something, I’m sure that I will be arrested for reasons of Homeland Security. So if you could please just answer my question.

Horowitz: If you condemn Hamas, Homeland Security will arrest you?

Albahri: If I support Hamas — because your question forces me to condemn Hamas — if I support Hamas, I look really bad.

Horowitz: Well, if you don’t condemn Hamas, obviously you support it. Case closed. I had this same experience at UC Santa Barbara where there were 50 members of the Muslim Students Association sitting right in the rows there. And throughout my hour talk, I kept asking them, will you condemn Hezbollah and Hamas. And none of them would. And then, when the question period came, the President of the Muslim Students Association was the first person to ask questions. And I said, before you start, will you condemn Hezbollah? And he said, well, that question is too complicated for a yes/no answer. So I said, okay, I’ll put it to you this way. I am a Jew. The head of Hezbollah has said that he hopes that we will gather in Israel so he doesn’t have to hunt us down globally. For it or against it?

Albahri: For it.

Horowitz: Thank you. Thank you for coming and showing everybody what’s really going on here.

Peter Fogel
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RE: HSIG - Defensible Borders For Israel
5/31/2010 1:06:37 PM
Hello Friends,

Here's an interesting video explaining the importance of defensible borders for Israel in any future peace settlement with the Palestinians.

Israel is a tiny country and is surrounded by Arab Muslim countries. The importance of defensible borders is the only way a peace agreement can ever come to be. Study the map and listen to the explanations and you'll understand how important defensible borders are.



In any future agreement with the Palestinians, Israel has a critical need for defensible borders. Watch this new video, produced by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, that outlines the threats to Israel from terrorist rockets, ballistic missiles, and conventional ground and air threats from the east:

Peter Fogel
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RE: HSIG - For Those Interested In Facts And Not Propaganda...... Read On
6/2/2010 7:56:05 AM
Hello Friends,

I've seen posts about the so called "humanitarian" flotilla and Israel's blocking their entry to Gaza.

As usual lots of misinformation, disinformation and propaganda from Muslim sources and MSM that as usual adopts their propaganda as fact.

Hmmmm, I've also seen those that are using Jewish Jew haters as reliable sources. Next thing you know they'll bring Noam Chomsky as a source since he's the Granddaddy of Jewish Jew (and Israel) haters. We've seen this sort of propaganda used in the past and most can see around the self hatred these people suffer from. If I'm not mistaken the "Jew" used in one of the forums here is a student of Chomsky, radical left and border line communist but never mind as long as he attacks Israel and the Jews he's Kosher for the propaganda machines.

The blockade on Gaza is legal and it's legality is recognized by most countries in the world. The boarding of the ships is also legal and even though the Muslim propaganda machine with the aid of MSM is trying to show otherwise. For those that consider themselves to be logical individuals and truth seekers they'd do well to check sources before buying into propaganda rubbish.

I have to admit that Israel did make one mistake and that was not being aware of the radical Muslims plans to attack the IDF Navy men whilst boarding. It was without a doubt a serious error even though they were aware that there might be minimal opposition and were prepared for that but not the outright attacks by the radical Muslim's on the Marmara. The Jihadis were organized and sent by a recognized Turkish terrorist organization under the guise of a humanitarian group. For those that saw the videos they were anything but "humanitarian".

The other ships in the flotilla were boarded with no problems at all. BTW, all the humanitarian goods brought by the flotilla (none on the Marmara) was delivered by Israel yesterday to Gaza. The total amount of goods filled up 5 trucks. As a point of interest Israel sends 25 trucks with humanitarian goods every day even when they are firing rockets into Israel and other Jihadi attacks.

The below article gives a very good breakdown of the situation and as I said earlier for those interested in the truth and not lies, propaganda and much worse it'll be an interesting read. For those interested in believing the propaganda you can find all that in the MSM and other self interested threads here and in other communities.



Sympathy for the Devil and the Gaza Sea Confrontation: How Can Helping a Repressive Fascist, Genocide-Intending Hamas Regime be Noble?

By Barry Rubin*

June 1, 2010

"Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game."

--The Rolling Stones, “Sympathy for the Devil”

Is it so hard to guess the name? Is it so difficult to understand the nature of the game? Apparently so.

"Israeli assault complicates efforts to improve relationship with U.S.," says the Washington Post. "Israeli Raid Exacerbates Regional Tensions and Threatens Peace Process," claims a report by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The Scotsman, not interested in the details, called it a "massacre."

