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Robert De Merode

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
1/11/2010 2:53:29 PM
Hello Peter,

You say “There are no anti Radical Islam pills unfortunately. It is the job of the citizens of Europe to insure that their cultures and belief structures aren't destroyed.” Thanks, I know that all too well, and in that respect it’s everyone with regards to his duty in this area. I shall not list the endless chapters of abortions, homos, drugs and other ways of life that politically correctness will have you fined and dragged into court for if you do not agree to them. Mathematically there are 15 years left before Islam is majority in Europe.

As for Islam, history (and very, very recent history as well) has proved more than adequately that it only needs far less than a hand full of individuals to eradicate Islam from countries and even from African countries. Governments, armies, F-15, and International talks do very precisely the opposite I’m afraid. Conclusion; until such time that the Western World does not wake up for what it stands for Islam will have a free highway for its pervert propagation.

I remember only 20 years back that for requesting an American Visa I needed to answer to a question regarding whether or not I had any political ties with a communist party. Obviously a “yes” would have prevented any hope of obtaining the visa. But to ask today a similar question would be considered totally incongruent with freedom of religion, speech and whatnot. Freedom for what we stand for needs to be guarded with tooth and nail if need be from those who believe that socialistic global love, flower pot and Darwin theories are the solution.

It might seem very contradictory that neither an F-15 nor a flower pot could bring about peace, I agree because as I said earlier both are materialistic and do not address the mind and the soul; they do not relate the spiritual with the reality.

My two cents,
Have a pleasant week
Friendly yours,

Jim Allen

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
1/11/2010 4:39:37 PM
Hey Peter,

I almost posted this in the joke thread, because it is laughably full of "Double Standards" but this is a serious subject.

Egyptian Chutzpah

Posted: 08 Jan 2010 08:01 AM PST

How do you spell chutzpah in Arabic? The Egyptian government has railed against Israel for erecting a security fence in the West Bank for years, protesting, its construction in the United Nations and every other international body, and usually employing the phrase “apartheid wall.”

But now, mirabile dictu, Egypt is building a wall of its own along the border of the Gaza Strip -- and, as one might guess, will not entertain any criticism of this project.

The Israeli barrier was built to prevent suicide bombing and other terrorist activities against Israelis; by contrast, the Egyptian fence is designed to stop Palestinians living in Gaza from entering Egypt.

One might well ask why President Hosni Mubarak would want to keep his Arab brothers locked inside the poverty-stricken area of Gaza, among the most congested places on the globe.

He contends, with some legitimacy, that Hamas’s presence in Gaza could be a destabilizing factor in Egypt if the border were porous. Yet Hamas poses a threat to Israel even more formidable than its threat to Egypt. The stated Hamas goal is “Liberate Palestine,” not “Occupy Egypt.” Moreover, if Hamas were an existential threat to Egypt’s national security, why has Mubarak been negotiating with Hamas leaders for years, and why has he been at the center of talks over reconciliation with Fatah?

In fact, by keeping the border crossing into Egypt closed, Mubarak is sending the Palestinians to Israel for help. In the Byzantine world of Middle East politics Arab leaders want the Gaza Strip to remain exclusively an Israeli problem.

The irony, of course, is that the millions of dollars required to build the new fence could have been employed to build hospitals, schools and housing. Palestinians crossing the border generally do so in search of employment or to be reunited with families residing in Egypt. At the moment even medical and humanitarian aid cannot get through the Rafah border crossing and human rights activists are invariably stopped at the border as well.

Recognizing the potential embarrassment of this security fence, Egyptian leaders denied its existence, until photographs made such denials laughable. The Egyptian fence is actually a ten kilometer underground metal barrier that will cost approximately $500 million. Whether it turns out to be a real barrier remains to be seen. Palestinians involved in the smuggling of contraband material are extremely adept at bypassing barriers. If anything, the Egyptian wall will probably escalate tensions in Gaza: it is the cap on a boiling pot of soup.

