Hello My Meshugeneh Friends,
My dear meshugeneh family from Serbia have a passion to ask for detailed answers to almost anything and have a reverse passion/aversion to answering anything. Quite a paradox isn't it but they know that as T - Rex I have an obligation to answer every little question and once again here goes.
Dear meshugeneh Lilly. Before I answer your question that you asked in a different forum I must relate to something you wrote a few days ago. You wrote that you become silly when you reply to my posts and I gave very serious thought to why that might be. After much thought (around 60 seconds) I realized that it has to do with your name Lilly. Remove one letter and it becomes Silly. So consequently we have 4 choices. From now on we can call you:
a. S[L]illy.
b. Just plain Silly (the brackets are so ugly).
c. Slilly
d. Remain with Lilly and know that it's synonymous with Silly.
That said down to the serious questions.
You wrote:
But, you didn`t only became MESHUGANEH GURU ! My dearest sis and your silly friend and linguistically reformatter - layman (
) phoned me a few min ago, and when I asked her something,
So, you also became the root of this unusual and a total new English verb. I guess it is related to a stubborn curiosity which one may express ... but wasn`t enough courageous to ask
for the details.
This is an interesting questions you raised but there are many unasked sub questions too that have to be answered too. So, let's take them one at a time and in the end you'll see that it all comes together.
1. My dearest sis and your silly friend and linguistically reformatter - layman Aknarb your dear sis is not a reformatter that is being very complimentary to her in this matter. Aknarb simply makes up words when the need arises and has no idea why others don't immediately recognize and appreciate meaning of the word. In her meshugeneh head it's soooooo obvious and....... mere mortals (that doesn't include me since I'm T - Rex) say what the hell is she talking about!! But this case is different as you'll soon see.
2. when I asked her something,
So, you also became the root of this unusual and a total new English verb. I guess it is related to a stubborn curiosity which one may express ... but wasn`t enough courageous to ask
So, here's the deal. As hard as it is to believe "petering", "peters" and "petered" are indeed real words!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it?? Aknarb thought she was making something up and it is indeed a word. Not the meaning that she gave it but a word that has it's applications in a similar manner that can be worked into the comment she made to you. Here is the true meaning of the word:
intr.v. pe·tered, pe·ter·ing, pe·ters
1. To diminish slowly and come to an end; dwindle. Often used with out: Their enthusiasm soon petered out.
2. To become exhausted. Used with out.
Could Aknarb have meant the above in her statement???? I seriously doubt it but if we wish to be kind we can say she did (my RAK [Random Act of Kindness] for the day) and give her the benefit of the doubt.
3. Now on the other hand if Aknarb meant it in a angry manner as you say it could be as if she was telling you to stop *&^^ing her off then there might be a totally different explanation for the usage of the word "petering" but that will be for another day after Aknarb explains in detail what she actually meant by using this word.
To end off this very long T - Rex message I must relate to your opening statement. You wrote:
My Dear Meshuganeh Guru
Did (read carefully) anyone, ever honor you as I just did?
Dear meshugeneh Lilly (synonymous to silly) thank you for the compliment it's appreciated and I will do my best to insure that it's not a wasted one.
Evol and warm Hugs,
T - Rex