And so the blame is placed. Yet why should either claim be true? After all, neither the U.S. government nor the Palestinian Authority is friends of Hamas and its reign in the Gaza Strip. Both have had their people murdered by Hamas and that group, an ally of Iran, wants to drive the former out of the region and overthrow the latter.

Hamas has oppressed the people of the Gaza Strip, murdered Palestinian Authority supporters in hospitals and thrown them off roofs; driven the Christians out; taken relief supplies for its own soldiers; launched a war on Israel in December 2008 that caused avoidable death and destruction; used civilians as human shields and mosques for ammunition dumps; indoctrinated children to be suicide bombers; are putting women into a Taliban-like situation; and repeatedly announces its antisemitic views and intention to wipe out Israel and massacre its people.

For some, none of this makes any difference though--to be fair--the media they get information from may not have presented these facts. For those on the left, Hamas should be considered as a fascist organization which they passionately oppose. For those sympathetic to human rights or women's rights, or many other good causes, Hamas should be anathema.

What should be paramount, then, is an international determination to overthrow the Hamas regime. After all, while it had earlier come in first in elections, it staged a coup and overthrew what was perceived as the rightful government of the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian Authority. To do such a thing would-to paraphrase the Carnegie report-reduce regional tensions and aid the peace process lead to an independent Palestinian state. Yet this rather obvious idea simply does not seem to have occurred to any Western government or elite.

So instead there is a policy, albeit an eroding one, of isolating Hamas and denying it at least some supplies and money, demanding that it accept the idea of real peace with Israel and cease the use of terrorism. Even this seems too much for many people and, increasingly, for some governments.

In the face of this very profound and essential wrongness, precisely what measures Israel takes toward a half-dozen vessels seeking to break the blockade that much of the world supports seems a rather secondary issue.

Then there is the confrontation itself.

It is unlikely that the clash between Israeli forces and revolutionary Islamists on a Turkish vessel carrying Hamas supporters and supplies to Gaza is going to change anything at all in terms of the politics and issues of the regions. Yet these events tell us a lot about international thinking nowadays and the tactics used by the revolutionaries who want to transform the Middle East and turn it into Islamist totalitarian states.

Everything I've written above would, in many circles, be considered shocking. Yet it is all obviously demonstrably true and profoundly valid for the conduct of international affairs. If any North American or European country had done the same thing as Israel, it would be excused. If any other Third World country did so, it would be ignored.

Why does the Israel-Palestinian conflict continue? The Palestinians. If the Palestinians stopped fighting there would be peace; if Israel stopped fighting there would be even more war.

Why were people killed in the sea off of Gaza? The Islamist-led forces there. Because--as was shown with five of the six ships--if they didn't fight nobody would be hurt but if they assaulted Israeli soldiers, the latter would defend themselves.

Oh, by the way, the Turkish group that organized this operation and had a large presence on the ship where the soldiers were attacked also has had
ties with al-Qaida and has been designated as a global terrorst group by the U.S. government. Indeed, in the past this group was found to be involved in dispatching terrorists to a number of countries, including involvement in a terror attack in the United States (the would-be Millennium Bomber in Los Angeles).

There is also
emerging evidence that interrogation of those captured on the ship shows that 40 to 60 men were organized in military-style units. They have no papers of identification, had a lot of money and some were equipped with night vision equipment and bullet-proof vests.

In other words, numerous Western institution are cheering--or at least being fooled--by an allegedly humanitarian action of "peace activists" run by an organization that supported the September 11 attacks on the United States. Contemplate that irony for a few minutes.

Of course, this isn't the first time a revolutionary movement has deliberately sacrificed people for a perceived benefit to the cause. Indeed, Hamas does that all the time. But it might perhaps be the first time it has fooled so many people. Or, perhaps I should see the second, given international reactions to the 2008-2009 war in the Gaza Strip. And the more successfully Hamas (and Hizballah) uses such tactics, the more people they will get killed in their pursuit of international sympathy and support.

Recognition of these facts is necessary for democratic societies that intend to survive. And yet that is not at all what is happening.

