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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - If Your'e On Facebook, MySpace, Twitter .... BHO's Got Your Email
9/4/2009 7:49:07 AM

 Hello Jim and Friends,

I have no expectations from any Eurabian leaders to speak out against Islamic injustice since as is quite obvious they already caved in to Islamic pressure and have lost all sense of right and wrong. All you have to do is see the
of Shariah law in many European countries and the acceptance of the dictates of the Muslim mobs in those countries. That's why Geert Wilders is to be applauded and lauded for his fight against this great peril facing all of us. Namely the Islamic takeover of the world which as you know is their plan.

The problem though is that slowly but surely the same thing is happening in the United States and all with the blessings of B Hussein the great pretender. Just this week or was it last week he had a dinner celebrating Ramadan in the White House which is obviously another method of legitimizing this barbaric religion without once ever mentioning any of the abuses this "religion" preaches; which include Jihad, terrorism, abuse of women, pedophilia, honor killings and as you all know the list goes on and on. But according to B Hussein we should respect their culture and beliefs.

The next step and as you mentioned Jim as his "ratings" are on a downward spiral he will diminish even more the freedoms that the American people enjoy and accumulate even more information on all those that oppose him and his radical socialistic, communistic and Islamic agendas. His Obama care is one way of amassing information and control over the citizens of the United States and all his Czar Lords are in the process of doing the same in the scope of their illegal powers.

The below article shows another aspect or way the great pretender plans to gather information on all the opposition and it's frightening to imagine the outcome of all the amassed information he's accumulating on all of us. 




White House spammer-in-chief wants contractor to track critics   

Posted: September 02, 2009
8:57 pm Eastern

National Legal and Policy Center, or NLPC, revealed the White House New Media team is seeking to hire a technology vendor to collect data such as comments, tag lines, e-mail, audio and video from any place where the White House "maintains a presence" – for a period of up to eight years.

By Chelsea Schilling
© 2009 WorldNetDaily


The White House is hiring a contractor to harvest information about Americans from its pages on social networking websites such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube and Flickr.


"The contractor shall provide the necessary services to capture, store, extract to approved formats, and transfer content published by EOP (Executive Office of the President) on publicly-accessible web sites, along with information posted by non-EOP persons on publicly-accessible web sites where the EOP offices under PRA (Presidential Records Act) maintains a presence," the posting states.

Excerpt from White House New Media solicitation of bids

According to the 51-page solicitation of bids posted Aug. 21, the purpose of the mining and archiving project is to "comply with the Presidential Records Act," though the listing does not specify how the information will be used. It states that the government is currently collecting data from social networks both programmatically and by use of daily screenshots.

White HouseTwitter page

The program is expected to be fully operational within 30 days after the contract is awarded to a vendor.

The White House pages at Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube and Flickr contain thousands of comments from Americans – both supportive and critical of the administration and its policies.

WHite House Facebook page

Contractors must agree to keep information disclosed by the EOP in the "strictest confidence" and restrict access "to those employees who must have the information to perform the work provided herein on a 'need-to-know' basis."

Get the book that exposes the secret blueprint for ending free speech: "Shut ...

NLPC warns, "[V]irtually any communication mentioning the president or the administration could become subject to collection and archiving under the act. This is not out of an 'abundance of caution,' but out of an over-abundance of power. President Obama should make sure that this plan goes no further."


'Fishy' info on health care

As WND reported, the Obama administration has made several efforts to collect information about citizens in the past. The White House announced a program Aug. 4, pleading with people around the nation to forward to a White House e-mail address anything they see "about health insurance reform that seems fishy."

Scary chain e-mails and videos are starting to percolate on the Internet, breathlessly claiming, for example, to 'uncover' the truth about the president's health insurance reform positions.

There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain e-mails or through casual conversation. Since we can't keep track of all of them here at the White House, we're asking for your help. If you get an e-mail or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to

Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, demanded that President Obama either halt the "snitch" program or define how he would protect the privacy of those who send or are the subject of e-mails to the e-mail address.

"I am not aware of any precedent for a president asking American citizens to report their fellow citizens to the White house for pure political speech that is deemed 'fishy' or otherwise inimical tothe White House's political interests," the Texas senator wrote in a letter to Obama.