Palestinians in this tiny strip of land suffer from Hamas terrorism, lack of jobs, lack of basic facilities, congestion, and a host of corrupt and misguided leaders. Nonetheless, Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas has defended Egypt’s right to build a separation wall. Irony of ironies: this is the same Abbas who condemned Israel’s “Apartheid Wall” and urged the international community to tear it down.

In the Middle East, lies are verbal instruments to manipulate opinion.

And as this event on the Gaza border suggests, this time oppression is not a matter of Israelis against Palestinians, but Arabs against Palestinians.

The next time an Arab ambassador rises at the United Nations to criticize Israel, he should be reminded of the manifold ways Arabs contain, constrain and exploit fellow Arabs. If the term “apartheid” is used as a condemnation of Israel, it should be hurled back at Egyptians who sanctimoniously - and hypocritically -- engage in the very actions they once condemned.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Sign The Petition To Move KSM Trial From NY To A Military Tribunal
1/11/2010 9:17:48 PM
Hello Friends,

Attorney General E Holder made the ridiculous decision to try KSM and his 4 Al Qaeda partners in crime in a civilian court rather then in a military tribunal.

Over 68,000 Americans signed the petition requesting that Holder reverse his decision and try them in a military tribunal as they should have been to begin with.

Please join us and add your name to the petition.



The Hon. Eric Holder
Attorney General of the United States
Washington, DC

Dear Mr. Holder:

We, the editors of HUMAN EVENTS,, and the many Americans who have attached our names tothis petition hereby request that you try al-Qaeda's confessed 9/11terrorist mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his four al-Qaedacohorts in a military tribunal, reversing your precedent-changingdecision to try them in a civilian court in New York City.

There is no reason, much less a requirement, under U.S. Constitutionalor statutory law to grant KSM and the others the right to a trial incivilian courts, nor to offer them any of the correspondingConstitutional rights afforded U.S. citizens. Logic, reason, andjustice demand that the terrorists who planned the 9/11 attacks betreated as enemy combatants in a war against the United States, not ascommon civilian criminals.

Our reasons for urging you to reverse your decision include:

1. Trying these terrorists in a civilian court would be a break with200+ years of American jurisprudence. From British spies during theWar of Independence to Nazi saboteurs caught on U.S. soil during WorldWar II, we have tried those who make war against America in military,not civilian, courts. This change in policy sets a potentiallycatastrophic precedent. This would not happen with a military tribunal;

2. The very real possibility exists that if tried in a civiliancourt, KSM and the others could be acquitted on a technicality, such astheir not having been informed of their Miranda rights, or having beendenied a speedy trial. This would not happen with a military tribunal;

3. KSM and the others should not be allowed to hijack our courts,using them as a media circus to promulgate their hate-filled, extremistviews. This would not happen with a military tribunal;

4. A civilian trial would send the dangerous message to our enemiesthat the United States has reverted to its ineffective, pre-9/11crime-fighting approach to terrorism. This would not happen with a military tribunal;

5. In a civilian trial, valuable intelligence about interrogationtechniques and other classified information will be revealed toAmerica's enemies, giving them a huge advantage in successfullycarrying out terrorist plots in the future. This would not happen with a military tribunal;

6. Americans are willing to pay to ensure justice is served. However, the estimated security cost of $200 million for the KSM trialis completely avoidable and a total waste of taxpayer money. This would not happen with a military tribunal; and

7. While Americans are willing and able to stand up to protectthemselves and their property, trying KSM and the others in New Yorkinvites a terrorist attack, creating a huge, unnecessary risk to ourcourt workers, jurors, and everyone in the New York City area. This would not happen with a military tribunal;

Our final words are from David Beamer, father of Todd Beamer, one ofthe heroes of United Flight 93: "Our enemies must be thrilled" hewrote of your decision to give KSM and the others a civilian trial inManhattan. "We are willingly handing them an opportunity to inflicteconomic harm on New York City, keep their cause in the headlines,gather new intelligence, create new terror strategies, stimulaterecruiting, celebrate new found rights, and foist a fresh round of painand suffering upon their victims."