Now events have gone one step further. In order to pursue their goals, Hamas wants to escape from its isolation and win international support for both its regime over Gaza and in its struggle against Israel. And what are these goals? Ruling the Gaza Strip forever, seizing the West Bank and putting the Palestinian Authority leadership in front of a firing squad, obliterating Israel and committing genocide on its Jewish population, creating a totalitarian Palestinian state, destroying Western influence in the region, and helping to overthrow all the existing Arab governments as a junior partner of Iran.

This might be expected to bother a lot of people, especially in the West, especially on the left, especially among intellectuals who benefit from living in free societies. And yet that's not necessarily true either.

As part of its effort, Hamas supporters organized a six-ship convoy to bring supplies to the Gaza Strip. The Gaza Strip has always been a poor area, even compared to the West Bank. Despite ruling over the area for more than a decade while receiving a huge amount of foreign aid in comparison to the size of the population, the Palestinian Authority did little for the people. It led them into an unnecessary five-year-long destructive war in 1999 that only made things worse for them.

Hamas has now ruled the Gaza Strip for about five years. Yet it has preferred continued war with Israel, a full-scale military mobilization, and hardline policies rather than working for the development of the area and jobs for the people.

Yet who is blamed for the status of that area today?

The blockade has definitely had a downward effect on living standards in the Gaza Strip. And of course there are two blockades since Egypt's government, which doesn't want Hamas's close associates, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood to seize power and execute is leaders, also maintains an embargo.

But there is no humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. That can be easily proven. Israel allows a great deal of supplies to cross over. That can be proven. Hamas destroyed the border economic zone's facilities thus denying Gazans jobs. That can be proven. And there is a lot of smuggling across the Egypt-Gaza border which makes up for a good part of the deficit. There is even a humorous angle to all of this, like the way Israel supplied electricity to the Gaza Strip for years even when the bills weren't paid and Hamas was firing rockets at it.

And of course if Hamas were to change its policy in real terms there would be no blockade at all.

The purpose of this flotilla was not, of course, to help the Gazans but to get publicity for ending the blockade altogether, strengthening Hamas, and hitting at Israel. The organizers were offered the chance to land in Israel and, after inspections, see the supplies go across the border. That would have been at least a partial victory for them but they weren't interested. Or they could have landed in Israel and the Egyptian government would have immediately sent all the supplies into Gaza. But they weren't interested in that either.

A state of war exists between Israel and Hamas. To give aid and comfort to the Hamas regime is to help an enemy sworn to Israel's destruction. Why should Israel facilitate that? The answer might be, to help the people of Gaza who are suffering. But they will go on suffering until the day that Hamas no longer runs their lives. And there have been many people suffering because they are ruled by a government like that of Germany or Italy in the 1930s and 1940s. The British and Americans bombed them steadily and did everything else to kill, injure, and starve them in order to win World War Two. In comparison, Israel has been remarkably restrained.

And the longer Hamas rules there the more they will suffer. It is only a matter of time until Hamas engages in a new war. Indeed, the sympathy for Hamas and the buying of its lies about Israel by so many in the West increase its confidence in the value of going to war again in the virtue of remaining extremist.

After all, if its strategy is working why should Hamas change it? And if Hamas believes that it can win world opinion to be against Israel, and thus destroy Israel, all the more reason to be willing to force Gazans to fight for decades and generations.

And so there was no way that Israel would let the ships land in Gaza. And the activists, who put helping Gazans as a far lower priority than helping Hamas wanted a confrontation and the hardest line ones wanted casualties, martyrs to water the soil of revolution.

Shouldn't Israel have denied them that opportunity? Were mistakes made by Israel? But what was the main mistake by far? Not realizing that there were violent extremists on the main ship who were going to attack violently. In short, Israel's big mistake was the exact opposite of what much of the media and various others are claiming: it accepted the idea that the protesters were likely to be nonviolent. And that is why deaths occurred.

But such problems are also in the nature of the strange war faced upon Israel, the United States, and others. For instance, the same day as the incident off Gaza occurred, a U.S. drone killed one of the highest-ranking al-Qaida leaders. It also killed members of his family, probably women and children, the kind of event that leads to international condemnation of Israel but in this case was ignored by the news media.

Then there are decisions presented as mistakes by false or inaccurate arguments. For example, take the argument that Israel could not act in international waters without breaking international law. That's nonsense. Blockades all the way back to the British one against Napoleon-and more recently the British blockade during the Falklands crisis and the U.S. blockade of Cuba during the Cuban missile crisis-have worked that way.