"By requesting that citizens send 'fishy' e-mails to the White House, it is inevitable that the names, e-mail addresses, IP addresses, and private speech of U.S. citizens will be reported… You should not be surprised that these actions taken by your White House staff raise the specter of a data collection system."

'Compelling need' for cookies

WND has also reported that the Obama administration has announced plans to lift a government ban on tracking visitors to government websites, and potentially, collect their personal data through the use of "cookies" – an effort some suspect may already be in place on White House sites.

A ban on such tracking by the federal government on Internet users has been in place since 2000, however, the White House Office of Management and Budget now wants to lift the ban citing a "compelling need."


This screenshot shows computer cookies collected on and

In fact, according to the Electronic Privacy and Information Center, federal agencies have negotiated agreements and contracts with social networking sites like Google, YouTube, SlideShare, Facebook, AddThis, Blist, Flickr and VIMEO to collect information on visitors for federal websites. All of these private companies are known to have agreements with federal agencies, but the public has never seen them.

In public comments submitted to the Office of Management and Budget, EPIC notes it has obtained documents that show federal agencies have negotiated these contracts with the private sector in violation of "existing statutory privacy rights." Those agencies include: Department of Defense, Department of the Treasury, and the National Security Agency.

There are suspicions the White House is already involved.

According to Obama "technology czar" Vivek Kundra, the "compelling need" driving this major policy reversal is the administration's desire to create "more open" government and to "enhance citizen participation in government."



Peter Fogel
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RE: HSIG - The Democrats' 911 Plan To Blast *Right Wing Terrorists*
9/7/2009 9:26:47 AM

 Hello Friends,

Over the past week I've been putting off posting to this thread cos I'm still not happy with the new Adland format and the not so great notification system. But, I have so much to write about I've decided to give it a go again.

The past few weeks have been full of issues that affect us all and some that only affect particular countries. We've seen the communist Van Jones' resignation which is a good sign but not  in the way some of you might appreciate. His resignation isn't due to B Hussein's displeasure with his beliefs and views cos he knew about them in advance and "hired" him because of his beliefs that reflect his views as well.

The good in his resignation is due to the not so silent majority of US citizens that showed their displeasure that this administration saw fit to hire a Czar with his background, history and views. You didn't read about it in the MSM (towards the end they joined the bandwagon too) but mainly the internet bloggers and news services that brought this man's sordid history to the forefront of the nations attention. The disgust towards this man and his views and beliefs was so great that B Hussein the great pretender saw that it is in his best interest to get rid of him. The ironic part is that the history and background of Van Jones and B Hussein are so similar it hurts but the American public didn't realize it during the campaign even though he told the public exactly what he plans to do.

Public pressure was the cause and affect in this case and it proves that it works. This is also the reason that the Tea Parties and all the other groups that are campaigning and protesting his socialistic, communistic and Islamic agendas will also be the cause for change in many of his proposed laws before Congress and the Senate.

The fear that they have for these groups can be seen by the campaigns they are planning combat those that are opposed to his plans. He is using his fear tactics that are frighteningly similar to Gestapo tactics. See below article.

The bottom line is that all the protesters are gaining ground and B Hussein the great pretender is in panic and doing all he can to circumvent their success. All the more reason to carry on full steam ahead and defeat this man whose only interest is to turn the greatest power in the world into a third world country.



Suggested campaign paints Obama critics as enemies

Posted: September 03, 2009
9:46 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily


The Democrats, whose presidential administration previously condemned as "potential terrorists" those who oppose same-sex marriage and are offended by restrictions on firearms, all based on Internet chatter, has suggested blasting those who oppose their health care plan as "right-wing domestic terrorists" on 9/11 of this year.

According to an "Organizing for America" campaign document unveiled by the Heritage Foundation, the plan involves having activists telephone their state's senators" on Sept. 11 to demand a "public option" which essentially would involve a government-funded and government-run monopoly on health care.

Bobby Eberle, posting on a Republican Party site called The Loft, said Obama "and his team have no limits on what they will do or say in order to inject socialist views into the minds of Americans.

