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Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
1/13/2010 7:51:41 AM
Hey Peter,

I almost posted this in the joke thread, because it is laughably full of "Double Standards" but this is a serious subject.

Egyptian Chutzpah

Posted: 08 Jan 2010 08:01 AM PST

How do you spell chutzpah in Arabic? The Egyptian government has railed against Israel for erecting a security fence in the West Bank for years, protesting, its construction in the United Nations and every other international body, and usually employing the phrase “apartheid wall.”

But now, mirabile dictu, Egypt is building a wall of its own along the border of the Gaza Strip -- and, as one might guess, will not entertain any criticism of this project.

The Israeli barrier was built to prevent suicide bombing and other terrorist activities against Israelis; by contrast, the Egyptian fence is designed to stop Palestinians living in Gaza from entering Egypt.

One might well ask why President Hosni Mubarak would want to keep his Arab brothers locked inside the poverty-stricken area of Gaza, among the most congested places on the globe.

He contends, with some legitimacy, that Hamas’s presence in Gaza could be a destabilizing factor in Egypt if the border were porous. Yet Hamas poses a threat to Israel even more formidable than its threat to Egypt. The stated Hamas goal is “Liberate Palestine,” not “Occupy Egypt.” Moreover, if Hamas were an existential threat to Egypt’s national security, why has Mubarak been negotiating with Hamas leaders for years, and why has he been at the center of talks over reconciliation with Fatah?

In fact, by keeping the border crossing into Egypt closed, Mubarak is sending the Palestinians to Israel for help. In the Byzantine world of Middle East politics Arab leaders want the Gaza Strip to remain exclusively an Israeli problem.

The irony, of course, is that the millions of dollars required to build the new fence could have been employed to build hospitals, schools and housing. Palestinians crossing the border generally do so in search of employment or to be reunited with families residing in Egypt. At the moment even medical and humanitarian aid cannot get through the Rafah border crossing and human rights activists are invariably stopped at the border as well.

Recognizing the potential embarrassment of this security fence, Egyptian leaders denied its existence, until photographs made such denials laughable. The Egyptian fence is actually a ten kilometer underground metal barrier that will cost approximately $500 million. Whether it turns out to be a real barrier remains to be seen. Palestinians involved in the smuggling of contraband material are extremely adept at bypassing barriers. If anything, the Egyptian wall will probably escalate tensions in Gaza: it is the cap on a boiling pot of soup.

Palestinians in this tiny strip of land suffer from Hamas terrorism, lack of jobs, lack of basic facilities, congestion, and a host of corrupt and misguided leaders. Nonetheless, Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas has defended Egypt’s right to build a separation wall. Irony of ironies: this is the same Abbas who condemned Israel’s “Apartheid Wall” and urged the international community to tear it down.

In the Middle East, lies are verbal instruments to manipulate opinion.

And as this event on the Gaza border suggests, this time oppression is not a matter of Israelis against Palestinians, but Arabs against Palestinians.

The next time an Arab ambassador rises at the United Nations to criticize Israel, he should be reminded of the manifold ways Arabs contain, constrain and exploit fellow Arabs. If the term “apartheid” is used as a condemnation of Israel, it should be hurled back at Egyptians who sanctimoniously - and hypocritically -- engage in the very actions they once condemned.

Hi Jim,

Thanks for the great article. Believe it or not it's only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the double standard between Israel's acts of self defense and the Muslim actions against their own brothers. I can go on and on about the double standards and just might do that in a future post.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - TERRORISM A Word That doesn't Exist In BHO's Vocabulary
1/13/2010 7:54:47 AM
Hi Friends,

Terrorism is a word that doesn't appear to be in B Hussein's vocabulary. It's beyond political correctness in my opinion and has more to do with his total dedication to Islam and all that is Muslim.

His administration screwed up big time and he tried to clean up house a bit with his late declaration on his administrations fight against Al Qaeda. Yep, not Radical Islam and terrorists but Al Qaeda. The man is in denial and then has the audacity to ask us not to "jump to conclusions". He seems to have forgotten the recent Jihadi terrorist attack on Fort Hood killing 13 Americans. His personal agenda shouldn't put blinders on the eyes of the public and they should demand an all out fight against Radical Islam's Jihadi Terrorism.

