Hello Friends,
Since the Jihadi terrorist attack on Fort Hood there's been a feeling in the air that there's more to come. I guess they wanted to end the year witha "bang" with the attempted suicide bombing over Detroit. Thank God that was foiled by the alert and brave passengers on the flight.
No thanks to the security forces even though they were warned in advance by the terrorist's father. Napolitano says the system "worked" yet it was no thanks to the system. He should have been put on the no fly list and they apparently ignored the information and they worked at their incompetent best.
The below article shows just how badly the system worked and it's a sure sign that Napolitano should be the next Obowma appointee to be sacked and others in the security services that didn't deal with the information they had in hand. Napolitano seems to think that conservatives, grass roots organizations, Tea Party members and many other patriotic Americans are more dangerous then Radical Islam Jihadi terrorists. Yep, her system (and B Hussein's) sure is working well. Seems like we have to change the system and the people at its head.

Guest Column | By Pamela Meister | December 28, 2009
"Andprepare against them what force you can and horses tied at thefrontier, to frighten thereb the enemy of Allah and your enemy andothers besides them, whom you do not know (but) Allah knows them; andwhatever thing you will spend in Allah's way, it will be paid back toyou fully and you shall not be dealt with unjustly." - Koran, Sura 8, verse 60
With the latest incident of an attempted terrorist attack onChristmas Day, coming so soon after the Fort Hood massacre, Americansshould be asking if we are indeed under an Islamist "Tet Offensive."
While millions of Americans were celebrating Christmas last Friday,a Nigerian flying on Northwest Airlines Flight 253 from Amsterdam toDetroit attempted to detonate an explosive device strapped to his legsas the plane prepared to land. A government official told Fox Newsthat the suspect, 23-year-old Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab "was sitting inseat 19A, which, according to the official, is above the plane's fueltanks and wing and next to the skin of the aircraft," which, in anexplosion, would likely have been accelerated by the fuel in the tankbelow.
Fortunately, the attempt to blow up the plane was foiled by alert passengerswho helped to stop the would-be bomber from fully igniting theexplosive device. Abdulmutallab is reported to have surfaced in atleast one intelligence database, but was not on a no-fly list. Yetaccording to reports, Abdulmutallab was denied a renewal of his visa in Britain due to security concerns - he apparently "tried to apply for a course at a bogus college."
There are even allegationsthat Abdulmutallab was allowed to board the plane with no passport -witnesses describe the poorly-dressed Abdulmutallab being accompaniedto the gate by a well-dressed companion, who spoke to ticket agents onhis behalf. If true, this is a shocking breach of security regardingwhich flight passengers around the world should be demanding answers.
We're fortunate that Abulmutallab's plot did not come to fruition.Had it not been for the actions of passengers, flight crew - andperhaps the suspect's own ineptness - this might have been a horrifictragedy. Yet we have Department of Homeland Security head JanetNapolitano stating, "The system worked."
What exactly "worked?" An expert source close to FSM breaks down the AP article that describes Napolitano's claim of success:
1. "Homeland security head: The security system worked"
Nothing we did prevented that plane from being blown up. This was acase of a bad guy fumbling the ball on the one yard line through theend zone for a touchback. If the security system worked, then thesystem STINKS. Either Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's detonator was bad orelse it was a case of "you need to be smarter than the equipment you'reusing" and he screwed up. But if not for their screw-up, we'd have hada U.S. airliner blown up and crashing over a populated area onChristmas with hundreds killed.
2. "The father of the man accused of attempting to blow up thejetliner told U.S. officials in Nigeria he was concerned about hisson's extreme religious views. However, Napolitano says there was nospecific information to place Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab on a no-flylist."
This is a byproduct of refusing to recognize the religious componentintegral to the enemies we face. The fact that the father informed usthat his son was a Jihadi wasn't enough for our PC system to keep himout of the U.S. This is the modern-day equivalent to allowing membersof the SS into America because their membership in the SS was notsufficient specific information to exclude them.
3. Napolitano says that within 60 to 90 minutes of the incident all120 flights that were in the air at time were contacted to make surethe attempted bombing did not extend beyond the flight to Detroit.