"They also have absolutely no respect or appreciation for the American way and the sacrifices Americans have made in order to stay free and to promote the American way of life across the globe. Just take the latest effort being pitched at Rather than remembering the Americans who lost their lives during the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Obama's political team wants you to make phone calls on 9/11 to fight back against 'Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists,'" Eberle documented.

Are you an enemy of the state? Get the bumper sticker that lets everyone know...

The Heritage Foundation reported on the plan, which later was taken down from the Internet, and preserved the image of the proposal on its website.

A portion is seen here:

Obama plan for 9/11

The OFA page discussed plans to have activists make telephone calls on Friday, Sept. 11.

"All 50 states are coordinating in this – as we fight back against our own Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists who are subverting the American Democratic Process, whipped to a frenzy by their Fox Propaganda Network ceaselessly reseizing power for their treacherous leaders," it said.

At the Heritage Foundation site, this was the comment:

"Many Americans took off work and sacrificed family time this past August to attend congressional town halls, where they voiced opposition to a government-run overhaul of their personal health care choices. They hand painted signs, grabbed their children and drove to their local church or school gymnasium for valuable lessons in community organizing and democracy. While they lived the Rockwellian version of American discourse, they were called names, labeled as 'too organized' or 'un-American,' and likened to mobs, Nazis and Fascists. And now President Obama's team has designated September 11 as the day to liken conservatives to al-Qaida terrorists.

"Typically when this type of outrageousness is unleashed on the American public," the foundation said, "the appropriate response is to recall the webpage and explain the gray area, with phrases such as 'that was taken out of context' or 'we didn't mean that conservatives were actually terrorists' or 'that was written by a junior staffer who has been admonished." But that should not be sufficient this time.

"This type of irresponsible rhetoric can make dissent against the president seem dangerous. Down the road, the president could paint his detractors as nothing more than right-wing zealots bent on destroying his vision for the nation. Remember, these 'zealots' are not smuggling weapons, they're smuggling poster board and markers. They're not flying planes into buildings; they're flying to see their parents for Thanksgiving," the foundation continued.

"September 11 should be a day to grieve and remember, not a day to lobby for government-run healthcare. It certainly should not be a day to demonize fellow Americans. America's enemies are violent extremists, bent on bring this nation to its knees, not soccer moms, dads and senior citizens who may disagree with one's political or policy views."

Continued Eberle, "This is absolutely outrageous, and this is exactly what was written on Obama and his team are using all means to get out their message on health care ... even resorting to spamming e-mail messages. Yet, when the opposition tries to get its message out, that is labeled as 'subverting the American democratic process.' This is crazy!"

But he said the bigger trouble was comparing conservatives opposed to Obama's health takeover to members of al-Qaida who flew planes into buildings and killed thousands.

"Do Obama and his 'friends' have no shame?" he asked.

On a forum page for the GOP site, one participate said, "When you HATE America, this stuff just comes naturally. I said before the election to my family that I would vote for the man who does NOT hate America. That is why I voted for McCain. And that's probably the ONLY reason to vote for that stiff. These Marxists running the country show their disdain for this nation with every word and deed. Obama said he wanted to 'remake' America. What did people think he meant by that? At least he was up front about his intentions."

WND reported earlier when the Obama administration warned that potential terrorists included returning veterans and others, such as those who:

  • Oppose abortion

  • Oppose same-sex marriage

  • Oppose restrictions on firearms

  • Oppose lax immigration laws

  • Oppose the policies of President Obama regarding immigration, citizenship, and the expansion of social programs

  • Oppose continuation of free trade agreements

  • Are suspect of foreign regimes

  • Fear Communist regimes

  • Oppose a "one world" government

  • Bemoan the decline of U.S. stature in the world

  • Are upset with loss of U.S. manufacturing jobs to China and India, and more


Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano later apologized to veterans for including them in the list but not to other groups of people. And WND also reported later when the "extremism" report was confirmed to have bee...

When that was revealed, at least two groups demanded Napolitano quit.

The DHS report was "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment." WND has posted the report online.

Shortly after the "extremism" report was released, WND reported that the Department of Defense was describing protesters as "low-level terrorists."

WND later reported when the DoD eventually withdrew a training manual questio...