Check out Dry Bones take on airport security.



Wanna know how old I am?
Well, I'm so old that I can remember when it was fun to fly!
-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973
Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Radical Islamic group Islam4UK Banned By Courts In UK
1/13/2010 9:51:27 AM
Hello Friends,

Finally some good news coming out of England. The Radical Islamic groupIslam4UK is to be banned and the ruling goes into effect today. This Radical Islamic group has changed its name a few times cos of past rulings and the bottom line is that in order to insure they don't change it again the leaders have to be tried for their subversive actions.

Their leader Anjem Choudary is a known radical Muslim agitator and has crossed the line many times without any action being taken against him. It's past time that the UK government start taking appropriate actions against Radical Islam instead of capitulating to all their demands.

This banning is the exception to the rule in the UK but hopefully it's a sign of sterner measures and actions in the future.




Wootton Bassett protest group Islam4UK to be banned

The groups leader Shajjadar Choudhury (2nd from left) arriving at Luton Magistrates CourtPhoto: SOUTH BEDS NEWS AGENCY

The order will come into effect on Thursday and make it a criminal offence to be a member, punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

Mr Johnson said the group had tried to escape proscription simply by changing its name.

He said the order would apply to the group's other names, including Al Muhajiroun.

"I have today laid an order which will proscribe Al Muhajiroun, Islam4UK, and a number of the other names the organisation goes by," he said.

"It is already proscribed under two other names - Al Ghurabaa and The Saved Sect.

"Proscription is a tough but necessary power to tackle terrorism and is not a course we take lightly.

"We are clear that an organisation should not be able to circumvent proscription by simply changing its name."

The law to ban the group is made in a parliamentary order which was laid in the House of Commons today.

Islam4UK is lead by Anjem Choudary, who founded Al Muhajiroun in the 1980s with radical cleric Omar Bakri Mohammad.

Choudary's announcement of a planned march through Wootton Bassett caused dismay.

The Wiltshire town, near to RAF Lyneham where fallen servicemen are repatriated, has come to symbolise the country's commitment to its war dead.

Critics called for police to ban the march in advance, but Choudary dropped the idea on Sunday.

The ban is an extension of an existing order made under the Terrorism Act 2000 that bans the group under the name Al Ghurabaa and The Saved Sect.

From Thursday it will be banned under the names Call to Submission, Islam4UK, Islamic Path, and London School of Sharia.

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Wish The USA Had A President Like This One
1/13/2010 5:59:49 PM
Hi All,

I decided that this message is important to post in as many threads as possible. Please feel free to use it and pass it on.



, Canada , all Europe ..... needs a President like this.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd - Australia
Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.

Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques.

Quote: 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.'

'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom. We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, Learn the Language!'

'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'

'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'

'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, THE RIGHT TO LEAVE.'

'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'
Maybe if we circulate this , American citizens will find the backbone to start speaking and voicing the same truths.

If you agree, please SEND THIS ON.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - A Combinaton Of Mistakes and Follies
1/14/2010 9:39:06 AM
Hello Friends,

I read an excellent 2 part series about the errors made by the US (and the world) in regard to the war on terrorism and Radical Islam.

It's in great detail and I won't bother giving my thoughts about it in advance but will continue the discussion after posting the 2 articles in future posts.

They are quite long but excellent reads.



