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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Comedy Central Bleeps Their Way To Dhimmitude
4/29/2010 5:46:34 AM
Hello Friends,

South Park had the audacity to "mention" Muhammad in one of their shows and the Muslims went on a rampage. What's new about that you're probably asking and the answer is a very obvious one. When Comedy Central decided to censor the next edition of South Park cause of threats made by Muslims your freedom of speech is being attacked frontally and with no disguise of so called discrimination. They blatantly state - attack Muhammad and your life is in danger. The video in which they attacked and threatened with death the creators of south Park was removed from Youtube due to "terms of use violation". Interesting isn't it? Yet Comedy Central decided to kowtow to their threats and demands and severely edit and censor the next edition of South Park. Bleep, Bleep, Bleep!!!! Can you read between the lines?

Friends if you haven't realized it yet your freedoms are in danger and as each day goes by Radical Islam Jihadis are attacking your way of life with the protection of B Hussein O-Bow-ma who removed Radical Islam, Jihad etc. from the Federal vocabulary and so much more with his Muslim agenda.

Don't you think it's wake up time or are you going to let O-Bow-ma their agent in the White House mesmerize and hypnotize you with his gibberish and nonsense? He's already done it once and look what that change got you the nefarious Obamacare bill and if he has his way that's just the beginning.



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Bear-Suit Muhammad and the Wages of Cowardice

by David J. Rusin • Apr 28, 2010 at 11:33 am

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"Has South Park gone too far this time?" asks an article published on April 21, referencing the show's previous depiction of Muhammad in a bear costume. Just hours later, however, it became obvious that Comedy Central is the one that had gone too far — in kowtowing to radical Islam.

For the 200th installment of South Park on April 14, creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone penned a storyline poking fun at the now-familiar trend of censoring images of Muhammad — something that the series had experienced firsthand four years earlier. The new episode, titled "200," features perpetually mocked celebrities demanding that the kids track down the prophet, as they wish to steal his power to remain free of ridicule. The townspeople fear the consequences of Muhammad appearing in public, so he is disguised as a goofy-looking bear mascot.

What happened next illuminates the well-rehearsed procedure by which Islamist violence and Western cowardice combine to suppress speech, thus slowly paving the road to dhimmitude:

Step 1: Every now and then, Islamists use "education by murder" to mark, with blood-red lines, what will not be tolerated from non-Muslims, such as unflattering commentary about the Islamic faith or caricatures of its prophet. Examples include the 2004 butchering of Dutch provocateur Theo van Gogh and the 2006 orgy of violence sparked by the Danish Muhammad cartoons.

Step 2: Like clockwork, pusillanimous Westerners bow and scrape to avoid upsetting Muslims. From altering disaster films to removing museum art to canceling book launches, the capitulation often takes place without any direct prompting. A little murder goes a long way.

Step 3: If some free expression manages to survive Step 2, a not-so-subtle reminder of Step 1 is offered. The fringe group Revolution Muslim carried this out after "200," stating: "We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid and they will probably wind up like Theo van Gogh for airing this show." It helpfully included a photo of van Gogh's corpse and a sermon from terror cleric Anwar al-Awlaki. Comedy Central got the message. In April 21's follow-on episode, "201," the network placed black boxes over all images of Muhammad (even those in the bear suit), bleeped his name, and shamelessly censored a speech about intimidation and fear.

Step 4: "Mainstream" Islamic groups deny that the radicals of Step 3 have anything to do with Islam. Right on schedule, Ibrahim Hooper of CAIR donned his tinfoil hat and insisted that "most Muslims suspect [Revolution Muslim] were set up only to make Muslims look bad. We just have very deep suspicions. They say such outrageous, irresponsible things that it almost seems like they're doing it to smear Islam." Another case of "anti-Islamic activity," no doubt.

Step 5: The path is now cleared for many additional surrenders (Step 2) and threats (Step 3). As Eugene Volokh explains, "The consequence of [Comedy Central's] position is that the thugs win and people have more incentive to be thugs. … Behavior that gets rewarded gets repeated."

This is the way the Western world ends: not with a bang but a wimpishness.

Related Topics: Cartoons, Censorship, Entertainment / Media, Free Speech, Lobby Groups | David J. Rusin This text may be reposted or forwarded so long as it is presented as an integral whole with complete information provided about its author, date, place of publication, and original URL.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Home Grown Jihadis - It's All Happening In your Back Yard
4/29/2010 9:14:12 AM
Hello Friends,

Quite a few times I wrote about the danger of home grown Jihadi Terrorists. The fact that this is an ever escalating threat to the safety of the United States is evident even though B Hussein deliberately removed any mention of Radical Islam, Jihad, Extreme Terrorists and more from the lexicon and vocabulary of Federal documents and subsequently main stream media as being politically incorrect.

As usual this man is blindsiding you to what is really happening in your back yard and unfortunately he's getting away with it. To few are speaking out and taking action to protect the people of the United States from his Muslim agenda and Radical Islam Jihadi attacks.

Last year alone we were witness to many attacks by home grown Jihadis with the worst the massacre of 13 by "major" Nidal Hassan at Ft. Hood. So far B Hussein is refusing to release documents about the Ft. Hood attack to congress as they requested many a time and that alone raises many questions.

The below article and video show how rampant the problem of Radical Islam is and how deep into the American Muslim community they've infiltrated.



Sudbury to Mumbai: Connecting the Dots

Video Description

The video offers a glimpse into a loosely-coordinated web of radical Islamic individuals and organizations based in New England with ties to Islamic terrorist groups overseas. This web is responsible for the radicalization of the next generation of American Muslims.

The video demonstrates the disheartening phenomenon (given the historical moderation and success of Boston Muslims) of the current groundswell of support for Tarek within a segment of the Boston Muslim community and its virulent response to his arrest. The video shows how Islamic radicals have been using the Internet to organize thousands of supporters and raise money for Tarek a man who the FBI alleges had enjoyed gloating over propaganda videos of Al Qaeda terrorists disemboweling and burning the bodies of American GIs in Iraq. (Tarek and his friends mockingly called these mutilations Texas BBQs.)

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Geketa Holman

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RE: HSIG - Home Grown Jihadis - It's All Happening In your Back Yard
4/29/2010 7:37:58 PM
Hi Peter,
Bet you thought I was lost forever .. LOL I just watched the video nothing surprises me anymore and when I say nothing, I mean it. We will have to catch up .. talk soon..
Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
4/29/2010 8:11:48 PM
Hi Peter,
Bet you thought I was lost forever .. LOL I just watched the video nothing surprises me anymore and when I say nothing, I mean it. We will have to catch up .. talk soon..

Hey Geketa,
You bet, I was sure you got lost somewhere in the woods of Ky. Good to see you here again. :)
I wasn't surprised about the content of the video but I was glad to see that the threat of home grown Radical Islamic terrorism is being documented and maybe just maybe B Hussein and his goon squad will realize that you can't remove a fact and make it disappear by eliminating the word from the federal vocabulary. What a farce!
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Is He Or Isn't He? That Is the Question.
5/1/2010 9:13:11 AM
Hello Friends,
Many have asked is B Hussein a closet Muslim or not? While the question will most probably remain unanswered (like his vault birth certificate) his actions and extreme Muslim Agenda sorta give a strong indication what he is and what he stands for.
I've posted the following video in the past but watch it again if you've already seen it and reach your own decisions. I've reached mine.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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