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Jim Allen

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RE: The Extra-Constitutional President
1/5/2014 7:40:22 PM
And So it begins...
Here he comes fresh off a $100 Million Dollar Vacation the original CO Barack Hussein 0bama Begins his new "Divide and Conquer Quest"...

And So It Begins – Barack Obama’s 2014 Class Warfare Machine Starts Up

A few days ago, sources inside Congress issued a quick heads up regarding a plan by the Obama White House and the Democratic leadership to once again use divide and conquer tactics to gain an advantage over conservatives during the 2014 Midterm Elections - a ploy that had already lined up promises of support from certain Mainstream Media. Today, as reported by the New York Times, Barack Obama, after fifteen days of a multi-million dollar Hawaii vacation,issues a demand that Congress “Restore Unemployment Benefits”. The Obama 2014 class warfare plan is now officially underway…

First, a quote from the update first published here two days ago:

We know it’s coming. The good news is it seems to be helping to unite Republicans around here, and a united party will be important if we get a real shot at taking back the Senate. Both Pelosi and Reid have sent staff out to go over the plan with other leading members within the Democratic Party. The first of these meetings started in November. Several more took place in the first and second weeks of December.

It’s why the president gave a public statement urging us to pass the unemployment extension last month, but then called off his attack dogs during the actual negotiations. The extension didn’t happen and that’s because he and the Democratic leadership didn’t want it to happen. They need the issue to ramp back up this month and get media play regarding how cruel and heartless Republicans are. This will be the first big push in what is supposed to be the big class warfare plan to try and save the Senate for the Democrats. LINK

Now the headline and an excerpt from just published New York Times story:

Obama Urges Congress to Restore Unemployment Benefits

President Obama, seeking the upper hand with Congress as he heads back from his Hawaiian vacation, insisted on Saturday that lawmakers make restoringunemployment benefits for 1.3 million Americans who are out of work their “first order of business” in the new year.

…Mr. Obama said the program helped parents trying to feed children while they looked for work. “And denying families that security is just plain cruel,” the president said in the address, which was taped before his scheduled departure for Washington on Saturday night after two weeks on Oahu. “We’re a better country than that. We don’t abandon our fellow Americans when times get tough; we keep the faith with them until they start that new job.”

Mr. Obama added, “Instead of punishing families who can least afford it, Republicans should make it their New Year’s resolution to do the right thing and restore this vital economic security for their constituents right now.” LINK


2014 is no time for some conservatives to simply declare frustration and demand they are now unwilling to participate in the 2014 Midterm Elections. I assure you, Barack Obama and the far left progressive/socialists that infest the Democratic Party, and yes, some of the Republican Party, are counting on you to do just that. They are convinced you will act so stupidly, so selfishly, and with such self-serving weakness. They are convinced that your oft repeated “love America” declarations are silly, half-witted empty posturing, and that you are far more comfortable merely complaining, without actually doing, anything to change the political course of this country.

Your choice is to either prove them right, or prove them wrong. -UM


“I knew it was something far too big for me to navigate alone. Doing that would get me killed.”

I closed the hotel room door slowly and looked down at the small breakfast cart.

Walt’s paperwork… A display screen showing my name and room number, the cost of the breakfast…

Though the desk was just a few paces from where I stood, the time it took to cover the distance inside of the small hotel room felt like forever as my mind raced to clamp down on what I believed was finally an explanation as to what Walt had uncovered.

I took out the stack of papers once again and withdrew the one with the pyramid graph and the names with the corresponding numbers that Walt had written in by hand. Each set of numbers next to each of the names was eight digits.

My hands shook slightly as I fumbled through the other papers trying to locate the two I believed to be some kind of bank statement. When I found them, I placed the bank statement alongside the pyramid graph, my eyes scanning carefully from left to right.

The numbers matched.

I located the name and then the multiple, and what I had initially thought were random numbers, Walt had assigned to the former United Nations Secretary General in the pyramid graph, and was able to match those exact numbers to the middle set of numbers in one of the rows contained in the bank statement. On the far right of that same row was an amount indicating just over nine million dollars, money that Walt’s pyramid graph clearly linked to Global Electric.

I repeated this process with every name contained in the pyramid graph, each time matching that name up with a deposit line on the bank statement pages. This was the puzzle Walt had figured out. How he did it I had no idea, nor why he did it, leading me back again to the question of who had hired him in the first place.

I looked down to see my hands were still shaking, and I could feel a thin layer of sweat covering my forehead. If this truly was what it appeared to be, this thing was big, and frankly, I knew it was something far too big for me to navigate alone. Doing that would get me killed.

And that’s why Walt came to me. He knew he needed help with this. Probably thought my political connections could give him an idea of who to hand all of this over to. That still doesn’t tell me who had him doing this work in the first place though.

