What a meshuganeh dogie!!!!
Dimi, I was near to fall into dream ... and fortunately wished to snitch this dogie from you. LOL, I was running with my cursor left and right, left and right, left and right, until I became a fully awaken! Having a low intelligence can be so helpful from time to time!
Dimi, you asked about having the time for the responses?
Ah, if it could be easy to be the king, everyone would like to be :) :) :).
I must find the time to enjoy all your amazing posts!
Thanks for understanding my need to chose Eminem :) ... When I write a hip-hop and rap songs ... they are a little more lyrics than is usually. Your friend BB use to say: "Dear son, many people use to be a wolf in the lamb fleece. Probably ... when some do that in reverse ... it`s for the balance".
Now I will try to imitate my dearest Buddy Joe: