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Peter Fogel

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Re: Carla Wins BFA... Congratulations...
12/6/2008 3:52:46 PM

Dear Branka,

I understood you very well and appreciate your thoughts and disdain for much that has happened here in the past few months.

I disagree with your conclusions. I've explained why in a chat message I left you.

It seems as if your conclusion is that the SDI PUTS rule and in a way there is some truth in what you say but only some. There are many that see what is happening and dislike it as much as we do.

I would personally hate to see you leave and I know there are many others that agree with me.

Meshugeneh hugs & Shalom,



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: Carla Wins BFA... Congratulations...
12/6/2008 5:50:45 PM

Hello Jim,

I think that by now we've all seen the post by the BFA Awards Team . For those who haven't please go here.

I thank them for reminding us of the rules but I am convinced that all involved are well aware of them.

We are also aware that there have been instances when the forum that received the most popular votes didn't win the award.

The reason Bogdan initiated the judging was in order to counter the possibility of popular vote manipulation which was very dominant at the time of it's inception.

The judging if done in an impartial and unbiased manner is a wonderful idea and worked well for quite a while.

Now to the current results of the December BFA I'll add the following. I voted for the Omnia forum that won the popular vote by a large margin. I did not spend night and day looking for support for this forum neither did others that supported it. No one campaigned for it publicly or asked for support via pm or other modes of communication. It seems that Adland members that followed the forum even if they didn't participate in it thought it a worthy forum and many voted for it. For a fairly new forum all you have to do is look at the views to see that it was viewed and followed.

In order for the BFA rules to work one thing has to be totally above board. Since the popular vote is visible to all the judging has to be totally unbiased, impartial and fair. All one has to do this month is read  judge # ones comments and it's obvious that this was not the case. Judge # 3 somewhat but not as blatant as the first judge's biased scores and comments. It appears that manipulation is a two way street and can be done in either instance.

In regard to the rotation of judges. It's obvious that this month there is at least one new judge but from personal knowledge I know this wasn't totally true in the past.

I am posting this here since this months BFA is the topic. I would have preferred to post it in the thread started by the BFA team  but they didn't leave this option open to he Adland members but prefer to hear as they say: We will not  be allowing post to this thread but would like to hear from you none the less so send in your thoughts through 'PM' we will really appreciate hearing from you. I would have thought a public response more to the point and proper in this case.

This is absolutely my last post or comment on this issue. The damage has been done in some cases irreparable. I will not be sending a PM so please accept this as a response to your "Your Kind Attention Please" thread.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: Carla Wins BFA... Congratulations...
12/9/2008 2:31:11 PM
It has been brought to my attention that there are some unhappy voices in regards to recent BFA results.

It was brought also to my attention that friends stopped being friends over this issue.

This saddens me greatly.

The current BFA team with Pauline Raina, Joe Downing and unnamed judges is the best team we ever had.

These people are giving free, totally unpaid service to this community by running the vote each month, accepting nominations and judging the forums based on the criteria provided in the guidelines.

In addition to this, they are producing excellent monthly newsletter and help with bringing motivation and good spirit to this community.

I know these people for several years now and have found very few who would match their dedication, professionalism and fairness.

Accusing them of lack of fairness or anything dishonest is beyond my imagination.

If anybody doesn't like results of the BFA forum, consider this if I challenged you and asked to put yourself on the line and do all this for free.

1. Would you spend hours producing newsletter?
2. Would you spend hours ensuring that nominations are made?
3. Would you spend hours to monitor voting and follow-up with members?
4. Would you spend hours compiling result?
5. Would you spend hours chasing people to do the judging?
6. Would you spend hours to compile results of the BFA?

If anyone is ready to criticize the results, then consider that doing all this above for free requires a lot of time and dedication. That this is not just one time job. Current team is doing this over a year now and it looks like they are just warming up with new ideas.

But people who are doing this currently feel like they are being punished for offering free service.

But people who are doing this currently are being accused of lack of fairness, taking bribes and pushing their agenda.

I realize that $200 is good chunk of money, but I can't see that anybody would put their repudiation on the line for it being for years within this community and offering tons of free hours in free service to this community.

Those who didn't win this time, still have an option to win next month when the competition changes.

It is a nonsense to lose friendship over $200 and on top of this just because you believe you are right and then can be as many other people telling you otherwise.

Even if there is group of people who think you are right, there is exact group of people who doesn't agree with you.

Judging in this setting will be always controversial, particularly because everybody looks at things from their own prospective.

Popular vote is 1/5 contributor to the final mark and not agreeing with judges because person with popular vote didn't win is lack of understanding of principles of this award.

Continuing attack against BFA team in public and private manners creates disappointment and possibly opens doors to future leaning to results popular votes suggest just to avoid criticism and unhappy people around.

This is exactly opposite to what we wished.

I'm calling everybody to return to their business and respectful treatment of those who are offering service free of charge to this community.

If this people go away now, we might terminate the BFA entirely because I don't believe I can find better team that we have now.

Team any less than this one, would be subjected to even more criticism.

Bogdan Fiedur
Jim Allen

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Re: Carla Wins BFA... Congratulations...
12/9/2008 3:07:51 PM

Thanks Bogdan for your input.

Topic Closed in any case. 

No further discussion needed.



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Jim Allen III
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