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Trina Sonnenberg

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10/25/2008 6:25:19 PM
Red this from another forum:

Judge rejects Montco lawyer's bid to have Obama removed from ballot

A federal judge in Philadelphia last night threw out a complaint by a Montgomery County lawyer who claimed that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was not qualified to be president and that his name should be removed from the Nov. 4 ballot.

Philip J. Berg alleged in a complaint filed in federal district court on Aug. 21 against Obama, the Democratic National Committee and the Federal Election Commission, that Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya.

Berg claimed that the Democratic presidential standardbearer is not even an American citizen but a citizen of Indonesia and therefore ineligible to be president.

He alleged that if Obama was permitted to run for president and subsequently found to be ineligible, he and other voters would be disenfranchised.

U.S. District Judge R. Barclay Surrick had denied Berg's request for a temporary restraining order on Aug. 22 but had not ruled on the merits of the suit until yesterday.

Obama and the Democratic National Committee had asked Surrick to dismiss Berg's complaint in a court filing on Sept. 24.

They said that Berg's claims were "ridiculous" and "patently false," that Berg had "no standing" to challenge the qualifications of a candidate for president because he had not shown the requisite harm to himself.

Surrick agreed.

In a 34-page memorandum and opinion, the judge said Berg's allegations of harm were "too vague and too attenuated" to confer standing on him or any other voters.

Surrick ruled that Berg's attempts to use certain laws to gain standing to pursue his claim that Obama was not a natural-born citizen were "frivolous and not worthy of discussion."

The judge also said the harm Berg alleged did "not constitute an injury in fact" and Berg's arguments to the contrary "ventured into the unreasonable."

For example, Berg had claimed that Obama's nomination deprived citizens of voting for Sen. Hillary Clinton in November. (Berg backed Clinton in the primaries.)

Berg could not be reached for comment last night.

Obama was born in Honolulu on Aug. 4, 1961, and the campaign posted a document issued by Hawaii on its Web site, fight, confirming his birth there.

Berg said in court papers that the image was a forgery.

The nonpartisan Web site examined the original document and said it was legitimate.

Further, a birth announcement in the Aug. 13, 1961, Honolulu Advertiser listed Obama's birth there on Aug. 4. *

Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Peter Fogel

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10/25/2008 6:30:37 PM


If you think that Hussein's tax plan is not socialistic you just don't know what socialism is. "Spread the wealth" is the name of the game and that's just the start and that my friend is socialism!!!

Go read up on socialism before you make your claims. Being blind is not an excuse and as I said the writing is in the wall but not enough people are reading and heeding.

He was Barry Soetoro and he changed his name to Barack Hussein Obama while n college. Wonder why and who influenced that???

Trina, your vote is lost hopefully others will wake up to the truth before it's to late.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
10/25/2008 7:46:15 PM

Hi Trina and everyone:

I'm a tad bit confused. I read your last post and shared it with others here at the Station. That is when one of the Interns showed me the following and said they pulled it off the Internet about an hour ago.... read on and get ready to be confused as well....

Judge accepts Berg's bid to have Obama removed from Presidential ballot

Obama and the Democratic National Committee had asked the courts to dismiss Berg's complaint in a court filing on Sept. 24. They said that Berg's claims were "ridiculous" and "patently false," that Berg had "no standing" to challenge the qualifications of a candidate for president because he had not shown the requisite harm to himself.

The Judge disagreed.

In a 34-page memorandum, the court said Berg's allegations of harm were " clear and based on too many legal documents to be ignored any longer. The court ruled that Berg's use of certain laws to gain standing to pursue his claim that Obama was not a natural-born citizen were " certainly proper in every respect; the claims are worthy of future discussion."

The court also stated that the investigation initiated by Berg and his associates was " reasonable; it is valid as far as the documentation reflects; it needs to go forward and explained in even more detail to the general public ."

