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10/25/2008 5:17:00 PM
Hello Joe B.,

I too feel bad for his grandmother if indeed she was really sick, my prayers are with her.  I do find strange however that he was the only one of his family to go to her side, isn't the rest of his family related to her also? hmmm.....

Here is a little more news about BHO...

Dear Newsmax Reader:

Obama's campaign is trying to stop our TV ad from running!

We have struck a real nerve.

On Friday four broadcast television stations in the key battleground stations have contacted us and said the Obama camp is denying a key allegation in one of our hard-hitting TV ads.

They even demanded that the stations stop running our TV ad.

As you know, we at the Republican National Trust PAC are spearheading the effort to expose Obama as the radical he is and defeat him on Election Day.

In our TV ad we expose Obama's radical policy toward the nation's 12 million illegal aliens.

You can see the our ad "Obama Wants Social Security for Illegals" by Going Here Now.

Specifically, the Obama campaign says Obama does NOT support giving illegal aliens Social Security benefits.

It is a blatant lie — but typical of Obama.

They are clearly frightened by the National Republican Trust, our ads and the fact the the public will find out about Obama's radical agenda.

You can help us fight Obama and keep running our TV ad exposing his radicalism — Go Here Now.

In fact, Obama is not only wants to give Social Security benefits to illegals, he also backs giving them driver's licenses, free government Medicaid and health care, welfare benefits and even cheap in-state college tuition.

We have the evidence to back up our claims and are working with the stations to get our TV ad back up and running.

We are providing the station's documentation, which includes our Fact Sheet: Obama's Dismal Record on Illegal Aliens.

As our Fact Sheet reveals Obama favors granting 12 million illegals amnesty and citizenship — which makes them immediately eligible for all government benefits — including Social Security.

But Obama also voted in the Senate against an amendment which would have banned illegals getting Social Security benefits.

We have Obama nailed on this one.

Obama is doing his usual two-step: he takes one radical liberal position when voting, and now, facing a general election, pretends he is really a moderate and never held such a position.

This time he has been caught!

Please help us continue airing this ad in key battleground markets around the country.

If you needed proof we are on the right track — and we are hurting Obama and winning votes — his action to stop our ad proves that he's deeply worried about our campaign.

Send Obama a message: he can't stop us.

Take a moment to donate today and make a difference — Go Here Now.

The race is tightening. Every vote will count. Every dollar we raise can make a difference!

Thank you.

Scott Wheeler
Executive Director

P.S. Remember when taxpayers hear that Obama wants to give illegals benefits, they know it directly affects them — because they have to pay for it! In this time of fiscal crisis we cannot elect a president with such a radical program. Stop Obama — Donate Here Today or call our donation hotline toll free 1-866-957-1467.

Paid for by The National Republican Trust PAC.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
2100 M St. NW Suite 170-340 Washington, DC 20037-1233

Contributions to The National Republican Trust PAC are not
deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax
purposes. No corporate funds are accepted.

God Bless Everyone
Jim Allen

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10/25/2008 5:20:46 PM

I was good friends with the step sons of Carl Armstrong, the man who bombed the University of Wisconsin, in the 60's. Does that make me a terrorist?  No, as the sons are not guilty of their father's sins.  So how could you be? 

Certainly not.  Maybe if you support Armstrong's reasons for the bombing.

Guilt by association? Id you want to play that game, look at who McCain has associated with: Keating Five ring a bell? McCain has been associated with all sorts of people who are now in prison.  McCain was cleared and reprimanded for poor judgement.  Since then, he has chosen not to associate with these folks or their like.  He learns from past experience.  However we cannot say the same for Barry, as he has none. 

Yes he could have changed his name as he did when he was in college so he could fit in.  Why?  Not proud of his heritage?  Ashamed?  Associated the name with something evil?  Who knows?  Obama surely won't give a straight answer or any at all.

There are too many unknowns and Socialism has failed many times over.  I am surprised that a true American would support this guy.  Unpatriotic is what I believe and have no fear of saying so. 

I have been called a racist, hick and hillbilly.  The only one I take exception to is Racist for not supporting BHO. 

So if Obamanites can call me racist I feel comfortable calling his supporters UnPATRIOTIC.




Do want someone deciding your position in life based on a statistical scale or would you rather decide for yourself what makes you happy as your career and life direction?


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Trina Sonnenberg

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10/25/2008 6:17:20 PM
My point about Carl Armstrong is that I hung out at his home, chummed around with his kids, and even bought smoothies from his sidewalk stand. Everyone makes mistakes. He paid for his, just as Ayers is still paying for his, unrepentant or not.

Do you interview and do background checks on the people you serve on boards with? Obama is not responsible for the activities of this man. He has not participated in any anti-American activities, and to make him guilty by association is nuts. He was eight years old when this man committed his crimes. You say that John McCain made a mistake and has paid for it, well what about Bill Ayers? Why should Obama have to pay for this man's mistakes? You act like he sought this man out to be friends with, when all he's done is sit on a couple of boards that he happened to be a member of. Organizations that were pro-education...

