Dear Sarah,
Your first Meshuganeh paces made me very happy and joyful! But considering you as a true lady and very, very smart woman, I must direct you to the pages at about the midst of this forum.
There you may find one special WARNING - posted by our Geketa.
Think of it , please!
Maybe it`s better to have a little weight over, than ONE JACKET MORE :) ...
Meshuganehism is so, so contagiously and it spreads all over as fast as nothing else.
Of course, there are some privileges when ONE is MESHUGANEH. For example, I have so very good opportunity to lose my job and just to become more alike people around me. In the socialization matters - you cann`t find more efficient way.
Also - it is the best way to lose understanding and compassion , followed by their great gift of hypocrisy , from many people around you. Please, take care and don`t tell we didn`t tell you :) .
MESHUGANEH HUGS MY DEAR FIREND, and best wishes for an effortless losing the weight, with Southern, French, Jewish or Balkanik influence :).