Dear Jim and all,
I appreciate all of you for discussing this topic in a very civil and courteous manner. Your thoughts are coming from your hearts full of respect, but amazed at how facts are being ignored.
One thing that I have learned during several elections now is how aware we all need to be of those in power at all times. It no longer is safe to assume that "somebody will make sure that bad things don't happen". Remember those days? It doesn't matter what country you are in, I think the world at one time had that expectation that those in charge would "do the right thing".
As Anamaria has stated that the USA has great affect on the rest of the world. Branka, with a heart of forgiveness and love, reminds us of a time she and her countrymen/women/children suffered through a horrific war initiated by the UNITED NATIONS and carried out by the USA and allies. Venoy Joseph from India voiced his concern about our current election and why he thought one candidate was better than the other. All of these dear friends are looking from the outside of these borders saying, please use your intelligence to vote so that we do not suffer either.
I am thankful to hear these hearts speak to the USA. They do not speak of selfish requests for entitlements or even ask the USA for anything but consideration of their safety and economic opportunities. They too want to have a sense of security when they walk down their streets. They too want to have governments that look out for them and protect them and allow them to pursue their happiness. To be able to wake up every morning with joy in their hearts knowing that all is well. To know that their children will have a good future.
It was a very dark moment for me, when I heard that here in America, votes are sold for cigarrettes and tidbits of food or promises. Many don't even leave their couches and TVs to go vote. Some vote more than once! I thank God that some are responsible and vote for the betterment of this country and realize the effects our government has on others around the world.
Besides the facts that Jim provided here that I posted elsewhere, I have always admitted the fact that neither of these two candidates will make Abraham Lincolns. But one of them will be our next President and we should be very careful who it is.
Because of the factual associations provided above by several reputable sources, I came to the conclusion that one stands for eventual Communism and the other a continued Republic.
I'm not voting for eloquence, physical attributes or perfection, but I am voting for a strong America. I'm voting for life, liberty, opportunity, freedom and a safer peaceful world. I'm voting for the one who will reform the problems in and with our great country, not to change it.
May God bless all of you for having humble and loving hearts!
Affectionate hugs,