January 11, 2010

A Confluence of Folly (Part One of Two)

D. L. Adams
Thebarely prevented horror that was the recent Christmas Day jihad terrorattack on an inbound flight to Detroit from Amsterdam seems to haveaffected people in our country in a way that other recent terrorattacks have not. Only eight years since 9/11 and only weeks from theatrocity at Fort Hood, it is now clear that we continue to be unsafeand profoundly vulnerable; the commonalities of our daily lives put usat risk in ways that we never thought could be possible in our country.
Thereis loaded symbolism also in Abdulmutallab’s terror attack of ChristmasDay; an inbound flight to perhaps America's most devastated city(Detroit) was almost destroyed by an ideologically drivensadist and would-be mass murderer. The image of a blown up (with allits attendant casualties) American aircraft at the aerial doorway ofDetroit is horrific; a revolting unity of destruction and failure inthe air and on the ground. The just-prevented terror attack is a symbolthat every American city could one day become just like Detroit throughacts of jihad war and hate.
Theeconomic failure of Detroit is complex and occurred over many decades;the devastating cultural bankruptcy that now impedes the legitimatedefense of every American city will likely result in futurecatastrophic disasters that will take only seconds to transpire, notdecades. The failure of Detroit is not an illustration of the failureof Americanism, or democracy but rather a failure of attention paid; wehave an obligation to do our best for the city of Detroit (or anyAmerican city) just as we have an obligation to secure our people,borders, cities, and the infrastructure of our country.
After the Christmas Day attack on the Detroit flight we stand at a crossroads; a crossroads where denial and ignorance meet rationality and common sense. We enter the New Year observing a disturbing confluence of errors, mistakes, malfeasance and incompetence that puts every American and all of our friends across the world at increased risk. The last minute prevention of the “crotch bomber’s” attack is a rare bright spot for us; there are few silver clouds to be found in these dark linings.
We continue to send our best and brightest men and women to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan. The presidentsaid recently in a speech at West Point that U.S. troop levels would beincreased by 30,000 in the Afghanistan theater of operations – a newsurge. The president did say during the campaign that Afghanistan was the most important fightand Iraq was not; why this was so was never explained other than withderisive accusations of the previous president’s “errors.” Thecomparison dismissed by the current residentof the White House is an important one and should not be so readilyminimized; Iraq and Afghanistan are the same battle in a much widerwar.
Afghanistan and Iraq – War for the Enemy’s Ideology
While his "progressive" supporters were almost universally condemnatory of this new surge, those on the political right were almost universally supportive.But they are all wrong because the foundations of both conflicts arebuilt upon concepts that are contrary to American ideas of freedom,tolerance, equality of the sexes, and justice.
This“mission” in Iraq and Afghanistan appears to be “nation building” withideals of democracy given lip service but no substantive backing. Thisis because the constitutional foundation of both beneficiary “states”is Islam and Sharia law.
Therecan be no doubt that Sharia law is anti-women, anti-tolerance,anti-homosexual, and anti-democratic and contrary to our concepts ofjustice and human rights. American support for such a brutal andanti-human system in two countries with the blood of our best and agreat part of our national treasure derived from all citizens throughtaxation defies explanation.
Ifthe foundation of both “states” is the law of Islam (Sharia) and thelaw of Islam is contrary to American concepts of freedom, justice,equality, and tolerance why then do we support these “states”?
Whenquestions of ideology are presented to the planners of the wars and ourleadership, the questioner is excoriated for his/her intolerance andimpropriety and lack of consideration for another “culture;” but thequestions themselves are never answered. We are experts at blowingthings up, but we seem ill prepared for the ideological component ofthis massive conflict of which Iraq and Afghanistan are but a part.
The indefensible fact that no answers are forthcoming and, that the questions themselves cannotbe asked, is a national tragedy upon which future tragedies will beconstructed and for which our leadership must be held accountable.
Thewars in Afghanistan and Iraq are deeply flawed because we are fightingfor Sharia law (Islamic Law) in both countries. We are, in effect,fighting for anti-democracy and monoculture (Islam), hatred,intolerance, and jihad. Astoundingly, we are fighting for the sameideology then for which our existential jihadist enemies fight – thecreation of an Islamic state and the rule of Sharia law.