My cell phone indicated it was nearly 10:00. I had another hour before the hotel check out time. Time enough to eat my breakfast, take a quick shower, and hopefully by then, figure out what the hell my next move would be.

I was halfway finished with breakfast when my cell phone rang again, the number indication simply stating “unknown caller”.

“This is Bennington – who’s this?”

A female voice responded immediately.

“Mr. Bennington, please listen carefully. You have no more than a minute to vacate your room before they arrive. Do not use the elevator. Do not leave through the lobby. One minute Mr. Bennington. Go. NOW.”



If you have not read the novel that first introduced the character of Frank Bennington, please do so via the link below:

The Second Oldest Profession: The Collection


Colin O’Shea thought he had been given his dream job working inside thelegendary power corridors of Congress. Instead he finds himself immersed in the corrupt and sinister world of Washington D.C. trying to protect a dangerously beautiful call girl from a powerful congressman intent on becoming President of the United States.

It is a tale of suspense, intrigue, and mystery from bestselling author D.W. Ulsterman that was originally published as three related short stories, now available here as a single download.

“This story was hot!!! It’s like 50 Shades had a one night stand with C-Span!” -PC

The Second Oldest Profession: The Collection

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: The Extra-Constitutional President
1/8/2014 5:04:48 AM

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: The Extra-Constitutional President
1/10/2014 11:13:03 PM


Sixteen House Republicans led by Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) are demanding President Barack Obama get unemployed Americans back to work before granting amnesty to illegal aliens or bringing unprecedented levels of new immigrants to take jobs away from American workers.

“We write to you today on behalf of the 21 million Americans who can’t find a full time job,” the GOP members of the House wrote to President Obama Wednesday.

“We write to you on behalf of the 6 million young Americans who are neither working nor in school. We write on behalf of the countless American workers whose wages today are lower than they were more than a decade ago. We write on behalf of the 90 million Americans over 16 – including early retirees, college grads living at home, and those living on welfare – who are not part of our nation’s workforce.”

Because of massive and perpetual unemployment statistics, the GOP congressmen argued that Obama should stop pushing for a large immigration bill that would contain amnesty – any legal status for any illegal alien – and a massive increase in legal immigration. “That is why we reject your call for the House to get an immigration bill to your desk that would permanently displace American workers,” they wrote.

The Senate immigration bill, which the White House helped craft and you personally endorse, would double the number of guest workers brought into this country at a time of crippling joblessness and falling incomes. On top of that, the Senate immigration bill would also add millions more permanent immigrant workers through green cards – handing out permanent residency to more than 30 million immigrants over the next decade. This represents a tripling of the normal green card rate.

In addition to Brooks, Reps. Kerry Bentivolio (R-MI), Lou Barletta (R-PA), Tom Cotton (R-AR), Walter Jones (R-NC), Phil Gingrey (R-GA), Michele Bachmann (R-MN), John Fleming (R-LA), Steve King (R-IA), Ted Yoho (R-FL), Joe Wilson (R-SC), Steve Stockman (R-TX), Lamar Smith (R-TX), Steven Palazzo (R-MS), Mike Rogers (R-AL) and Jeff Duncan (R-SC), each signed the letter.

Cotton is significant because he is a U.S. Senate candidate against Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR), who supported amnesty in the Senate. Smith is a former chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and current chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology.

The letter serves two major and equally important purposes for the conservative movement.

First, this represents a major platoon of House Republicans stepping forward in an organized manner against amnesty efforts right as House Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and House Budget Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) make organized moves towards amnesty with the backing of the Chamber of Commerce. Chamber of Commerce president Tom Donohue announced Wednesday morning that the Chamber is planning a massive push to try to get immigration legislation passed out of the House, which would result in more cheap labor for its clients.

Second, this offers Republicans an actual and legitimate counter-argument to the Democrats’ and institutional left’s coming poverty, income inequality, and unemployment benefits pushes. The left is gearing up for such a debate to kick off 2014, and Republicans like National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) chairman Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KS) told the Wall Street Journal that Republicans should seize this opportunity. “It’s very beneficial for us to talk about the things we are for, the things we care about, and most importantly how they impact the lives of people around the country,” Moran said.

The House GOP members cite the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) as a source in their letter to Obama that confirms the new immigrants would be mostly low-skilled workers and that the increases would spark a decline in American workers’ wages and employment prospects. They also cite research from Harvard professor Dr. George Borjas, who states that from 1980 to 2000, American workers’ wages plummeted by at least eight percent as a direct result of legal low-skilled immigration.

“Rapidly expanding unskilled immigration – at a time when factory work and blue collar jobs are disappearing – would represent the final economic blow for millions of workers who have been struggling to gain an economic foothold,” the members wrote.

Yet, despite this jobs crisis for American workers, the White House continues to advocate that CEOs and business executives seek lower cost labor. The White House has entertained a parade of high-powered business executives to discuss immigration policy, all while shutting out the concerns of everyday wage-earners who overwhelmingly oppose these measures. You even released an economic report saying that the “hospitality and leisure industry” needs “legislation that would legalize workers in the U.S. and facilitate the lawful employment of future foreign-born workers.”