The Thomas More Law Center earlier filed a lawsuit against Napolitano and the DHS on behalf of nationally syndicated conservative radio talk show host Michael Savage, Gregg Cunningham of the pro-life organization Center for Bio-Ethical Reform Inc. and Iraqi War Marine veteran Kevin Murray.

The lawsuit alleges the federal agency violated the First and Fifth Amendment constitutional rights of the three plaintiffs by targeting them for disfavored treatment and chilling their free speech, expressive association and equal protection rights. The lawsuit further claims DHS encouraged law enforcement officers throughout the nation to target and report citizens to federal officials as suspicious rightwing extremists and potential terrorists because of their political beliefs.



Peter Fogel
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RE: HSIG - Netanyahu's Flip Flop Under Pressure
9/7/2009 10:15:27 AM

 Hello Friends,

When the Likud Party with Bibi Netanyahu at its head was chosen by President Peres to form the new government in Israel I had serious doubts that Bibi will remain true to all his promises during the election campaign. His past history of "breaking" under pressure was my greatest fear and his running after being defeated by Ehud Barak in previous elections didn't bode well for Israel in my opinion. Needless to say he didn't get my vote but one of the other right wing parties did.

All my personal fears are coming true. Unfortunately. As we all know B Hussein has his Islamic agenda and his love for this religion is showing his true colors time and again. His incessant pressure on Bibi in regard to the building in Judea and Samaria is coming to a head and it appears that Bibi is caving in regardless of the dangers involved in his doing so.

B Hussein harps on the ridiculous theme that the building in Judea and Samaria is the cause of the conflict while nothing can be further from the truth. The fact of the matter is that the Palestinians aren't interested in peace talks and have said so on numerous occasions and the whole world heard it and ignored it. Including B Hussein. They haven't changed any of the steps that the Road Map agreement required them to change and have unconditionally proclaimed that all of Israel is Palestine. They refuse to recognize Israel and yet B Hussein claims that the major problem is the building in Judea and Samaria.

Well B Hussein the great pretender has had a bad month of August and is backtracking on many of his plans or rewording them to make them more digestible. So far his only whipping boy is Israel and he's utilizing it to the utmost in order to regain his composure I guess. I'm not convinced that Bibi's turn to the left will go over as easily as he expects and even his own Likud party is against his new offer to temporarily suspend building in Judea and Samaria. I'm not even sure how long the Likud government will stay in power at least with him at its head.

Dry Bones in his brilliant manner shows Bibi Netanyahu at his worst and not surprising "breaking" under pressure.



Peter Fogel
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RE: HSIG - A Jewish State Threatens All Humanity. Official PA News Agency
9/8/2009 7:50:33 AM

Hello Friends,

I've been sitting on the below article for a while now thinking how to best explain the ridiculous claims in the official Palestinian Authority news agency "report".

Needless to say the article is antisemitic from the start to finish but what amazes me even more is that a Muslim entity can claim that Israel as a Jewish State is a racist country. Look at the majority of Muslim countries and you'll find that they are the father of all racist and oppressive countries. While in Israel all religions are freely worshiped.

A small reminder to the Fatah/PLO/PA that control what they call the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza that Israel IS the Jewish State and it was so stated in the UN in 1949. The fact that they refuse to accept this only proves that they have no intention to ever sit down and have serious peace negotiations.

Israeli Arabs live in all parts of Israel and have the exact same rights that all Israeli citizens have. They have political parties and Knesset members that represent them. While they don't serve in the Israeli military this doesn't affect their rights as citizens. They are not discriminated against even though their loyalty to the country in many cases is a big question mark. I'd like to see any Muslim country that can say the same not only for their Jewish citizens but the Christian citizens and all other religions. We know the discrimination up to and including murder of members of other religions in their countries. The crass hypocrisy of the article is unbelievable.

Each and every day we read about the religious discrimination in all these countries and the PA thinks that Israel is a danger to the world. Islam is the only religion that espouses killing "infidels" and is the only "religion" that has a master plan to dominate the world. That my friends is the danger to the world and we can see their success rate in Europe is growing from day to day. Unfortunately the same can be said now in North America too.

Once again the below article was published through the PA's official news agency and the world is keeping quiet about it and of course that includes B Hussein the great pretender that so loves and defends Islam that has no respect for any other religion and wants to kill all that don't accept it as the true religion. Sorry I forgot the building in Judea and Sameria is the cause of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. What a farce and joke.



PMW Bulletins A Jewish state threatens all humanity: Official PA news agency

by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook
Aug. 10, 2009

While Israel demands that the PA recognize Israel as a Jewish state, the official Palestinian Authority news agency has responded with a vicious anti-Semitic article stating that a Jewish state (literally "Jewishness of a state") is by definition inherently racist and endangers all humanity.

The PA is accusing Israel of ethnic cleansing of Arabs and Palestinians, and says this policy of the "Jewish state" endangers global security.

In addition, the political editor of the WAFA news agency writes that Israel is waging a war "aimed at eradicating Palestinians, with slogans first, then by practice." He says that Israel aims to eliminate "everything related to Arabism" and replace it with a "racist state" based on Judaism.

He calls upon the international community, which has already banished other racist regimes, to stop the development of this "theocratic regime."

The following is the full article by the political editor of WAFA:

"The Jewish State, or People, or Land is a synonym of the black nightmare of Racism. It is a war waged on us; a new war aimed at eradicating Palestinians, with slogans first, then by practice. Such a practice is the most dangerous in this land's history; Exile, or 'Transfer' and eliminating everything related to the Arabism of this homeland, which has witnessed years of organized transfer of its people. Are we now witnessing our complete, final expulsion?

"We still do not understand, and we have not learned the lesson. We merely repeat our reactions, and every time they escalate their actions, we respond as they [Israelis] want us to respond. Protest alone will not change or influence things, because it is devoid of roots and flows not from a united people, but rather from streams, groups and divided parties... fighting for government that is not worthy of being called government. We are still under occupation; we are still ruled, in every aspect of life: livelihoods, sovereignty, and decision....

"If we do not wake up, perhaps we will be outside of our homeland and without residence.

"The Jewish State is clear in its objectives, even implementation and application. It means eliminating 20 per cent of the Jewish entity's citizens; Arabs and Palestinians. It probably means forcing them out; transferring them.

"Those who are calling for the Jewishness of 'the State' are performing a political act... whose fundamental aim is the complete closure of the right of return. And it is not only the right of return that is being rejected here: Also prohibited is the remaining of the Palestinians who are upon their lands and forbidden houses in the Galilee and in the Triangle and in the Negev and in Jerusalem, as a 'first stage,' and in every place where there are Palestinians.

"In terms of all this, should we expect that they are deliberately trying to violate the inalienable right of return, considered a priority on the negotiations agenda, by the United Nations and its Security Council?

"A Jewish state endangers not only Palestinians, but also the Arab World, and the global security. It is a call for legitimizing a racist entity, built on pure ethnic and theocratic criteria. They apparently think that they are a race, and they want a racist state! All of this doesn't end with the Palestinian issue; it becomes a general [international] matter, which raises the question:

"Will the present international system, with its modernity and development, and after banishing the racist entities, allow the development of a theocratic regime, successor of racist regimes that have disappeared, where anyone who does not recognize it cannot live there?"
[WAFA News Agency, July 27, 2009]

Peter Fogel
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RE: HSIG - Egyptian And Arab Hypocrisy
9/9/2009 7:14:47 AM

 Hello Friends,

It appears that the Main Stream Media and many countries are condemning Israel for closing the border with Gaza and the supposed occupation those people are living under. This is a reminder that in 2005 Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza and removed all those living in towns, villages and other communities for over 30 years. It appears that Arik Sharon made a mistake with the unilateral withdrawal. His intention was to show good will to the Palestinians and the world in the hope that terrorist activities will diminish if not totally cease and bring them closer to peace talks. Well as you all know the exact opposite occurred. Hamas took over Gaza kicked the Fatah/PLO/PA leadership out and since then rocket fire and terrorist activities have escalated until Israel finally entered Gaza in late December and January this year.

In essence Gaza is self governed by the terrorists Hamas and Fatah/PLO/PA govern the "west bank".  Yes the borders are closed between Gaza and Israel in order to secure the safety of Israel and her citizens even though goods and supplies do pass through those borders and they are opened for humanitarian reasons when the need arises. Electricity and water are supplied by Israel even though the the terrorist rhetoric spewing out of the Hamas leaderships mouths are an every day occurance.