End Copy


Peter Fogel

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10/25/2008 7:57:54 PM

Hello Joe,

Interesting to say the least. Trina's article wasn't very logical if you read the full transcripts as I have. The second one you posted makes more sense (at least to me).

Confusing you betcha (a new word I believe :) ).

We'll just have to wait and see which one is correct. You know which one is my choice, don't you?



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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10/25/2008 8:21:53 PM

...( " if they can print more money to bail out the banks and AIG Mr Joe...they can sure print up a few billion for those that teach the children " )

Printing more worthless paper will not cure the problem. 

History is repeating itself and we still have the same problem as before.  We allowed the authority to print money be controlled by private banks. 

Now this may have been prudent and even sensible back when we had a gold or silver standard currency.  At least then the dollar was backed up by something tangible.  It creates false wealth it is only figures on a piece of paper or an Excel Spreadsheet.  That is why folks are taking the paper in exchange for gold, silver and other precious gems.  Because no matter the currency they have value.  Turning your cash in for some would be a very good idea.

I believe the bailout was a stupid move, it has deepened the debt of this Nation.  It has not staved off a thing. 

Now if you lean Democrat which I have in the past four elections, then you are responsible.  Accept the fact and decide to fix the problem.  Democrats have controlled Washington for the past two years by a majority.  Yet! 

They passed all of Bush's request for funds for the Iraq War, Gave him the power and the means.  We all know why at the time it was the right thing to do.  At least that is what Colin Powell says.  You know he was the closer for the sales team at the UN when we sought their approval.  Remember?  I do. 

Now Barray Soerto/Barack Hussein Obama or whomever this guy decides to be was already planning to run for President the day he took office.  So he didn't support the War so he could steadfastly say he doesn't support it.  Good move, part of the plan.  The guilt of the Democrats is shared throughout this thread.  Remember I voted Democrat the past four elections and would have this time if the right candidate was the nominee.

Unfortunately, the Clintons and the middle class were stabbed in the back by the party they supported.  GUESS WHAT WE ARE AWAKE NOW do not believe the polls they are skewed, I have been polled 4 times this election season and since the nominee is Barack/Barry Hussein Obama, the pollsters questioning has not been non partisan.  I have even had yelling matches with one when I said "I WOULD NOT SUPPORT OBAMA"  so for that very reason I believe the polls are no longer impartial reports.

The media outlets have definitely been partial to one candidate, I don't believe I need to say that BHO is the recipient of that good press.  I don't understand why he needs to buy air time he is the medias choice.

...( " if they can print more money to bail out the banks and AIG Mr Joe...they can sure print up a few billion for those that teach the children " )

Please ask Barry about his education plan and his failed experiment in Chicago.  $100 Million Dollars designated for education programs supported, created, and implemented by Obama, Bill Ayers (The Terrorist) and other Chicago Politburo what their results were.  The answer should tell you a lot.   It said loads to me.  While I agree that educated the young is priority, but we need to use the same methodology as nations that are kicking our educated youngsters asses.  They allowed business to interject and fund programs in schools they needed their workforce to have to replace us, The American workforce.  We actually paid them to do it! 

Why would they do that?  Hmm maybe because it was profitable enterprise, plus they were urged to set up shop in third world countries thanks to NAFTA (Grafta).  Tax breaks for doing so, has added to the quagmire.  Thanks to those of us that keep voting the bastards/bitches back into office.  Not all are bad but the majority are responsible and on both sides of the aisle.

The solution is not allowing the creation of a socialist state nor is it continuing the current path.  History supports the failure of either option when taken to the extremes.  The answer lies somewhere in the middle. 

Some years back I voted for Reagan, the prosperity and growth of that decision helped us all.  It ran through the Clinton years and then BUSH went imperialistic after 911.  Listened to misguided info we all did, otherwise we would not be in the quagmire we are in today.

This has become quite a long post will return with more as needed.





May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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