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Re: Phil's Recipe Corner - Coconut Chicken Curry
7/28/2008 3:59:31 PM
Hello and Greetings to Every one you SADIS People!

Reading and going through this thread was a great torture for me?! Now I'm so hungry that I have to go and eat something! But I cannot leave you just like that, so let me give you some of our specialties:


Unfortunately I don't have right now the time to translate you its recipe, but I promise to be back with it as soon as possible!

I only have one regret, some of the ingredients posted here by you I don;t know, some I cannot find and I have to do some research upon your weight/quantity measures?!How much might that be LOL

Thank you for the very interesting and unique (at least for me) dishes.

With lots of friendship,
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Re: Phil's Recipe Corner - Coconut Chicken Curry
7/28/2008 5:47:47 PM
Awesome Phil!  I saw some interesting potato chips at the grocery store the other day.  I don't remember the brand, but it contained sea salt and vinegar.

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Re: Phil's Recipe Corner - Coconut Chicken Curry
7/28/2008 5:51:49 PM
Oh yum Joe!  That sounds good too!

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Re: Phil's Recipe Corner - Coconut Chicken Curry
7/28/2008 5:53:15 PM
Hi Judy!

Oh my heavens!  I just had supper and just going through this thread is making me hungry again!

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Re: Phil's Recipe Corner - Coconut Chicken Curry
7/28/2008 8:14:33 PM

You did have me a little worried there, Phil.  We've had it for Brunch and even supper, but breakfast - not me!!  I usual have fruit, yogurt and coffee.

As for the Chili, I will now have to get into my recipe collection and find you all the recipe for White Chicken Chili.  It is just wonderful and no red meat!

It's here somewher, and if I strike out I got it from my sister and I will get her to send it again. 

Sorry, I don't have time to find it right this minute.  There's a new little person in our lives - Lilah Beth who was born on Saturday morning - grandchild #5 - and she went home from the hospital today so The 5 year and 9 year olds are here.  Time for a game of TROUBLE before bed!

Have fun you guys - I am trying to lose weight.  I gave up my Bon Appetit magazine because I gained weight every time a new issue arrived.  I actually think this is worse (lol)




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