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RE: HSIG - There's Nothing New In The Israeli - Palestinian Peace Talks
12/29/2009 7:59:42 AM
Hello Friends,

Nothing really changes it seems especially when it comes to the Israeli -Palestinian peace talks. Or more correctly the lack of any talks due to the Palestinians nixing everything under the sun.

Check out Dry Bones' golden oldie from 1994.



Today's Golden Oldie is a Dry Bones cartoon done 15 years ago in 1994.

It's another one of those cartoons that I could do today without having to change a single line.

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
12/29/2009 9:32:14 AM

Hi Peter

It's ok if they give away trees or even sell them just as long as it is not my tree. I have a tree in Israel that was planted there for me. I understand my name is somewhere near it or near the forest that must have been created with all the trees that were planted there in the 70's. I have no idea where my tree is located.

A pastor here also had a radio program. Her name was Bernice Gerard and her church was called the Fraserview Assembly. On her radio program she announced that she and members of her church were going to Israel and while there they were going to plant trees in Israel. Anyone who wanted to have trees planted was asked to send $3.00 per tree to pay for the seedlings. I was a single mom and one tree was all I could afford.

I don't know if my name was near the tree or if it would have been on plaque or something that listed the participants. If you ever should see it, which I doubt, let me know. Even a picture would be nice. I know. I am such a dreamer. :))


Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
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RE: HSIG -12/30/09 "On Guard Rally" In Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Be There If You Can
12/29/2009 10:42:47 AM
Hello Friends,

Here's an interesting interview with Tom Trento, Director of the Florida Security Council. Last year on the 30th of December he taped violent pro Hamas protesters in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. His youtube video went viral within a few days of posting it to the web.

In the interview he explains what happened and what motivated him to tape the violent radical Muslims and the plan for an On Guard Rally on the same date (12/30/09) in the exact same spot as the violent Radical Muslim event last year.

TomTrento is very familiar with Radical Muslims in the United States andelsewhere in the world and the interview is an interesting read.

So Floridians and all freedom loving Americans please joint the event if you can.



Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Tom Trento, Director of the Florida Security Council.

FP: Tom Trento, welcome to Frontpage Interview. I want to talk to you today about the rally your group is coordinating for Dec 30.

But first, let me ask you this. Last year, on Dec 30, 2008, youvideotaped a pro-Hamas demonstration in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Indays, the You Tube video, went “viral,” around the world. What happened?

Trento: My video camera, not unlike a microscope ina laboratory, discovered a “virus” of such lethality, on the streets ofFort Lauderdale, that it makes the bubonic plague look like a runnynose.

The frightening problem is that we have no cure, for the infectious growth of the Arab Street here on the streets of America. Here is what happened:

On December 30, 2008, a protest was planned by HAMAS and Hezbollahsupporters against the United States and Israel, because Israel wasprosecuting the Gaza War, in an effort to stop the daily rocket attacksby the Palestinians. A counter demonstration, by Jews, Christians andsecular Americans took place directly across from the HAMASdemonstration.

I decided to go across to the Palestinian side and videotape theMuslims, up close and personal. Boy, what a decision that turned out tobe for the counter-jihad movement. I was in the middle of 300 of themost hateful, angry, venomous people I have ever been around, as theyyelled insult after curse, after unimaginable comment at the Jews inparticular.

When a Muslim women in full hajib, yelled with a distorted, somewhat demonic voice, “Jews go back in the oven,”I knew I had the making of a powerful story. Right after a call toprayer by the Imam, the hate-filled crowd got up and started marching,in a threatening manner toward 25 Jewish and Christian counterprotestors, most of whom were elderly or young. But not for the braveFort Lauderdale police, the Muslim crowd would have hurt many innocentpeople. Once I got home and saw all of this on my tape, I knew I had to get this unbelievable message out to America.

FP: How exactly did this short video change your life?

Trento: I finished the editing ofthe video around midnight and put it up on You Tube. Early nextmorning, over seven thousand people had watched the 10 minuterevelation of the angry, Arab Street. Then, for many days, over 30,000people a day people watched the video and the emails and phone callsstarting coming in to my office. I received over 5000 personal commentsand scores of calls from news agencies all over the world, who wantedto play various parts of the video. It has even been used in severaldocumentaries about anti-Semitism, terrorism and the decline ofAmerica. Literally, millions of people worldwide have experienced,through the video, the emotions of being right there in the middle ofthis very dangerous gathering.

Less than one week after the Fort Lauderdale demonstration, I was ata similar rally in Miami and when I walked over to the Palestinian side– immediately, an angry group of six Muslim men came up to me in athreatening manner and started yelling at me, telling me that I madeMuslims look bad in my video and that I better put my camera down. Myresponse was simple, direct and forceful. I said get back, don’t starttrouble, you are in America now and I’m going to take more pictures ofwhatever you do and say so get out of my way. Then I told them that Ididn’t make them look bad, all I did was hold a camera and capture whatthey truly are, hateful Muslim men who want to destroy Israel, it’sreally that simple.

Unlike in Fort Lauderdale, where the police held back the violence,over a dozen Muslims and one Jewish man were arrested as fight afterfight broke out in Miami. The Arab Street lives. My video hasunderscored the valuable role that advocacy video can play in theeducation of America about the clash of the civilized West against thebarbaric mentality of the venomous Arab Street. I am dedicated toproducing more videos that take the fight to the bad guys.

FP: Tell us a bit more about the Arab Street and how active it is in America.