The GOP congressmen then posed a question to the president: “Is it the position of the White House that the hotel industry cannot be asked to find employees from among the legions of unemployed residing here today?”

They also cited a recent report from Byron York in the Washington Examiner showing how companies that have been begging for new workers from overseas have laid off thousands of American workers in recent months.

The 16 GOP congressman argued that pushing for a “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” package, whether it be in one bill or in a series of piecemeal or step-by-step bills, is essentially crony capitalism that would disproportionately harm the black and Hispanic communities in America.

“So-called Comprehensive Immigration Reform may be a good deal for big businesses who want to reduce labor costs, and it may be a good deal for progressive labor unions seeking new workers from abroad, but it’s an awful deal for US workers – including African-American and Hispanic communities enduring chronically high unemployment,” they wrote. “Job number one for Congress should be to reduce the unemployment rolls, get families and communities out of poverty and government dependency, rebuild our deteriorating communities and collapsing middle class, and increase wages for American citizens. Your immigration proposals do the exact opposite on every count.”

See more at


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: The Extra-Constitutional President
1/13/2014 8:10:31 PM

Harry Reid Blocks Iran Sanctions Vote

Obama tougher on Congress than Iran.

7:07 AM, JAN 13, 2014 • BY DANIEL HALPER

The Emergency Committee for Israel is calling on Reid to allow a vote on the sanctions bill that's supported by many Democrats and Republicans, and well over half of the Senate.

"Who says President Obama isn't tough?" ECI asks in its statement.

"With today's announcement of an implementation agreement with Iran, President Obama has shown a willingness to be tough in confronting the pro-Israel majority in Congress, threatening to veto any legislation that would punish Iranian deception or prevent the White House from acquiescing to a bad deal with Iran.

"With Iran, on the other hand, Obama is willing to accept an agreement that weakens even the original bad deal he announced two months ago. It is a deal that guarantees a permanent Iranian nuclear weapons capability and grants a new concession by allowing Iran to continue developing ever more advanced centrifuges during the talks. It is a deal that, as Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister boasted today, rolls back nothing and means Iran 'can return to the previous situation within a day.'

"We urge Senator Reid to allow a vote on the Menendez-Kirk bill to ensure that the interests of America and our allies are not subordinated to the political interests of the Obama White House."

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: The Extra-Constitutional President
1/14/2014 11:45:29 PM
While Americans decide if their neighbor is racist,Islamic, on SNAP, Welfare, Section 8 or working for the government. The new shadow government is taking over right before our very eyes. I have been sharing for awhile now along with my friend Peter Fogel and many others about what is happening here in America. I am always amazed, when I am told to seek the truth and believe I have in this case. And there is only a handful of possible answers and longer this man is in office the clearer it becomes to me, that this guy is so far in over his head, he has no choice but to act decisively in the near future on something. I lothe to see where that decisiveness might lead.

Obama declares Congress redundant: ‘I’ve got a pen, and I’ve got a phone’

President Barack Obama put lawmakers on notice during his first official cabinet meeting of the year, telling his top deputies that his 2014 agenda will move forward whether Congress votes for it or not.

On Tuesday morning, the White House press corps was allowed to film part of a meeting between the president and his cabinet officials. Obama’s opening remarks focused on his desire to pass comprehensive immigration reform and extend unemployment benefits. “Congress is going to be busy,” he said, “and I’m looking forward to working with Democrats and Republicans, House members and Senate members, to try to continue to advance the economic recovery, and to provide additional avenues of opportunity for everybody.”

But if Congress balks, Obama promised he’s prepared to go it alone.

“One of the things I’ll be emphasizing in this meeting,” he said, “is the fact that we are not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we’re providing Americans the kind of help that they need.”

“I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone,” the president asserted, “and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions that move the ball forward in helping to make sure our kids are getting the best education possible, making sure that our businesses are getting the kind of support and help they need to grow and advance, to make sure that people are getting the skills that they need to get those jobs that our businesses are creating.”

“And I’ve got a phone,” he continued, “that allows me to convene Americans from every walk of life — nonprofits, businesses, the private sector, universities — to try to bring more and more Americans together around what I think is a unifying theme, making sure that this is a country where if you work hard, you can make it.”

Since Democrats lost control of the House in 2010, the Obama administration has increasingly ignored Congress and relied on administrative fiat to advance the president’s agenda. In 2012, he appointed three lawyers to the National Labor Relation Board without Senate approval, bypassing Senate confirmation procedures in a move three separate federal judges have declared unconstitutional. And the president has repeatedly delayed or altered vast portions of Obamacare without returning the legislation to Congress, in what many legal scholars view as a usurpation of Congress’ power to make laws.

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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