How were those other air crews supposed to know? Did they announceover the intercom, "Any terrorists on board with an explosive devicestrapped to your crotch, please raise your hand"?
Ace of Spades wonders
... what the hell it's going to look like when the system doesn'twork, by the Obama Administration's lights. If this is what they deem a"success," Good Lord in Heaven, I tremble for what will come thatprovokes them to concede "mistakes were made."
If Napolitano is going to make such idiotic claims as "the systemworked" when it clearly failed, then no American should take to theskies until she has resigned. And the sooner the better.
Besides, I thought the administration was taking steps to change the opinion of radical Islamists around the world. Andy McCarthy:
Hadn't Abdulmutallab heard that we are closing Gitmo? Hadn't heheard that we're phasing out military-commissions so we can show theworld that we give even the worst mass-murderers civilian trials withall the rights of American citizens? Hadn't he heard that PresidentObama has banned torture (yes, yes, I know, actually Congress banned it15 years ago - details, details ...)? Hadn't he heard that thepresident has called for "a new beginning" in America's relationshipwith the Muslim world? Hadn't he heard that this is our new, smarterstrategy to safeguard the nation from man-caused disasters?
I suspect he's heard all those things.
Napolitano also says that there is no indicationthat this latest incident is part of a larger plot. This is where Ibelieve she is mistaken, and where Americans need to take a look at thehistory books if they don't wish for a repeat of one of the darkestmoments in modern American history.
During the Vietnam War, the North Vietnamese realized they could notsustain heavy losses being inflicted by American troops. The Americanswere clearly winning. So they came up with a strategy called the TetOffensive, which was a series of surprise attacks by both the Vietcongand North Vietnamese forces on numerous villages, towns and citiesthroughout South Vietnam, which took the Americans off guard. Somecities, like Saigon, were taken back quickly, but this was not true forall. The historic city of Hue, for example, took weeks to win back andby the time the Vietcong had been fought off, the city was nearlyleveled, 100,000 citizens had lost their homes and thousands more hadbeen executed.
Not even the North Vietnamese thought the Tet Offensive was asuccess, due to their staggering losses. But when Gen. WilliamWestmoreland asked for 200,000 more troops and even suggested that thereserves would have to be activated to complete the Vietcong's defeat,loyal supporters of the war began to question it, and a growing segmentof the American public - egged on by student and other anti-warprotesters - united, believing that the resolve of the Vietcong couldnot be overcome. It was a turning point in the war. (source)
Earlier this month, FSM contributing editor Christopher Holton recounted "A Year in Jihad," documenting45 individual acts of terror in the U.S. and around the world. To quoteHolton, "This was never a war on 'terrorism.' Jihad is being wagedagainst us and we have tied ourselves in knots to deny that reality."And those acts of jihad do not need to be as large and catastrophic asthe events on 9/11. In addition to the carnage wrought by Maj. Hasan atFort Hood, there were a number of foiled plots and instances of aidbeing given to Hamas and other terror organizations. And let's notforget about the disturbing "home grown jihad" incidents involvingAmerican Muslim converts in both Tennessee and North Carolina.
The attention span of fickle Americans wavers between celebrityscandals, reality television drama and who's wearing what on the redcarpet - not to mention legitimate worries about health care "reform"and the economy. Yet they continue to be failed by media who prefer toreport on the Tiger Woods saga than the dangerous reality of jihad.Meanwhile, al Qaeda and other Islamist groups are patient. They are init for the long haul. They probably realize that a huge event like 9/11cannot be replicated, so they content themselves by peppering ourconsciousness with "smaller" events, designed not only to alarmAmerican citizens, but to wear them down. They saw how we reacted tothe wars in Iraq and Afghanistan - and, more importantly, they see howthe current administration is reacting to those conflicts. If we become"tired" of these frightening incidents, we may indeed be tempted tomollify those behind the attacks with concessions. What would thoseconcessions be? I shudder to think about the possibilities.
Has the Greatest Generation that won World War II given way to theGeneration Looking for the Easiest Way Out? Only time will tell.
And time is running out.
FamilySecurityMatters.orgPamela Meister is a former radio broadcaster, a recovering liberal, acontributor to AmericanThinker.com and a blogger at http://blogmeisterusa.mu.nu