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11/13/2008 1:59:49 AM

This is interesting. Souter tells Obama to produce the vault copy by December 1, 2008. I believe the messiah will defy the Justices.

Who will force the issue? Who wants to open up that pandora's box?  Imagine if there is something on that birth certificate that  disqualifies Obama from the office of the President.  What are you going to do? Start a civil war? There will be blood in the streets you try to enforce the rule of law. This should have happened before the election. Obambi knows it too.

Here is the fraud report first reported at Atlas.

The Supreme Court and Obama's Birth Certificate organicpeas

If The Supreme Court Decides…?

At this point, Supreme Court Justice David Souter's Clerk informed Philip J. Berg, the lawyer who brought the case against Obama, that his petition for an injunction to stay the November 4th election was denied, but the Clerk also required the defendants to respond to the Writ of Certiorari (which requires the concurrence of four Justices) by December 1. At that time, Mr. Obama must present to the Court an authentic birth certificate, after which Mr. Berg will respond.

If Obama fails to do that, it is sure to inspire the skepticism of the Justices, who are unaccustomed to being defied. They will have to decide what to do about a president-elect who refuses to prove his natural-born citizenship.

"I can see a unanimous Court (en banc) decertifying the election if Obama refuses to produce his birth certificate," says Raymond S. Kraft, an attorney and writer. "They cannot do otherwise without abandoning all credibility as guardians of the Constitution. Even the most liberal justices, however loathe they may to do this, still consider themselves guardians of the Constitution. The Court is very jealous of its power - even over presidents, even over presidents-elect."

Also remember that on December 13, the Electoral College meets to casts its votes. If it has been determined that Mr. Obama is an illegal alien and therefore ineligible to become President of the United States, the Electors will be duty-bound to honor the Constitution.

God Bless Everyone
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11/13/2008 1:07:16 PM

"I can see a unanimous Court (en banc) decertifying the election if Obama refuses to produce his birth certificate," says Raymond S. Kraft, an attorney and writer. "They cannot do otherwise without abandoning all credibility as guardians of the Constitution. Even the most liberal justices, however loathe they may to do this, still consider themselves guardians of the Constitution. The Court is very jealous of its power - even over presidents, even over presidents-elect."

Also remember that on December 13, the Electoral College meets to casts its votes. If it has been determined that Mr. Obama is an illegal alien and therefore ineligible to become President of the United States, the Electors will be duty-bound to honor the Constitution.

We will have to wait until 1 December to read their findings.

Look at the whole USA Map - it is mostly 'Red' McCain, who has more states
across the country.
How did 'Blue' Obama get elected?. - bigger population in these counties?

At least I am satisfied Barack Obama did not win by a Landslide, the majority
of the USA citizens across the States are still conservative.

11/15/2008 8:38:31 AM

Death threats from across the US against President elect Obama spike ! Go here to read validated news story.

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11/15/2008 10:04:22 AM
Hi Joe,

I am not sure of your purpose in posting this link,  but, as I have commented before, it must be a source of great shame to the majority of americans that there is an element in your society which does not respect the results of democratic elections.

I have many american friends, some of whom are staunch republicans and who campaigned for Mc Cain. However, they have,nearly without exception,  made it clear - as has McCain himself, that the elections are over and that they continue to be patriots loyal to their country and their president -whoever has been elected.

What a pity that a minority are inciting behaviour that makes America look more like a Banana Republic than the great western and civilized nation it should be.
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11/15/2008 11:53:11 AM

Hello Joe and All,

I have made it a point to be quiet in these discussions.  However there seems to be an element here (Joe and Jenny) and others that feel the need to keep banging this drum of "Death by Assaination" which goes against the moral code of most if not all of us.

In America's past and most nations of the world, this form of solving a specific groups issues with it's leaders is there and usually carried out by individuals that have been placed into their role by groups of conspiracists that often escape prosecution. 

Each nation has its own "Black Ops" operations.  Whether you wish to acknowledge them or not.  Personally I do not support these type of operations as it usually leads to the death of someone's father, mother, brother, sister, son or daughter.  But and that is a BIG BUT! 

Capitulating to the demands of terrorists is not an option, either.  Jenny in your own country your populace capitulated to the demands of such terrorists and deposed/voted out of office a very good leader and human being.  I have seen him as of late and his insights and reasoning seem quite sound to me.

Many great men and potential leaders of the world have met their demise because, their own followers became disillusioned with the message they thought the man represented.  MLK was probably one of the most enigmatic voices of peace and equality, I admire this man to this day. 

Malcolm X was killed in full public view by members of the same organization that believed in his exuberance and willingness to voice his beliefs, that many adopted.  However, after his personal journey to "Mecca" he came back with a greater vision of peace among all races, religions and people of America and his focus changed to Unity and working towards that PEACEFUL state.  Unfortunately the radicals and terrorists of the same organization wanted no part of that vision.  Same with JFK and RFK.  In all instances there were factions and players behind the scenes, that are there yet today.

One of the largest issues I have with President Elect Obama is that we do not really know the man as we did with our other leaders.  Information that is readily available for most if not all other candidates is not accessible.  When new information is found it is moved, deleted or have restricted access due to court order.  So we must find out more about the man through his relationships, benefactors, mentors and friends. 

These relationships and associations are exactly what keeps me from falling for this mass hypnotism that has happened not only in America, but to the world.

The MAN is clouded by a cloak of secrecy, his associates are known terrorists, his benefactors are known terrorists and many are willing to go to extremes to promote their agenda. 

Extremes that include suicide/HOMICIDE/assasaination bombings of innocents, while trying to carry out their lives in conditions that many of us would find quite hard to deal with.  All in the name of jihad.  I also realize they are not the only terrorists within our societies, they are the ones most recognizable of our times.

If you are a non-believer in their ideology and dogma, you must realize you are targeted for death unless you adopt their religious beliefs and their Sharia Law.  We also must realize these are the extremists that have befriended the most indigent of our societies, the most lost souls, those that feel that society has left them to wither and die on the vine. 

They have quietly an effectively befriended and built a force that will need to be reckoned with, they have taught their radical extremism to the children of their followers from the time they begin education, through the mosques, madrassas and in the neighborhoods where capitulation by the governing body has been allowed to happen.

I have friends of all beliefs, all races and many religions and the one thing we all have in common is that we are human beings created in image of our Creator and we all have that Creators moral judgment built into our very being.  It is when we allow outside forces to convince us that, that moral code and judgment is wrong or we are forced to hide them to survive, then the extremist and radicals have begun to win the battle of Good vs. Evil.

With all that said.  I would appreciate that we move away from a discussion of execution, death and assassination of another human being.  Even one cloaked in so much secrecy and associated with the most radical extremist of our societies. 

We should all look within ourselves and find our moral compasses as that is the only true path to Peace, Unity and Love for one another and be prepared to defend those beliefs when called upon to do so.

Thank you for reading this and I hope you do not feel insulted, but if you are then perhaps you need to do some soul searching of your own before letting your emotions take the lead.

Sincerely Respectful of your right to an opinion, but I also reserve the right to have one of my own.

Jim Allen III

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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