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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: A WARNING FROM PHILOXENIA-ASD AdSurfDaily Admin seized by US Attorney General
8/8/2008 12:58:25 AM
Hello Jim!

Thank you for the comment and your visit! I agree with you in all statements.
We live in a world where there aren't any ideals for making good to each other. Everyone works for his pocket and most of us dream to be rich as soon as possible.

The pyramidical games are hazard games and they serve the absolute top. People in many countries lost their properties because they did not understand the terms of joining.

As long as the courts work neutral and independent from the other authorities this kind of problems will be solved for or later.

My country is also full of economic scandals and many times with government acceptance.

I know also many good friends here in this community who invested more than one and two salaries in ASD. Today is an 8 8 8 day, a day related to love, pure mind and happiness. I wish all friends all the best.

Kindly regards,
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Jill Bachman

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Re: A WARNING FROM PHILOXENIA-ASD AdSurfDaily Admin seized by US Attorney General
8/8/2008 2:59:08 AM

Hi Georgios,

Well, I must be here to upset the apple cart!  LOL

ASD has been one of the best companies I have ever seen on the Internet, and I have been a member since 2006.  Aside from a monumental software delay in early 2007, ASD has paid everytime on time without fail.

I have watched people who have never been successful at any Internet business absolutely excel in this business.  And what is so ironical is the business model........if you don't show up for work, you don't get paid!  I absolutely LOVE not only helps people pay their bills, but it also teaches them responsibility.

What I think you may find quite interesting is that our wonderful government just decided it was time to freeze some funds - about 53 million worth!  Now...there is no money and people are not being paid and it becomes a scam?????

What is even more interesting is this.........the official document states that the confiscation of real property and bank accounts falls under the catagory of MARITIME and ADMIRALTY LAW.

Yes, there are still people in America who think our constitution still exists and the government is above stealing money.  What a sad state of affairs.  LOL

So, there you have it!  ASD is a gem!  I invite everyone to say prayers for it's return.

Cheers,  Jill

Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: A WARNING FROM PHILOXENIA-ASD AdSurfDaily Admin seized by US Attorney General
8/8/2008 3:35:46 AM
Hello Jill!

Thank you for coming in and many thanks to your comment! It is good to have a positive comment for ASD too and that will calm down our friends who are in ASD.

It is awful when governments are involved in our business, the stock market, etc . I hope this will have a happy end for the members.

The authorities can make you up but they can aslo set you down. In 1999 our government gave directions to invest on stock market. It was said direct from the mouth of our Prime Minister. The whole country followed his recommendation. In few months the stock market collapsed and 90% lost a fortune and their properties changed owners.

Power is a dangerous tool and when distrustful people have that position many bad things happen.

I wish the best for my friends and all those who are involved.

Your friend

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Don Bluntach

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8/8/2008 6:47:30 AM
Start Today!! - "No money, fees, etc required!" - Your very own business from home, with all major brand stores - JCPenny-Old Navy-Petco-Target-KMart-Petsmart-Fredericks-Gap-Macy-Clinique-Hallmark-Calvin Klein-And Many,Many, More!! - NOTE: "Your Are Never Asked For Money" - Come see what others say -
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: see what others say
8/12/2008 4:03:46 AM
Hello Don!

Keep up to work anonymous will result nobody will believe in you.

Hey set up a nice profile, a picture or even an avatar and tell us about you and your activities if you want people to join you and if you want traffic to your ads.

By the way here we discuss a problem whats your opinion?

Kindly Regards,
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook