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RE: HSIG - Napolitano Says The "System Worked" - What A Farce
1/4/2010 4:12:33 PM
Hello Friends,

Ms Napolitano had the chutzpah to claim that the "system worked" after the almost fatal jihadi terrorist attack on the flight to Detroit. I wonder how she would have described that same attempt if the alert and brave passengers hadn't thwarted the attack?

The outcome had nothing to do with the "system" and that failed dismally as we can see. It's more like a way of life with them and they are failing time after time after time. It's become the story of their life. Guess the system didn't work in Fort Hood even though they had much more information in hand about the terrorist Nidal Hasan then about the Nigerian terrorist. 13 dead with that failure.

The problem is that they are much more concerned with those that oppose the administration within the United States. Napolitano and Homeland Security that she runs are obsessed with the members of the many grassroots organizations then with enemies of the country. All at the behest of B Hussein Obowma. I guess we know where their priorities are.

Here's an interesting article from the Heritage Foundation that's well worth your attention.



Morning Bell: The System is Failing

Posted January 4th, 2010 at 9.30am in Protect America. Author: Conn Carroll

This past weekend the American public learned that not only was the Obama administration briefed about the bombing technique attempted on Flight 253, not only did the United States have information that a Nigerian was being prepared for a terrorist attack by al Qaeda in Yemen, but our government also knew that an “Umar Farouk” was involved.

Following these revelations, the Obama administration again took tothe Sunday shows to defend their national security record. Last weekHomeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano tried to convinceAmericans that “the system worked”. She failed.This Sunday, Deputy National Security Adviser for Homeland Security andCounterterrorism John Brennan did admit that the system failed onChristmas Day but still insisted: “Every other day the system has worked this year….The system is working.”

No, it is not. The complete failure of the Obama administration toconnect the dots on the Flight 253 bomber was not an isolated incident.On June 2ndof this year, Adulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, upset about the wars in Iraqand Afghanistan, shot and killed one soldier and wounded another whilethey were standing outside a military recruiting center in Little Rock,Arkansas. And on November 5th,Nidal Malik Hasan, also upset about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,opened fire at Fort Hood, Texas, killing 12 people and wounding 31others. And on December 10th,five young men, all Muslim extremists from Northern Virginia, werearrested in Pakistan at the home of a man linked to a radical jihadistgroup.

Since 2001, there have been 28 failed terrorist attacksagainst the United States. That averages out to about three foiledattempts per year. In 2009, there were six failed attempts — the mostin one year. As troubling as these incidents are by themselves,Americans should be concerned about a White House that looks at thisbody of evidence and then declares “the system is working.” No, it isnot.

The problem is not, as Brennan would have us believe, an isolated incident of “human error.”It is a failure of leadership. A failure by the occupant of the WhiteHouse to admit we are at war and use the tools at his disposal toprotect. Instead of providing stability and confidence in theintelligence community by seeking the renewal of key investigatory authorities authorized under the USA Patriot Act,President Obama has settled for a six-month extension tacked on to theDefense appropriations bill. Instead of going to Congress and pushingfor a comprehensive war-on-terror detainee system, President Obama has punted the issue to the Federal Courts. Instead of promising victory for our war on terror efforts in Afghanistan, PresidentObama sent fewer troops than were required for a maximum militaryeffort and gave al Qaeda a set date for our withdrawal.

Faulting the administration for a lack of leadership is not meant asa partisan criticism. Scoring political points won’t make us safe. Theterrorists don’t care if they kill Republicans or Democrats or the WestWing is held by the left-wing or the right-wing. Nobody wants the WhiteHouse to fail in this mission. But the President needs to stop blaminghis predecessor and look forward. He needs to start over. Make winning the war against terrorism the top priority of his administration and act like a war president day in and day out.

Quick Hits:

Peter Fogel
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RE: HSIGFlush Political Correctness Down The Drain And Profile Potential Terrori
1/5/2010 3:58:21 AM
Hello Friends,

The question arises again and again what can we do to stop Radical Islam and their nefarious jihadi terrorist attacks? Obviously the answers are actions not taken in the past in order to prevent further terrorist acts.

In this climate of political correctness and the agenda of B Hussein who implores us not to "jump to conclusions" it seems that we better flush Political Correctness down the drain and become extremely politically incorrect.

Let's start calling a spade a spade and not make up names for actions any thinking person knows is terrorism. As uncomfortable as it might sound and be profiling should become part and parcel of the system in order to better protect the innocents from further jihadi terrorist attacks.

Newt Gringrich wrote an interesting article on this very subject and well worth the read.



On Terrorism it's Time to Know, to Profile, and to Discriminate

Peter Fogel
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RE: HSIG - Jimmy Carter Apologizes To Israel & the Jews - I Wonder Why?
1/5/2010 3:49:30 PM
Hello Friends,

Jimmy Carter decided at a very opportune time to apologize to Israel and the Jews for all the allegations and accusations he made over the years both verbally and in his books. The very next day his grandson announced that he's running for the Georgia State Senate. Is there a connection between the apology and the announcement?

Knowing peanut brain Carter I think they are umbillically connected but that's just me. Hmmmm, maybe he's ascended to 5D and this is the result?? Also a possibility. :)

Here's his apology and below is Dry Bones take on the convenient apology.

An open letter to the Jewish community at the season of Chanukah from former President Jimmy Carter:

"Thetime of Chanukah and the Christian holidays presents an occasion forreflection on the past and for looking to the future. In that vein,Iwish to share some thoughts with you about the State of Israel and theMiddle East.

I have the hope and a prayer that the State ofIsrael will flourish as a Jewish state within secure and recognizedborders in peaceful co-existence with its neighbors and with all theMoslem States, and that this peaceful co-existence will bring security,prosperity and happiness to the people of Israel and to the people ofthe Middle East of all faiths.

I have the hope and a prayerthat the bloodshed and hatred will change to mutual respect andcooperation, fulfilling the prophetic aspiration that the lion shalllie down with the lamb in harmony and peace. Likewise hope that violentattacks against all civilians will end,which will help set a betterframework for commencing negotiations. Further hope that peacenegotiations can soon commence, with all issues on the negotiatingtable.

I have the hope and a prayer that just as Chanukah isthe Festival of Lights, the State of Israel will fulfill its destiny asa light unto the nations.

We must recognize Israel’sachievements under difficult circumstances,even as we strive in apositive way to help Israel continue to improve its relations with itsArab populations, but we must not permit criticisms for improvement tostigmatize Israel. As I would have noted at Rosh Hashanah and YomKippur, but which is appropriate at any time of the year, I offer an AlHet for any words or deeds of mine that may have done so.

May we work and pray for that better day.

Hag Semach and Happy Chanukah."



So Jimmy has apologized to the Jews. And just one day after Jimmy'sletter of apology was published, his grandson, Jason Carter, announcedhis candidacy for the Georgia state senate.
* * *
The proper response to the former President's letter of apology to theJews for his defamation of the Jewish State is summed up in this letterby CAMERA (the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America)
"Dear President Carter:

Weat CAMERA have been outspoken in our criticism of the many factualerrors and distortions about Israel in your book Palestine: Peace NotApartheid, as well as in various Op-Eds and media appearances. We'vebeen greatly concerned that false allegations you've made damageIsrael, promoting misunderstanding, enmity and prejudice against thatnation and its people.

It is against this backdropthat we sincerely welcome your recent letter to the Jewish TelegraphicAgency in which you ask forgiveness from the Jewish community forstatements that may have stigmatized Israel. As you may know, inJudaism the process of repentance also entails action to reverse anyharm caused.

In this spirit, we urge you to join yourpromising words with concrete actions to redress troubling falsestatements you have made only recently about the Jewish state. In aNov. 6, 2009 Op-Ed in the International Herald Tribune entitled"Goldstone and Gaza" you made false and exaggerated charges concerningthe UN's Goldstone report on the Gaza conflict. You referrederroneously to the "destruction" of 40,000 homes in Gaza and claimed"several hundred thousand homeless people suffered through lastwinter." You refer to the "destruction of hospitals" and claim the GazaStrip is "surrounded by an impenetrable wall." You claim "the Goldstonecommittee examined closely the cause of deaths of 1,387 Palestinianswho perished. . . "

All these statements are factuallyfalse and contribute to inflaming negative perceptions of Israel.Efforts to redress the errors via communication with IHT editors failedwith their saying you have refused to correct the false statements.

