
Who is Don Bluntach?

Don Bluntach

Don Bluntach
Member SinceMonday, October 24, 2005
Last ActivityFriday, December 4, 2009
LocationYorba Linda, California, United States United States
About Me
About Me
Just an easy going guy...
My Interests
My Interests (45)
Comments (4)
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Groups (8)
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Forums (46)
Ads (6)


Jack Sunshine - (4/8/2010 6:44:43 PM) : Work from home opportunity Become a Distributor and start you own at home jewelry business selling to, friends, neighbors and business associates. It's easy and it's fun to earn money as a Distributor. For more Information or a FREE catalog CALL : 1-800-767-4469
Juri Hass - (10/19/2009 7:36:30 PM) : Don. Stop spamming!
Kathleen Vanbeekom - (10/17/2009 5:50:42 PM) : Hi Don, here's the link to the Advertising forums, there are almost 500 of them, start your own thread in those, instead of replying to other people.
Don Bluntach - (10/17/2009 5:42:46 PM) : hi kathleen - sorry about that being new on the internet i thought if you were not interested in someone's message to you - you would put your note in to see if they might be interested - again sorry - all the best - take care
Kathleen Vanbeekom - (10/17/2009 5:25:31 PM) : Ad-hijacking coat-tail-riding, posting nothing but a link, spamming other peoples threads. Grow a gut and use it.


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