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Jim Allen

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Joe Downing has done his research and everyone should WAKE UP!!!
10/15/2008 7:58:32 AM

Our friend Joe Downing provided the following info in another thread.  Thanks Joe!


Here are some facts that I took the time to learn about that I posted in another forum, but they were ignored.  LOL!!!

With an open mind, I have come to know Barack quite well.  Unfortunately, he doesn't have much of a political track record like John does, but we do have an idea how Barack lives his life.  He associates continously with shady people: 

Antoin Rezko -
Mr. Obama turned to Mr. Rezko for help at several important junctures. Records show that when Mr. Obama needed cash in the waning days of his losing 2000 Congressional campaign, Mr. Rezko rounded up thousands of dollars from business contacts. In 2003, Mr. Rezko helped Mr. Obama expand his fund-raising for the Senate primary by being host of a dinner at his Mediterranean-style home for 150 people, including some whose names have since come up in the influence scandal.

Jeremiah Wright -
who Sen. Obama described as a father figure, and to whose racist, anti-American sermons he listened to for 20 years.

Sam Graham-Felson -
adorned one corner of his shared student apartment with "a Communist Party flag ... bought on their trip to Russia the summer after sophomore year."

According to Huffington Post, who
listed information about paid staffers on the Obama payroll, from America campaign 2007 second quarter report, Graham-Felsen is a paid staffer for Barack Obama.

James Meeks -
a man that Barack Obama told the
Chicago SunTimes in 2004, "he seeks out for spiritual counsel", seems to hold the same controversial views as Jeremiah Wright.

Michael Pfleger -
the third spiritual mentor that Obama mentioned in that Chicago Sun Times article, Michael Pfleger who is the pastor at St. Sabina's Catholic Church, on the South Side of Chicago, who is an admitted "admirer" of Louis Farrakhan.

Frank Davis -
a mentor while [Barack] was growing up in Hawaii. Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the Communist Party USA, and who was on the FBI's list of subversives.

Rhasis Khalidi- Both Sen. Obama and Mr. Ayers spoke at a testimonial dinner for Rashid Khalidi, a former member of the Palestine Liberation Organization and a founder of the rabidly anti-Israel Arab American Action Network

"Khalidi and Obama lived in nearby faculty residential zones and the two families dined together a number of times," a source on the University of Chicago faculty told Worldnet Daily. "The Obamas even babysat the Khalidi children."

Ayers -
a leader of the Weathermen domestic terror group in the 1970s who has never expressed regret for setting bombs in the Capitol, the Pentagon and police stations.

I wonder who else this man that we know nothing about associates with.  Hmmm....
I know enough about this guy in his personal life now to know that he will make CHANGE.  He has a track record, it just isn't in the Executive branches of anything.  It is his personal associations.  These associations have written his future.

I believe that McCain is a better candidate than Obama.  At least we know McCain and he doesn't rub elbows and baby sit for those who support Communism, Racism, Anti-Israelism.

The CHANGE he is bringing is from democracy to communism!  One class at a time!


Sources of information:

ABC News:

The New York Times:

Pittsburg Post-Gazette:

Originally Posted here:


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Branka Babic

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Re: Joe Downing has done his research and everyone should WAKE UP!!!
10/15/2008 8:18:13 AM

Hi Jim,

I am, counted in miles, far away from America and my vote will never be counted there.

But as a citizen of this world, I can be far from America, but always try to be close to a common sense.

I am posting here just to let you know about my opinion, that all people who take their head seriously than an object of hair dresser, will vote for McCain.

My intention is not to offend anyone.

Situation on global level requires much more than offering just an experiment. And I am scared, B. Obama is ready to open an experimental phase in USA.

I do not think that Mr. McCain is an angel ... but is much better solution, for the sure. USA enemies glorify Obama. That`s speaks enough itself. But they faild to realize that a weak USA is the biggest dangerous for world peace.

I wish to thank you Jim, Joe and all others who are trying to open eyes and give an arguments which cann`t be ignored.

Wish a great day to all. 





Jim Allen

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Re: Joe Downing has done his research and everyone should WAKE UP!!!
10/15/2008 8:22:18 AM

Dear Branka,

I truly appreciate your input and unique insight, as someone who has faced and survived much turmoil.  Your voice counts!

Thank you,


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Joe Downing has done his research and everyone should WAKE UP!!!
10/15/2008 8:45:13 AM
Hello Jim,

This is my second attempt to post; not technical issues but my own ideas are flocking upon me and my head - already dressed with some hair LOL

Well, let it take from the beginning once again.

About Obama and McCain I know too very few to be able to say why one and not the other... but (as always) I'm positively sure - if this might be said so - that what you elect will affect us too and we cannot say we do not care, even in the other side of the world!

So, I'm praying for you to choose the better from the two bad (this is what I've concluded so far reading around ?! - if I'm wrong I apologies) One bad decision made in USA may have tremendous effects here (for instance)

I decided to post here after listening and watching the video you provided and I have to say that it is very important to keep all those things in your sight, while pondering  - WHOM TO VOTE FOR?! - every stupid thing made there can/might/will be a precedent for others, some where else and could throw us in trouble.

My husband is much more "at home" with politics and politicians than I am and I so often hear him lately saying bad things about Obama?! ... Seams to me that even from this far perspective McCain looks to be a better choice.

I wish you all the wisdom necessary to make the right choice and "bless" us with some one better than Bush! :-)

I'm sure if the choice is the best for you it will also be for the rest of the world!

Geketa Holman

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Re: Joe Downing has done his research and everyone should WAKE UP!!!
10/15/2008 8:58:42 AM
Hi Jim,

I have known much of those things for a long time. You know what really amazes me is that no one is paying any attention to his ties with these unfriendlieses. This guy has awesome damage control !

 It is like his have put a spell on the population; last night on Ket our public tv channel they did a comparison to McCain and B Hussien Obama and the guy used the same speech every time he spoke no matter where he was or who he was speaking to.
They never once mentioned anything negative about Obama but they brought up every single thing they could dig up on McCain.Yes liberal media once again painted Obama as the messiah of not only the US but the world. G-d help us !

I find it also interesting that those in other countries like Branka can see through him and so many of us  have glazed over eyes blindly following him like sheep to the slaughter.


Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one

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