Hi Jim, I know BHO will be very bad for us, but lest we forget the system already in place and how it works, OUR VOTES do not really matter..... the Pres and VP are SELECTED by the Electoral College--not by popular vote. And this could be REALLY worrysome, because the delegates of the Electoral College can be bought, it seems, by the highest bidder. I hope this is not so. Anyhow, right now, the EC is pretty even(there are an even number of total delegates), and if there be a tie vote, it will depend on the Speaker of the House, Madame San Fran Nan Pelosi, to break the tie, and we all know where she stands. And so, folks, I'm sorry to break into this nice discussion with reality, but we had better face it. And another reality....prayer works much better than fretting. The Bible says: Do not fret at the prosperity of the wicked, they too with wither like grass. And San Fran Nan does look a little withered now-a-days. I pray for her, too, that she will have a change of heart.
Peace, Alan Findly