Wedo hope you'll set the record straight and affirm your commitment toundo any wrongful stigmatizing of Israel. Below is the factual detailcorroborating our concerns about the errors made:

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
1/5/2010 6:19:20 PM
This apology is such a load of self serving crap it is laughable. Dry Bones hit the nail on the head.

Hello Friends,

Jimmy Carter decided at a very opportune time to apologize to Israel and the Jews for all the allegations and accusations he made over the years both verbally and in his books. The very next day his grandson announced that he's running for the Georgia State Senate. Is there a connection between the apology and the announcement?

Knowing peanut brain Carter I think they are umbillically connected but that's just me. Hmmmm, maybe he's ascended to 5D and this is the result?? Also a possibility. :)

Here's his apology and below is Dry Bones take on the convenient apology.

An open letter to the Jewish community at the season of Chanukah from former President Jimmy Carter:

"Thetime of Chanukah and the Christian holidays presents an occasion forreflection on the past and for looking to the future. In that vein,Iwish to share some thoughts with you about the State of Israel and theMiddle East.

I have the hope and a prayer that the State ofIsrael will flourish as a Jewish state within secure and recognizedborders in peaceful co-existence with its neighbors and with all theMoslem States, and that this peaceful co-existence will bring security,prosperity and happiness to the people of Israel and to the people ofthe Middle East of all faiths.

I have the hope and a prayerthat the bloodshed and hatred will change to mutual respect andcooperation, fulfilling the prophetic aspiration that the lion shalllie down with the lamb in harmony and peace. Likewise hope that violentattacks against all civilians will end,which will help set a betterframework for commencing negotiations. Further hope that peacenegotiations can soon commence, with all issues on the negotiatingtable.

I have the hope and a prayer that just as Chanukah isthe Festival of Lights, the State of Israel will fulfill its destiny asa light unto the nations.

We must recognize Israel’sachievements under difficult circumstances,even as we strive in apositive way to help Israel continue to improve its relations with itsArab populations, but we must not permit criticisms for improvement tostigmatize Israel. As I would have noted at Rosh Hashanah and YomKippur, but which is appropriate at any time of the year, I offer an AlHet for any words or deeds of mine that may have done so.

May we work and pray for that better day.

Hag Semach and Happy Chanukah."



So Jimmy has apologized to the Jews. And just one day after Jimmy'sletter of apology was published, his grandson, Jason Carter, announcedhis candidacy for the Georgia state senate.
* * *
The proper response to the former President's letter of apology to theJews for his defamation of the Jewish State is summed up in this letterby CAMERA (the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America)
"Dear President Carter:

Weat CAMERA have been outspoken in our criticism of the many factualerrors and distortions about Israel in your book Palestine: Peace NotApartheid, as well as in various Op-Eds and media appearances. We'vebeen greatly concerned that false allegations you've made damageIsrael, promoting misunderstanding, enmity and prejudice against thatnation and its people.

It is against this backdropthat we sincerely welcome your recent letter to the Jewish TelegraphicAgency in which you ask forgiveness from the Jewish community forstatements that may have stigmatized Israel. As you may know, inJudaism the process of repentance also entails action to reverse anyharm caused.

In this spirit, we urge you to join yourpromising words with concrete actions to redress troubling falsestatements you have made only recently about the Jewish state. In aNov. 6, 2009 Op-Ed in the International Herald Tribune entitled"Goldstone and Gaza" you made false and exaggerated charges concerningthe UN's Goldstone report on the Gaza conflict. You referrederroneously to the "destruction" of 40,000 homes in Gaza and claimed"several hundred thousand homeless people suffered through lastwinter." You refer to the "destruction of hospitals" and claim the GazaStrip is "surrounded by an impenetrable wall." You claim "the Goldstonecommittee examined closely the cause of deaths of 1,387 Palestinianswho perished. . . "

All these statements are factuallyfalse and contribute to inflaming negative perceptions of Israel.Efforts to redress the errors via communication with IHT editors failedwith their saying you have refused to correct the false statements.

Wedo hope you'll set the record straight and affirm your commitment toundo any wrongful stigmatizing of Israel. Below is the factual detailcorroborating our concerns about the errors made:

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
1/6/2010 2:10:13 PM
Hi Jim,

Yep, it sure was transparent and Dry Bones nailed him extremely well. Must we be punished with another Carter in politics? I sure hope not.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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