Obama does not support socialism. That is just more propoganda spread by the McCain camp. His tax plan is not socialist. It is fair. Make more money, pay more taxes. That's the way it has been for decades. He is just going to increase the rate to what it was in the Clinton administration and close some of the gazillion loopholes the rich have. Bush was an idiot to reduce taxes, especially for the ultra-wealthy, then plunge the nation into a war. Stupid. He cut off his war chest financing, and we're paying for it now. McCain is floating the same boat; it's got a hole in it, and unless it is patched, we will all drown.

I would say the fact that he has not changed his name shows that he is proud of his heritage. He went by the name Barry, in college, because it was a nickname that others could more easily pronounce. He wasn't hiding anything. There have been times in my life that I wished I could change my name because I was sick of people assuming my name was Katrina, and Trina was short for that. Not so. You know what...? My family and friends shortened my name to the nickname of Trii (tree). Isn't Jim a nickname for James?

All of this propoganda is so thin, I am surprised that all of you cannot see through it.
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Peter Fogel

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10/25/2008 6:17:37 PM

Hello Trina,

I have fallen for no propaganda but found the time to research and read all that is coming forth for quite a while now. I'm not going to tick off the facts cos you as the oh so fair media that is completely ignoring so many issues concerning BHO are doig.

Feelings and emotions simply don't cut it and that's what you're preaching along with innuendos against McCain/Palin up to and including how much she paid for a dress (!?).

You started your previous post with "I can't believe that all of you are buying into McCain's smear campaign". Factually wrong they aren't using all the info on Hussein and they should. They haven't started the investigations nor instigated the law suits against Hussein and they should have.

Your main claim is about poor Barry, Barack or who ever he is visiting his sick grandmother. Commendable but yes the time he chose to visit is suspect. She has been seriously ill for quite a while now so this sudden visit cries out why now? Well the answers are written on the wall for you and others to see but once again you're ignoring it. Why am I not surprised?

Is poor BHO responsible for his parents actions??? Absolutely not!!!! Is he a citizen of Indonesia? Yes! Is that against the laws governing who can be a US president? Yes. Is he eligible probably not. Do you and the media care??? No!

Has he refused to supply the vault birth certificate that the courts demanded??? Yes!! Is that an admission of guilt??? Apparently it is. Do you and the media care??? No!!

I could go on in regard to guilt by association but neither you nor the media care a bit about that either so why bother.

My decisions aren't based on feelings or the charm and oratory skills of an individual. Being neither a republican nor a democrat allows me the freedom to choose the better of the 2 men and there is no contest here. All you have to do is look at the records and all the unanswered questions about Barry BHO Soetoro to see that.

Yes, isn't democracy grand??? Won't be much left of that if your Hussein is elected. Cherish it while it lasts.




Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
10/25/2008 6:19:30 PM

Our interns working this weekend ( 5 - 22 year-old college students ) wanted me to read your post and I have done so. I would agree that most of what we hear presently from those who would like to lead this country has now slowly become one on going comedy routine, however, we all need to look at the bigger picture.

Over the past 20 years, the word " socialism " has been brought into the political speeches we hear and where we would be headed should we not be careful. We have also been told ever since Dwight D. Eisenhower that we need to be seeking ways to become independent of oversea oil and to investigate cleaner, more efficient sources of energy - we still are not there yet - even after all these decades.

Back to " socialism "..... next step backwards ... is communism... that's where you will all have enough to eat, a roof over your head... and not much more. 

May I quote Abby Hoffman when I interviewed him in the 70's on my radio show when he said, ... " ...soon in America... banks will fail, stock certificates will not be worth the paper they are printed on, your home will be worthless, milk and gas will be four dollars a gallon, and you better own a gun...they'll be a black president in the white house and army jeeps will be pulling up to the churches and your crib to confiscate your bible...."

People laughed at him, as did I,  38 years ago. No one is laughing anymore. Know too that for the past 25 years, six members of 2 families have been living in the White House as our leaders. They have not been able to get anything accomplished overall because the Democrats have been in charge and held the majority of the seats in the House, Senate and Congress. They all have failed us miserably because of their inability to look past their own selfishness....all 538 of them. 

Our young people here at TGAMM have been made sad because of what they see, read and hear about " The  American Process..."  of electing a new President.

They agree that things need to change, however, the change they seek is all about sharing the worlds' resources, not making them impossible to purchase, rolling back rents, allowing investors to once again create a tax shelter when funding entertainment projects, a freeze on taxes for the next seven years, educating our young people for a set tuition of  $8,000 for four years of college... raising teachers salary to $65,000 per year...( " if they can print more money to bail out the banks and AIG Mr Joe...they can sure print up a few billion for those that teach the children " ) ...and for the sake of everyone's future, making medical help free to seniors.

I see their ideas and ideals as the right track for a better America. But that is just me...


Joe Buccheri



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