InAfghanistan, does it make sense to support a Sharia law country(Karzai’s government) that is fighting a Sharia law former government(Taliban) when Sharia law itself is fundamentally opposed to everythingfor which the United States stands? Can there be a national foreignpolicy anywhere based upon greater moral, ethical, and intellectualconfusions, ignorance, and foolishness than this?
Theidea that American soldiers fight and die, and that America wouldstretch its economy to the breaking point, for a totalitarian system ofbrutality and cruelty (Sharia) would have been unthinkable only ageneration ago. We have surely passed some kind of red line.
Afghanistan Constitution: Article One
Ch. 1. Art. 1
Afghanistan is an Islamic Republic, independent, unitary and indivisible state.
Iraq Constitution: Article 2 –
First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:
A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.
If establishing Sharia Lawwith all its cruelty, misogyny, brutalities, anti-homosexuality,anti-religious freedom, denial of individual rights, and theinculcation of Islamic supremacism and obligatory jihad is notthe purpose of the United States government in supporting Iraq andAfghanistan it is certainly going to be the result. The purpose ofjihad is to actively oppose the existence of systems of government,cultures, and religions that are not Islamic and bring the entire worldunder Islam and jihad.
Participationin jihad is an obligation for all adherents of Islam. In Koran this“fighting in Allah’s cause” and is mentioned over 100 times; it is acentral if not the central them of Islam itself.
Thequestion must be asked: What is our purpose in supporting the creationand growth of societies and governments that are fundamentally opposedto our existence (as delineated in their founding documents and inIslamic doctrine) and the concepts of liberty and freedom, toleranceand openness, for which the United States has always, until recentlyapparently, so steadfastly stood?
Wars of Self-Destruction – Abandoning our Heritage
What,then, do our American ideas of freedom and justice mean when weencourage the existence and growth (with both blood and treasure) ofsocieties that are opposed to such ideas? These wars are a disasterwhose purposes must be understood. American support of Sharia lawanywhere is evidence of an American cultural failure and an abandonmentof the foundational concepts that form our national character and thefoundations of our country. Support of Sharia law anywhere by theUnited States here at home or abroad is a foundational failure ofunderstanding the doctrine of Islam.
Alexis De Tocqueville in Democracy in Americacompared the importance of the concepts of religion and Americancivilization in the early 19th century. His observations are as validtoday as they were in 1840.
Mohammedprofessed to derive from Heaven, and has inserted in the Koran, notonly religious doctrines, but political maxims, civil and criminallaws, and theories of science. The Gospel, on the contrary, only speaksof the general relations of men to God and to each other, beyond whichit inculcates and imposes no point of faith. This alone, besides athousand other reasons, would suffice to prove that the former of thesereligions will never long predominate in a cultivated and democraticage, whilst the latter is destined to retain its sway at these as atall other periods.
(Democracy in America, Vol 2, Cambridge: Sever and Francis, 1840; reprint, 1863); p.26.
Theconceptual foundations of America as understood by early historians ofthe republic and of later analysts is in the Judeo-Christian andGreco-Roman tradition. De Tocqueville’s assessment is essentiallycorrect in analysis but mistaken in its prediction; how could he haveknown that we ourselves would finance the resurgence of Islam throughthe greatest transfer of wealth in human history through our purchases of Arab/Islamist oil?
Overtime it appears that we have been our worst enemy – forgetting thoseprofound concepts of freedom and justice upon which the republic wasfashioned with the intention that, like the Union itself, theseconcepts would be perpetual through our protection of them.
Inour forgetting, we have created an intellectual environment of radicaltolerance for other ideologies and cultures – even to the existentialdetriment of our own.
Islamicjustice, peace, war, tolerance, and civilization itself are profoundlyopposed to American understanding of the same concepts. The failure ofAmerican leadership in acknowledging the fundamental oppositionalrelationship between Islam and American democracy is at the core of ourfailure post 9/11, to Fort Hood and the skies over Detroit.