Mr. Holder, as AttorneyGeneral of the United States, it was within your power to move thetrial of KSM from a military tribunal to a civilian court. It isequally within your power to reverse that dangerous decision. Werequest that you do so forthwith.

Respectfully submitted,

The Editors of HUMAN EVENTS and

Petition signers include the following leaders
Former Virginia Governor George Allen
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.)
Columnist and author Ann Coulter
Congressman John Fleming (R - La.)
Publisher Steve Forbes
Former Congressman Vito Fossella (R.-N.Y.)
Congressman Trent Franks (R.-Ariz)
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee
Congressman Jim Jordan (R.-Ohio)
Congressman Pete King (R.-N.Y.)
Former Congressman Rick Lazio (R.-N.Y.)
Radio talk show host and author Mark Levin
NY State Conservative Party Chairman Mike Long
Columnist and author Michelle Malkin
Actor and author Chuck Norris
Former New York Governor George Pataki
Congressman Tom Price (R.-Ga)
Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney
Congressman Aaron Schock (R.-Ill)
Congressman John Shadegg (R.-Ariz)
Congressmen John Shimkus (R.-Ill)
Congressman Todd Tiahrt (R.-Kan)

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
1/11/2010 9:21:41 PM
Hello Friends,

Attorney General E Holder made the ridiculous decision to try KSM and his 4 Al Qaeda partners in crime in a civilian court rather then in a military tribunal.

Over 68,000 Americans signed the petition requesting that Holder reverse his decision and try them in a military tribunal as they should have been to begin with.

Please join us and add your name to the petition.



The Hon. Eric Holder
Attorney General of the United States
Washington, DC

Dear Mr. Holder:

We, the editors of HUMAN EVENTS,, and the many Americans who have attached our names tothis petition hereby request that you try al-Qaeda's confessed 9/11terrorist mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his four al-Qaedacohorts in a military tribunal, reversing your precedent-changingdecision to try them in a civilian court in New York City.

There is no reason, much less a requirement, under U.S. Constitutionalor statutory law to grant KSM and the others the right to a trial incivilian courts, nor to offer them any of the correspondingConstitutional rights afforded U.S. citizens. Logic, reason, andjustice demand that the terrorists who planned the 9/11 attacks betreated as enemy combatants in a war against the United States, not ascommon civilian criminals.

Our reasons for urging you to reverse your decision include:

1. Trying these terrorists in a civilian court would be a break with200+ years of American jurisprudence. From British spies during theWar of Independence to Nazi saboteurs caught on U.S. soil during WorldWar II, we have tried those who make war against America in military,not civilian, courts. This change in policy sets a potentiallycatastrophic precedent. This would not happen with a military tribunal;

2. The very real possibility exists that if tried in a civiliancourt, KSM and the others could be acquitted on a technicality, such astheir not having been informed of their Miranda rights, or having beendenied a speedy trial. This would not happen with a military tribunal;

3. KSM and the others should not be allowed to hijack our courts,using them as a media circus to promulgate their hate-filled, extremistviews. This would not happen with a military tribunal;

4. A civilian trial would send the dangerous message to our enemiesthat the United States has reverted to its ineffective, pre-9/11crime-fighting approach to terrorism. This would not happen with a military tribunal;

5. In a civilian trial, valuable intelligence about interrogationtechniques and other classified information will be revealed toAmerica's enemies, giving them a huge advantage in successfullycarrying out terrorist plots in the future. This would not happen with a military tribunal;

6. Americans are willing to pay to ensure justice is served. However, the estimated security cost of $200 million for the KSM trialis completely avoidable and a total waste of taxpayer money. This would not happen with a military tribunal; and

7. While Americans are willing and able to stand up to protectthemselves and their property, trying KSM and the others in New Yorkinvites a terrorist attack, creating a huge, unnecessary risk to ourcourt workers, jurors, and everyone in the New York City area. This would not happen with a military tribunal;

Our final words are from David Beamer, father of Todd Beamer, one ofthe heroes of United Flight 93: "Our enemies must be thrilled" hewrote of your decision to give KSM and the others a civilian trial inManhattan. "We are willingly handing them an opportunity to inflicteconomic harm on New York City, keep their cause in the headlines,gather new intelligence, create new terror strategies, stimulaterecruiting, celebrate new found rights, and foist a fresh round of painand suffering upon their victims."

