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Branka Babic

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RE: Great announcement for Native Americans
11/26/2009 4:15:12 PM
Dear Myrna,



Remain blessed and happy!

Phillip Black

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RE: Great announcement for Native Americans
11/26/2009 9:06:15 PM

Hi Myrna,

Although many Americans believe Thanksgiving was created by the early European settlers, many of the traditional foods eaten at Thanksgiving dinner have Native American roots, but have been spiced up.

Each year, Americans gather with families and friends on the fourth Thursday of November to celebrate Thanksgiving. The celebration usually includes a meal of turkey, sweet potatoes, squash, cornbread, cranberries, and pumpkin pie. The first Thanksgiving meal in North America is thought to have taken place in 1621 as European settlers gathered with Native Americans to give thanks for a successful fall harvest.

Today on Thanksgiving, family and friends gather for a traditional turkey dinner. But the holiday has its origins in the early 17th century when European settlers shared a meal of thanks with Native Americans after a successful fall harvest.

Although Thanksgiving is not a Native American holiday, Chef Hetzler points out that Native Americans taught the European settlers how to trap, gather, and preserve the food that allowed them to survive in North America. Many historians believe the settlers would not have survived those early years without help from Native Americans.

"I think my take on Thanksgiving is it was Native Americans that brought together a bounty of feast for everybody to have," Hetzler explains. "And they would use the items that they would have had available to them."

Hetzler says a wide array of Native American foods would have been present at the first Thanksgiving. "This is our Three Sister Salad. It has everything they would have had, the beans, the corn, the squash. I would imagine that that would have been on the table. The turkey definitely would have been on the table. Right now, the corn bread definitely would have been there," he said.

At the Museum of the American Indian, Chef Hetzler has tried to take the bland ingredients in Native American foods and adapt them to the modern palate. "The original corn bread recipes that we could find were very dense. There is really no leavening in them," he said. "And essentially, I mean it made sense for what Native Americans did, they needed to take food and pack it with them."

Hetzler says one of the most important things settlers learned from Native Americans was how to preserve vegetables and meats so they would last through the winter.

"A lot of those vegetables could have been dried out. So they would have cut them and laid them out in the sun. And then they would have reconstituted them in soups and things of that nature. So they were very good at preserving. They also did a lot with salt," he added. "They were one of the first people to use salt to actually cure, cook, and preserve food."

But the friendship between the settlers and the Native Americans did not last long. Eventually, European settlers drove the Native Americans off their lands. And the settlers lost touch with many Native American foods... except on Thanksgiving.

Have A Blessed & Happy Thnklsgiving My Friend,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Great announcement for Native Americans
12/3/2009 12:32:01 AM

warrior-flute.jpg flute warrior image by Gerome40

Hello Myrna,

If you or anyone has missed Sara's latest Artist on her Art forum you're missing a treat.


Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Great announcement for Native Americans
12/3/2009 1:01:02 AM
Hi Phil,

I was having so many pc problems, I left this go until I got thiscomputer running good. Well it is up and running even though we had totake it back to factory release, it is running great again.

Thank you for the great post on Thanksgiving. I had a wonderful time the whole week.


Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Great announcement for Native Americans
12/3/2009 1:13:10 AM
Hi Luka,

So glad to see you, sorry being so late.



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