Becausethe Taliban is entirely ideologically motivated (by the Islamicdoctrine), and since their purpose is the implementation of Sharia Lawwherever they hold power, what is the difference between the Talibanand the Karzai government? The Afghan Karzai constitution states in itsfirst article that Afghanistan is an "Islamic Republic" and in the 3rdarticle that
“In Afghanistan, no law can be contrary to the beliefs and provisions of the sacred religion of Islam.”
Whatcan be the difference between the Taliban and Karzai’s governmentexcept the cooperation that the Karzai government provides to the kaffirAmericans? The two forces are unified by Islamic ideology after all;the Taliban fights the Karzai government because the American-supported government isn’t Islamic “enough”; that is, most importantly, they cooperate with the kaffir (non-Muslim).
Why are we fighting a war in which the purpose of both sides is the implementation of Sharia law?
In plain terms, what is the difference if Karzai and his kleptocratsimplement Sharia or the Taliban does? Either way, American support ofSharia law and its savagery is a humanitarian and philosophicalfailure.
Insuch a conflict how is “victory” defined – through self-negation?Everyone will accept American funds and all sides will continue tofight for the success of Islam.
Priorto 9/11, our foreign policy was founded upon both national defense andsupport for those who wanted freedom if it was within our power tosupport them. Now, we ignore the freedom fighters on the streets ofIran and fight for Sharia law states in two countries; our foreignpolicy is overturned.
The"progressives" who opposed the surge in Afghanistan are correct but forthe wrong reasons; the surge in Afghanistan is a mistake because themission itself is confused and based upon a total ignorance of Islamicdoctrine and purposes; goals in which both local sides in theseconflicts (Iraq and Afghanistan) share.
Ifthe conflict in ideologies between American society and theTaliban/Karzai administration weren't enough, there are the lessons ofthe Vietnam War that must be acknowledged but thus far have beenignored or too derisively dismissed.
Denial of History
Ngo Dinh Diemwas the corrupt ruler of Vietnam from 1955 to 1963. Unwilling to checkcorruption and unwilling to follow the American line, Diem wasoverthrown with American help (and John F. Kennedy’s personal approval)in 1963 only a month before Kennedy’s assassination. The parallelsbetween the Obama Afghan surge and Johnson "surge" in 1965 in Vietnam(despite Johnson's promise to continue President Kennedy's policies of slow disengagement) are mistakenly ignored. It should be our policy universally to avoid the errors of our past.
There is no question whatever that our support of the implementation of Sharia law in Afghanistan by either the corrupt Karzai government or the abysmal Taliban is morally and ethically untenable. These facts put our entire effort in both Afghanistan and Iraq into serious question.
Ifthe leadership in Kabul which we support is corrupt, and if the peoplethere know it, and if we know it, and if the purposes of the supportedgovernment there and the opposing party (Taliban) areessentially the same (implementation of Sharia law and creation of anIslamic state), we have neither provided the people of the country witha viable alternative to the ideology of the forces we oppose or theconflict itself has been couched in terms that are false.
IfIslam and its draconian and savage “legal system” of Sharia law isitself a form of slavery and barbarism and totalitarianism we havefailed to provide an alternative to the people of either Iraq orAfghanistan; this is a failure on our part.
Ifwe had created a secular state in either country in which religion wassubordinate to the state (as in the American system) then we would haveprovided a beneficial alternative to Sharia and Islam to the people ofboth countries. However, in Islam there is no separation betweenreligion and state; Islam is both a religion and a political ideology.
Evenin Afghanistan in 2006 years after the Karzai government had beeninstalled, leaving Islam (apostasy) was a crime punishable by death;this is Sharia law.
Regardless of the self-destructive extreme radical tolerancenow in vogue in the United States support of a culture and ideologywhose adherents are literally hostages to the ideology of the stateitself (Islam is the state in both Afghanistan and Iraq) is clearly contrary to American concepts of justice, and individual rights.
Ifthe people of Afghanistan wish to continue living in an Islamic societythen we have no cause in which to be involved in what is essentially aninternal conflict between adherents of Islam. What kind of “nationbuilding” is possible when the only result can be a Sharia law “state”?