Mr. Holder, as AttorneyGeneral of the United States, it was within your power to move thetrial of KSM from a military tribunal to a civilian court. It isequally within your power to reverse that dangerous decision. Werequest that you do so forthwith.

Respectfully submitted,

The Editors of HUMAN EVENTS and

Petition signers include the following leaders
Former Virginia Governor George Allen
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.)
Columnist and author Ann Coulter
Congressman John Fleming (R - La.)
Publisher Steve Forbes
Former Congressman Vito Fossella (R.-N.Y.)
Congressman Trent Franks (R.-Ariz)
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee
Congressman Jim Jordan (R.-Ohio)
Congressman Pete King (R.-N.Y.)
Former Congressman Rick Lazio (R.-N.Y.)
Radio talk show host and author Mark Levin
NY State Conservative Party Chairman Mike Long
Columnist and author Michelle Malkin
Actor and author Chuck Norris
Former New York Governor George Pataki
Congressman Tom Price (R.-Ga)
Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney
Congressman Aaron Schock (R.-Ill)
Congressman John Shadegg (R.-Ariz)
Congressmen John Shimkus (R.-Ill)
Congressman Todd Tiahrt (R.-Kan)

Patriotic American Jim Allen III (TeaParty)

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
1/13/2010 7:46:44 AM
Hello Peter,

You say “There are no anti Radical Islam pills unfortunately. It is the job of the citizens of Europe to insure that their cultures and belief structures aren't destroyed.” Thanks, I know that all too well, and in that respect it’s everyone with regards to his duty in this area. I shall not list the endless chapters of abortions, homos, drugs and other ways of life that politically correctness will have you fined and dragged into court for if you do not agree to them. Mathematically there are 15 years left before Islam is majority in Europe.

Hi Robert,

I believe that after the Euro Med Partnership it might be less then 15 years. With over 100 million Muslims in Europe and considering that they believe in big families they'll outnumber the native Europeans tout suite.

As for Islam, history (and very, very recent history as well) has proved more than adequately that it only needs far less than a hand full of individuals to eradicate Islam from countries and even from African countries. Governments, armies, F-15, and International talks do very precisely the opposite I’m afraid. Conclusion; until such time that the Western World does not wake up for what it stands for Islam will have a free highway for its pervert propagation.
The truth of the matter is that when and only when they see that the countries they live in mean business and aren't capitulating to their every demand they seem to behave like decent citizens. When they capitulate they understand the path is clear for them to carry on with their Radical Islamic plan and agenda for world domination.


I remember only 20 years back that for requesting an American Visa I needed to answer to a question regarding whether or not I had any political ties with a communist party. Obviously a “yes” would have prevented any hope of obtaining the visa. But to ask today a similar question would be considered totally incongruent with freedom of religion, speech and whatnot. Freedom for what we stand for needs to be guarded with tooth and nail if need be from those who believe that socialistic global love, flower pot and Darwin theories are the solution.

It might seem very contradictory that neither an F-15 nor a flower pot could bring about peace, I agree because as I said earlier both are materialistic and do not address the mind and the soul; they do not relate the spiritual with the reality.

My two cents,
Have a pleasant week
Friendly yours,

Yep, political correctness is a killer isn't it? You are correct that once upon a time questions were asked before granting a visa to enter the US. As we've seen with the most recent attempted Jihadi terrorist attack no questions, no visa, no passport and no luggage and he succeeded in getting on a plane. How pathetically sad.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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