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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Islamic Hate Preacher Admits Islam Is At War With The UK
9/15/2009 9:32:23 AM

 Hello Friends,

Many a time in the past we've discussed the dangers of stealth and creeping Jihad and it should be evident to many that this is in fact happening in North America and in particular the United States.

The signs are there and it's at an escalated pace in the US due to the "good" services of B Hussein the great pretender their agent in the White House. The European situation should be fair warning to the United States and show exactly what's in store for the USA if steps aren't taken to stop this in its tracks at what are still fairly early stages although they've accomplished much in the past few years.

Here are a few examples of the European scene.

In the UK a Jewish protester was fined for showing the Israeli flag at a virulent Muslim demonstration where "death to the Jews", "annihilate Israel", Hitler didn't finish the job and we will" were just samples of the signs and slogans being shouted by that barbaric mob of Muslims. The claim was that the Israeli flag was a "provocation" and for that she was fined. Makes sense doesn't it? But that's capitulation to the Islamic demands and Shariah law that is becoming part of the British way of life.

In Holland Geert Wilders will be tried in January for what basically comes down to insulting Islam. Freedom of speech is in question here and the bottom line is that Geert only quotes the Muslims main source of infamy namely the Koran. His movie Fitna simply quoted verses from the Koran and showed the consequences of those "peaceful" verses.

These are two examples and additional ones are never ending and can be supplied on demand. But let's hear it from the source. One of the Muslim leaders in the UK says it very clearly. We are at war with the kuffar (non-islam) and will not stop until we win.

After that as a reminder of what Islam stands for you can watch Fitna again or for the first time if you never saw it before.



Now for Fitna

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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9/17/2009 10:28:37 PM

 Hello Friends,

I wanted to take this opportunity to wish all my Jewish friends and all Jewish Adlanders a Shanah Tovah U Metuka.



Today's Golden Oldie is a Dry Bones cartoon done 15 years ago for Rosh HaShana 1994.

This year, the holiday will start at the sunset tomorrow, Friday, the 18th of September. Saturday, the 19th of September is the first day and the holiday will continue until sunset of Sunday, the 20th of September.

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Shana Tova
9/18/2009 5:06:47 AM

Shana Tova! ...Happy Jewish New Year!!

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - New Intel Changed Europe Missile Defense Plan. Yeah, sure.........
9/19/2009 11:48:09 AM

Hello Friends,

Being on holiday has its negative aspects when it comes to relating to all the events in the past week. Lots of topics that need to be discussed and hopefully will get their rightful attention in the very near future.

B Hussein once again capitulated to those he believes are bigger and stronger then he is and he reneged on the missile defense system the US committed to in Europe much to the dissatisfaction of the European countries.

The late "excuse" for this action came from the mouth of Defense Sec. Gates that now says a new assessment of the Iranian capabilities show that they will "only" have the long range missile capabilities in 2015 3-5 years longer then originally thought.

Interesting, this is the second time the intelligence community downgraded Iran's capabilities and of course they were proven wrong the first time and there's no reason to accept their new excuse after all the latest information released about Iran's ability to be nuclear armed in the very near future.

But, Gates' excuse is only lip service to compensate for B Hussein's latest international fiasco. Basically he just wants to keep the Russians happy and he in fact gave them a very nice present. He's proving again that the United States can't be depended on during his regime. What a shame since he's gaining the friendship of the despots and dictators (that he so loves) but is losing the regard that some countries still had for the US since he took office.

I guess Ahmadinejad was so right when he said B Hussein is weak and he's doing all he can to prove how right he is.


Peter » International » Article

'New intel changed Europe missile plan'

US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Friday that the new missile defense system planned for Europe has the flexibility to adapt to changes in Iranian missile capabilities even if US intelligence about Teheran's slower-than-expected pace proves wrong.

US President Barack Obama's decision to s**** a Bush-era missile intercept system in Europe was based largely on a new US intelligence assessment that Iran's effort to build a nuclear-capable long-range missile would take three years to five years longer than originally thought, officials said earlier.

Gates, a former CIA director, said that even if Iran should move more quickly on its long-range missile program, the revised program will have the flexibility to deal more quickly and effectively with the change. 


"We actually are better able to deal with a changed situation, in which the intelligence assessments are wrong, with the new architecture than we were with the old one," Gates told reporters.

The new assessment asserts Iran is unlikely to have a nuclear-capable intercontinental ballistic missile until 2015 to 2020, a US government official familiar with the report told The Associated Press. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the report remains classified.

It is the second time in two years US intelligence has revised downward the threat posed by Iran's weapons programs.



Obama abruptly canceled on Thursday a long-planned missile shield for Eastern Europe, replacing the Bush-era project that was strongly opposed by Russia with a plan the president contended would defend better against a growing threat of Iranian missiles.

The United States no longer will seek to erect a missile base and radar site in Poland and the Czech Republic, virtually on Russia's doorstep. President George W. Bush contended that the missile base was needed to shoot down any Iranian missile if it ever developed one with adequate range to threaten the United States or Europe. The United States already has a similar missile site and radar in Alaska.

Previous intelligence assessed that Iran would have an ICBM capable of menacing Europe and the United States between 2012 and 2015, another US government official said.

The assessment changed because Iran has not been conducting the kind of observable development and testing that would be expected to accompany a robust long-range missile program, the second official said.

The new assessment is contained in a classified May 2009 National Intelligence Estimate. The secret report is called "Foreign Ballistic Missile Development and Threat Through 2020." National Intelligence Estimates contain the consensus judgment of all 16 American intelligence agencies about critical national security issues.

Thomas Fingar, former chairman of the National Intelligence Council, said Iran's progress, or lack thereof, on its ballistic missile program can be observed easily.

"There's been a lot of testing. They learned from the tests and we learned from the tests," Fingar said.

Fingar, who spearheaded the controversial 2007 national intelligence estimate that disclosed Iran had halted its nuclear weapon design work in 2003, was not privy to the new intelligence. But he said Iran may be working on short-range missiles because they are easier to build than large, long-range missiles, and lessons learned in their development can be applied to larger missiles.

He also said Iran may not be aggressively pursuing an ICBM because it has discerned its most likely adversaries are in the region, so shorter missiles have more immediate utility for offensive attacks or deterrence.

The new Obama plan would deploy systems designed to shoot down short- and medium-range missiles, with construction in phases to begin around 2011. Systems to counter longer-range missiles would be in place around 2020.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
9/19/2009 6:51:35 PM


Hello Peter,

Hope you had a great time,

I came across this video and I thought it came from a European TV show! But then I see that in the USA media bullying has obviously been refined to levels that even the KGB would have been proud of.

Friendly yours,


P.S. if this video does not come up correctly here is the link:




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