Trento: A simple definition forthe concept, Arab Street, is “an out of control Arab gang intent onchange through force, terror, destruction and…even death, whennecessary.”

Basically, it is how many Middle East countries operate on a dailybasis. Due to this cultural conditioning, when Muslim Arabs men come toAmerica and run into the freedoms we enjoy, like videotaping peopleyelling for Jews to go back into the ovens, these Muslims believe thattheir collective power, as a gang, will intimidate their opponents,causing such fear that the Muslims will get their way, thus exertingtheir Islamic supremacy.

Sadly, this sociological tactic has become an effective methodologyfor terrorizing more and more Americas, just like the Arab Street isdoing in places like, Paris and London.

Sadly, the Obama Administration’s concerted effort to appease the“Muslim World,” has only provided political fuel for igniting thisMuslim hatred in American streets, as we approach some very deadly anddangerous days ahead.

FP: So why are you and others gathering in the same place, on the same date, one year later?

Trento: Recently I was approachedby several organizations who wanted to “commemorate” the video that Ishot, so that America will not ignore the Muslim hatred that is boilingjust under our cultural surface. I thought it was important and agreedto participate and help promote the ON GUARD Rally. Our message is simple – We stand ON GUARD for America, for Israel, for Freedom…come stand with us.

The Rally is on December 30, from 3 – 7pm, at the exact location in Fort Lauderdale where I filmed it last year.

FP: Who should attend and why?

Trento: All patriotic Americans who want to GUARD America, Israel and Freedom should join with us and let your voices be heard.

This Rally, unlike last year, is being organized with the fullcooperation and assistance of the Fort Lauderdale Police department andseveral joint anti-terrorism law enforcement organizations.

Participants will have no reason to fear the Arab Street, in fact itis freedom loving Americans who strike fear in the hearts of sharialoving hate-filled Muslims.

Join with us! We have a excellent group of speakers including; JoeKaufman, Bob Knust, Charles Jacobs, May Long, Alan Bergstein, JoyceKaufman and I may even say a word or two (or three)!

FP: Your thoughts on what will happen in 2010?

Trento: Regrettably, I do not havevery good thoughts for 2010. When Israel attacks and destroys Iran’snuclear facilities, which it must do for the sake of the free world,the Arab Street will erupt, globally. As my video demonstrated, angryMuslim men will not be able to control themselves, when Islamic leaders– calling for jihad against all Jews, Christians, Americans andEuropeans – incite these ticking time bombs to strike back, hard.

In various parts of America, the Arab Street will explode withviolence, destruction and death. At that point many Americans will havehad enough of this “Muslim craziness” and they too will fight back tostop this out of control situation. Then the whole world will belooking to President Obama, to see if he stands with Israel, orcondemns Israel, as the rest of the world will do.

If he stands with Israel, the Islamic world will feel betrayed bythe one they consider their own and even more death and destructionwill follow. If President Obama stands with the Islamic world againstIsrael, that will be read by Islamic scholars (who are quite good atpolitical manipulation) as the will of Allah, blessing their call fora worldwide jihad, which will further fuel the destructive desire ofthose angry men, who found themselves in the lens of my camera, oneshort year ago.

America and Israel are at a crossroads in 2010. Happy New Year everyone. I hope I’m wrong, but you know I’m right.

FP: Tom Trento, thank you for joining us.

For rally details, click here.

To see the Hamas video, click here.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
12/29/2009 10:51:55 AM

Hi Peter

It's ok if they give away trees or even sell them just as long as it is not my tree. I have a tree in Israel that was planted there for me. I understand my name is somewhere near it or near the forest that must have been created with all the trees that were planted there in the 70's. I have no idea where my tree is located.

A pastor here also had a radio program. Her name was Bernice Gerard and her church was called the Fraserview Assembly. On her radio program she announced that she and members of her church were going to Israel and while there they were going to plant trees in Israel. Anyone who wanted to have trees planted was asked to send $3.00 per tree to pay for the seedlings. I was a single mom and one tree was all I could afford.

I don't know if my name was near the tree or if it would have been on plaque or something that listed the participants. If you ever should see it, which I doubt, let me know. Even a picture would be nice. I know. I am such a dreamer. :))


Hi Helen,

You're funny. The trees that are being given away are specially grown for this purpose and I'm sure the Helen Elias tree is safe, sound and growing gloriously.

I would venture to say that it would be almost impossible to find your special tree but I'll keep a sharp lookout for it. :)

Hope you had a great Christmas and wishing you a Happy New Year.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
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RE: HSIG - B Hussein On The Fighting In Iran - To Little And Way To Late
12/30/2009 9:11:26 AM
Hello Friends,

Finally B Hussein had something to say about the fighting in Iran. As usual, to little and way to late. The people of Iran were begging for his support but he'd rather play nice and get b*itched slapped by the lunatic Ahmadinejad time after time and then ask for more. What a patheticexcuse he is as the President of the United States.

He lets the worst tyrants in the world make mince meat out of him and he's back asking for more abuse and then king them for it. Is it any surprise that European leaders hold him in disdain and ridicule?

Here's Dry Bones' take on the Iranian situation.



The world watches as the Iranians battle against the illegitimateAhmadinejad regime that stole the last election and set up show trialsof the opposition. The Iranians are fighting the nasty regime thattortured, raped, and murdered demonstrators and dissenters.

Interesting to note that, as Ahmadinejad threatens the world, he himself is threatened by "the will of the people".

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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