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Jim Allen

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RE: The Extra-Constitutional President
1/18/2014 12:17:46 PM

Dropping Like Flies: Third House Dem in Three Days Calls it Quits

Obama PoutingIn what is viewed as a rush to the exits in the face of the Obamacare disaster and the Obama scandal machine bleeding into the 2014 mid-term elections, three prominent democrats in the U.S. Congress have announced their retirement this week.

On Monday, 40-year Capitol Hill veteran and Pelosi Democrat, George Miller (D-CA) called it quits. Miller, 68, has been in the House since 1974, the year of Watergate. Miller stated that he looked “forward to one last year in Congress, fighting the good fight and then working in new venues on the issues that have inspired me.” Miller also indicated that he was especially proud of” passage of national health care reform.”

On Tuesday, New York Democrat Bill Owens pulled the plug. Owens was vague in his excuse, stating that, “It is time for me to undertake new endeavors and spend more time with my family.” Owens came into office in 2009 after winning the well-publicized NY-23 special election. In 2012, Owens won re-election in the newly formed 21st congressional district, winning against Republican Matt Doheny by only two percentage points, 50% to 48%.

Then on Wednesday, Congressman Jim Moran (D-VA) jumped ship announced his retirement. Moran explained little, simply stating “it’s time to close this chapter of my life and move on to the next challenge.” Moran is seen as one of the most abrasive and antagonistic members of Congress. The leftist Moran has been no stranger to his own scandals, or as Roll Call reported, “his professional accomplishments were sometimes overshadowed by personal scandals.”

This week’s announcements by Moran, Owens and Miller join other House Democrats, including Mike McIntyre (D-NC), and Jim Matheson (D-UT), who have also announced that they will not seek re-election. The exits of the congressional democrats is likely tied to their belief that 2014 offers little hope in their gaining majority in the House of Representatives
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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: The Extra-Constitutional President
1/19/2014 5:32:22 PM

This Ultimate Benghazi Cover-Up Video Will Show How the Obama Presidency Lied in 3 Minutes Flat

| On 18, Jan 2014

With news out this week of the Obama administration being informed from the very beginningthat Benghazi was a terrorist attack, and the New York Times trying to cover up that al Qaeda was involved, it’s time to bury the myth that the White House was forthright with the American people.

But then again, to paraphrase the well-worn line, what difference does it make?

7 Really Big Deals the Obama Presidency Falsely Claimed to Know Nothing About

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: The Extra-Constitutional President
1/26/2014 2:16:13 PM




(by Josey Wales, BIN)

Quit trashing Obama’s accomplishments. He has done more than any other President before him. Here is a list of his impressive accomplishments:
  • First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.
  • First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.
  • First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States.
  • First President to violate the War Powers Act.
  • First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.
  • First President to spend a trillion dollars on “shovel-ready” jobs when there was no such thing as “shovel-ready” jobs.
  • First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.
  • First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.
  • First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S., including those with criminal convictions.
  • First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.
  • First President to tell a CEO of a major corporation (Chrysler) to resign.
  • First President to terminate America’s ability to put a man in space.
  • First President to cancel the National Day of Prayer and to say that America is no longer a Christian nation.
  • First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.
  • First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.
  • First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke out on the reasons for their rate increases.
  • First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which state it is allowed to locate a factory.
  • First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).
  • First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.
  • First President to actively try to bankrupt an American industry (coal).
  • First President to fire an inspector general of AmeriCorps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.
  • First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office.
  • First President to surround himself with radical left wing anarchists.
  • First President to golf more than 150 separate times in his five years in office.
  • First President to hide his birth, medical, educational and travel records.
  • First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.
  • First President to go on multiple “global apology tours” and concurrent “insult our friends” tours.
  • First President to go on over 17 lavish vacations, in addition to date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends paid for by the taxpayers.
  • First President to have personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.
  • First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.
  • First President to fly in a personal trainer from Chicago at least once a week at taxpayer expense.
  • First President to repeat the Holy Quran and tell us the early morning call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth
  • First President to side with a foreign nation over one of the American 50 states (Mexico vs Arizona).
  • First President to tell the military men and women that they should pay for their own private insurance because they “volunteered to go to war and knew the consequences.”
  • Then he was the First President to tell the members of the military that THEY were UNPATRIOTIC for balking at the last suggestion. (Thank God he didn’t get away with THIS one.)

How is this hope and change’ working out for you?

see more at redflagnews


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: The Extra-Constitutional President
1/26/2014 2:51:36 PM

10 Famous Liberals Who Slammed Obama in a Bigtime Way

10 Famous Liberals Who Slammed Obama in a Bigtime Way
Kyle Becker

President Obama has taken his fair share of criticism over the past five years. But some of his most brutal slams come from within his own left-wing base. Check out these quotes by famous left-wing thinkers and activists:

1. MIT professor and left-wing gadfly Noam Chomsky.


Obama “is worse” [than George W. Bush and Tony Blair]… “In the case of Afghanistan, he sharply escalated the war… Obama’s carrying out a major war in Afghanistan, he’s directly involved in aggressive and criminal actions, carried out by Israel, for example. He’s been in office for two years, and he hasn’t invaded anyone yet [until Libya], but his record is quite consistent with what’s happened before.”

