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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Carla Wins BFA... Congratulations...
12/3/2008 10:38:05 PM
Hey Jim, where did you get that crazy post graphic at, man my eyes are tripping! Considering the fact i just had a full 14 hour day with these JV partners not to meantion my oun team build i co work with. Never the less , your doing your best at making things work for the betterment of Adlandpro, whats set in stone cant be untouched. I got my oun ideas of these types of forum votes based on mis-haps of the past.  Keep on informing buddy :)
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Branka Babic

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Re: Carla Wins BFA... Congratulations...
12/4/2008 1:31:10 AM

Hi Jim,

How sweet you are!

I very like your topics and the topics created by a few very intelligent people here, and always, when my time permits me, if cann`t post, I enjoy reading the posts of others, posted at those forums of my own choice.

What I like in your "style" is that it pictures your personality. Ah, all the personalities are pictured and expressed LOL by words ... and that is good and prevents us of time wasting.

But here, you are not, for the very first time, right, making your opinion.

I think you have missed THAT THIS MONTH IS A MONTH OF A BIG CELEBRATIONS, and honoring the Prayer Cell forum, actually is interpreted and understood as honoring God Himself. (BTW, I saw at one forum, who`s owner supported Prayer Cell calling Adlanders to vote, something which may be understood that way :) .... Now you`ll agree with me that people don`t have to defend God - He knows how to do it better than we.)

Now we can make all month long discussion about those matters, but I think, we who didn`t vote for this forum, at least may show our appreciation for God - just keeping silence.

Of course, no one can force anyone to participate in any further poll, to support the forum, or to accept to be nominated there and treated as fool, even though he/she may consider himself as Meshuganeh (and Jim, yes, this is a foreign word :) ). But it is with the laughter always all the same : THOSE WHO UNDERSTAND - LAUGH WITH, those who cann`t understand - laugh AT.

That`s the matter of linguistic sensitivity, I think.

I thank God and thank you for being my friend.

At the time of Christmas, I`ll send you and family my blessings and best wishes. And you know, they will be from my heart.

With MESHUGANEH HUGS that will not break your neck :) ,






Peter Fogel

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Re: Carla Wins BFA... Congratulations...
12/4/2008 3:44:07 AM

Dear Branka,

Your post was very interesting and I must say I agree with you this time. What a surprise that doesn't happen often does it? :)

I will leave the "Carla" celebration for those that "worked " for it and "earned" it in their "unique" way.

I/we can continue to celebrate in our meshugeneh manner and continue to enjoy our family and at the same time manufacture serotonin and endorphins at miraculous rates and levels.




Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Geketa Holman

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Re: Carla Wins BFA... Congratulations...
12/4/2008 7:37:42 AM
Hi Jim,
Nice thread you started here thanks for sharing all that great information let me toss out my thoughts here I was wondering after viewing the results for the BFA award this month.

If winning is everything and all important(and your actions prove it is) and as you say it's all for the glory of G-d (hallelujah) does he also get the money or does it go straight to "your" paypal account?

Very Nice job you did love the post. :) I think I will also join you and Meshugeneh Peter and "sit out" the BFA celebration this time and forever more.



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Peter Fogel

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Re: Carla Wins BFA... Congratulations...
12/5/2008 12:49:35 AM
  Hello Jim & Friends,

As you all know I am not one that is afraid to express
my opinion and under normal circumstances do so with
vigor and without thought of possible retaliation and
and personal attacks ensuing from that. When I saw
the announcement of the December winner of the BFA
I was shocked but not surprised (some of you know why)
but I chose not to make a public statement about
my outrage and disappointment for actions taken by a
very good friend and the ensuing results of those actions.

Please understand, my outrage wasn't caused by a very
worthy forum not receiving the BFA award that it so
richly deserved and the massive support that forum received
in the popular vote that was witnessed and seen by all (
see here).
In the end it is only an award and the monetary prize is here
today and gone tomorrow. My outrage was caused by the
actions taken to deny the forum owner of the public accolades
she so richly deserved.

You might ask why I'm posting this now and the answer isout of shame. Shame after seeing 2posts yesterday that in a sense put this issue into a different perspective then when theresults were posted. My shock and disappointment hasn't changedbut the actions of one gentle friend that is no longer with us (hecanceled his membership out of outrage when he saw the injusticein the December BFA winners forum) who posted in the BFA thread  and expressed his rage, disappointment and obvious disillusionment with the system that he believed in and supported.

I'm quite sure that his post won't remain up very long it will most probably be deleted ASAP but for the sake of posterity I'm postingit here. What I find most disturbing is that not one of the many
members that viewed the BFA's winner's thread commented on Vladimir's post. Just ignored it completely as if it wasn't there. Out of indifference, not caring or simple apathy I don't know??!! I didn't post a reply there cos I will not be a part of this "celebration" knowing what I believe to be true about the results of this months BFA award. I know many others have similar thoughts and won't be there either even though they've been ardent supporters of the BFA for a long time.

Re: The Best Forum for December is.........:-)
Posted: 04-12-2008 03:38 PM

This forum wasn`t voted as best forum. I regret for ever coming to participate.

The worst of all is what you use God`s name as SUPPORTER OF THIS SHAME.

You can do with your forum all what you wish .... but don`t abuse other members, and pay attention that here mentioned God - has a very healthy eyes and mind .

Joe, I am sorry that your name is also posted at this forum. I think you are fine man and am not sure if you deserve this company . Thanks for all your support during my first days here.

Now I will terminate my Adlander account.

Vladimir Majkic

The second post I'm referring to is the following:

Re: A Journey to the Mountain of Love
Posted: 04-12-2008 06:10 PM

I'd like to remind Mountain of Love readers to check out the BEST FORUM Award for December.  Carla Carey's ADLANDPRO PRAYER CELL Forum was the winner.

Let's congratulate her in Pauline's forum: 

Carla's Forum got excellent reviews from the judges. 

I've been a reader and poster in Carla's forum for a long time.  Ad Bill mentioned - violence, terrorism - we are all concerned and aware of these horrible acts. I think that's one reason the Prayer Cell recieves such support from people. 12,179 views!

Congratulatons Carla and best wishes,


As you can see the oh so obvious remark about the judging (something I've never seen before) most probably indicates that this person was
one of the judges this month and a new one from the style of the remarks made in the scoring of the different forums which hasn't been seen before. Just as a reminder the judging was added to the BFA in order to counter manipulation of the popular vote. Who would have believed that this
manipulation is a two way street? Not me, but we live and learn don't we??

As I mentioned I was shamed when I saw Vladimir's post and extremelysorry to see him leave this community. It was a rash action and naive cos he was liked (and still is) and in a short time became an active member here. I hope he will change his mind and rejoin in the very near future.

The second post simply showed me that my suspicions were right on target and the blatant referral to the "judging" was proof enough for
me to once again voice my opinion of the blatant injustice and total disregard for the voice of the members who chose to vote for a most worthy forum. Their voice was a resounding win for the "Omnia Mea Mecum Porto" forum and you don't have to have a discerning eye to see that. No
one was even a close runner up!!!

Thank you for reading and excuse my long windedness.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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