Egypt and other Arab countries are using the closed borders as another excuse not to start peace talks between Israel and the PA. While the closed borders are for security reasons it doesn't answer another question in regard to the Egyptians. You might not know even though it's been mentioned in the media from time to time there is a border crossing between Egypt and Gaza that is always closed. In the past few years the Egyptian border was opened possibly twice and is closed even more then the border crossing between Israel and Gaza.

Interesting situation. It's another example of the hypocrisy in the Arab world. The bottom line is that they don't want any part of the Palestinians and the same can be said for the other Arab countries. In those where Palestinians were allowed to enter they live in camps and are isolated cos they don't want the same thing happening in their countries that happened in Jordan (remember Black September) and in Lebanon.

Yet, Husni Mubarak Egypt's President considers himself one of the "negotiators" while his hypocrisy in this matter is evident to the discerning eye, ear and mind. Let him open the borders between Gaza and Egypt as an example of good will and show the world and Israel that his actions and words aren't based on keeping the Palestinians imprisoned and heap the blame on Israel. He doesn't even open the borders for humanitarian reasons. Enough of the Muslim double talk and hypocrisy.

The below article explains the issue in more detail.



September 8, 2009 10:36 AM
by Khaled Abu Toameh
The Egyptian media in particular and the Arab media in general are full of stories about the “siege” that Israel has been imposing on the Gaza Strip since Hamas came to power.
Hardly a day passes without an Egyptian or Arab government official condemning Israel for turning the Gaza Strip into a “big prison.”
However, none of these officials or media representatives point out the fact that the Gaza Strip, home to some 1.3 million Palestinians, also has a joint border crossing with Egypt.
This border crossing, known as the Rafah terminal, has been closed by the Egyptians for most of the time during the past two years. The closure denies Palestinians access not only to Egypt, but to the rest of the world.
One can understand why Israel does not want Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to enter its territories. But it is hard to understand why the Egyptians are keeping the border crossing closed, thus sending Palestinians to knock on Israel’s door for help.
If the Egyptians do not want Palestinians to enter their country, that is fine. But why not open the terminal so that Palestinians could at least travel to other countries?
Why, for instance, are the Egyptians banning many patients from the Gaza Strip from crossing the border to seek medical treatment in Arab and Western hospitals? And why are the Egyptians banning students from going to their universities in Arab and European countries?
True, the Egyptian authorities do sometimes open the Rafah terminal, but that is only done on a temporary basis and for “humanitarian” reasons.
Ironically, over the past two years the border crossings between the Gaza Strip and Israel have been open more times than the Rafah terminal.
For more than three decades, the Palestinians and the rest of the world were demanding that Israel withdraw from the Gaza Strip.
In the summer of 2005, the Israelis finally left the Gaza Strip. They did it unilaterally and without coordinating the withdrawal with anyone.
This later turned out to be a grave mistake. Not the withdrawal itself, but the way it was carried out - unilaterally. Israel, for example, should have demanded that the Arab countries, first and foremost Egypt, step in to help the Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip.
Had the Arab countries wanted, they could have used the Rafah terminal to provide the residents of the Gaza Strip with all kinds of assistance following the Israeli pullout. But the Arab governments have repeatedly demonstrated in the past few decades that they do not really care about the Palestinians.
During the last war in the Gaza Strip earlier this year, the Egyptians confiscated large amounts of medicine and food that were on their way to the Gaza Strip. Recently, Egyptian authorities had to destroy shipments of confiscated medicine and food supplies that had rotted after being stored for too long on the Egyptian side of the border with the Gaza Strip.    
The Egyptian government, like a majority of Arab regimes, would prefer to turn the Gaza Strip into an Israeli or American or European problem. So far the Arab governments have been successful in holding Israel alone responsible for the misery of the Gaza Strip’s Palestinians.
It is time the US started putting pressure on Arab dictators to do something to end the suffering in the Gaza Strip. There is no reason why Palestinians continue to rely on Israel for electricity, water, food and medical aid while Hosni Mubarak keeps the border crossing with the Gaza Strip closed. 


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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