Hello Georgios,
May I give a 2 cent opinion here about ADS, or whatever other businesses that have closed down by force or by fate?
Too often these companies are named as scam or other derogative terms without people knowing what precisely the word means. Just about any company will have this word adjoined to its name if one searches for it in Google.
“Ponzy” is the dangerous principle to avoid, meaning that if any income to its members derives solely from the fee of new members AND if the company offers nothing else, then stay away. In Europe, and you know this Georgios, MLMs are considered prime suspects in this matter, the word is often wrongfully given to mean one and the same.
There is nothing wrong with selling a product, a service, hardware or software to a client as long as he knows and freely values beyond all reasonable doubt his interest towards the transaction. In this respect I believe all these programs that simply say “pay” and we will explain it all in the inside are dubious by nature.
A prime reason for a community such as Adland is for us folks to be able, via the forums and PM, to know with reasonable certainty the risks and advantages of whatever opportunity we are confronted with. This is wishful dreaming sometimes but we should strive to that objective never the less.
Friendly regards,