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Re: Joe Downing has done his research and everyone should WAKE UP!!!
10/15/2008 4:51:26 PM


Thanks for your post!

You probably know where I stand when it comes to Obummmma!

When a person believes that it is ok to murder babies in their mothers womb, crush a late term babie's head and suck their brains out, or if a baby survives an abortion, throw it off to the side and let it starve to death, then that is not the type of person that I would like leading this country.

Now if a person does believe in all of the above then they should vote for the Obummmma & Biden ticket.

James Kinney The Cardioman Cardio Cocktail Joint Check My Home Page
Joe Downing

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Re: Joe Downing has done his research and everyone should WAKE UP!!!
10/15/2008 11:33:40 PM

Dear Jim and all,

I appreciate all of you for discussing this topic in a very civil and courteous manner.  Your thoughts are coming from your hearts full of respect, but amazed at how facts are being ignored. 

One thing that I have learned during several elections now is how aware we all need to be of those in power at all times.  It no longer is safe to assume that "somebody will make sure that bad things don't happen".  Remember those days?  It doesn't matter what country you are in, I think the world at one time had that expectation that those in charge would "do the right thing".

As Anamaria has stated that the USA has great affect on the rest of the world.  Branka, with a heart of forgiveness and love, reminds us of a time she and her countrymen/women/children suffered through a horrific war initiated by the UNITED NATIONS and carried out by the USA and allies.  Venoy Joseph from India voiced his concern about our current election and why he thought one candidate was better than the other.  All of these dear friends are looking from the outside of these borders saying, please use your intelligence to vote so that we do not suffer either. 

I am thankful to hear these hearts speak to the USA.  They do not speak of selfish requests for entitlements or even ask the USA for anything but consideration of their safety and economic opportunities.  They too want to have a sense of security when they walk down their streets.  They too want to have governments that look out for them and protect them and allow them to pursue their happiness.  To be able to wake up every morning with joy in their hearts knowing that all is well.  To know that their children will have a good future.

It was a very dark moment for me, when I heard that here in America, votes are sold for cigarrettes and tidbits of food or promises.  Many don't even leave their couches and TVs to go vote.  Some vote more than once!  I thank God that some are responsible and vote for the betterment of this country and realize the effects our government has on others around the world.

Besides the facts that Jim provided here that I posted elsewhere, I have always admitted the fact that neither of these two candidates will make Abraham Lincolns.  But one of them will be our next President and we should be very careful who it is.

Because of the factual associations provided above by several reputable sources, I came to the conclusion that one stands for eventual Communism and the other a continued Republic.

I'm not voting for eloquence, physical attributes or perfection, but I am voting for a strong America.  I'm voting for life, liberty, opportunity, freedom and a safer peaceful world.  I'm voting for the one who will reform the problems in and with our great country, not to change it.

May God bless all of you for having humble and loving hearts!

Affectionate hugs,


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Jim Allen

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Re: Joe Downing has done his research and everyone should WAKE UP!!!
10/16/2008 7:51:11 AM
Barack Hussein Obama, Islam, Terrorists & Terrorism -- meet William Ayers, Raila Odinga, Reverend Jeremiah Wright and see who Hamas and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are supporting in the coming US election

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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Re: Joe Downing has done his research and everyone should WAKE UP!!!
10/16/2008 9:49:47 AM

THIS IS TREMENDOUS !!! How can we NOT 'RUN'with THIS ??

((youtube id="exZOEcVF-SY"))((/youtube))


I picked up on the following story while listening channel 144 on Sirius radio this morning. This may be worth watching in the coming days. Here is the link to African Press International where this news is breaking.

Shocking development: Mrs Obama decides enough is enough: "My husband was born in Hawaii and adopted by his step father, does that make him unpatriotic; she asks", on a direct telephone to API.

Posted by africanpress on October 15, 2008

Accusing API of colluding with American internet bloggers in an effort to bring down her husband, Mrs Obama said she decided to call API because of what she termed, API's help to spread rumours created by American bloggers and other racist media outlets in their efforts to damage a black man's name, saying she hopes African Media was mature enough to be in the front to give unwavering support to her husband, a man Africans should identify themselves with.

When API told her that our online news media was only relaying what the American Bloggers and other media outlets had discovered through their investigations, Mrs Obama was angered and she came out loud with the following: "African press International is supposed to support Africans and African-American view," and she went to state that, "it is strange that API has chosen to support the racists against my husband. There is no shame in being adopted by a step father. All dirt has been thrown onto my husband's face and yet he loves this country. My husband and I know that there is no law that will stop him from becoming the president, just because some American white racists are bringing up the issue of my husband's adoption by His step father. The important thing here is where my husband's heart is at the moment. I can tell the American people that My husband loves this country and his adoption never changed his love for this country. He was born in Hawaii, yes, and that gives him all the right to be an American citizen even though he was adopted by a foreigner; says Michelle Obama on telefon to API."

This is a very interesting turn of events. The American man Dr Corsi was recently reported to have been arrested in Kenya because there was fear that he might reveal information on Obama when he wanted to hold a press conference in Nairobi.

The question now is why he was arrested and who ordered his arrest. Was Obama's hand in this in any way? We will never know the truth but what is clear is that Dr Corsi was seen as a threat while in Kenya.

When API asked Mrs Obama to comment on why Dr Corsi was arrested by the Kenyan government and whether she thought Kenya's Prime Minister Mr Raila Odinga was involved in Dr Corsi's arrest, she got irritated and and simply told API not to dig that which will support evil people who are out to stop her husband from getting the presidency.

When asked who she was referring to as the evil people, she stated that she was not going to elaborate much on that but that many conservative white people and even some African Americans were against her husband, but that this group of blacks were simply doing so because of envy.

On Farakhan and his ministry, Mrs Obama told API that it was unfortunate that Mr Farakhan came out the way he did supporting her husband openly before the elections was over. That was not wholehearted support but one that was calculated to convince the American people that my husband will support the growth of muslim faith if he became the president, adding "even if my husband was able to prove that he is not a Muslim, he will not be believed by those who have come out strongly to destroy his chances of being the next President. Do real people expect someone to deny a religion when 80 percent of his relatives are Muslims?; Mrs Obama asked.

Mrs Obama asked API to write a good story about her husband and that will earn API an invitation to the innoguration ceremony when, as she put it , her husband will be installed as the next President of the United States of America next year.


Published by African Press International - API

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Peter Fogel

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Re: Joe Downing has done his research and everyone should WAKE UP!!!
10/16/2008 10:21:39 AM

Hi Jim,

Hopefully M Obama will be Hussein Obama's downfall.

Make you a bet the mainstream media doesn't air this at all.

Unbelievable, hope we'll be able to hear the tapes.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7