2. Pat Caddell, long-time Democratic strategist.


“I am appalled right now. This White House, this President, this Vice President, this Secretary of State, all of them, are willing, apparently, to dishonor themselves and this country for the cheap prospect of getting reelected — willing to cover-up and lie… And the outrage I feel for my country and the shame that these people have no honor. And when will people finally say it? Cover-up is too nice a word.”

3. Long-time Village Voice writer and Constitutional expert Nat Hentoff.


“Obama has little, if any, principles except to aggrandize and make himself more and more important. You see that in his foreign policy. Obama lacks a backbone — both a constitutional backbone and a personal backbone. This is a man who is causing us and will cause us a great deal of harm constitutionally and personally. This is the first administration that has scared me.”

4. Liberal Constitutional professor Jonathan Turley.


“The problem with what the president is doing is that he’s not simply posing a danger to the constitutional system. He’s becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid. That is the concentration of power in every single branch.”

5. Multi-millionaire director and left-wing activist Michael Moore.


“I believe Obamacare’s rocky start — clueless planning, a lousy website, insurance companies raising rates, and the president’s telling people they could keep their coverage when, in fact, not all could — is a result of one fatal flaw: The Affordable Care Act is a pro-insurance-industry plan implemented by a president who knew in his heart that a single-payer, Medicare-for-all model was the true way to go. When right-wing critics ‘expose’ the fact that President Obama endorsed a single-payer system before 2004, they’re actually telling the truth.”

6. Chris Matthews, host of Hardball on MSNBC.


“What part of the presidency does Obama like? He doesn’t like dealing with other politicians — that means his own cabinet, that means members of the congress, either party. He doesn’t particularly like the press…. He likes to write the speeches… He likes going on the road, campaigning, visiting businesses like he does every couple days somewhere in Ohio or somewhere… He doesn’t like giving orders or giving somebody the power to give orders. He doesn’t seem to like being an executive.”

7. Medea Benjamin of the anti-war group Code Pink.


“I love my country. I love the rule of law! Abide by the rule of law. You’re a constitutional lawyer!”

8. Glenn Greenwald, Guardian reporter who broke the NSA-Snowden leaks story.


“At this point, I didn’t believe it was possible, but the Obama administration has just reached an all-new low in its abysmal civil liberties record… Obama’s now asserting a power so radical — the right to kill American citizens and do so in total secrecy, beyond even the reach of the courts — that it’s ‘too harsh even for’ one of the most far-right War on Terror cheerleading-lawyers in the nation. But that power is certainly not ‘too harsh’ for the kind-hearted Constitutional Scholar we elected as President, nor for his hordes of all-justifying supporters…”

9. Jeff Cohen, former MSNBC producer and media critic.


“I was a young person when I first heard the quip: ‘How do you know when the President is lying? His lips are moving.’ At the time, President Nixon was expanding the war in Vietnam to other countries and deploying the White House ‘plumbers’ to commit crimes against antiwar leakers. Forty years have passed. Sadly, these days, often when I see President Obama moving his lips, I assume he’s lying.”

10. Matt Damon, actor, producer, and director.

66ème Festival de Venise (Mostra)

“I’ve talked to a lot of people who worked for Obama at the grassroots level. One of them said to me, ‘Never again. I will never be fooled again by a politician. You know, a one-term president with some balls who actually got stuff done would have been, in the long run of the country, much better.”

This isn’t to say that these people are “conservatives” at all — they’re not. But their quotes do demonstrate that something is very, very wrong in the land of Hope-and-Change. And they also prove that there are people across the political spectrum condemning President Obama’s actions – and it has absolutely, positively nothing to do with racism, and everything to do with bad policies.

Ed.: The headline was changed for length and commentary slightly extended after publication.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: The Extra-Constitutional President
1/30/2014 10:31:58 AM

AP Fact Check Pulverizes Obama’s State Of The Union Address ( AP Video)


Full Transcript: Obama’s 2014 State of the Union address
AP Fact Check Pulverizes Obama State of the Union

President Obama declares that through executive orders he will turn America around this year. But looking at the Stock market this morning, it’s apparent that Wall Street isn’t buying into more empty promises from Obama.

President Barack Obama promised to clear red tape away from highway projects that actually are stalled because there’s no money for them, not because rules are in the way. He’s ordering a higher minimum wage for a sliver of the workforce, which affects no one now and not many later.

Going it alone — without Congress making a law — just doesn’t go as far as Obama made it sound at times Tuesday night in his State of the Union speech.

And when he talked about his health care law — a source of Obama misstatements in the past — he hit another fact bump.

