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Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
1/10/2010 5:57:41 PM
Hello Joe,

Interesting what you say, I will not want you to think that I am heating things up but I would like to just take your phrase into perspective as I see it.

“Never likely to see peace in the Middle East”; I agree, Jews and Christians are the fuel of hate that Islam lives on. Trouble is that if we evacuate both, Islam will eat itself up just as a snake eats its own tail.

“Populated by Arabs”; is not the problem, Islam is.

And finally you talk of tolerance; to me tolerance is the last virtue of a dying society!

Accepting the differences of other people is mistaking the word for what it means. If I accept a difference it is because it is complementary, not because it is opposed. Islam is opposed to the western world; there is nothing complementary in their ideas, ideologies, beliefs, politics, culture, history or ambitions.

Then, as I said if I agree there is no possible peace in the Middle East it is precisely because Liberalism (from the left or from the right) that refuses religious and historical realities is impairing precisely that which it pretends to promote; peace. (Human vanity and rights, instead of Human duties towards his creator!)

No offence, have a great (snowy) weekend,

Nicely put! Isn't it a shame that we are even discussing this situation!?

Enjoy the snow there too!

Hi Joe and Robert,

First of all welcome Joe good to have your input in this thread.

Robert, you'll do everything in your power to start a discussion on religion while in fact we are doing that in a round about way.

When you consider the situation in any of the Muslim countries even those that are considered to be more moderate there is in fact very little religious freedom if any at all in those countries. The only exception in the Middle East is Israel where there is religious freedom for all religions without exception.

In the Muslim countries the exact opposite is true and as we all know members of other religions are discriminated against, their places of worship destroyed and in many cases murdered all in the name of Islam and the Koran. All non believers are infidels and we know what the verdict for them is according to the Koran, Islam and Shariah law.

So Joe, in a round about way we are discussing these problems without getting into the details of any specific religion aside from the treatment of all religions in Muslim countries.

As opposed to Europe and the US we've had magnificent weather here this January. Today was in the mid 80s and most of the time in the 70s which is very unusual for this time of year in Israel. Tomorrow will cool down a bit but still far from the normal January winter weather.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
1/10/2010 6:04:41 PM


posted by ANGRY WHITE DUDE 1:55 PM
Saturday, January 9, 2010


AWD was shuffling songs on his Ipod this week when RL Burnside’s “Nothing Man” started playing. The lyrics say:

I’m a nothing man,
I never had a chance,
I’m a nothing man,
It never was my fault,
I’m a nothing man.

Do those lyrics not describe Hussein Hopenchange perfectly? He is a nothing man of no character. He is a liar. He’s broken every campaign promise he made except the one to fundamentally change the United States..which sentient Americans didn’t want to do in the first place! Obama stands for nothing of value to Americans. He bows to every culture in the world except American. He apologizes for our greatness and drags our faults through the mud at the feet of foreign thugs. He refuses to acknowledge Islamic terrorism even while savage Muslims are being pulled off of planes weekly after trying to down them or shouting “Kill the Jews.” Hopenchange has surrounded himself with morally vapid socialists like himself who want to ban the First and Second Amendment. He chooses as his School Safety Czar a radical homosexual who openly has taught homosexual sex acts to school children!

Obama is a nothing man who cannot force himself to accept responsibility. He has been trained his entire life that he is exempt from judgment because he is black. He was raised by white grandparents after his mother died and his pitiful father predictably deserted him but chose to identify himself as black because of the political advantages. He was pushed through academia and society because he was an attractive, smooth talking black man. He was named Editor of the Harvard Law Review when he had never authored an article! He has been given advantages no white man or woman could ever expect. Yes, he was elected because he was a black man.

Last month at a Home Depot, nothing man Obama said:

“I don’t need to remind any of you about the situation we found ourselves in at the beginning of this year.”

If Hopenchange doesn’t have to remind us, why does he continually do so? Many people are starting to believe life under George Bush was a lot better than under the nothing man. Obama has consistently tried to push blame for his every failing on Bush. But after 2 terrorist attacks on the US in two months, Bush is starting to look a heck of a lot more attractive when we were safe and had jobs! Especially when Obama steadfastly refuses to call the acts “terrorism.” Wasn’t his plan in being the anti-American President playing kissy kissy with the world’s thugs supposed to make them love us? Then why are they still trying to kill us? Just like the stimulus bill designed to cure unemployment, Obama’s foreign policy is a disaster.

All this is no surprise to the thinking people of America. Why? Because we knew all along that Hussein Hopenchange is the consummate nothing man! Also, AWD’s Libtard of the Week!

I couldn’t find a video of R.L. Burnside’s “Nothing Man,” but here is a link where you can hear it. Pretty good song. A hell of a lot better than our President.

Hey Jim,

The AWD makes a very good case and raises many points we've discussed for quite a while.

Good to see it spreading around the net in this way. It seems all our sources are in agreement but not only as the "Libtard of the Week " but we can now state without a doubt LIBTARD OF THE YEAR is much more fitting.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Joe Trinder

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
1/10/2010 6:10:15 PM
Hello Joe,

Interesting what you say, I will not want you to think that I am heating things up but I would like to just take your phrase into perspective as I see it.

“Never likely to see peace in the Middle East”; I agree, Jews and Christians are the fuel of hate that Islam lives on. Trouble is that if we evacuate both, Islam will eat itself up just as a snake eats its own tail.

“Populated by Arabs”; is not the problem, Islam is.

And finally you talk of tolerance; to me tolerance is the last virtue of a dying society!

Accepting the differences of other people is mistaking the word for what it means. If I accept a difference it is because it is complementary, not because it is opposed. Islam is opposed to the western world; there is nothing complementary in their ideas, ideologies, beliefs, politics, culture, history or ambitions.

Then, as I said if I agree there is no possible peace in the Middle East it is precisely because Liberalism (from the left or from the right) that refuses religious and historical realities is impairing precisely that which it pretends to promote; peace. (Human vanity and rights, instead of Human duties towards his creator!)

No offence, have a great (snowy) weekend,

Nicely put! Isn't it a shame that we are even discussing this situation!?

Enjoy the snow there too!

Hi Joe and Robert,

First of all welcome Joe good to have your input in this thread.

Robert, you'll do everything in your power to start a discussion on religion while in fact we are doing that in a round about way.

When you consider the situation in any of the Muslim countries even those that are considered to be more moderate there is in fact very little religious freedom if any at all in those countries. The only exception in the Middle East is Israel where there is religious freedom for all religions without exception.

In the Muslim countries the exact opposite is true and as we all know members of other religions are discriminated against, their places of worship destroyed and in many cases murdered all in the name of Islam and the Koran. All non believers are infidels and we know what the verdict for them is according to the Koran, Islam and Shariah law.

So Joe, in a round about way we are discussing these problems without getting into the details of any specific religion aside from the treatment of all religions in Muslim countries.

As opposed to Europe and the US we've had magnificent weather here this January. Today was in the mid 80s and most of the time in the 70s which is very unusual for this time of year in Israel. Tomorrow will cool down a bit but still far from the normal January winter weather.



Hi Peter,

Thanks for the welcome, it's good to be here!

You are right that the only religious freedom in the Middle East is located inIsrael and local countries should follow suit (in my dreams!).

To be honest I do not know enough about other Muslim beliefs, traditions and even religion so I'm not really qualified enough to talk about it. However I do of course believe that every human should be able to express themselves and believe in their own choices.

I'm glad there's somewhere in the world that is enjoying nice weather at the moment! In the UK it feels like hell has frozen over at the moment!

Robert De Merode

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
1/10/2010 8:14:37 PM
Hello Peter,

I get your point, but fact is that humans are made of body and spiritual souls, (to discus the spiritual specifics of souls would be off topic, granted.) so let’s name it differently, as some sort of mentally retarded illness, which Islam basically is. It is not only because of some land that the Arab world is at war with Israel, it is essentialy because of their pervert mentally retarded illness.

Given that liberalism has since many decennia’s granted freedom of expression and expatriational travels to this ailment, it is not surprising that the hub of the infection is extreme.

To hold back this infection, it is not with guns or bombs. But and let me “but”; until such time that the western world believes that the “ego” is what is important and that it is possible to live in peace on liberal socialistic fairy dream principles the problem will only get worse. Healthcare BHO is there to prove that if need be. (We are more than our share of them in Europe as well!)

For as long as we believe the dream that tolerance and egocentric rights are peace factors we are only fooling ourselves. Israel is paying the price today, tomorrow it will be worldwide, and because our banks and corrupt politicians still have no idea of why the economy is dead, when the crunch comes we shall not even have the material to build swords, yet alone use them.

An equilibrium of anti-cancer pills that gives cancer a right to live is not the solution. Obviously, there where it is harmful it needs to be gunned down but it is not with ecumenistic dribble or political peace salivating in the background that anything will change.

Friendly yours,

Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
1/11/2010 1:00:30 PM
Hello Peter,

I get your point, but fact is that humans are made of body and spiritual souls, (to discus the spiritual specifics of souls would be off topic, granted.) so let’s name it differently, as some sort of mentally retarded illness, which Islam basically is. It is not only because of some land that the Arab world is at war with Israel, it is essentialy because of their pervert mentally retarded illness.

Very true Robert but the illness stems from the teachings of Islam or interpretations of the written word by Radical Islam. As you know it's way past the stage of being a conflict with Israel. Today the conflict is with the whole world and Europe has become a bastion of Muslim immigrants and it will get much worse now that the new Euro Med Partnership is in force since the beginning of January. In addition to the over 50,000,000 Muslims throughout Europe now it will grow to over 100,000,000 million with the new agreement. That my friend drastically changes the demographics in Europe and little good will come out of that.


Given that liberalism has since many decennia’s granted freedom of expression and expatriational travels to this ailment, it is not surprising that the hub of the infection is extreme.

To hold back this infection, it is not with guns or bombs. But and let me “but”; until such time that the western world believes that the “ego” is what is important and that it is possible to live in peace on liberal socialistic fairy dream principles the problem will only get worse. Healthcare BHO is there to prove that if need be. (We are more than our share of them in Europe as well!)

For as long as we believe the dream that tolerance and egocentric rights are peace factors we are only fooling ourselves. Israel is paying the price today, tomorrow it will be worldwide, and because our banks and corrupt politicians still have no idea of why the economy is dead, when the crunch comes we shall not even have the material to build swords, yet alone use them.
All true but the problem goes much deeper then that. When there is no desire to integrate into the societies of their new homes what can be expected is total mayhem. It's already happening and will only get worse. Remember their goal is world domination and at the rate their numbers are growing in Europe it's almost a done deal there. The politicians are derelict in their duties to their countries and constituents and they should all be booted out before it's to late.

An equilibrium of anti-cancer pills that gives cancer a right to live is not the solution. Obviously, there where it is harmful it needs to be gunned down but it is not with ecumenistic dribble or political peace salivating in the background that anything will change.

Friendly yours,
There are no anti Radical Islam pills unfortunately. It is the job of the citizens of Europe to insure that their cultures and belief structures aren't destroyed. Cos from the way things are being dealt with now it's a far cry from what has to be done. What Europe needs is a multitude of Geert Wilders throughout Europe that are willing to stand up for the Western way of life and beliefs.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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