Therehas been no discussion of freeing the people of Afghanistan from thetyranny of Islam, as they appear to have no such interest; nor is itwithin our capabilities at this time to do so if we were to embracesuch a concept. (Because of the totalitarian nature of Islam the peopleof Afghanistan, or any Islamic state, do not have the means ofcommunicating such a desire.) Of course, such an approach would becondemned by those who know nothing of Islam, jihad or the doctrine of cruelty, hatred, and war upon which Islam is constructed; such an approach would be condemned as “intolerant” or simply “not nice.”
Afghanistan and Iraq – The Victory of Islam with American Aid
Thepeople of Afghanistan with or without American help will continue tolive under Islam because this is the only option that they have. Thevictory of Islam in Afghanistan which will occur with either a Karzaior Taliban victory is a negative result for Americans and lovers offreedom everywhere.
Whatis the difference between the brutality of the Taliban implementingSharia and Karzai's corrupt government implementing Sharia? Even afteryears of American military and financial support the Karzai governmenthad plans to kill an Afghani who had converted to Christianity in 2006.
AbdulRahman, 41 years, is separated from his wife; he was arrested lastmonth after his family – fighting with him over the custody of hischildren – denounced him for being a convert. The man, who was foundcarrying a Bible, was accused of having rejected Islam.
The "rejection of Islam" is a crime under Islamic/Sharia law. The penalty for this crime is death under Sharia law.There is no religious freedom in any state under Islamic law; leavingIslam is a matter of both religious and state authority; it is thegravest of crimes in Islam, it is considered worse than murder.
Butany of you who renounce your faith and die an unbeliever, will haveyour works count for nothing in this world and the world to come. Thesepeople will be prisoners of the fire, where they will live forever.(Koran 2:216)
TheKarzai government rejected the death sentence for the Christian convertonly because of American outrage; biting the hand that feeds has neverbeen a great strategy in international relations. The Afghanauthorities conveniently however found though that the convert wassuffering a mental illness which is one of only several ways in which aconvert is spared the death sentence.
The minister said: "We released him last night because the prosecutors told us to.
"His family were there when he was freed, but I don't know where he was taken."
Deputy Attorney General Mohammed Eshak Aloko said prosecutors issued aletter calling for Mr Rahman's release because "he was mentally unfitto stand trial".
Mr Aloko added Mr Rahman may be sent overseas for medical treatment.
Critics said Mr Rahman should be free to follow the religion of hischoice but under Afghanistan's deeply conservative Sharia law, he hadcommitted a capital crime.
Hundreds of clerics and students chanted "Death to Christians" at a protest against dropping the charge.
Ibn Warraq, the celebrated scholar of Islamic doctrine (and former Muslim), explains the exceptions as follows.
UnderMuslim law, the male apostate must be put to death, as long as he is anadult, and in full possession of his faculties. If a pubescent boyapostatizes, he is imprisoned until he comes of age, when if hepersists in rejecting Islam he must be put to death. Drunkards and thementally disturbed are not held responsible for their apostasy. – Apostasy and Human Rights, International Humanist Ethical Union
Thecritically important differences between the Afghan government that wesupport and our own society could not have been more starkly ondisplay. The differences remain but we as a culture mainly pretend thatthey do not exist. Our denial of the totalitarian nature of Islam is folly.
The purpose of jihad is the advance of Islam and the destructionof all non-Islamic religions, political systems and cultures. Theholding of great wealth (the jihadist on the Detroit flight lived in a£2 million apartment in London) is irrelevant to those who adhere toand embrace the doctrine of Islam and its warfare against the kaffirs(unbelievers). Jihad war is not about the frustrations of poverty.
Abdulmutallab, 23, had lived a gilded life, and, for the three years he studied in London, he stayed in a £2m flat. – Independent-UK
Our failures to prevent crimes of doctrinally motivated Islamic killers (even when we are warned by their parents) is further evidence that we do not take the threat doctrine of Islam-motivated haters seriously enough.
Youare commanded to fight although you may dislike it. You may hatesomething that is good for you, and love something that is bad for you.Allah knows and you do not. (Koran 2:216)
PartTwo will continue with a discussion of denial and ignorance, theconglomeration of failure and forgetting the lessons of history. Contributing Editor D.L. Adams is an analyst and historian, and a co-founder of SIOA.

Part 2 of this series is on the next page.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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