A look at some of the facts and political circumstances behind his claims, along with a glance at the Republican response:

OBAMA: “Because of this (health care) law, no American can ever again be dropped or denied coverage for a preexisting condition like asthma, back pain or cancer. No woman can ever be charged more just because she’s a woman. And we did all this while adding years to Medicare’s finances, keeping Medicare premiums flat, and lowering prescription costs for millions of seniors.”

THE FACTS: Some Medicare premiums have gone up, not stayed flat.

Republican Response to State of the UnionPlay videoRepublican Response to State of the Union
As Obama said, insurers can no longer turn people down because of medical problems, and they can’t charge higher premiums to women because of their sex. The law also lowered costs for seniors with high prescription drug bills. But Medicare’s monthly premium for outpatient care has gone up in recent years.

Although the basic premium remained the same this year at $104.90, it increased by $5 a month in 2013, up from $99.90 in 2012. Obama’s health care law also raised Medicare premiums for upper-income beneficiaries, and both the president and Republicans have proposed to expand that.

Finally, the degree to which the health care law improved Medicare finances is hotly debated. On paper, the program’s giant trust fund for inpatient care gained more than a decade of solvency because of cuts to service providers required under the health law. But in practice those savings cannot simultaneously be used to expand coverage for the uninsured and shore up Medicare.


OBAMA: “Today, after four years of economic growth, corporate profits and stock prices have rarely been higher, and those at the top have never done better. But average wages have barely budged. Inequality has deepened. Upward mobility has stalled.”

THE FACTS: The most recent evidence suggests that mobility hasn’t worsened. A team of economists led by Harvard’s Raj Chetty released a study last week that found the United States isn’t any less socially mobile than it was in the 1970s. Looking at children born between 1971 and 1993, the economists found that the odds of a child born in the poorest 20 percent of families making it into the top 20 percent hasn’t changed.

“We find that children entering the labor market today have the same chances of moving up in the income distribution (relative to their parents) as children born in the 1970s,” the authors said.

Still, other research has found that the United States isn’t as mobile a society as most Americans would like to believe. In a study of 22 countries, economist Miles Corak of the University of Ottawa found that the United States ranked 15th in social mobility. Only Italy and Britain among wealthy countries ranked lower. By some measures, children in the United States are as likely to inherit their parents’ economic status as their height.

OBAMA: “We’ll need Congress to protect more than 3 million jobs by finishing transportation and waterways bills this summer. But I will act on my own to slash bureaucracy and streamline the permitting process for key projects, so we can get more construction workers on the job as fast as possible.”

THE FACTS: Cutting rules and regulations doesn’t address what’s holding up most transportation projects, which is lack of money. The federal Highway Trust Fund will run out of money in August without action. To finance infrastructure projects, Obama wants Congress to raise taxes on businesses that keep profits or jobs overseas, but that idea has been a political nonstarter.

The number of projects affected by the administration’s efforts to cut red tape is relatively small, said Joshua Schank, president and CEO of the Eno Center for Transportation, a think tank. “The reason most of these projects are delayed is they don’t have enough money. So it’s great that you are expediting the review process, but the review process isn’t the problem. The problem is we don’t have enough money to invest in our infrastructure in the first place.”


OBAMA: “More than 9 million Americans have signed up for private health insurance or Medicaid coverage.”

THE FACTS: That’s not to say 9 million more Americans have gained insurance under the law.

President Obama: Women Deserve Equal PayPlay videoPresident Obama: Women Deserve Equal Pay
The administration says about 6 million people have been determined to be eligible for Medicaid since Oct. 1 and an additional 3 million roughly have signed up for private health insurance through the new markets created by the health care law. That’s where Obama’s number of 9 million comes from. But it’s unclear how many in the Medicaid group were already eligible for the program or renewing existing coverage.

Likewise, it’s not known how many of those who signed up for private coverage were previously insured. A large survey released last week suggests the numbers of uninsured gaining coverage may be smaller. The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index found that the uninsured rate for U.S. adults dropped by 1.2 percentage points in January, to 16.1 percent. That would translate to roughly 2 million to 3 million newly insured people since the law’s coverage expansion started Jan. 1.


OBAMA: “In the coming weeks, I will issue an executive order requiring federal contractors to pay their federally funded employees a fair wage of at least $10.10 an hour, because if you cook our troops’ meals or wash their dishes, you shouldn’t have to live in poverty.”

THE FACTS: This would be a hefty boost in the federal minimum wage, now $7.25, but not many would see it.

Most employees of federal contractors already earn more than $10.10. About 10 percent of those workers, roughly 200,000, might be covered by the higher minimum wage. But there are several wrinkles. The increase would not take effect until 2015 at the earliest and it doesn’t apply to existing federal contracts, only new ones. Renewed contracts also will be exempt from Obama’s order unless other terms of the agreement change, such as the type of work or number of employees needed.

Obama also said he’ll press Congress to raise the federal minimum wage overall. He tried that last year, seeking a $9 minimum, but Congress didn’t act.

Bottom line is Obama is a master of decption and king of lies. Read between the lines before drawing any conclusions.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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