Indeed, the most important thing about a blockade is that it must be effective to be accepted by others. Once Israel let in those ships, why should anyone else-including ships carrying military supplies-be deterred? And in Gaza, even pipes (used for making rockets) and cement (used for building block houses and other military positions) are war materiel.

The organizers were quite clear that this is the first round of a plan for regular shipments to Gaza. If the ships were allowed to pass that means uninspected ships would set up regular deliveries to Gaza which would, of course, include weapons, ammunition, and other military equipment.

Did the Israeli authorities underestimate the chance of violence? Well, they were 83.3 percent, that is, five-sixths, right. Five of the six ships surrendered peacefully, the ones with most or all of the well-meaning "peace activists," and were taken into port. Only one resisted, the one with the radical Islamists who want a Hamas victory and the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Israelis, not peace. Two guns were grabbed from soldiers as they were beaten and knifed. In all, seven Israeli servicemen were stabbed, shot or injured--virtually the entire initial force--showing the battle was hardly one-sided. Here is an account by the commander of the boarding team who was stabbed.

(One day we will know how many of the casualties were armed with knives or shot by their "colleagues," not Israeli soldiers. Will that detail be widely disseminated?)

What if Israel had waited longer? The ships would have come closer to the coast and eventually boarding would have been necessary since they would not stop otherwise. The same thing would have happened a day or two later. The only options would have been firing on the ships--which was unthinkable--or trying to stop them physically by blocking them with naval vessels, which could easily have led to a collision, perhaps even a ship sinking, and the loss of far more lives.

Again, some of those on the ships were no doubt full of well-intentioned humanitarians. But they were engaged in an evil and dangerous cause. Besides, they weren't the ones determined to attack. Those directing the operation were revolutionaries intent on supporting their Hamas comrades. The atmosphere among the Islamists is demonstrated by their televised talk of martyrdom and jihad, their open statements that they were supporting Hamas.

Al-Jazira television
broadcast their chanting slogans about a new "Khaibar" and the return of "Muhammad's army," reference to the massacre of the Jews in seventh-century Arabia and the selling of the women and children into slavery. Such were the "peace activists" involved in creating this violent incident.

There are, then, two main ways to see these events. One is of a group of humanitarians who just wanted to help people and were mistreated by evil Israel, ignoring their cause, leadership, explicit goals, and the whole nature of the political issue at hand.

The other is the perspective offered here, of the attempted manipulation of international public opinion by a combination of those intent on evil and those who don't recognize the nature of its game.

Which one better explains these events, and what went before them, and what will come after? Given the facts, there can't be much doubt that allying with and assisting Hamas, the closest thing to a fascist ideology and genocidal program in today's world, is not a great moral act. If you want to have sympathy for the devil, so to speak, at least know who you are helping.

There is a statement attributed to the British political philosopher Edmund Burke, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Burke supported America's revolution but was horrified by France's bloody upheaval that resulted in terror and murder. He understood that in order to be a humanitarian one had to have accurate judgment and to distinguish between actual good and evil dressed up as good.

Actually, what Burke wrote is even more apt for the present day, in which democracies are threatened by a tidal wave of lies, hate, and dictatorship: "When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."

Here are the live radio signals from the Israeli forces on board the ship indicating they are under attack by armed assailants.
Here is video where you can see soldiers being attacked as they come down the ropes.
Video from above of soldiers being attacked. [Note this is not an official site and the poster has added material of his own before and after not related to the video.]
Here is a report by the main Danish international affairs' research center using Turkish sources to show the sponsoring group was an armed group preparing for terrorist attacks.
Pictures of weapons. The guns were confiscated and taken away before these pictures were taken.
The Turkish group IHH (Insani Yardim Vakfi), which was the main organizer, is a member of the Union of the Good, which has been
designated as a global terrorist group by the U.S. government for its close ties to Hamas.

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*Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal. His latest books are The Israel-Arab Reader (seventh edition), with Walter Laqueur (Viking-Penguin); the paperback edition of The Truth About Syria (Palgrave-Macmillan); A Chronological History of Terrorism, with Judy Colp Rubin, (Sharpe); and The Long War for Freedom: The Arab Struggle for Democracy in the Middle East (Wiley). To read and subscribe to MERIA, GLORIA articles, or to order books, go to You can read and subscribe to his blog at

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7