It`s not easy to pack your luggage and to leave Portugal. I have no words to tell how amazed I am. Spirit you can feel there speaks off Royalty ... but I cann`t say that people live exactly abundantly. There are hugged Mediteran and influence from the Atlantic ocean ... In Lisbon ... I didn`t see asphalt concrete street ... The streets are paved with stone tiles, and lot of them have ornaments !!! You cann`t feel moisture in the air .... Amazing!!!
But unfortunately, I stayed there too short to become aware how do they BEAT AROUND THE BUSH :) !
I like your story about father`s beating around the bush. I saw Chaylene`s pic at your profile ... and just can imagine how sweet she must be, looking at you on her special way. LOL!
As all kids, I also asked Branka about that. LOL,LOL,LOL!!! You know how direct she is. But here, she found a way to tell me ... yes, beating around the bush, but at the funniest way. Sometimes I really admire her.
But, I have one story how do I beat around the bush on my trips!
The most of my (male,female) class mates ... use some stimulative things ... Not only alcohol ... but some pills and . To not allow them to taunt at me ... I have rolled a mint tea and smoked it. Disgusting! Dreadfully!
Uh ....
Thank you Joe. Hope you will not become fastidious on mint tea.
Have a great day!