My esteemed nephew! I know your giving heart will forgive me for being so late to your celebration-I am always in awe of you and your wise old soul. To see you grow in the shadow of your awesome Mama and sprout up in your own strength and wisdom is an honor and a pleasure. You have gathered from your own loving sense of humor and wisdom a following that is all your own and not surprisingly some of the same ones that love and admire your mom so very much. Your success in life despite the lack of "normal" stimulus proves to all that a child can be nurtured and grown when planted in the good soil provided by both you Mama and your Grandma, the proper balance was provided by each. I look forward to your continued accomplishments and all the the honors that are sure to continue to follow you, young man. I love you dearly and am proud that you have honored me as one of your "Aunties". AnaMaria, Geteka, Jim and Peter-Outstanding job-keep up the good work.